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Hot Pod - Energy Work, Healing, and Profitability

Hot Pod - Energy Work, Healing, and Profitability

Released Monday, 18th March 2024
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Hot Pod - Energy Work, Healing, and Profitability

Hot Pod - Energy Work, Healing, and Profitability

Hot Pod - Energy Work, Healing, and Profitability

Hot Pod - Energy Work, Healing, and Profitability

Monday, 18th March 2024
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Welcome to hotpot number three. Hotpot number three is a Very, very passionate one for me, because it's about what is considered the healing space, that's, the emotional, the mental, the spiritual well-being.


And something I am tired of hearing from people in that space, especially people who claim to be energy workers or healers, in whatever modality they choose.


And the main thing that I'm sick of hearing is healing is hard, healing is ugly, healing is challenging.


It's not, it doesn't have to be that way.


In fact, I would replace those words with the following, because this is a reality if they tell you it's hard, what they're really saying is this it's profitable for them.


Right, healing and treatment are two different things.


The healing world has become the energy world has become so corrupted Because of Western influence.


In the Eastern practices, eastern cultures, eastern religions, healing itself led to being healed.


We use it in the West, these, these modalities.


We don't use them to heal people or help with their energy.


We use it as treatments, similarly to prescription medications.


Right? I can't tell you how many people will see somebody one, two, three, four, five, six, maybe seven, eight, nine times and they will just continually see the same person.


That is treatment. That is not healing.


Treatment is hard, treatment is ugly, healing is beautiful.


Healing is possible. So what do we need to be healed from?


Traumatic events, perhaps awakening to conditions that we are under some sort of programming right For me.


I needed healing for many things a toxic marriage, years of childhood, sex abuse, self-depirating behaviors, medical malpractice, deeply rooted, unfortunate Religious programming right.


I needed healing. I didn't need to be put on treatment for those things.


When I first got divorced, I had a therapist who tried to prescribe me antidepressants and I told him I'm not depressed, I'm experiencing life and it's a Unfortunate part of my experience right now, but I don't need to be medicated, I don't need to be treated.


He didn't believe it when I told him I said I'm gonna go and focus on positive psychology and my life will change because of positive psychology, not because of Western psychology, which is about treating.


It's about profitability. That's why insurance companies are there, that's why pharmaceuticals are there, that's why the medical system set up the way it is and currently the healing world, the energy world is Is trying to emulate the experience of Western culture of treatment.


How many people go to breath work Then they do at eight, nine, ten, eleven breath work sessions if you're going for treatment and that's your treatment.


You're not going for healing. So what is healing?


Healing is a process or a making of something to become sound or healthy again, and to be healed is to be sound or healthy After an event, after an illness, after trauma.


So if you keep going to breath work or foot zoning or Reiki or all sorts of combinations of energy work and you keep going and reciprocating the same pattern, you are not actually getting healed.


You're getting treated. One of the things that when I have clients come to me, they'll ask why I don't want to see them on a regular basis, because I'm doing you a disservice if I, every time I have a class, every time I do something, every time I have openings, I text you and call you and say, hey, come see me right now, or let's schedule you on a weekly basis or a biweekly basis or a monthly basis.


That's treatment. That is treatment.


And it's wrong for someone to say I'm an energy work, I'm a healer, I help heal things.


No, you don't. If you require someone to continually pay you, what you're doing is creating a Lifestyle for yourself around someone else's trauma.


This is why it's a hot topic.


This is why it's a hot pod, because I'm not going to take it light on these people who use the terms healing is hard, healing is ugly, healing is a challenge because it doesn't have to be so.


Yes, healing is a process. You should set your understanding on that truth.


Healing is a process. For some it's quicker than others, but for all it means there has to be certain conditions that allow you to heal.


You have to be in the right conditions. So many people who are seeking to heal Still surround themselves with the negative environments or negative people that have caused the pain, caused the trauma.


Essentially, they're still partaking in the illness or the sickness that causes the pain, that causes the hurt, that causes the anguish.


