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Sebastian Roché | Nautical Thespian

Sebastian Roché | Nautical Thespian

Released Thursday, 9th February 2023
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Sebastian Roché | Nautical Thespian

Sebastian Roché | Nautical Thespian

Sebastian Roché | Nautical Thespian

Sebastian Roché | Nautical Thespian

Thursday, 9th February 2023
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Sebastian: And I saw the first episode and I was blown away.


Sebastian: I thought to myself yes, this is exactly what I envisioned.


Sebastian: It's an incredible show. Sebastian: It's Out of Africa meets Legends of the Fall meets Yellowstone.


Announcer: Welcome to Story and Craft. Announcer: Now here's your host, Marc Preston.


Marc: Alright, here we go again, another episode of Story and Craft.


Marc: I am Marc Preston and I'm so glad you popped by Today.


Marc: Sebastian Roche You're going to chat about his acting career, all the things he's done.


Marc: I mean, he's one of those guys that shows up in TV and film and you know things are about to become interesting.


Marc: He's been in The Man in the High Castle, the Young Pope, vampire Diaries, six Underground with Ryan Reynolds and the new show he's in Taylor Sheridan's 1923.


Marc: Great show if you've been seeing it. Marc: If not, you gotta check it out.


Marc: Of course, we will be chatting about his career and he grew up in a really cool way.


Marc: I'm very envious of his childhood. Marc: We'll talk about that And don't forget anything and everything you want to know about Story and Craft.


Marc: Easy to find out Just pop over to StoryAndCraftPod.com.


Marc: Like the show, leave a review if you so desire.


Marc: Follow. Marc: That way, you get notified every time a new episode rolls out.


Marc: Alright, let's get after it. Marc: Today is Sebastian Roche Day, right now on Story and Craft.


Sebastian: So how are you doing today, sir? Sebastian: I'm doing really excellently Where?


Marc: are you located right now? Marc: Are you in the UK?


Marc: Are you stateside here? Sebastian: No, no, i actually live in Venice.


Sebastian: I've been living in the States for 30 years now, 30 long years in the States 15 years in New York and 15 in California.


Marc: Okay, oh, so in Venice you're meeting the Los Angeles area as opposed to Venice.


Marc: Yeah, yeah, yeah, Venice. Sebastian: California.


Marc: I was going to say that's going to be a first for my show here, talking with someone who's in Venice.


Sebastian: It's pretty cool. Sebastian: Who's in Venice yeah? Marc: But congratulations on 1923.


Marc: That is a. Marc: I definitely will be touching on that in a moment, but that's the excitement building on that.


Marc: Most certainly, that's uh, yeah, it's very, very exciting.


Marc: Well, i was going to ask, I was just. Marc: My two kids are in college, but uh, and if we go back to when they I'm hitting Rewind, i don't know, maybe 10 years, 10 years a little bit more when uh, uh, fringe was on TV, they were a little too young.


Marc: Now they love it. Marc: So whenever they're home from school we're kind of binge watching Fringe, and right now you're featuring very prominently in that part of our watching.


Marc: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m really late to the game on a lot of stuff And I just finished, uh, man in the High Castle, i just finished it.


Marc: So, yes, and uh, i mean, as you know, there's so much to watch now that it's like I'm playing catch-up on things I meant to watch two years ago or three or four.


Marc: You know where in the UK are you originally from?


Marc: I'm? Sebastian: actually, i was actually born in Paris, France.


Sebastian: My father is French, uh, educated in Britain, and my mother's Scottish, um, educated in Egypt actually.


Sebastian: So I come from a family, sort of very, very multilingual family.


Sebastian: My, yeah, my father was born in Vienna, actually, because his father was in the diplomatic service.


Sebastian: But I was born and raised around Paris, first in Paris, then we moved to the suburbs of Paris and I went to an international school for many years and, uh, and then my father decided that corporate life wasn't for him and he bought a sailing boat and we took off for six years on a sailing boat.


Sebastian: So from the age of 12 to 18, i was living, you know, in sort of the Mediterranean, Africa, the Caribbean, south America.


Marc: I need to stop and kind of live vicariously through you for just one moment.


Marc: I'm going. Marc: God, that's that has been my dream.


Marc: There's a good, there's a producer and and who lives in uh down in Encinitas, and I used to live near him and he's just a cool.


Marc: He's one of those kind of younger guys, young at heart, and he's always doing something.


Marc: He just kind of cuts loose. Marc: He's a digital nomad and he lives on a boat and sales are on Greece.


Marc: I'm like going. Marc: I was like how do I get that gig?


Marc: So I have always envious of him.


Marc: Now I'm going to be envious of you. Marc: How did that come together again, where you were sailing around They kind of how did that?


Marc: how did that become part of your early life? Sebastian: We started my father was a started reading these adventure sailing books in the seventies.


Sebastian: You know, when sailing was. Sebastian: You know it wasn't as popular as it is now It was.


Sebastian: It's always been very popular in France. Sebastian: But we started becoming, you know, becoming, weekend sailors.


Sebastian: My father bought a small boat. Sebastian: We started sailing, going to Brittany, on the west coast of France, to sail, and then graduated to a slightly bigger boat and continued sailing and, you know, it became a real passion for him and he, he, he was a corporate man and never saw us and he said you know, that's it, i'm done, i'm selling the house and buying a boat.


Sebastian: And, you know, fulfilling my dream, i dream, after reading all those books by by celebrated sailors who were living on their boats at the time.


Sebastian: This was the, you know, mid seventies.


Sebastian: And so we, you know, my father, announced to us, to the whole family, that we were leaving and selling the house.


Sebastian: I was terrified because I was, i didn't have the affinity that I have now for sailing, and we set off, you know, from the west coast of France, we did the whole Mediterranean, west coast of Africa, crossed the Atlantic, took three, three weeks to cross the Atlantic and arrived in the Caribbean And from there was kind of the base for four and a half years to go to South America and the Caribbean.


Marc: And you see you kind of focused on the Caribbean as far as kind of the start and end point for all your adventures around the this part of the world.


Sebastian: Yeah, yeah, and you know the the arc from basically the Bahamas to Trinidad and Tobago and the South American coast, it's, it's really a wonderland of for sailing.


Sebastian: So that's, we were sort of based in Martinique and at one point, and you know cause, we were French speaking and you know we, you know, within a year we were broke and my father needed a job.


Sebastian: He became a tool guide in Martinique.


Sebastian: I gave windsurfing lessons, my mum repaired sails and and then we moved on and and then tortolo in the British Virgin lines became our second sort of base And yeah, so this was a sort of five, six years on a boat that were that truly changed my outlook on life.


Marc: I mean, how could it not? Marc: I mean that that's just like were you cognizant at that age that you were having a kind of a very unique experience, that that that not many other people got to have, or was this just your norm?


Sebastian: No, no, i, I understood that this was a once in a lifetime experience.


