It’s easy to say you trust God. But when things go wrong, and your child gets a scary diagnosis or your business goes under, it’s hard to see how that fits into God’s plan. Pastor J.D. is tackling those doubts as he continues our overview of th
Our culture tells us that the key to happiness is finding your soul mate. But then, when marriage gets hard, we start looking for something else to fill us up, like a career, children, or a hobby. But it never really satisfies! Pastor J.D. is p
The movies often make it seem like romance is the answer to all of our problems. Guy kisses girl, and they live happily ever after. But we all know that real life doesn’t work that way! No matter how happy your relationship might be, it’s not a
When you picture “the good life,” what comes to mind? Financial security? A happy marriage? A successful career? None of those things are wrong on their own. But Pastor J.D. explains that they will never truly bring you satisfaction. We’re disc
What do you do when the thing you’ve been dreaming about doesn’t fulfill you like you thought it would? Pastor J.D. addresses that question as he continues our series called, The Whole Story.
Noah’s Ark is one of the most popular stories in the Bible. It’s an especially big hit with kids. In fact, you’ve probably seen picture books and nursery décor with the animals going up two-by-two into the boat. But when you look at the actual
If you asked a few people to name their favorite aspect of God’s character, you’d probably hear things like, “his love” or “his grace.” His wrath usually won’t be at the top of the list! But Pastor J.D. explains that God’s wrath isn’t something
It doesn’t take more than about ten minutes of listening to the news to know that our world is pretty messed up. Between wars, hate crimes, and mass shootings, it can all seem pretty overwhelming! But how did things get this way, and is there a
Most people like to think of themselves as a “pretty good person.” But Pastor J.D. is challenging that notion as he continues our study in Genesis. He’s showing that, if we’re honest with ourselves, we know we’re not as good as we should be. So
If you grew up in the Western world, you’re probably familiar with the Genesis account of creation. But why did this story get included in the Bible? Is it just for the sake of our curiosity, so we know where we came from? Pastor J.D. explains
Almost every culture and every religion has their own creation story—their idea of how everything started. And that story says a lot about how the people in that culture view themselves. Well, Pastor J.D. is unpacking the true story of creation
When you pick up a Bible, you’re actually holding sixty-six books, written by more than thirty authors over a span of thousands of years. And yet, it all tells one story! And that’s the subject of our series titled, The Whole Story. We’re going
What kind of memories do you have of your dad? Maybe he was a good father or, maybe your relationship has been strained. Pastor J.D. explains that no matter what our relationships with our earthly dads look like, we all have some sort of childh
As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, Foretold, we’re looking at some Old Testament prophesies in the book of Isaiah. As we study the reign of Ahaz, King of Jerusalem, we’ll learn more about Ahaz’s reign, and an event that pointed to the
Around Christmas time, we hear and see the words—For to us a child is born everywhere. And we know the verse is talking about Jesus. But for most of us, that’s all we know about it. Join us as Pastor J.D. dives into the context behind this fam
As a kid, you probably believed a lot of stories about the Christmas season that you later learned were a bit exaggerated or made up entirely. So, is the story of Jesus’ birth just another story? Pastor J.D. addresses that question on Summit Li
In Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman, we are supposed to hear him speaking words of life to us and learning more about who he is. In this message, Pastor J.D. shows how we are all like the Samaritan woman—searching for something that
In this special Christmas message from John 4, Pastor J.D. Greear walks us through a story that demonstrates the beauty of the incarnate Christ, whose coming we celebrate during this Christmas season.
Jesus could have come to earth as the lion, but instead he came as the lamb who conquered death and now offers salvation to anyone who humbly receives it. Pastor J.D. continues to look at our response to who Jesus is by walking through the thir
In his incarnation, Jesus personified God’s defining characteristics of grace and truth. Yet religion often espouses one without the other, to the point of condemnation and exclusion. In this message, Pastor J.D. continues to walk through Jesus
In his incarnation, Jesus personified God’s defining characteristics of grace and truth. Yet religion often espouses one without the other, to the point of condemnation and exclusion. In this message, Pastor J.D. continues to walk through Jesus
In this message from the Gospel of John, Pastor J.D. takes us through what we can think of as Jesus’ resume, to better understand who Jesus was and is. With so many misconceptions of Jesus prevalent in today’s world, this is a task that is imme
Jesus said that money is the top competitor in our hearts for God, and what we do with our money reveals who is really the Lord of our lives. In this message, Pastor J.D. concludes a series on opening our hands with our time, talent, and treasu
In today’s teaching from the Gospel of Luke, Pastor J.D. leads us through what is likely a familiar story for many—the story of a tax collector named Zacchaeus whose life was forever changed by a glimpse of Jesus. This man who was despised by m
We may recognize the time, treasure, and talents God has given us, but have we asked God for his purpose in giving them to us? Pastor J.D. continues to teach in this message about investing our lives in God’s kingdom by sharing what keeps so ma