So healing can't take place. If you put yourself in the conditions that healing can't take place, I work with people all this time and as soon as they show me their cards that they're unwilling To let go of the relationship, unwilling to let go of the substance, the alcohol, then I'd I say I love you and I respect you, but you're not ready for healing, you're ready for treatment and I don't do treatment.


You can find a number of energy workers or claimed healers that do treatment, but I don't work that way.


Before I go much deeper, I want to share some words of wisdom, and I'm going to start with Buddha.


Peace comes from within.


Do not seek it without. The mind is everything you think you become.


Now I'm going to go to Gandhi. In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher.


I'm going to go to another quote that I saw, and I don't know the author on this one.


But letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness.


If in our hearts we still cling to anything anger, anxiety, possessions we cannot be free From.


Proverbs 14-30,. A sound heart is the life of flesh, but envy rockens the bones.


Proverbs 17-22, a merry heart doth good like medicine.


A broken spirit dryeth the bones.


Another one here, and don't remember who said this the mind is everything, what you think you become.


So it's huge for you to understand some really important parts to what healing looks like, not treatment.


Again, if you want treatment, continue living the way you are and going on a regular basis to someone for Reiki, for foot zones, for sound baths, for breath work.


Continue that because you will get treatment.


You will feel good for about 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 3 days, 4 days, whatever, until the next treatment is needed, but trauma will faster and continue over and over again.


Let me actually also offer this quote from the Bhagavad Gita that my last episode was on the self-controlled soul who moves among sense objects free from either attachment or repulsion, he wins eternal peace.


Eternal peace is that not the objective If you're an energy worker or a healer to help the person you're working on achieve eternal peace to the point they no longer have to continue to pay you to participate.


There's so many people living in a scarcity mindset in healing, in energy work, that they need clients.


They need people to be in pain so they can make money and they can survive, they can pay their bills or they can become profitable and have a nice status and have the followers and the junk and the nonsense.


Now I want to share some key points that you need to know if you're a healer, energy worker or if you're looking to receive care and grow.


The first is it's about energy balance.


So many traditions and I'm going to start with the traditional Chinese medicine.


The idea of good health is believed to be a result of the balancing of your energy flow throughout your body.


So healing is a goal of restoring balance.


That's the first thing. Healing is a goal of restoring balance.


To do that, you need self-awareness and mindfulness.


Healing has to begin with self-awareness and mindfulness.


Healing cannot begin by focusing on what happened to you, what happened as a result of this corporation or this organization or this person.


It starts with you Self-awareness and mindfulness.


It involves being present at the moment.


So you have to absorb the truth that it starts with you.


Then you have to observe your own thoughts and your own emotions, without judgment and with the understanding that you may find a root cause of your emotional distress.


The other part that's going to be important, or another part that's going to be important here, is acceptance and letting go.


So many healing frequencies if you look at charts above 200 Hertz.


You have to be courageous and let go of things Right Let go of past, let go of emotions, Let go of attachments that hinder you.


So healing frequently involves accepting one's current state of being by letting go of past traumas, letting go of negative emotions, letting go of those things which hinder your access to becoming whole.


I work on so many people and I see this in the healing world where a client or someone who actually does energy work or healing continues to bring up the past.


Tell me what happened at this age, tell me what happened here, tell me what happened there, what happened yesterday.


Okay, am I letting go or am I making you hold on to that stuff?


If we're presenting and framing it the right way, we can learn to let go of it.


But if you continue your conversations number two, conversation number three, conversation number four, conversation with the same person and you're still focused on the past, or you make the past your present, then you're not actually making progress.


You're not actually healing anything.


You're treating the past.


So to continue, you need mind-body practices.


So there's various forms of mind-body practices, such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, kwee, gong, breath work, sound baths.


There's so many that promote healing.


But there's two parts that are important to that.


In order for something to be effective in energy work, in healing, it needs to one, reduce your stress and two, it needs to enhance your rest, reduce your stress, enhance your rest.