Sebastian: I mean, as soon as you know, as I left, as I was telling you, i was kind of a fearful kid, not very good at school, and it it sort of built my sailing and the trip in itself built my self confidence as a person.


Sebastian: I became passionate about spearfishing and freediving and shell collecting and I became really good at it.


Sebastian: Well, you know, amongst my brothers I was, i became the quote unquote, the best at it, and it built my confidence as a person.


Sebastian: And and, and you know, being having the responsibility of, of working on a boat, you know, because my dad, you know, would make us do all the chores, and you learn very quickly to be extremely adaptable to, to, to, to have the responsibility of having a night watch, you know, or a or a morning watch, these are things that take a huge amount of responsibility on a boat.


Sebastian: You you're responsible for the safety of the boat.


Sebastian: So it it, it makes you grow up very fast.


Sebastian: And also, I was a very avid reader, so I read, i devoured anything that I could, because this was way before the internet, you know, we didn't have a TV, we had the radio BBC World Service that my mother listened yeah, listened to mostly.


Sebastian: So you are immersed in this extraordinary adventure and you're discovering new cultures.


Marc: It's almost kind of a Hemingway-esque in a way, kind of.


Sebastian: Yeah, yeah, it's very Hemingway-esque, It's very mosquito coast in a way, when you, when you come to think of it, going back to Harrison Ford, you know.


Marc: Yeah, exactly. Sebastian: It is. Sebastian: It is a bit, it is a bit down.


Sebastian: My father wanted to experience something different with his children and, and you know, and then the closeness of the confined nature of living on a sailing boat pushes you to adapt and to and to actually go deeper into a family dynamic.


Sebastian: It's, it's, it's a fascinating, it was a fascinating experience.


Sebastian: How many brothers do you have? Sebastian: Two brothers, so we were three boys on on on the boat And after a couple of years my older brother left.


Sebastian: You know, he had enough and he was I don't think he was, you know, he was that that age where he was like I'm 18, i'm out of here, and my younger brother then, after a few years to couldn't deal with the schooling, the home schooling, and and he was sent to boarding school And basically the last few years I was left, i was by myself with my parents And I enjoyed that, that responsibility of being in charge of the whole sailing boats, of the inner workings and out of workings of the boats.


Sebastian: It really it matured me to an amazing extent.


Sebastian: Yeah, i embraced it. Marc: Is there still something that's part of your life now?


Marc: do you still sail, or do you have a boat, or is it you know?


Marc: is there something you left as a chapter in your youth?


Sebastian: Yeah, yeah, i still actually sail I.


Sebastian: You know, i do the sort of racing, the summer series, marina del Rey.


Sebastian: We do these racing series every every Wednesday is it?


Sebastian: Yeah, every Wednesday we sail on these J109s which are sort of you know sailing boats specifically made for racing.


Sebastian: So that's a fun part of sailing. Sebastian: I personally prefer the.


Sebastian: I would prefer myself to own my boats and be solo navigating.


Sebastian: But you know that's I don't have the time to do that at the moment.


Sebastian: But so I do enjoy the racing.


Sebastian: But I've continued.


Sebastian: Yeah, my younger brother is a captain on adventure cruise ships and my older brother used to build maxi yachts.


Sebastian: He's not in that business anymore, but we've continued sort of sailing when we can.


Sebastian: You know it's. Sebastian: It's difficult when it's difficult to make any plans as an actor, because you never know when your next job is gonna come.


Marc: Yeah, well, you said your father, you, i guess your grandparents were in a foreign service and your father's a corporate guy and your brother's doing.


Marc: But begs the question how did you end up being the thespian of the family?


Marc: is there something that was someone else that you were kind of looking at or you'd like this is just being on the boat?


Marc: you said in reading, and yeah, was just that you had that time to kind of let your imagination just kind of flex and go different places.


Marc: That does that part of what drew you into acting. Sebastian: Yeah, it came before it came.


Sebastian: Very, very early on, i found myself, you know, loving to imitate people and having a fascination for theater and film, as as a kid, and it's something I remember you know very clearly at six years old, around that age, saying, yeah, when I grow up I'm gonna be an actor.


Sebastian: I would love to disguise myself and and create adventures in my head and I thought to myself this is, this is truly what I want to do.


Sebastian: Of course it was. Sebastian: It's, you know, when you're that young it's such a sort of dream-like idea.


Sebastian: And then, you know, then we had that, you know, we had that moment on the boat from 12 to 18, where I was thinking how am I gonna be an actor?


Sebastian: but I remember very well leaving the islands and my parents and going, going back to Europe, basically to pursue my, my craft as an actor.


Sebastian: I truly, you know, i didn't. Sebastian: I didn't do school plays because I was homeschooled.


Sebastian: So, like a lot of people did, but you know, in my imagination, this is what I wanted to do.


Sebastian: I had a fascination for film.


Sebastian: My grandparents gave me this book called Halliwell's film goes companion, which I memorized.


Sebastian: I remember memorizing it and trying to see as many films as I could.


Sebastian: Whenever we we saw our parents or whenever I could get hold of a television, i would basically imprint my brain with any form of film and, and notably my experiences in Tortola, in the Virgin Islands, i would go to the Carrad Cinema, which was the local cinema and an experience.


Sebastian: You know as many movies as I could I remember watching, you know, raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time and many other films there which were really important to my, to my development in wanting to become an actor.


Marc: Yeah, well, that had to be an interesting full circle when you, when you, sat down with Harrison Ford you know just yeah, i think it's.


Marc: Finally. Marc: We're all of that age where you know we're old, we're older guys, but we can like, we're very much like.


Marc: You can't be around, harrison, and not remember that kid that saw that movie, you know like Star Wars, yeah yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's extraordinary.


Marc: Yeah, were you in the UK or are you in France?


Marc: where were you going to school over there? Sebastian: when I was in France, i would go to this international school near Paris called the lycee international you know the international lycee where I was subjected to many, many, many cultures.


Sebastian: There were people from all over the world, from Asia, from Africa, from the US, from Britain, and I was in the British section, so you know, hence my English accent and of course, my.


Sebastian: You know I. Sebastian: We always used to to talk to one another in two languages at home.


Sebastian: So it was, it was a sort of normal occurrence to jump from one language to the other, but I truly had a fascination for my British culture.


Sebastian: I, as a kid, i wanted to be in England, i wanted to be Scottish.


Sebastian: I had a fascination with my Scottish heritage, my tartan, the colors of my family, the.


Sebastian: You know we'd heard histories of my mother's.


Sebastian: A Stuart, you know, comes from that family tradition and I would go to my grandparents and you know they used to have the, the, the family tree, this extraordinary family tree, on in in a frame and I would dream of history.


Sebastian: You know, scott the hot, my Scottish heritage, which dated back to the 11th century.


