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Episode 32 Hiring A Caregiver To Help You Care For Your Family Loved One Series Part 4

Episode 32 Hiring A Caregiver To Help You Care For Your Family Loved One Series Part 4

Released Saturday, 9th November 2019
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Episode 32 Hiring A Caregiver To Help You Care For Your Family Loved One Series Part 4

Episode 32 Hiring A Caregiver To Help You Care For Your Family Loved One Series Part 4

Episode 32 Hiring A Caregiver To Help You Care For Your Family Loved One Series Part 4

Episode 32 Hiring A Caregiver To Help You Care For Your Family Loved One Series Part 4

Saturday, 9th November 2019
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Host Zack Demopoulos recently attended a ComForCare national conference and had the opportunity to speak with quite a few owners and operators  of ComForCare home care agencies from all over this continent.  He shares some great tips from these passionate providers that come from their experience of hiring many caregivers in these series.

 In this episode he interviews Devon Williams, owner and operator of ComForCare in Danbury Connecticut.   

 This show is sponsored by ComForCare, a national home care provider that will help you live your best life possible.

In previous Episode 26 and Episode 27   Zack discussed hiring home care to help you care for a family loved one so that they can continue to live at home independently and safely.  Home Care is Day 17 of the 30 Day Preparation Plan to care for an aging adult.  

Devon shares that he initially didn’t have the appreciation for what families struggle through.


Devon shares how he got into homecare.


De`Zack—I don’t know about you but I am asking myself how does an Electrical Engineer all of a sudden become a home care provider.  I asked him that. He said he met with someone he respected and received their feedback that led him to make this important decision.


Devon shares that that someone sat down with him and told why he thought he would be a great home care provider.  It takes being  


Zack-how did you get more confident about what you do?

Devon-share that his eye opening experiences shaped his passion and confidence as a home care provider.


Zack-I asked Devon what makes him different from other home care providers.

Devon shares thorugh 10 years of experience he has become an information center.


Zack:  One thing Devon does that is very important is that he encourages you to meet with him before you make any decisions.


Devon advocates meeting in a sofa visit or a free consultation.


Zack:  What should a family be looking for?

Devon:  Clear communication and honest.

Zack:  What should a family do when they are caring for someone who is showing some cognitive impairment.

Devon:  Family members should seek professional advice from agencies and doctors.  Do not battle with them.  Refrain from using terms like “remember” or “dementia”  or “sundowning”.  Don’t be in denial.  Accept what is going on. 


This was Episode 32. Join us for Part 5, the final episode in this series talking about hiring a caregiver to help you care for a family loved one.  


Thank you for listening to the Raising ‘Rents podcast. If you have any questions or feedback, please go to our website www.raisingrents.com and click on the “Contact” tab.  Let us know about any topics you want covered.  You can also find the show notes and references to anything we talked about.  Until we talk again, remember that our parents raised us, the least we can do is help raise them. Talk to you later.



Devon Williams

ComForCare Danbury CT

Phone: (203) 702-1181

Fax: (203) 702-4458


155 Main Street
Suite 201
Danbury, CT 06810




Sources used in this episode:

Intro/outro music: Arthaiz

Other music:   bensound-acousticbreeze bensound credit e7

Daughter Anastasia Demopoulos does the opening voice over

  • Website created and managed by Philip Golden
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