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Social Anxiety Solutions - your journey to social confidence!

Sebastiaan van der Schrier

Social Anxiety Solutions - your journey to social confidenc…

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Social Anxiety Solutions - your journey to social confidence!

Sebastiaan van der Schrier

Social Anxiety Solutions - your journey to social confidence!

Social Anxiety Solutions - your journey to social confidence!

Sebastiaan van der Schrier

Social Anxiety Solutions - your journey to social confidenc…

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You struggle to overcome your Social Anxiety? You're frustrated over how it affects your life? Worried you'll have to live with your Social Anxiety forever? This podcast is for you!

You'll hear me - an ex-Social Anxiety Disorder sufferer - interview the superstars of the therapy and psychology world. They’ve been traditionally trained psychologists or psychotherapists and have incorporated an exciting new field into their practice: "Energy psychology".

These experts share their most successful techniques, fresh insights, and incredible stories of transformation. Here’s what you need to gain relief, and shortcut your journey to Social Confidence.

In each show, we discuss a Social Anxiety related topic (eg. shame, self-acceptance, bullying, fear of rejection, connection, loneliness, etc) and you'll get specific action steps to move forward each week.

Listen to gain an empowered perspective. Learn tools to beat your Social Anxiety. Be motivated and supported on your journey to Social Confidence; where you enjoy connecting with others, express yourself authentically, and create the social life you desire.

Eliminate Social Anxiety 100%? YES!Explore proven techniques for total freedom from social anxiety 🚀Join our free course now! 👇👇👇https://linktr.ee/socialanxietysolutions

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Podcast Details

Created by
Sebastiaan van der Schrier
Podcast Status
May 1st, 2015
Latest Episode
Feb 7th, 2025
Release Period
3 per week
Avg. Episode Length
18 minutes

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