Sebastian: Actually, yeah, isn't? Marc: that funny to see when you see that and with this, the like the 23 and me and all you know the DNA testing put out there, the I did a little just cursory online research is just the most basic and I could actually track back to to where I had people who were knights in the family and they had a castle in England and that's one side of the family.


Marc: The other side's like Jewish and Eastern Europe.


Marc: You know it's like this is interesting, but then I thought it was cool.


Marc: I told my son's, like you know, there were knights in our family actually is funny that they financed the my Mayflower.


Announcer: I'm like going, i was like how was it? Marc: how random is that to?


Marc: find in and but you're there and in Scotland the castle's family name where you know the, there is a, the castle Stuart or whatever it's a.


Marc: Is it all? Marc: is it just one, or is it usually they have different castles all under the same family name?


Marc: I was wondering about that. Sebastian: I don't. Sebastian: I mean, i actually don't know any of our family castles.


Sebastian: All I know is that you know where my family comes from the Stuart of Appin branch of the, the Stuart clan, which is basically you know, goes all the way to Mary, queen of Scots, to James, the first of you know.


Sebastian: We are extremely distant cousins of the Royal Family, if you know, if you look at our tree.


Sebastian: But what's really fascinating is the, the start, you know.


Sebastian: The first name on the tree is fleance of Lochaber, who was the son of Banquo, banquo being, if you you know, banquo being one of the main characters of the tragedy of Macbeth by Shakespeare.


Sebastian: So it's it's really fascinating that it's this again.


Sebastian: You really brought a full circle. Marc: I brought it full circle again.


Sebastian: It's. Sebastian: It's just fascinating to see the names on the tree Robert the Bruce, charles, edward, stuart of Scotland, you know, bonnie, prince, charlie, and yeah, it's, it's it.


Sebastian: And this continued throughout my life.


Sebastian: As a child, i was fascinated by that whole history and and the British side of my family.


Sebastian: I sort of rejected the French side and I just wanted to be British, which explains why, after I finished my my you know, i went back to France, tried to get into drama school in England was too expensive for me, so went back to France where I went to this wonderful, you know, the best drama school in France though, the National Conservatory of Acting, for three years, which is free, and they give you a scholarship.


Sebastian: Because most of the most of you know, graduate studies in France are free actually, all graduate studies in France are free and but as soon as I graduated, my mind, my heart was in England or somewhere English speaking, and I was gonna move to England and find found myself deciding to go to New York, arrived in New York in 1992 and never left, and here I am was theater and acting.


Marc: Was that the the the initial objective?


Sebastian: I mean, yeah, brothers went into the whole maritime thing, but so it's always been that track it's always been theater and acting and actually when I went to the you know National Drama School, the French National Drama School of Acting, it was all about theater.


Sebastian: Theater was my passion. Sebastian: You know, the, the great Shakespeare, molière, you know this is what I wanted to do Pinter, ibsen, stringberg, classical theater, and yeah, that that was my trajectory.


Sebastian: And of course, you know, if you got into film or TV, that was the icing on the cake because you made more money, of course, doing that.


Sebastian: But that was really the trajectory I really wanted to go then to, to graduate from being in France to going to England.


Sebastian: I'd already found an agent in England.


Sebastian: I was gonna move there and found myself in New York and you know, thought, you know, applied for my, suddenly on a whim, applied for a green card, got it very quickly and auditioned and was instantly welcomed with open arms by the acting community and started working quite a lot.


Sebastian: I'd started work. Sebastian: I'd worked quite a lot already in France on American co-productions with you know TV co-productions that came to France and I'd done quite a bit of television and stage already.


Sebastian: So I had a body of work and and with complete gusto, and you know the arrogance and and that you can have at that age literally called every agent and said hey, i'm here, hi me, or I'll audition for you and I'll get into your agency.


Marc: And that's what I did, and well, that's the reason why I don't know if I would have the energy to get into this business at my age you know, it's like this is something like early 20s.


Marc: You're just pure tenacity and yeah, you know, and you're kind of fearless and you don't really have the other you know, maybe not as politic as yeah would be, as a little bit.


Sebastian: It's so true I when I look back at my that, how fearless I was in those days.


Sebastian: It's, it's staggering how fearless I was.


Sebastian: It just can't believe it. Sebastian: Prior to that, i'd done a movie called Lars the Moheakens.


Sebastian: I'd come to the States before I actually finally settled and came to the States and auditioned for this casting director who knew a casting director, a friend of mine in France.


Sebastian: Next thing, you know, i meet her and she's like okay, come by next week and you'll audition with Michael Mann and Daniel Day-Lewis.


Sebastian: I was like fine, and I came back, auditioned with Daniel and they gave me a little part.


Sebastian: In didn't get the part that I wanted, but they gave me a part and I ended up, you know, six, seven weeks in North Carolina shooting this extraordinary film And that, you know again, sort of pushed me to come back to the US and apply for that green card and stay and you know, be there as a member of the American acting community who really, truly, truly embraced me with open arms.


Marc: You know early on, and I can only go.


Marc: you know from my experience which I it's fun.


Marc: Like I said, my kids are finally at that age where they can watch some of the shows that maybe were a little age inappropriate And they love, they love French.


Marc: but 24 was our, was our jam for a little while.


Marc: I was in that too. Marc: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Marc: Now I'm going to go back and rewatch some of these episodes, yeah, yeah.


Marc: And a couple of months ago I was speaking with Rupert Evans and I was like oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Marc: I just I haven't. Marc: I haven't watched all. Marc: I watched maybe three quarters of one episode of Man in the High Castle And I was like yeah yeah, it's one of those things I got to come back to because I know it's a little bit of an investment of time to when you, when you say what if you know?


Marc: like what if you? Announcer: know that show was done so well.


Announcer: Very, very well. Marc: That your part in it, i think, was a big kind of interesting transition point And it was just where did I'm curious where y'all shot that that film?


Marc: Are that show? Sebastian: So we shot the show in Vancouver Actually, all of it was shot in Vancouver and they were extraordinary.


Sebastian: There was so much minutia applied to this show in terms of production, design and and and wardrobe, wardrobe and design.


Sebastian: It was truly extraordinary. Sebastian: So we shot actually, i mean, you know where I was, which was Hitler's office pretty much was actually in the Air Canada studios in the middle of Vancouver And a lot of it.


Sebastian: you know, my, my house was this beautiful house in a sort of area of Vancouver.


Sebastian: Everything was shot in Vancouver and that was quite reMarcable actually.


Sebastian: that they managed to to do that That show was was really a wonderful experience for me as an actor.


Sebastian: It's sort of I really felt that because of the writing and the quality of the show, my acting took a step further in a new direction that I wanted it to go to.


Marc: And, yeah, is you're playing the father of someone who was in there?


Sebastian: Yes, In their early mid to 20s.


Marc: Was that the first time you kind of took that next step?


Marc: Well, okay, well, now I'm not the that guy, now I'm, i'm, i'm now somebody who's Someone's father.


