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Swede As - The Podcast

Swede As - The Podcast

Swede As - The Podcast

A Comedy podcast

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Swede As - The Podcast

Swede As - The Podcast

Swede As - The Podcast

Swede As - The Podcast

Swede As - The Podcast

Swede As - The Podcast

A Comedy podcast
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‘Swede As - The Podcast’ is an entertaining comedy podcast comprised of two boisterous Australians (Sheona Urquhart Smångs and Tania Doko) with a brave Swede (Brian Modin) caught in the middle, defending this wonderfully strange country.

'Swede As - The Podcast' a light-hearted take on all the wonderful quirks that come with moving to Sweden, the fun differences between the two countries and what life is like living closer to the North Pole.

Whether you're Swedish or an expat surviving in Sverige, this funny Swedish podcast is bound to give you a little giggle. Our love for Sweden is as big as Sweden's love for pickled herring. Don't forget to remove your shoes at the door before listening!!

'Swede As - The Podcast' är en rolig podcast om att bo i sverige som invandrare. Podcasten är på engelska. Vi hoppas att det får svenska människor att skratta av hur deras land ses av dem som väljer att bo här.

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Podcast Details

Created by
Swede As - The Podcast
Podcast Status
Jan 24th, 2018
Latest Episode
Dec 28th, 2020
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
31 minutes

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