So ask yourself, when you go to a breath work situation, when you go to this environment, this event, this retreat, is it helping you reduce stress and is it helping you enhance your rest?


Because I can tell you, I've been to many events, many spaces, retreats where they're actually inducing stress, inducing more and more trauma.


As I've continued to grow and understand more spiritually, emotionally, mentally not just using my master's in psychology or my Reiki certification, but in reading and observing and looking at studies, I've discovered so many people in the energy work field, just like in medical practice, are doing it wrong.


They're inducing more stress, they're creating environments that are less restful.


I look at it like this If I go to a hospital and there's a beeping sound beep, beep, beep, beep, beep that creates stress and if they interrupt every four hours, you're not getting rest right.


So if you go to breath work, if you go to a sound bath, if you go to a guided meditation and they're asking you to go in and cause a stress response in your emotions that physically causes a stress response and they're not letting you rest, you're not at the right place if someone or the environment is creating more stress and not letting you get rest.


And then think about this perspective, because a lot of energy workers and healers don't even study beyond their own specific field.


I experienced this actually in medical world.


Let me explain this and then I'll jump into healing. Back into healing.


I went to my nephrologist, who's a kidney doctor. I have a kidney transplant.


I went to that doctor and I asked him about the lymphatic system.


Now you would think as a medical professional he should know the lymphatic system.


This specific doctor went to explain to me that as a medical professional nonetheless a specialist his job is not to know all the systems of the body.


There's other specialists for that.


So I, as the patient, I've actually done a lot of work on the lymphatic system.


I've studied it quite a bit. I knew more than my own doctor about the lymphatic system.


Similarly, in energy work in healing spaces, so many of these people don't study Jack shit.


They don't. They don't study at all.


They get their certification and then they go out and become profitable.


They wanna make money so they can pay their bills.


They don't study anything else. So here's something word of advice if you're in the energy space, go study.


Dr Emoto his water response on positive words, because it's funny.


I introduced a book by Dr Hawkins, power Versus Force, to many people and now all of a sudden I know a lot of people who it's blowing up for them and they're making money off of it.


It's a frequency chart, emotional frequency chart, yet the people don't even understand the background of Dr Hawkins nor the actual purpose of his work.


They just saw this chart, wanted to make some money.


They didn't dive deeper. Similarly, dr Emoto's water response to positive words, his study.


They could use this book and they'll make a bunch of money to explain this, but they have no clue what the hell they're talking about.


But I'm gonna say this when it comes to reducing stress and enhancing rest, adult bodies are made of a 60% up to 60% water, which means it serves water in the body, serves to regulate body temperature, nutrient delivery, flushing waste, lubricating joints, absorbing shocks to the brain and spinal cord, cellular activity, immune responsiveness and so on.


So water, dr Emoto discovered, has a response to the words used.


So let me get back to why I say healers who use the word energy, workers who use the words ugly, hard, challenging, are actually stimulating a stress response within the water of the body, which means when you say that shit, you are causing problems with their body temperature.


When you tell someone it's hard, you're causing problems with their nutrient delivery.


You're causing problems with their flushing of their waste.


You're causing problems with lubricating their joints.


You're causing problems at a cellular level.


You're causing immune response problems.


Do healers and energy workers even know that? No, no, they don't.


So they say healing's hard, it's ugly, it's challenging, because they use such bullshit language, such kindergarten language, because they don't study anything else.


This is a hot pod, because I'm sick of seeing energy workers fail and I can't tell you how many times I've had a client come to me after they've done seven breath work sessions, eight breath work sessions, foot zones, reiki with others.


And they've come to me and they cry in my office after we do one session and they say Matt, I got into such a deep meditative state that I feel completely different than I ever have in my life, because I understand these things.


I haven't just studied the lymphatic system or Dr Amodo or Dr Hawkins.


I've studied tremendous amounts of work out there, so it's not just based on spiritual practice.