Marc: Well, you know somebody's somebody's father, but of course you know you were one of the big, big guys and the the Reich, you know.


Announcer: Yeah. Marc: And that you know you were.


Marc: You were kind of a revered, that dynamic.


Marc: I just love that part of the storyline. Marc: I just thought that was such a great turn.


Sebastian: Yeah, it was. Sebastian: It was a wonderful storyline.


Sebastian: It was a really interesting role because at first I didn't know where the story was going to go.


Sebastian: All I knew is that he was a Reichsminister and actually you think he's a certain kind of person at the beginning and you realize towards the end that he's actually the main, he's the puppet master kind of, in a way Antagonist.


Sebastian: He really is the puppet master, yeah. Sebastian: Yeah, that was a very interesting progression for me.


Marc: Yeah, I'm so glad Rupert Evans convinced me. Marc: He's like, yeah, you got to go watch, go go finish watch.


Sebastian: I was like I will, I was like fine, yeah, rupert is Rupert's wonderful in it too.


Sebastian: Yeah, yeah, wonderful, wonderful, a great, i mean.


Sebastian: So such wonderful actors in that show, you know from Rufus Sewell, rupert Evans, joel de la Fuente as Inspector Kido, and so many others and Alexa Davalos the cast was truly, truly wonderful, actually welcomed me also with open arms, and it was a wonderful experience for me.


Marc: I think you've done some just you know very memorable, no matter where you land, very memorable roles.


Marc: But now do you have a preference though? Marc: Do you like film or TV?


Marc: And TV, of course, since the days when you started, has certainly taken on a whole new kind of vibe.


Marc: You know streamers and everything. Marc: Do you have a preference?


Sebastian: I don't actually. Sebastian: For me, you know, i approach a role in exactly the same way, whether I'm on, you know, if we can call that, you know, i don't know how to whether you're on a film or on a TV set, for me I approach it exactly the same way.


Sebastian: Same, i mean I approach it with the same enthusiasm and detail in research And responsibility as an actor and professionalism.


Sebastian: I think that's really, really important. Sebastian: I have as much passion being on a stage as a movie set or a TV set.


Sebastian: And now that TV has reached a sort of level of film because I truly believe that it has in the last five to six years with the advent of streamers, you know money now is poured into television where films can't actually compete because you can't finance certain kinds of movies.


Sebastian: You wouldn't be able to make Man in High Castle as a film anymore financially.


Marc: You know the HBO show Entourage.


Marc: I was kind of rewatching it. Marc: You know Jeremy Piven's character.


Marc: He plays the Ari Goldy agent and they're slamming on TV.


Marc: This is 2008, 2009,. Marc: To slam on TV, he's like no, it's going to kill your career.


Marc: It's so funny how times have changed where Case and Point Harrison Ford you know big marquee movie star TV, you know.


Marc: So there's that fluidity, you know you can go back and forth and nobody cares anymore, which is kind of, you know.


Sebastian: But it has to do with the writing, because you know, now that we're talking about Harrison Ford and him taking on 1923, which is, you know, within the Yellowstone universe you know we have to talk about Taylor Sheridan.


Sebastian: This is someone I've been wanting to work with for so long, you know, of course, when I saw Sicario, i thought to myself who wrote this absolutely brilliant script?


Sebastian: And from that moment on I thought this guy is a writer to follow, you know, and I watched Helen Highwater, i saw Wind River, which he directed, and then I started watching Yellowstone.


Sebastian: I've seen every single episode, every single season.


Sebastian: Then I watched 1883.


Sebastian: And, you know, i think that he attracts these stars because of the excellence of his writing And I really feel that actors respond to his work, because he truly writes incredibly beautifully for actors.


Marc: And it's very unique in the way he builds this.


Marc: Benicio Del Toro's character in Sicario is just like when you don't know how to feel about a character.


Marc: It's like, okay, he's bad, but I really want him to succeed, you know.


Marc: So that's when that conflict happens.


Marc: I think that's masterful writing when you can do that, and great acting, of course, i totally agree.


Sebastian: He manages to take characters that could be of dubious origin or of of, let's say, a criminal character, and he manages to turn it.


Sebastian: He manages to make them human, and that's what I think is incredibly rich in his universe.


Sebastian: That's why Yellowstone is such a success. Sebastian: Some people label it as a conservative show, but it couldn't be more away from the truth.


Sebastian: When you see the subjects this is someone who's writing about the Native American experience In 1923 takes it to a whole new level.


Sebastian: We're going to see some subjects that are very important and that need to be told.


Sebastian: I am part of that subject.


Sebastian: Actually, i play one of the most disturbing characters I've ever played.


Sebastian: That brings joy to me.


Marc: Any time I speak with somebody and they're going to be the disturbing.


Marc: Going back to the man on the high castles, i'm Jewish and I'm rooting for some of the nuts because you want them to have that redeeming moment.


Marc: It's funny you mentioned Taylor Sheridan because I was speaking with La Monaca Garada with his film on 1883.


Sebastian: It was wonderful on 1883.


Marc: I told him I want to see a prequel of just you and Sam Elliott.


Marc: I want to see how you all got together. Marc: I was watching it with my son and I just loved that show.


Marc: When I was announced I was like what is this going to be?


Marc: I'm kind of doing the math and I'm trying to cast it in my head who's going to be doing what?


Marc: To have a writer create all that?


Sebastian: Just the fact that Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren boarded that show.


Sebastian: You should see the array of character actors that are on it.


Sebastian: We're talking about Timothy Dalton, james Badgedale, brian Garrity, mali Shelton and these wonderful new actors coming up Amin Anieves and Michelle Randolph, and Darren Mann and Brandon Sklenar.


Sebastian: And all these actors who the universe is beyond anything.


Sebastian: I read on a page. Sebastian: When I got the scripts I could not put them down.


Sebastian: It's one of the first times where I basically was begging to get the new episodes.


Sebastian: I'm telling you, this is a cross between and I saw the first episode and I was blown away.


Sebastian: I thought to myself yes, this is exactly what I envisioned.


Sebastian: People are not prepared for the scope and the epic proportion.


Sebastian: It's not because I'm in it. Sebastian: It's an incredible show.


Sebastian: It really is. Sebastian: It's as if you're going to be swept up in a sort of it's out of Africa meets legends of the fall meets Yellowstone.


Sebastian: It's really. Sebastian: Yeah, i thought I was reading Hemingway.


Sebastian: I thought I was reading Snows of Kilimanjaro.


Sebastian: For Whom the Bell Tolls, the Sun Also Rises.


Sebastian: All mixed together. Sebastian: It was reMarcable.


Marc: It's a little more, or it's 1883, this is not meaning to dimension at all, but it's not one specific journey.


Marc: It seems like there's more of an epic, kind of like a.


Marc: There's a lot of angles to it. Marc: Like you mentioned, James Badgerdale, he's one of those guys I always love seeing show up.


