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Science Sisters: Stories of Success in STEM

Coach Shenan - Socially Savvy Agency

Science Sisters: Stories of Success in STEM

A weekly Science, Society and Culture podcast

 1 person rated this podcast
Science Sisters: Stories of Success in STEM

Coach Shenan - Socially Savvy Agency

Science Sisters: Stories of Success in STEM

Science Sisters: Stories of Success in STEM

Coach Shenan - Socially Savvy Agency

Science Sisters: Stories of Success in STEM

A weekly Science, Society and Culture podcast
 1 person rated this podcast
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Get inspiration, advice. Learn tips from like-minded minorities on similar journeys in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Eavesdrop as Shenandoa Toote (MS in Vision Science, Certified Coach) interviews women across the US. Find support, shortcuts. Optimize your focus. STEM fields come with challenges for everyone. Professional perspectives of colleagues just ahead of you in reaching goals are invaluable. Minority women, like Hidden Figures, have impacted STEM opportunities. Successful black scientists had community in competitive career paths. And you? Living with unexpected roadblocks: money issues, homesickness, men who believe women are not critical thinkers, lack of classroom skin color and gender diversity, when to use a resume vs a CV, knowing who is your advisor, mentor, or sponsor...these discussions equip you to make decisions, give you ideas for internships, research/laboratory or work experience, provide insights on career paths outside of academia (professorship/tenure) & industry, like corporate business. Info for students in high school/college beginning to plan for higher education, recent university graduates, or post-doctoral fellows. Get practical insights, suggestions, tricks. Celebrate black & women's history months, international day of women & girls in science. Cell Biology Zoology Genetics Pharmacology Toxicology Ecology Drafting Physiology Civil Design Biochemistry Pathology Operations Astronomy Nuclear Surveying Statistics Physics Psychology Atmospheric Experimental Natural Conservation Immunology Veterinary Industrial Computational Manufacturing Mining Safety Medicine Military Meteorology Quantitative Applied Space Aerospace Marine Sustainable Agriculture Dairy Livestock Poultry Agronomy Horticulture Breeding Protection Integrated Pest Range Chemistry Environmental Wetlands Urban Forestry Pulp Fish Wildlands Communication Animation Video Effects AI Informatics Programming Vendor Certification Analyst Page Digital Modeling Warehousing Database Graphics Modeling Virtual Environments Simulation Telecommunications Networking LAN WAN Security Assurance Multimedia Webmaster Project Bioengineering Ceramic Biomolecular Structural Transportation Highway Hardware Laser Mechanics Mineral Architecture Petroleum Textile Construction Mechatronics Robotics Automation Laser Integrated Circuit Instrumentation Robotics Heating Ventilation Conditioning Refrigeration Solar Quality Wastewater Recycling Hazardous Plastics Welding Semiconductor Occupational Automotive Hydraulics Fluid Software Packaging Nanotechnology Structural Photo Radiation Radio Biophysics Botany Phytopathology Histology Developmental Embryology Bacteriology Virology Parasitology Mycology Entomology Behavior Ethology Wildlife Microbial Eukaryotic Genomics Endocrinology Reproductive Cardiovascular Exercise Vision Optics Oncology Cancer Molecular Biometry Bioinformatics Biomathematics Biotechnology Aquatic Limnology Systematics Epidemiology Neuroanatomy Neurosciences Algebra Functional Geometry Topology Financial Probability Airpower Art Naval Strategic Signal Geospatial Joint Media Cyber Warfare Combat Directed Energy Acoustics Observables Stealth Operational Undersea Warfare Ground Aircraft Armament Explosive Bomb Disposal Task Force Missile Munitions Ordinance Radar Communications Biopsychology Nutrition Interaction Sustainability Astrophysics Planetary Climatology Dynamics Inorganic Organic Polymer Geology Geochemistry Geophysics Seismology Paleontology Hydrology Petrology Oceanography Geosciences Atomic Particle Plasma Temperature Condensed Matter Acoustics Biotechnology Power Cognitive Psycholinguistics Comparative Social Psychometrics Cyber Forensics Counterterrorism Archeology Econometrics Geographic Cartography Aeronautics Aviation Cytotechnology Pharmaceutics Pharmacognosy Pharmacoeconomics Cosmetic Preventive Epidemiology Health Infectious Diseases Actuarial Computer Research Electronics Technologies CADD Soil Wood Water Child
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Podcast Details

Created by
Coach Shenan - Socially Savvy Agency
Podcast Status
Nov 1st, 2019
Latest Episode
Nov 29th, 2019
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
24 minutes

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