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Sasquatch Tracks

Micah Hanks

Sasquatch Tracks

A Science, Nature, Society and Culture podcast

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Sasquatch Tracks

Micah Hanks

Sasquatch Tracks

Sasquatch Tracks

Micah Hanks

Sasquatch Tracks

A Science, Nature, Society and Culture podcast
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Jan 26th, 2025
It's an all new year of Sasquatchery... and as the team kicks off 2025, we dive into the famous story of the "Minnesota Iceman" and the claims involving a frozen relict hominoid, and then shift out attention over to recent news involving a Texas-based company's efforts to try and revive ancient extinct species that inc...
Dec 24th, 2024
'Tis the season... of Squatching! As the holiday season makes its way to the snowy peaks around the Appalachian Institute for Hominological Studies, the Sasquatch Tracks team is joined for a yuletide-themed holiday Sasquatch conversation covering all things cryptid with friend of the program and renowned artist Sam She...
Dec 15th, 2024
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by Canadian survival expert, filmmaker and musician Les Stroud for a wide-ranging discussion about his interest in the search for Sasquatch.  Best known as the creator, writer, producer, director, cameraman and host of the television series Survivorman, Les St...
Nov 22nd, 2024
In the winter of 1979, several residents around Carpenter's Knob in Cleveland County, North Carolina, reported a series of unusual encounters with an unknown, apelike animal. Among the early sightings were those reported by Minnie Cook, an 88-year-old resident who claimed that she observed the animal after she emerged ...
Oct 31st, 2024
In this Halloween installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team convenes for a delightfully spooky discussion in advance of our discussion with Oregon-based researcher Tanner Hoskins, co-Founder of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Search. A passionate advocate dedicated to the search for missing persons and a dedicated wilder...
Oct 19th, 2024
On Father's Day Weekend in 1969, six-year-old Dennis Martin was camping with his family near Spence Field in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park when he vanished without a trace, leading to one of the largest searches in the history of the National Park Service. Tragically, he was never found, and the disappearance...
May 4th, 2024
In this episode of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by Gary Opit, an Australian expert on the continent's indigenous fauna, and a longtime researcher of Australian cryptozoology. Opit is an environmental consultant and scientific member of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales for 48 years. He is also a r...
Mar 28th, 2024
In the summer of 1978, a strange series of events began to unfold for rural residents of northeastern Ohio. While enjoying a quiet evening at their rural home near Minerva, the Cayton family and their grandchildren witnessed a large, hairy, bipedal creature peering through their kitchen window. This creature, described...
Feb 13th, 2024
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the after opening news that focuses on tales of "swamp beasts" in rural America and also massive reptiles invading the Florida Everglades, the team is joined by John Hickenbottom, the naturalist at Ohio's Salt Fork State Park.  A longtime outdoorsman whose interest in wildlife i...
Dec 23rd, 2023
'Tis the season... and so joining the Sasquatch Tracks team for their 2023 holiday installment of the program is Mister Sam Shearon, artist extraordinaire and dealer in knowledge of all things esoteric and hominological. Along with his impressive horror art, Sam Shearon is known for his work in the field of cryptozoolo...
Nov 30th, 2023
During the summer of 1924, a team of gold seekers alleged that they were attacked by giant, ape-like creatures, measuring about 7 feet tall, who hurled boulders at them. Their story recounts an encounter with these beings in a remote area, where a member of their group shot at one of the creatures, hitting it thrice, r...
Sep 28th, 2023
In this second part in a special two-part installment of Sasquatch Tracks, veteran researcher Matt Pruitt returns to the podcast to discuss his new book The Phenomenal Sasquatch: Seeking the Natural Origins of a Cultural Icon, a tour-de-force of intellectual exploration in the study of the relict hominoid mystery,  In ...
Sep 28th, 2023
In this first in a two-part installment of Sasquatch Tracks, veteran researcher Matt Pruitt returns to the podcast to discuss his new book The Phenomenal Sasquatch: Seeking the Natural Origins of a Cultural Icon, a tour-de-force of intellectual exploration in the study of the relict hominoid mystery.  Matt Pruitt has d...
Sep 11th, 2023
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, we are joined by Scott Tompkins, the creator of The Bigfoot Mapping Project, for an in-depth discussion about his mapping, data collection, and analysis of Sasquatch sightings.  Scott holds a Bachelor of Science degree in GIS from the State University of New York at Cortland. Wi...
Aug 2nd, 2023
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, we are joined by researcher and educator Darby Orcutt, who discusses an ambitious new project that is seeking to collect and analyze anomalous biological samples, in an effort that could ultimately help reveal the existence of relict hominoids like Sasquatch.  Darby Orcutt is a ...
Jun 26th, 2023
  In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team looks at encounters with relict hominoids in North America reported by U.S. military personnel.  Among reports involving encounters with alleged humanlike primates that remain currently unacknowledged by science, a striking number have been reported by military person...
May 25th, 2023
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, we catch up with primatologist Esteban Sarmiento, an expert in hominid evolution and researcher renowned for his interest in the speculative side of vertebrate zoology, particularly when it comes to Sasquatch.  Sarmiento is a primatologist and vertebrate zoologist whose main are...
Apr 26th, 2023
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by Lailani Upham and Carrie Lynn Bear Chief, Blackfeet Tribe members and creators of the Pikuni Bigfoot Storytelling Project. Lailani Upham is a member of the Blackfeet Nation, and is president and lead creative of Iron Shield Creative. A journalist by trade, ...
Mar 27th, 2023
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by anthropologist and Sasquatch researcher Kathy Strain, author of the book, Giants, Cannibals & Monsters: Bigfoot in Native Culture. Kathy Strain is the Heritage Resource and Tribal Relations Programs Manager for the Stanislaus National Forest in Sonora, Cali...
Mar 12th, 2023
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by Australian researcher Buck Buckingham, who shares his knowledge about Australian Yowies, the purported relict hominoid that occupies the remote wilds of the Land Down Under. Buckingham is a member of the group Australian Yowie Research, and has been hooked ...
Feb 15th, 2023
Joining the team for this installment of Sasquatch Tracks is Gregory Forth, a retired professor of anthropology at the University of Alberta. He earned his PhD from the University of Oxford in 1980. Beginning in 1986, Forth was a professor at the University of Alberta for over thirty years. Forth is a fellow of the Roy...
Jan 16th, 2023
As the team returns from a seasonal hiatus to officially kick off 2023, we are joined by Nathaniel Bronis, a Sasquatch researcher from Michigan's lower peninsula who currently resides in Idaho, and previously spent time in Washington. An avid outdoorsman, he has been collecting reports and conducting field research int...
Nov 12th, 2022
In this edition of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by Kentucky researcher Jeff Waldridge, who in addition to being an expert in the study of Sasquatch, is also one of the team members behind the annual CryptidCon event in his home state.  Jeff Waldridge is a researcher of Sasquatch with an interest in cryptozoolo...
Oct 29th, 2022
In this Halloween installment of Sasquatch Tracks, we are joined by Mister Sam Shearon, who in addition to being renowned for his unique cryptozoological artwork, presents an impressive knowledge of all-things Sasquatch, along with an assorted conversation about eerie cryptids in keeping with the season. Along with hi...
Oct 10th, 2022
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by researcher Aleksandar Petakov for a discussion about his wide-ranging cryptozoological interests. Aleksandar Petakov was born in 1993 during the last year of Apartheid in South Africa to parents that fled civil war in the former Yugoslavia. He grew up i...
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