Marc: Everything he's done, he's knocking it out of the park. Marc: These, like yourself, it's like they're people.


Marc: I, as a consumer of entertainment, I love seeing show up.


Announcer: Certainly one of those gentlemen, thank you. Marc: One of my favorite interactions you've done is you and Ryan Reynolds.


Marc: It was six underground, i think. Sebastian: Oh yes, yeah, y'all across the desk from each other.


Sebastian: Yeah, it was actually a short interaction, but it was really good.


Marc: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was wonderful That dialogue that y'all had is.


Marc: you know he would be a guy to have a hard time not breaking you know, laughing with.


Marc: Now, kay, you moved to the US. Marc: You're in LA, yeah, so just purely for work, where you're like, okay, this is where I need to be, the on-camera things taken off, i'm going to go and be here.


Marc: Let's say I was supposed to New York. Marc: You just want to kind of flavor taste all the flavor of the different big media Marcets in the US.


Sebastian: Yeah, i think it was also more than that.


Sebastian: It was more of a time in my life when I needed.


Sebastian: I was in a period of transition due to, you know, different personal things happening in my life Where, you know, I'd moved upstate New York, i'd built, i'd renovated this house for five years, my marriage was ending All these, i got a show in LA.


Sebastian: All these factors happened at the same time and I felt I needed transition, i needed something new.


Sebastian: And in 2006, i was offered a job on a show and I put my house for sale and it went very well.


Sebastian: And then suddenly I thought to myself now is the time for me to change.


Sebastian: I've spent 15 years in New York, i've done all I needed to do in New York And, yes, i felt that there was new opportunity.


Sebastian: That was, you know, a new energy. Sebastian: Actually, more than opportunity, it was all about energy.


Sebastian: Something in the air told me that I needed to go west.


Sebastian: You know, as one of these immigrants who was moving west, i was also moving west to seek new opportunity.


Sebastian: It was, and my instinct was 100% right.


Sebastian: I moved here, i bought a new house, a new environment, which was really vital for me to have a new home.


Marc: Now did you land in Venice originally, or did you find your way there over the years?


Sebastian: Over the years I'd house sat for people and been to Venice many times and I thought to myself this is the closest that I can reproduce.


Sebastian: It felt like the New York of LA for me as close as I could anyway, And also the geographical location.


Sebastian: The air was a little purer, it was closer to the sea.


Sebastian: It just appealed to me and also luck would have it that a friend of mine was in real estate and brought me to this house.


Sebastian: And it's as if the house chose me and I put a bit on the house, got it instantly, before it was on the Marcet and, having sold my house well previously, I managed to make a bid, got the house and this was going to become my universe.


Sebastian: It's as if everything happened perfectly at the same time.


Sebastian: And I've been here since, you know, and I've actually borne the fruits of being here, of following my bliss, following my instinct, and it really led me to bettering my career, bettering my life, meeting my future wife here and being in a good place at the moment.


Sebastian: Well do you have any kids? Sebastian: We don't have kids, no, you have any pets though.


Sebastian: We have a dog that we love very much, Yeah, that we absolutely adore, And we decided, yeah, we haven't actually brought up the idea of kids yet.


Sebastian: Yeah, it's something that has not been.


Sebastian: you know, to go into a personal mind. Sebastian: Yeah, it's something that I haven't.


Sebastian: what's the word that I could say? Sebastian: Yeah, we haven't talked about it yet.


Sebastian: It could happen, but it hasn't. Marc: Well then I will tell you they're not a cheap investment.


Marc: No, i'm just kidding. Sebastian: I know in America that is yeah, because in Europe everything's free but, in America it's expensive.


Marc: yeah, yeah one of the things I loved living in Southern California was I had a golden retriever.


Marc: I haven't one now, but his predecessor and I would spend much time on the beach, which I have enjoyed.


Sebastian: Yes, we love to do that, yeah. Marc: Now kind of moving forward.


Marc: Okay, there's one show I need to watch is the Vampire Diaries.


Marc: You did a little swing on that. Marc: And now all my daughter's little teenage friends.


Marc: They're picking up on it. Marc: Now, you know and I'm sure Ian Somerhalder has nothing to do with it He's all these teenage girls.


Marc: You know, i look at that and I look at another.


Marc: There's a couple of things you've done. Marc: I haven't seen the young pope.


Marc: I still want to see that. Marc: Yeah, that's a very interesting show.


Marc: But you've had a great eclectic mix of stuff you've done.


Marc: The question is, is that an active choice, or are you always looking for something that's?


Announcer: going to be. Marc: I want to say a challenge, but something you haven't done before.


Marc: Or is it just luck of the draw? Sebastian: I think it was luck of the draw.


Sebastian: Then, you know, i decided to come to LA.


Sebastian: There was a period where I was on this other show and then I yes, at the same time, you know, came Fringe, supernatural, the Vampire Diaries and the spin-off of the Vampire Diaries, the original, so nearly at the same time all these shows sort of converged into my life And it was the luck of the draw, really.


Sebastian: I was shooting Fringe, i remember, and someone said you have to audition for Supernatural And I was like I auditioned for them many times and they were like go got the parts.


Sebastian: Little did I know that Supernatural has an enormous fan base which would create, you know, fan bases are very important for the continuation of your career.


Sebastian: And then, while I was doing Supernatural, i auditioned for Vampire Diaries and that which led to a truly amazing role.


Sebastian: Actually, on the Vampire Diaries I played this thousand-year-old vampire whose only desire was revenge And he was an extremely complex character, motivated by revenge because he'd been betrayed by his family, and then which brought on the role of the originals, the same character which was then transferred to a spin-off And I could continue exploring that character's complexities in the future, which actually created an even bigger fan base because you know, at the end of the day it's the viewers that determine your success in a way, if one can say so.


Sebastian: And from that came on, you know, i chose a certain path in my life.


Sebastian: I really wanted to start then approaching complex characters in truly quality.


Sebastian: You know, it was the beginning of streaming and I remember watching Man in High Castle, thinking I want to be on that show and kind of willed it.


Marc: I willed myself onto that show That's very cool, so you're watching it before you were ever even discussed being on it?


Sebastian: Yes, absolutely, and then kind of willed myself onto that show.


Sebastian: The same thing kind of happened for 1923.


Sebastian: I truly, truly loved the Taylor Sheridan universe.


Sebastian: I truly admired that man and really wanted to work with him and kind of willed myself on the show as well.


Sebastian: And suddenly something came out of the ether and I turned down a lot of work because I wanted to wait for the perfect opportunity.


Sebastian: And then suddenly 1923 came knocking on my door and what a wonderful universe, you know.


Sebastian: I'm truly proud of the work that I did on this.


Sebastian: It takes place in Montana, it shoots in Montana, we shoot in Butte and around Butte And actually it was my first time discovering the magnificent I've always wanted to go there, but I don't know how I would handle winters there.


Marc: I don't know about the southern guy. Sebastian: Oh my goodness. Sebastian: Yeah, the winter is pretty brutal.


