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Run Chat

Billy Bryan and John

Run Chat

A Health, Fitness and Nutrition podcast

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Run Chat

Billy Bryan and John

Run Chat

Run Chat

Billy Bryan and John

Run Chat

A Health, Fitness and Nutrition podcast
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Mar 31st, 2020
In these times of social distancing, where group runs can't happen, RunChat is here to run with you. On today's episode, Bryan, Coach John and Billy lead you through an interval workout. You'll start with a 5 minute warm up followed by 10x 1 minute of hard running and 1 minute of active recovery. During those 1 minute ...
Mar 26th, 2020
Welcome to RunChat's first workout episode. In this podcast, Coach John, Billy and Bryan will lead you through a 30 minute progression run while we talk about running in the era of social distancing and COVID-19. Lace up, grab your earbuds, and head out on a solo run with the hosts of RunChat keeping your company!
Mar 20th, 2020
All it took was a global pandemic for us to make more episodes of Run Chat! How's everybody doing? Are you able to get outside for your runs? Are you sticking to at-home cardio? We want to hear from you. Whether you're running indoors, outdoors or not running at all in the wake of COVID-19, reach out to us on Facebook ...
Jul 24th, 2019
Billy, John and Bryan try to beat the summer heat and talk the latest in running. Are you training for a fall marathon? Listen up for some tips!
Jun 26th, 2019
Welcome to Season 4 of Run Chat! Or is it season 3? Either way, we're back. John, Billy and Bryan give updates on their running lives and prepare for the upcoming fall marathon training season. Are you running a marathon this fall? If so, we'd love to hear from you.
Aug 20th, 2018
Looking for something outside of the NYRR, NYC Runs, and GLIRC circuits? John, Bryan and Billy discuss rogue races on the latest episode of Run Chat, unsanctioned races that may fail to bring the proper permits but definitely bring the competition.
Aug 11th, 2018
It's a new season of Run Chat just in time for the fall marathon training season. We've got all the Billy, Bryan and John your ears can handle, live and direct from Elly's Bar in Brooklyn, NY! Click on the title to listen directly on this page, or download from iTunes or Google.
Dec 24th, 2017
With only one shopping day left to Christmas, have you bought gifts for all the runners on your list? If not, just make sure you avoid these, the worst gifts for runners!
Oct 20th, 2017
We're talking Chicago. We're talking New York. We're talking Philly. We're talking virtual races, both paid and free. It's a pretty cool episode, y'all. We pretty much think you might pretty much enjoy it. 
Sep 2nd, 2017
The marathon and the mile: will training for one make you faster at the other? Coach John, Billy and Bryan discuss course strategy and training for both races.Photo: Da Ping Luo
May 16th, 2017
Coach John warms us up with stories from the Paris Marathon, then we get up to tempo pace with a look at this weekend's Brooklyn Half Marathon (including a can't-miss race preview with some hot tips on how to score that PR). We delve into half marathon training in general and how we felt entering our respective first h...
May 7th, 2017
After a long winter on the dreadmill/shredmill, we're back! And we're chatting about what we've been up to lately, meaning races -- from the NYC Half to the Paris Marathon to the Red Hook Crit, and #raceeverything in between.(photos by Pete Thompson/Red Hook Crit 5k [above] and Tornanti.cc/Red Hook Crit 5k [rig...
Mar 8th, 2017
Treadmills. Do you love them? Barely tolerate them? Hell to the no, never, ever run on them?Okay, show of hands. Who loves treadmills?Coach John, Bryan and Billy debate the pros and cons of the runner's version of the hamster wheel on the new episode of Run Chat.
Feb 9th, 2017
GOALS! We all have them. Maybe it's to run your fastest 5K. Maybe it's to record your running podcast more often. Maybe it's to listen to the latest episode of Run Chat. BOOM. Time to check that last one off your list. 
Dec 21st, 2016
The temperatures are getting lower, but don't let your spirits follow -- the winter can still be a great season for running. Bryan and John are back to tell you how to dress for cold and snowy weather, what to watch out for, and how to approach your training to be at your best when all those springtime races come a...
Dec 14th, 2016
We're very happy to have our first guest on Run Chat! Kelly Roberts aka @runselfierepeat!Special guest: yay! Audio problem causing the first half of the episode to go missing: boo! Hopefully Kelly Roberts comes back and talks running with us again. In the meantime, enjoy this mini episode of Run C...
Nov 22nd, 2016
Are you a REAL runner? The answer might surprise you. We're coming at you with running terms definitions AND speedwork strategy. You want to get faster? Here you go, you real runner you. Photo: Julia Lyons
Nov 16th, 2016
The NYC Marathon is over. Now what? Join John and Billy as they help you get over the post-marathon blues in the latest episode of the Run Chat Podcast.Thank you to the kind folks at Sound Lounge in New York City for letting us record at their studios.
Oct 31st, 2016
The big day is just around the corner! From wake-up to finish line, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know to have a great TCS NYC Marathon 2016 experience. We’ll help you plan for the day and cover the details of transportation, start villages, and corrals, then go mile-by-mile through the course to...
Oct 27th, 2016
The TCS New York City Marathon is a week and a half away! Have no fear runners, we've got you covered with advice on how to handle Taper Time, what you should be doing to prepare as the big day closes in, and what race-week activities you don't want to miss. Not running NYC? Most of our tips are good for any maratho...
Sep 16th, 2016
Welcome to the first episode of Run Chat, your new favorite podcast about running! Whether you are a seasoned racer or looking to get off the couch and start exercising, this is the podcast for you. Run Chat is hosted by John Honerkamp, Billy Henehan and Bryan Hall. Having questions about running? Get in touch and w...
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