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The Journey to Unearth Tanjiro's Sword and His True Potential

The Journey to Unearth Tanjiro's Sword and His True Potential

Released Friday, 21st July 2023
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The Journey to Unearth Tanjiro's Sword and His True Potential

The Journey to Unearth Tanjiro's Sword and His True Potential

The Journey to Unearth Tanjiro's Sword and His True Potential

The Journey to Unearth Tanjiro's Sword and His True Potential

Friday, 21st July 2023
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Welcome to Second Emulation, the podcast that explores all things pop culture, from movies and TV shows to the latest anime releases.


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We're your go to source for all things pop culture, so sit back, relax and let's get started.


Things were getting pretty intense last week and hopefully we get some answers.


So today's episode is going to be titled a sword from 300 years.


So let's get into it. We pick up right where we left off, with Tondra cutting the head off the training doll Orochi, and keep in mind, our boy has been pushed to his limits So he's been sleep, deprived of food.


The training Koehetsu has been putting Tondra has been bounds unorthodox, let's just say it.


If it was anyone else it would be deemed cruel.


Now it does have its merits, as at see the progression of what Tondra was able to achieve.


Not saying if anyone else was in that position would yield the same results.


Now there was some confusion by both Tondra and Koehetsu.


Once the doll was beheaded, both were dumbfounded.


I myself had a lot of questions as to what Tsu's family had mentioned in the prior episode that his family had knowledge of.


The doll had been built, his family had built, generations had built the doll or had built dolls similar of this caliber for training.


Now one of the many questions was who worked on this specific doll in general?


Now, was it someone who was close to Richi?


Did he himself commission the doll And, if so, who was his swordsmith?


Was it someone of Koehetsu's branch or part of his clan, and are they still alive?


So those were like some of the questions that I had, because it was very I wouldn't say it was very suspicious.


It had me looking, i had those sus eyes.


Just this just doesn't add up, because the truth, the clues, the breadcrumbs that they were dropping on us, it just didn't make sense that he informed us, like he, his clan, is known for building this, but yet he himself had no knowledge.


So whoever did build it just took the secret to the grave, but yet he knows how, like all the combinations, so that in itself was like okay, and maybe whoever did build it did pass away and then purposely withheld that information, knowing that Richi didn't want that secret out, because who, if it got into the wrong hands, you know, his weapon would be sought out by demons.


So it was too far. I could see it from both sides and maybe, but it also just seemed very sus and secretive.


So that kind of threw me off a bit.


Now, the reaction that Tondra and Katsu was pretty valid, that they were just both confused I would be too.


You cut off ahead of a doll and then only to find out there's something embedded within the doll that you didn't know, and to think that the doll itself or the sword itself is 300 year old.


So that means each one of his family members or clan men had been keeping this secret for generations, so it's been passed down for a very long time and that information has been withheld.


So again, i bring it back.


Whoever did maybe that's going to come to light that whoever you reach he talked to, whoever his swordsmith was, that maybe commissioned his sword, probably developed the doll And in order to keep, i know the gears are turning, the gears are turning.


I'm thinking maybe something happened to him and There's like a key of some sort, like knowledge that he wanted to pass on of some sort, and the swords, the key and Something in order to protect it he, pat, gave us.


So he forfeit the sword because he didn't want it to fall into the hands of the demons.


And if he was such renowned in the demon core group and Known by demons and feared by demons, then it only stands for reason that if Something were to happen to him, or if you were to fall in battle or get ill, that his weapon would be a bane of their Existence, they would want to destroy it.


I think that would come to light, or some type of Revelation would come to light, that whoever commissioned that weapon, the secret of That blade could be passed on to other Smith's.


And so, since this arc is about the villain, the swordsman's arc, i think That, at its core, was what we're gonna be getting at.


So I get these gears turn in, their turn in this percolating.


So I'm excited, but yeah, it was just very sus, very sus things going on.


But at the same time I'm just excited that Tondra So finally has a damn weapon.


Oh, my boy has been struggling so Many times that his equipment has just either been Failing him and it's been putting him in a position Where it's either, you know, life or death.


Not to mention that Every situation he goes up against a demon, it's always going to be life and death.


But it always results in his sword being damaged beyond repair and It does cost him his life, like The Demon core members know their jobs would.


When they go out, there's no guarantee they're coming back.


They tell them in the first season that you know the ones that make it.