Sebastian: I was just there, i just finished shooting, actually a few days ago, and the winters there are brutal but staggeringly beautiful, as is the summer and the fall.


Sebastian: I was really really taken by this.


Sebastian: You know, there's something truly magical about that state, you know, and then when you're riding horses there and you're driving and hiking in these extraordinary landscapes, you know it makes you fall in love again with the staggering beauty of this country.


Marc: Really, Yeah, i think there's so many places that I've yet to see that.


Marc: I think you know and you see in pictures and I've got a screensaver on my computer that pops up.


Marc: I'm like I want to go, i can drive there technically, you know.


Marc: So when you got to 1923, was that a?


Marc: was it an kind of an extensive process of you know, because sometimes some things like hey, you want to do it, great, you're on, you know, other times there's No this time I had to, you know, audition.


Sebastian: I auditioned for another character that I really wanted, didn't get it, And then the casting director who's a wonderful casting director who always does quality work, John Tapsadera, thought you know, I think you would be, this character would fit you more, And I auditioned for the role of this character called Father Henry Reneau, who is the head of a residential school for Native American, you know, for Indian Americans, and a very polarizing, unsavory character, one might say.


Sebastian: Very, very challenging. Marc: Yeah, the members of the cloth back then were notorious for even, like in Hawaii, for trying to dissolve the cultural underpinning of, you know, the whole society, you know the.


Sebastian: I think the members of the cloth have been doing that for centuries, i think, all over the world.


Sebastian: You know the colonizing aspect of the church is actually one of the most terrifying aspects of the church.


Sebastian: You know something that I've always actually fought against and been hugely critical of you, and I have to look at Africa and South America But what happened in you know, with these residential schools is something that needs to be talked about And it is talked about in a most profound way in this series and I think it's going to be very polarizing, very important After you know hearing and very newsworthy after hearing of the Canadian you know residential school horrors which mirror the horrors that happened in US residential schools by the Catholic church Oh yeah, you hear about that or the Calvinist missionaries in Hawaii and how they just like they wouldn't allow native language native tongue to be.


Marc: You've talked about a whole culture that has an oral tradition.


Marc: they don't necessarily write everything down, so you know, but now did you Have you had Yeah, you know, i have to say my, i don't see older lady, mature lady a crush.


Marc: I got a crush on Helen Mirren. Marc: I think I remember watching her for years and just thinking what a cool woman.


Marc: And one of my favorite quotes, she said, was that My God, i forgot where I saw this quote.


Marc: And they said in your whole life, what's one lesson you can pass along?


Marc: She said I should have told more people to fuck off. Announcer: I was like, okay, that's like.


Marc: I'm like. Announcer: I adore this woman. Announcer: That's wonderful.


Marc: Did you have screen time with Harrison Ford and or Helen Mirren?


Sebastian: So unfortunately not yet. Sebastian: But you know we're going for a second season and I suspect that I will.


Sebastian: But just being around them on set, you know, i would actually go to set to watch them, because these are two people that I admire beyond.


Sebastian: You know, i have unbelievable respect for both of them as actors, as artists, and I follow their careers, of course, for such a long time.


Marc: Well, doesn't Harrison Ford live in Montana or Wyoming?


Marc: Does he live? Sebastian: He's in Wyoming, i think He's in the Tetons Jackson Hole, i think Yeah, but you know.


Sebastian: So I followed these two actors for a long time and admired them for a long time and, you know, upon meeting them, was not disappointed by, first of all, the unbelievable passion that they have both for their craft and how approachable and how wonderful they both are.


Sebastian: You know, towards young actors I mean young, i'm not a young actor anymore, but younger actors and so approachable, so professional.


Sebastian: So What I love is the passion is still there.


Sebastian: You know, they've reached the firmament of acting, of what they could, you know, see as a career, and they continue being passionate and loving and generous towards, you know, their peers and there's nothing like it.


Sebastian: You know we were all discussing among ourselves, all us character actors with badge, and you know Brian Garrity and everyone on set, you know Tim DeKay, we're all going, we're pinching ourselves.


Sebastian: We are so happy to be here in this, in this.


Marc: I'm envious, i'm like in this universe. Marc: People of our age looking at like it's Harrison Ford and like the Star Wars and Indiana Jones and all that you know.


Sebastian: And witness. Sebastian: you know, let's not forget witness Mosquito Coast, blade Runner.


Sebastian: This man has a body of work that is so extraordinary.


Sebastian: I know that he's been in some of the most successful movies of all time, but, and actually his incarnations of Indiana Jones and Han Solo, i mean are indelible, i will admit everybody who looks at Mosquito Coast as being the one that should have gotten him an Academy Award, but I admittedly it's one of those ones.


Marc: I loved witness, but I've never seen Mosquito Coast.


Marc: I don't know why, it's just never ReMarcable.


Marc: There are films and TV shows out there that I'm thinking well, I haven't seen it yet.


Announcer: It can be new for me, you know. Marc: So you know, I think that's gonna be a wonderful experience to watch and I'm envious that you get a second season being able to do it here.


Marc: So, yes, but I'm so excited.


Marc: Well, before we wrap up, i always kind of throw out what I call my seven questions.


Marc: Just, it's a little bit of final extra. Marc: Get to know.


Marc: Yeah, of course. Marc: Yeah, i'm a food guy. Marc: If anybody listens to this show.


Marc: I talk about food all the time, Me too. Sebastian: Me too Love, love cooking.


Marc: So one of the questions I got for is what's your favorite comfort food?


Marc: That thing that you could have had the best day in the world, or maybe just a crummy day and it's just something you land on to go?


Marc: it just soothes the soul, it's really interesting.


Sebastian: I mean lately, because you know, i'm truly passionate about Korean cooking.


Sebastian: I absolutely love soup, the Korean soup called Sundubu, which is a soft tofu soup which is made with this extraordinary spice called Kochi-Jung, and I actually learned to make it because I Really, yes, yeah, yeah, i love cooking.


Sebastian: So you know, of course, being raised in France and you know, having explored Italy, and I speak Italian and Spanish as well, and so I'm truly passionate about cooking, and but in terms of comfort food, i would say Sundubu or an amazing arrabbiata spaghetti.


Sebastian: Arrabbiata pasta is always something that's a comfort food.


Sebastian: Yeah, i mean, these would be my go-tos, i think.


Marc: Now I haven't had lunch yet. Marc: I'm sitting there and I'm like God that sounds so good.


Sebastian: The extent of my Korean cooking is Kochi-Jung just like throwing it in.


Sebastian: Oh yes, kochi-jung. Sebastian: That's about as far as I can get. Sebastian: Kochi-Jung is amazing.


Marc: It. Marc: Indeed, i've got my, turned my kids on to it, and now they're all about it.


Marc: But now, if you're gonna sit down with three people, you're gonna have four of y'all are gonna have a conversation, just talk story for a couple of hours.


