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RF38 Launch a Badass Web Series With the Creators of DATED The Series

RF38 Launch a Badass Web Series With the Creators of DATED The Series

Released Tuesday, 29th November 2016
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RF38 Launch a Badass Web Series With the Creators of DATED The Series

RF38 Launch a Badass Web Series With the Creators of DATED The Series

RF38 Launch a Badass Web Series With the Creators of DATED The Series

RF38 Launch a Badass Web Series With the Creators of DATED The Series

Tuesday, 29th November 2016
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Two dope chicks drop DATED, your new web series addiction

So I’m just getting home from witnessing two of my friends make major career moves. They rented out a screening room at Sony, rolled out the red carpet and got 100+ guests all liquored up before premiering their digital baby, DATED The Series. I’m so flipping proud.

That was a week ago and today DATED The Series drops for everyone to enjoy and let me tell you, it’s internet gold. And I’m not saying that just because the creators, Megan Dizon and Haely White are my friends, but because these hilarious women had the theater laughing from beginning to end. If you’ve ever been ghosted, had a Tinder nightmare or accidentally left on your read receipts, DATED will be your new web crush.

Haely and Megan sandwich at their premiere (Haely left middle, Megan right middle)


Before the premiere though, I had Megan and Haely on the podcast to talk about their paths to stardom. I’d heard bits and pieces about the process, but it wasn’t enough. I was so curious to learn exactly what it took for them to write, produce and fund a web series and so we got into it.

Mind you, we’re two champagne bottles in and sitting around Megan’s dining room table on a Sunday afternoon. Things get GOOD! What I took from the episode was that creating a web series is no different from starting a business. Both Megan and Haely had years of acting experience behind their belts, but little to no business experience. Quickly, they realized they’d have to think and act like entrepreneurs to get their baby off the ground.

I wish I would have known early on how important it was to enroll people in your vision.

Just sitting around Megan’s dining room table recording and having no fun at all


They wrote 15 episodes, fundraised, hired a full team, casted actors and put together an entire launch strategy. These girls do not put their fate in other’s hands. Listen in to see how you too can launch your own web series.

There’s power in committing to something and completing it. 

Topics Covered ♥

♥ Dating in 2016
♥ Indigogo campaigns & fundraising goals
♥ Enrolling everyone in your vision
♥ Getting started before you’re ready
♥ Hiring a team before all your $$s in the bank
♥ Accountability tricks

Link Love ♥

♥ DATED YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, FB
♥ Haely White Instagram, Twitter
♥ Megan Dizon Instagram
♥ Share your own DATED stories using #DATEDTHESERIES
♥ Lewis Howes School of Greatness Podcast

Fun facts ♥

♥ DATED The Series is based on Megan’s real dating life
♥ Haely’s first job was ghost writing for Lisa Vanderpump
♥ The girls kept themselves accountable using manifest note cards and gold star stickers, nbd

The post RF38 Launch a Badass Web Series With the Creators of DATED The Series appeared first on Refashion.co.

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