There's actual scientific Evidence there, studies that back up a lot of these things, and I'm sick of it.


The energy workers and healers are ruining people's experience and opportunity to heal so they can make money.


It's so frustrating to watch that.


Let me get back here on track before I go off on too hot of a tangent there.


Healing should be about personal growth and transformation.


Healing is viewed by so many other cultures as a journey for personal growth and transformation, where challenges actually become opportunities.


Hardships become opportunities. Think of life as this.


Life is a personalized opportunity for learning, for resilience and, ultimately, for a greater sense of wholeness and fulfillment within yourself.


Life is a personalized opportunity for learning, resilience and, ultimately, a greater sense of wholeness and fulfillment within yourself.


I see this often too.


People want Communal healing, but they're led by people who aren't even healed.


You shouldn't make your healing journey a Communal journey.


Community and support are important they are, and I will get to that but you shouldn't try to make your healing a communal journey, and I'm gonna explain this in this context.


Many people who've left the LDS church or religious practice altogether, they try to bring others to their side.


I see this often when I watch videos or ticktocks or whatever, where someone goes out and interviews members of the LDS church or members of different religious practices and they try to prove their point that they were Indoctrinated and they were harmed and they try to get people on their side.


So they try to get people to join their healing journey by bashing or hurting others.


Let me create this picture for you if I want to heal.


Am I better at healing when I'm doing it in my own personal way or am I better at doing it by creating division and conflict within others?


Because I will tell you now. My healing journey took me to Hawaii for quite some time on my own, where I slept on different beaches and in cars and Really just had a good time showering out there at the beaches.


But I never once tried to take someone else down during my healing and never tried to prove I'm better than anyone.


I never tried to put myself or puff myself up over anyone else and never tried to validate my Experience by trying to get other people to agree with me.


Rather, I went on a journey of my own, substance-free, connected to a spiritual power that was higher than myself, but I never once tried to create division and conflict within others in order to validate the way I was feeling.


So healing and transformation, growth and Transformation should be a personalized opportunity.


It shouldn't be out there trying to gather as many people onto your side as you can.


I see this all the time in breath work. I see this all the time in trauma-informed care.


I see this all the time in Reiki, in sound baths, where people get together in communities that they focus on what's wrong with wherever they're coming from religious practice, community, whatever it is right they try to destroy Others in order to validate themselves.


That's gonna be the wrong way to do it.


There's a difference between talking about the conflict that's created within you versus trying to create conflict within another.


The next one I told you I'd get to is community and support healing of the individual.


Yes, that's an individual journey. However, it's done in effective ways at some level with communal processes.


You should be able to involve supportive friends, family healers, spiritual guides who provide encouragement, guidance and a sense of belonging.


A major key to this is providing encouragement and not self-deprivating talk or behavior or replaying the trauma, offering a new way to present information and to be present, not hunting to find fault in the past or dominance over the future.


If you are working with those in your communities, if you go to a healing event, a retreat, whatever, and they're trying to help you hunt down different aspects of your past and essentially kill those or create dominance over your future, you're not on a healing journey.


Again, you're in some level of treatment, but you're not on a healing journey.


So to kind of summarize that and give my advice on healing is it's a seven step process, if you will.


First is accepting that it is a process.


You have to accept it is a process.


Second, you have to realize there is an imbalance somewhere in your life or your body.


It could be in body keep score.


It could be somewhere you might not be able to get to, but if your body gets to a deep meditative state, just like your body created a trauma response, your body can create a healing response without you being aware.


You also have to become present. So, number three become present on what is real right now.


Stop living in the past, stop projecting to the future.


Four, you have to let go of past drama, negative emotions, attachments, everything that's weighing you down.


You also have to let go of this idea that I'm doing this to approve something in the future.


Five allow yourself to be in places with those who allow you to reduce stress and receive rest.


Six, personalize your journey by considering it as a healing path of opportunity to greater wholeness.


Seven do not fear involving positive community support who encourages you to be present, not focused on the past, not projected into the future.