Marc: Who would those people be in your mind? Marc: You know, living or not?


Marc: somebody you would love to sit down and just chat with and glean wisdom from?


Sebastian: Oh, my goodness, that's such a difficult story.


Sebastian: I mean, for me they would be writers you know, or I mean you know one of my great heroes, lawrence Olivier, ernest Hemingway, because when I was a kid, on the boat I read Hemingway extensively And I would have to say, even you know Arturainbo, charles Baudelaire, victor Hugo.


Sebastian: some of those great writers, i mean, there are so many to you know, there are so many to talk about.


Marc: Well, the ones that fired off your imagination. Marc: As a kid, you know that probably is like the.


Marc: I think that would be wonderful. Announcer: I never.


Marc: I should have read more as a kid. Marc: I don't know why I didn't I should have.


Sebastian: Now I'm kind of catching up on things I should read you know, The one who fired off my imagination that most also was Alexandre Dumas, who wrote The Three Musketeers.


Sebastian: But the book that truly fascinated me as a kid was The Count of Monte Cristo.


Sebastian: I read it on the boat and it was just the most extraordinary book for me.


Sebastian: It opened my mind to much more literature.


Sebastian: yeah. Marc: Well, very good, very good, We'll take. Marc: I'm curious.


Marc: next question Who was your first celebrity crush when you were a kid?


Sebastian: Do you know what's funny? Sebastian: My first celebrity crush is when I went to see Live and Let Die with Roger Moore, james Bond, jane Seymour, oh my, yeah, jane Seymour, my God, she was my first celebrity crush.


Sebastian: She was that Bond girl and, yes, i remember it.


Marc: I will say Roger Moore is. Sebastian: He was my Bond growing up but he was my favorite Bond, no, no.


Marc: But you know, there's, you know, i don't know, i'm Daniel Craig and a.


Marc: Yeah, daniel Craig. Marc: Oh, your fellow Scott, what?


Sebastian: I'm drawing the original Cassino Royale.


Sebastian: Cassino Royale. Marc: Oh no no, the original actor.


Marc: He's the original actor, Sean Connery yeah, yeah, sean Connery, absolutely.


Marc: I'll tell you, sean Connery and Daniel Craig were both my.


Marc: I got bookings. Marc: Those are my favorites so far Absolutely.


Marc: Now if you're gonna go live on an island which you have had experience living somewhere tropical and you don't have streaming or anything, which I think for kids, i think it'd be a good thing to do.


Marc: Go to an island that's beautiful, no streaming, you know?


Marc: Yeah, so you have to bring an album and you have to bring be it on Final or CD or DVD a movie, and that's for a whole year You're gonna be there and that's something you can keep going back to.


Marc: What would the movie be And what would the album be that you would bring with you to this wonderfully exotic, awesome place?


Sebastian: Do you know? Sebastian: there's a movie I keep going back to and I don't know why I go back to it all the time, but I do know why.


Sebastian: I absolutely adore North by Northwest by Hitchcock.


Marc: Oh, okay, a character, that's the guy. Sebastian: It's one of my go-to movies.


Sebastian: With Raiders of the Lost Ark A music-wise that's so hard, but I think I would go for Concerto Number 21 by Mozart, the Concerto for Piano.


Sebastian: It has a special significance for me because it reminds me of my father, but it also is something I grew up with on the boat.


Sebastian: I would play it very often and there's a very famous theme, the Elvira Madigan theme, based on this beautiful movie by a Swedish filmmaker.


Sebastian: But it's the Concerto Number 21 that I would never get tired of.


Sebastian: I know that I could go into Miles Davis because Kinda Bluetooth is something that I think is a kind of a modern Mozart and Bach.


Marc: It's more or less things you can listen to while reading, I guess.


Announcer: Yeah, yeah yeah. Marc: So if you were to say, from the time you get up to the time you go to bed, what would be the component parts of a perfect day for you?


Marc: Something that really it's just kind of like this is ideal, what would that be?


Sebastian: Well, getting up, first of all, perfect day. Sebastian: I love making my cup of tea.


Sebastian: I take great pride in having the best loose tea because I think making tea is an art form.


Sebastian: It's a very as I love food, making my tea with my special blend of Earl Grey and Lapsang Sushong, mixed perfectly together.


Marc: Oh, so you actually take the loose leaf and you mix it to kind of make your own per pride too.


Marc: I was actually thinking about doing that. Marc: I'm trying to find one of those little diffuser balls I'm gonna have to go online to get one of those.


Sebastian: No, no, i never use a diffuser ball. Sebastian: No, no, for me it has to be in a teapot.


Sebastian: It has to have that perfect mix, that perfect, it has to steep for the perfect amount of time and that's the perfect cup of tea.


Sebastian: Then it would be actually being on an island going for a swim in the sea.


Sebastian: That would be. Sebastian: Then it would be sitting down writing, because I'm really passionate about writing lately and I've written a few things that I hope they will get to fruition.


Marc: Any screenplays or more like more novels.


Sebastian: Screenplays, screenplays, yes, screenplays, screenplays.


Sebastian: And then spending time with my wife is always the most wonderful time, and the perfect day also would be hopping on a horse riding for a few hours, then rock climbing, because I'm a huge, truly passionate about rock climbing and, yes, i love it.


Sebastian: I mean, any physical exertion. Marc: for me is Like rock climbing with the ropes where you're dangling I get nervous watching people do it.


Marc: I don't know why. Marc: There's some things I'm like I can fly an airplane but it's like rock climbing?


Marc: no, not gonna do it, Don't know why, but Yeah, yeah, no, no, it's something I really love.


Sebastian: It's. Sebastian: I love the challenge of it. Sebastian: I discovered this 15 years ago and fell madly in love with it and continue doing it.


Sebastian: It's very hard on the body and it's hard, but it truly is an exercise of the mind.


Sebastian: And then, finishing by great me making dinner, cooking because I love cooking, i find unbelievable pleasure in cooking.


Sebastian: It's my sort of, it's my calming, it's my yogic experience, let's say I'm the same way I order.


Marc: There's a place called Spice House. Marc: I don't know if I'm trying to give them an ad, but it's online spice thing.


Marc: Yeah, yeah. Marc: When I look at how much I spent, like my last order, i'm like going you know herbs and spices and it's things I haven't tried yet and I've got all the little magnetic tens upon this on my well you know, in my youngest daughter gets them making spice blends with me.


Sebastian: I'm like it is for some people it's a task for me it's almost therapeutic to a degree.


Marc: cooking and It really. Sebastian: That's exactly that's the word I was looking for.


Sebastian: It's therapeutic And actually spices are so important.


Sebastian: I've just discovered this wonderful Arab company where they have this Mediterranean spice and this and Zatar.


Sebastian: You find it and that is really.


Sebastian: It's a blend of many, many Mediterranean spices that I absolutely love.


Marc: I did something I took the other day I made.