There's a good chance once they got their swords and you go out missions, there's no guarantee that you'll be coming back and so you need your sword and your equipment to work.


And the fact that he, hanj, has been, he's been giving him a D average weapon, giving them a D plus.


Come on, man, you if How the hell did that been?


how the hell does that weapon grade get past inspection?


I know the chief in the power episode was like we're gonna reprimand him, but that's all that's the fault of the village chief.


Like how the hell do you allow him to make a sword for one of, like one of your Well, the demon core members, knowing that he's taken out a an upper-moon demon?


But his sword has also broken not once but twice And you've acknowledged that the weapon, the product is faulty and you Still allow him to produce that product.


You don't reprimand him, you don't suspend him.


And also goes to think about, like before Tondra, who was?


Who did he provide swords for?


Did they also suffer the same fate in combat up against a demon, at a moment of Performing either killing, blow or blocking, and their sword chips or breaks, and at that moment They end up succumbing to a demon or being killed off.


It also makes you wonder was he that bad that He's not that bad.


It also makes you wonder was he that bad that the Demon core members were actually being killed off because his swords just sucked and He had a reputation for that.


Yeah, it just.


It was just. It was annoying that My boy finally had a weapon and then I don't fucking know where Hange.


We pivot, we're doing a pivot move here, but Hange like The, like a friend who just shows up at the worst possible time, he just apparates.


The moment that Tondra was holding the sword and Tatsu was like yes, man, you finally got a weapon.


I know you were. You came up here looking for a sword but to be made and Hange was my a.


But now your search is done and like saying beed rules, three times Hange appeared and He looked different.


He looked like he was roughing it.


This boy was ripped Like he himself had been training in the mountains, like Tondra.


He had forearms, he had biceps, he had a six pack.


I Don't know what he was doing.


It sure wasn't training to make a damn sword.


Look like it was. He was fighting for his life and maybe he was.


But he pulls up on Tondra and Katsu, katsuko, and, and the first thing he says it's like the first Couple words that Hange Says to both of them is That I need to take this, i need to take this sword from you.


That had to annoy me so much.


Like Tondra didn't even get to on sheath, it was still in its sheath.


He didn't even get to actually do any practice like he was.


Like I need to take it so I can fix it up.


They both immediately told him no, which is good.


Tell him no, this guy was MIA, he was gone and then he had provided Tondra a faulty product.


He doesn't get any more chances, especially not with a sword from Yurichi, a Sun Breather.


We don't know what could happen.


We don't know if Hanja is gonna fuck it up.


He's the last person I would want touching the damn sword, especially with his history.


And the moment they tell him no, he is livid, he's not gonna take their answer, he begins huffing and puffing, like trying to go after the sword, trying to like essentially intimidate them, pushing back against them and to let's see, it is also pissed.


He's this is my family. It was found in my, on the doll.


You didn't do shit. Tondra was the one who did the final blow.


He's the one who found the sword.


It is his. He also was missing a weapon.


He came here to ask for a new weapon from you and you told him no.


And now, when he has a weapon, you want to come in and do your duties as a smith.


Nah, not gonna happen. And he went livid.


And now, at this moment, they're at a crossroad.


He tries to intimidate them and Katsu Katsu hits him with a low blow, and I know it's.


The real reason is that you don't have clients.


He gives him that gut punch right to the gut, and that is the real reason is that his reputation is burned.


He don't have. Who's gonna want to have him as their smith, knowing that he doesn't produce a good product, a product that's going to be reliable to a demon core member when they're in combat, that's not reliable.


That's gonna chip or break.


That could be the difference between life and death.


Who's gonna want that, knowing that?


Tondra himself has been in that situation more than enough times, though he survived by shoe wear, will of his own, but he's also been considered lucky because he's had his allies with him.


But if he was by himself, who knows what would have happened?


so yeah, he hits him with that emotional gut punch, letting him know you got no one you can make weapons for, your reputation is done and no one's coming to you to make them their swords.


And that was true. That was true and it was clear.


This was Han is like last chance, which is why he was fighting so hard for it, because he realized he has nothing left.


This is the sword of your itchy, and if he can prove to everyone in the village, to the chief, to Tanjiro, that he can bring the sword of you to reach you back into its glory, and that it is going to be Tondra who's gonna be carrying that and he's the one that brings it back from the ruin that it is, then his reputation will be fixed And that's what he's hoping for.