So you have to accept it's a process.


You have to realize there's an imbalance.


You have to become president, you have to let go, you have to allow yourself to be in a place or with those who help you reduce stress and help you achieve rest.


You have to personalize your journey and you cannot fear community support of those who are encouraging you to be present.


Healing is not some magic trick.


It's a process. It's a beautiful process.


I will never use words like healing is ugly, healing is hard, healing is a challenge, because it's not that way.


It's a beautiful process. It's an opportunity to overcome what others struggle to overcome, to become a light, to become a beacon.


That's what healing can do and I'm tired of seeing all these energy workers, these healers, these people who get certified in sound, in breath, in Reiki, in whatever.


I'm sick of seeing them continue to abuse people who truly do need to have people around them who love them, to have people who encourage them to heal, not just be treated.


I don't love the concept of our Western world, which is all about treatment.


It's treatment focused, treatment focused, treatment focused because that's profitability.


The longer I can keep you on a medication, the more money I can make, the more shots I can get you to take, the more money I can make, the more breath work sessions I can get you go to, the more money I can make, the more retreats I can get you to pay for, the more money I can make.


That's the attitude of so many people in energy working in this healing space.


They won't tell you that, but I will because I'm in it, because I work with those people, because I talk to those people, because I'm next to those people.


So often, even when I was using my masters and doing a lot of coaching, so many coaches loved to see their clients fail because it meant their clients needed to come back.


How stupid is that. If I was still in coaching and sticking to specifically coaching, this podcast probably would be about how awful the coaching world is, because they tell you they care about you, but they need your money, so they care to keep you coming back.


How many of your medical professionals are the same approach?


They don't care to actually help you.


Stop seeing them. How many pharmaceutical companies want you to stop taking their meds?


How many healers and energy workers want you to stop seeing them Because you've achieved what they say they want you to achieve?


I encourage you to stop going to energy workers and healers?


If you're someone who's doing that, if those energy workers and healers are continuing to make you regurgitate the pain and the trauma, if you've been to three breathwork sessions and you're not receiving light and inspiration any longer, or if you never receive light and inspiration but you keep resolving things, there's something wrong with that breathwork facilitator's doing.


There's something wrong with that reiki person's doing.


There's something wrong with the foot zoning and the sound baths If they make you feel like you have to keep coming back so you could resolve things.


Now there's a difference. There is a massive difference between going back to help receive inspiration and going back to resolve things, and that could be a whole different topic.


But this topic this was a hot pot about.


Healing is not hard, healing is not ugly, healing is not challenging.


It's beautiful. Honor yourself, allow yourself to be beautiful.


Stop going to people who tell you it's hard.


Stop going to people who tell you it's ugly. Stop going to people who tell you it's challenging.


That study that Dr Emoto did is important in a massive way Because words also contain frequency.


That ties to Dr Hawkins study.


Words contain frequencies, which water in your body responds with frequencies.


It responds to the words, it responds to the positive affirmations, it responds to those things which helps regulate your body temperature, your stress responses.


I mean I could I really could spend so much time on this topic, because I'm just so sick of seeing podcasts and posts and TikToks about and and challenges from people about like, overcome this, overcome this with this X amount of days, this program that you pay $1,400 for it frustrates me to see how many people are losing their money, which also, by the way, causes more stress.


I have seen so many people at no cost.


I have spent so many hours doing Reiki and energy work on people at no cost.


I don't charge for most of the sessions.


I do and I know that's controversial and when I do charge, there are circumstances that make that the case and it's very low compared to my fellow energy workers.


Because I see healing as possible.


I don't see it as profitable for me, I see it as possible for you.


I'm gonna end this hot pod.


It went way longer than I wanted, but I'm passionate about this because even this morning, when I saw a post about how healing is hard, I just got sick of it.


I saw the actual photos of the person who put this thing together and I thought you are a fool, you're hurting people, you're not helping people.


Anyway, I could go on and on.


I hope you've enjoyed this hot pod.


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