Marc: I'm a native Texan originally, so I made my guacamole, but instead of just chili powder, i think berbere, berbere, i think, is how you say it.


Marc: It's a Middle Eastern spice. Announcer: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Marc: I mean tell ya it did something I'm like.


Marc: I feel like, ooh, wait a minute, this is something maybe you'd have in a restaurant.


Marc: I'm so proud of myself because I just tried something out it's like this had something kind of like that thing.


Marc: Like I don't know what it is, but next time you ever make guacamole, toss a little in there.


Marc: Oh yeah, i'll try the berbere. Marc: Now the last couple questions for ya.


Marc: If you weren't doing this for a living, what would be your vocation if you weren't the thespian that you are?


Sebastian: Anything to do with music. Sebastian: I think you know piano, guitar.


Sebastian: I would really love to be. Sebastian: I'd still like to be in the performing arts, you know.


Sebastian: Yeah, because music has a great place in my life.


Sebastian: I don't really play. Sebastian: I play guitar badly.


Sebastian: I don't play the piano. Sebastian: My wife does. Sebastian: She's a really musical person.


Sebastian: But yeah, they would truly be in music.


Marc: Now the last question if you were to jump in a DeLorean and cruise back to when you're 16 years old, what would be that one piece of advice you'd give yourself to either kinda like make that moment of your life maybe better, or maybe put you on a little bit different track, or put your mind to these, anything.


Marc: What would be your piece of advice to 16 year old Sebastian?


Sebastian: I might have to basically replicate Helen Mirren's thing.


Sebastian: Maybe I should have told more people to fuck off, but I think that yeah, and I think actually it comes from the fact you know.


Sebastian: Believe in yourself more. Sebastian: That's what I would have said.


Sebastian: Believe in yourself, it gets better. Sebastian: Believe in yourself, have confidence, you know, and never shy away from something you're afraid of.


Sebastian: Make you know, make yourself you know.


Sebastian: As we say in French, fitois violences, make yourself violence, meaning that don't be afraid, do never be afraid, you said, make yourself violent you said, violence make yourself violence.


Sebastian: You have se faire violence means to, you know.


Sebastian: Basically pick yourself up from the scruff of your neck and just go for it anytime there's an opportunity.


Marc: How do you say that in French one more time, because I'm gonna have to memorize this now.


Marc: How do you say it? Sebastian: It means se faire violence.


Marc: You know, i've heard so many different incarnations of that from different folks I've spoken with that.


Marc: It's just like just do it or don't be. Marc: You know, don't wait for permission, and things like that, you know it's.


Marc: It's like don't you just wish you knew than what you know now? Sebastian: you know When it comes to Exactly yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, some people are born confident and you're some aunt and they build it through their lives and they attain, you know, the experience to become, you know, confident people.


Sebastian: But you know, yeah, when you're young you really need to never be afraid, just go for it.


Sebastian: It's true, do yourself violence in a good way.


Sebastian: I mean that positively. Sebastian: Sorry, i cut you off.


Marc: Yeah, no, that makes, that makes all the sense in the world.


Marc: I think you know, especially when you know you, you know you feel like, well, i gotta live by others' expectations.


Marc: It's like, oh, this is this is your, this is your spin at the game.


Marc: You know, but no, well, one last question being in LA and you being a food guy, have you eaten at Harrison Ford's son's restaurant, bonnie Chance?


Sebastian: I think I went once to was it. Sebastian: is it called Ford's Filling station?


Sebastian: I think? Marc: Filling station. Marc: I think it's Ford's. Sebastian: Yeah, but it's not really my kind of food because I'm not a huge, i think it's.


Sebastian: There are a lot of emphasis on meat, right, if I'm not mistaken.


Sebastian: So I'm not a huge meat eater.


Sebastian: I mean I will.


Sebastian: Sometimes I'm not much.


Sebastian: No, i don't really eat that much red meat anymore.


Sebastian: So but, I, i I yeah, yeah, i'm more into you know, but I still, i'm still sort of, you know, i'm not really a vegetarian.


Sebastian: I still eat fish and chicken and and, but I, you know, i'm more vegetable inclined.


Marc: Now let's say I must. Marc: I most certainly need to be, and that's where my cooking skills gotta, you know.


Announcer: Take a turn. Marc: I can grab an economy, do something with it, but I need to be getting more of those vegetables but, i, so appreciate you taking time out with me today.


Sebastian: It was a pleasure. Marc: I'm elated to see 1923, just because, as you mentioned, it is not just because you do have Harrison Ford, helen Mirren, but it is this collection of really great character actors yourself and James Badgedale and the people that you love seeing show up are all I mean it's a kind of a murderous row of the people you want to see.


Marc: Absolutely. Marc: I I'm so jazzed to see 1923.


Sebastian: But have a wonderful one. Sebastian: Thank you so much, Marc. Sebastian: It was a real pleasure talking to you.


Sebastian: I love these kind of these kind of interviews and it was an absolute pleasure talking to you.


Sebastian: You have a great voice, by the way. Sebastian: Oh, thank you, You got my brand.


Sebastian: I just swapped out microphones. Marc: You're the first person to talk to with this new microphone here, so so maybe it's doing something good.


Marc: Who knows about that? Marc: But yeah, definitely I will be making a stop through Venice.


Marc: My daughter wants to come see it. Marc: We'll be there in a couple of days, so we're going to be walking around trying to find good places to eat, so, but you have yourself a wonderful one Anytime.


Marc: Thank you so much, Marc. Marc: Take care. Marc: All right, there you go.


Marc: Sebastian Roche. Marc: Really enjoy the opportunity to sit down and have a chat with him.


Marc: And, of course, 1923 is available right now on Paramount Plus.


Marc: Check it out. Marc: Really enjoy the show.


Marc: And don't forget, check out Story and Craft Podcom Everything you could possibly want to know about the show.


Marc: Make sure to follow and, of course, like the show, no matter what podcast app you use.


Marc: That way, every episode that comes out, you'll get a little notification to listen.


Marc: All right, that's it. Marc: I'm going to head on out, grab a bite to eat and you have an amazing rest of your day.


Marc: And don't forget, next week let's get back together Again for another episode of Story and Craft.


Announcer: That's it for this episode of Story and Craft.


Announcer: Join Marc next week for more conversation right here on Story and Craft.


Announcer: Story and Craft is a presentation of Marc Preston Productions LLC.


Announcer: Executive producer is Marc Preston.


Announcer: Associate producer is Zachary Holden.


Announcer: Please rate and review Story and Craft on Apple podcasts.


Announcer: Don't forget to subscribe to the show on Apple podcasts, stitcher, spotify or your favorite podcast app.


Announcer: You can subscribe to show updates and stay in the know.


Announcer: Just head to StoryAndCraftPod.com and sign up for the newsletter.


Announcer: I'm Emma Dillon. Announcer: See you next time And remember, keep telling your story.

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