He's looking for redemption for all the bad That he's done, that he wants to make up for it.


He needs this And he's pleading to them.


I Need to do this.


I. There's no other option for me. I need you to let me do this, otherwise It's it, and I promise I Will get this done.


I will make sure that this sword is in tip top shape for you, tundra, tundra, at this moment was like fine, and he handed the sword over.


So that's who looked at him and the same.


But between this there was a little scuffle between the two and The chief had shown up to provide, saying that there was a way to make a Hans docile, which I'm skipping because it was unrelated.


But the main point is that Jiro decided to give up the sword to give Hanj and an opportunity to redeem himself, because Tondra believes in paying it forward, that if he allows this gesture of kindness now, that Maybe later on Hanj, when we'll pay it to him later if there's something that comes up.


So again, my, my, my boy, tondra is without a weapon, a Without a sword, essentially, which sucks, because if it was me I would have been like dude, no, i, it's No way, i just got it and And now I'm good, and those rude, but I think anyone in that position would have just told him no, no, tondra would even get a chance to unchief the sword and actually look at the marvel and just see what he could do with the sword, like and as an extension of him and Just being its presence.


He just gave it away for the time being and so that was like Irritating and frustrating because he had gone through all the hard work and got the prize and just Just gave it up.


And so now We don't know when we'll we'll see that sword again, which kind of sucks because it's gonna be.


When it's finished it will be nice to see it, which I can only imagine gonna be marvelous, but it's just sucks because we don't know when we'll see the final product.


Yeah, just Makes me a little annoyed, i So after that little mini-avanger, we find ourselves back in Tanjiro's room.


So back in Tanjiro's room with Nezuko, and here he's braiding Nezuko's hair in the same style as the love Hashira, who Nezuko admires very much and she wants to have the same hairstyle.


So here Tanjiro's being the older brother and providing a little bit of comfort for Nezuko, trying to do his best in hair braiding for her, since this is something that she wants, and it's nice to have that brother sister bonding, which is cute in a sense.


And so he's like just reminiscing about him having just the events prior and how it was nice that he was able to push himself to that limit, what they were able to uncover and the co-liking, the love Hashira and having her be like a role model to her.


And it is at this point that Nezuko stops by on Jiro's room and they both have a chat.


Now Tanjiro doesn't really like their previous interactions.


Tanjiro does not like this guy at all.


He gives us their impression like a rich snob, someone who appears that they're better than everyone else, based on their interactions that he's had with Tottetsu in regards to the doll and just interactions that have been in Tanjiro's presence and what Tanjiro has to have done in a way to mitigate any type of frustrations, and he doesn't really like the individual or his attitude, and so the conversations steer in a way where he informs Machiro that you just need to start doing things to help people.


Just to help people. There shouldn't be any monetary gain from it.


Your demons layer core member.


If there are people who need help, help them.


Don't just focus on the objective.


And he's like why I just need to get strong and kill upper demons?


No, that is part of our job, but you're also there to help civilians and do other things.


And when he asked, he inquired why about this.


The reason is people don't like you and if you want people to like you other than just your job title and what we do, you need to build rapport with them and doing things out of the kindness, without any monetary gain, is going to build a rapport with these individuals And they're going to remember that for later down the road, that when you do encounter them again, they're going to return that kindness to you tenfold and they'll remember that and you don't have to do anything.


And as Tondra was telling him this it was we got like a little bit of backstory for Machiro.


It was almost like a flashback in a sense, and that flashback revealed that Machiro is dealing with amnesia, which is a huge revelation.


That could be the reason why he is the way he is, this cold, hard, almost robotic, like personality individual, is essentially because he doesn't have a personality.


He's dealing with amnesia, so he's just cold hearted because he doesn't know how to express emotion And so that part of who he is locked is gone And so he doesn't know how to say that because he doesn't know that part of him is gone And Tondra doesn't know that.


Tondra just thinks he's being a stuck up type of person, and so here he is trying to, like as a parent, give, like, give him some insight in what we would call talk no jitsu, which is a Naruto reference for those who know about Naruto.


But he's like trying to instill some kind of moral compass in Machiro, which seems to be going in one ear and out the other.


Now, as this conversation is happening between the two, all three don't notice that the door begins to open until it's too late and a upper demon enters the room.


And this takes both Machiro, tondra and Nesako by surprise, because they did not feel its presence until they actually saw the demon in the room.


And that is frightening, because a demon's layer is actually in tune to fill the mallets of the demon so they can actually sense it.


But for the fact that the demon was able to not only get in the building but was able to get that close without alarming them is very frightening.


Now, tondra was quick to make a move, but the demon was also quick, and At this moment we see how Far Tondo have progressed from this training.


Now is he up to bar?


is he on the same level? And we realize he's still not there?


but No, whoever this demon is, he's Very quick and very powerful.


So Tondo was quick to action. He takes the, his substitute sword, goes in for the kill.


Demon dodges it.


He's looking around, doesn't see it anywhere.


He sees it behind Or he's looking around.


A season. Actually, both him, roach, are looking around, don't see in there like on the floor, it's in the air and They're both like it moves too quick.


Nazako is able to hit it Back down to the ground after she transforms.


Now, once it's on the ground, roachio wastes no time and goes for The cut of the head.


Now, while this is happening, tondra was actually having this internal monologue of Being calculated, thinking about all the possible solutions of why was this demon in the room and why Did it?


is it not fighting, which is very sus, it's not putting up a fight At all, like normally.


It would be throwing hands and trying to kill them and it wasn't As a color they were to hit it, it would just dodged.


It dodged both attacks, except for Nazako which, after she transformed so he was replaying both actions And it wasn't tell material actually Cut it in the head.


He realized It's true motive, that it was intentionally Trying to get cut in the head And after that, after he realized that and informed, informed richo, it was too late The head was cut and we saw the beheaded, the head, form into another version of This demon.


Now, mind you, the demon that we saw enter the room was frail and Once the head was cut it, the demon became not frail, not timid.


Was Cocky, it was a different version and it was two And this posed a problem.


And the second one had a fan and Mitchell was going to go in for a second attack and and Tondra and formed him of not going for the head and by that time The demon, with the fan who happened to the second one, hits him and blathers them out and And It's just to me it's crazy like we got a good episode but just the Talon land was just Too intense.


The shit just hit the fan.


It was too much action going on.


The fact that We had a demon from we had demons if we're trading the sort of the village, but the fact that a demon snuck up on two Demon slayers without them being alarmed Does say a lot.


That means that this guy's on a whole different level and it shows at the end like what type of like level He is at.


That he's gonna be a problem And I'm just looking forward to the next episode to just figure out how much of a problem He's gonna be, because Tondra was still with a substitute sword.


Marichou has been blasted off into God knows where and Nezuko's already transformed.


So it's gonna have to be the Tondra and Nezuko show for the time being, and Who knows how long they're gonna be able to stand up.


If Tondra has calculated or had uncovered the secret behind the demon Because each one does have that he's encountered it has a weakness to them in some part.


Hopefully he's able to figure it out before taking too many hits himself, which has always been like the crutch for Tondra was that he can never figure it out beforehand.


He's always taking those body shots and getting injured and then figuring it out.


So hopefully things he can turn around this time.


This brings me to the end of this episode, so hopefully you guys enjoyed it and I'll catch you in the next one.


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Second Emulation

Welcome to Second Emulation, the ultimate podcast for all things pop culture! Join me, a devoted fan, as I dive into the fascinating world of movies, TV shows, and the ever-expanding universe of anime. Armed with just a mic and my trusty PC, I'll take you on an exciting journey through the latest releases, discussing everything from current shows to the hottest movies on the big screen. And if you're an anime enthusiast like me, get ready for an in-depth exploration of my watchlist for the upcoming season, with a focus on both subbed and dubbed gems.But that's not all! As an avid gamer, I'll share my gaming experiences and insights, delving into the captivating realms of virtual worlds. Whether you're a casual player or a dedicated gamer, there will be something for everyone as I explore various games and engage in lively discussions about their mechanics, narratives, and overall impact on the gaming community.To make things even more enjoyable, I'll be joined by a quirky co-host who will bring their unique perspective to our discussions. Together, we'll dissect movies, exchange opinions, and create a fun and welcoming atmosphere that will make you feel like part of the conversation.So, whether you're looking for a comprehensive breakdown of the latest pop culture trends, want to stay up-to-date with the most anticipated releases, or simply crave some entertainment and laughter, Second Emulation is the podcast for you. Grab your headphones, join us on this exhilarating adventure, and let's explore the vast and thrilling world of pop culture together!

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