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Mathew Dragatsis: The New Way to Scan and Search Legal Documents

Mathew Dragatsis: The New Way to Scan and Search Legal Documents

Released Tuesday, 18th January 2022
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Mathew Dragatsis: The New Way to Scan and Search Legal Documents

Mathew Dragatsis: The New Way to Scan and Search Legal Documents

Mathew Dragatsis: The New Way to Scan and Search Legal Documents

Mathew Dragatsis: The New Way to Scan and Search Legal Documents

Tuesday, 18th January 2022
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  • The most difficult part in file retrieval(1:17)
  • Eliminating the problem of indexing (8:46)
  • Evolving with technology and maintaining client relationships (15:47)
  • Future quality of life features(23:52)


“If you’re not evolving exponentially with the technology that comes out, you’re gonna fall behind or you’re not gonna be able to capitalize on opportunities that are  really out there for you.” - Mathew Dragatsis


Mathew Dragatsis

Website: www.scansearch.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mathew-dragatsis-b218883/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScanSearchDAM

Twitter: https://twitter.com/scansearch


Mathew Dragatsis, Scan Search 

Document Imaging

Mathew Dragatsis has been the Founder of Radiant Solutions Corporation and CEO of their new product, Scan Search. He has almost 30 years of experience in document imaging and has served many different kinds of organizations with their document imaging, management, and retrieval needs. 





Have comments, questions, or concerns? Contact us at [email protected]


Episode Transcript:

Ron Bockstahler  0:29  

Welcome to the show everyone, good to have you back. We have a little bit different show today. So it's gonna be talking to a good good friend of mine. In fact, if I can think back about 20 years ago, Matt was a client of mine. So he started off as a client, Matt dragados. This started his firm in 2001. But he was doing the head of another firm before that, that he had sold. He ran for four years. And he's in the imaging scanning imaging technology field, and he has an amazing product that he's got out on the market today. So Matt, I'm gonna let you jump right into it. Kind of tell us what you got it. Let's talk about your history, though. Cuz you've been entrepreneur, you've been running your company for over 20 years. Tell us how you got here?

Mathew Dragatsis  1:10  

Yeah, sure. Thanks for having me on. First of all, I really appreciate it. Yeah, we started radium solutions back in 2001. And basically, that company was formed to provide solutions to all sectors, to allow companies to scan in their documents, extract the information that's on those documents, and then do something with that, basically, you know, if you're an accounts payable department, we're gonna extract all the pertinent data, and store that and allow you to, you know, retrieve that document based on that information. And that'll kind of lead in the scan search as well. But that's what we've been doing for probably the last, you know, 20 years or so, we've done things with law firms, as well. But it's always been scanning your documents, and I'm sure the, the audience who can relate to this, scanning your documents, all of your case, files, what have you, and then you know, look at the screen, and then basically index those, you're gonna, you're gonna, you're going to tag them, you're gonna, you know, index them and tell them how to retrieve that document based on a case file, a customer name, maybe social security number, what have you. And that's a manual process to do that. So we've been doing that since 2001. We've got companies in many different sectors, including government, big and healthcare. And, you know, that's basically what we've been doing, and been quite successful at it for all these years. And then I'll kind of lead in a scan search. So after, you know, almost 30 years of doing all this, in realizing that the most expensive part of these systems is not the software, and it's not the annual maintenance, and it's not, if it's the size, the subscription, gets the manpower to tag those documents, if you're gonna put a document in the system, right now, basically, all you can do it, let's say you upload it to Dropbox or Google Drive, you can do a search on the file name. And if you happen to know a date range, maybe the date range is pretty limited. And you could put them in folders and kind of do that. But to actually get to your documents, it's a struggle. And it's even more of a struggle to get them in there to be able to index them from an imaging system. And there are several imaging companies out there. But the fact remains, there's that indexing process. So if you're going to scan 1000 documents a day, you're going to have two or three people spending all day long indexing those documents, because you need to be able to retrieve them on the important date of the time those documents. So I'll sit around one day, and I'm thinking, Well, you know, I'll use a case file number as an example. Typically, you're gonna have a field, that's going to be called case file number, and you're going to type in, we're trying to OCR and validate that it's correct that information in that field. So I was thinking to myself, why do we need to know that that case, file number is a case file number? Why do we need to know that? Can we just search for it, like we do Google and find a Google, you know, webpage based on, you know, some loose, you know, searching criteria. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized this, if we could do this, this eliminates the entire indexing process, which is the most time consuming and expensive. So we put a little pencil to paper, and we kind of design this thing to work that way. And it took us almost, I'm gonna say almost two years to bring scan search to market. But in that time, we realized, wow, this is powerful stuff. And you know, part of the process was, Who's your competition? Is anybody doing it? How big is the marketplace? And we actually hired a firm to do all that for us. And they came back and they were like, Well, no, there is no competition doing this, how you're doing it, there are products that you could put together, you have to have the wherewithal to do it. And they're very expensive to bring this to the marketplace. But we figured out a way to do it as one package. Okay, so basically upload your documents, we process them in the cloud, you search by anything on those documents. I mean, that's as simple as it could possibly get. And so you know, about two years later, we actually, you know, formed the company scan search, and that's an entity now, and we provide this solution as a says, In other words, you can go to our website, sign up, and we've got a free trial. We've actually have a free version of it for smaller versions, if you want to try that out. And you're able to basically within minutes set up your department or your customers or your deposit Stories are your folders, whatever you want to call them, and start uploading documents to those sections of the system. And within minutes, you now have those documents accessible, full text, any word or phrase that's on there. And I guess, stop and think about that for a minute. That's pretty powerful. Because right now that

Ron Bockstahler  5:17  

will rub, you jump through 20 years pretty quick there, Matt. Let's so you know, look, I've known you for a long time. You've actually been into moto CLI for a long time. But it didn't. I never put it to, like scanning and OCR searching of a document. And so I think your business has evolved as every business I think has, I mean, 20 years ago, we didn't even think about the technology that we have today. Right? So right, you were thinking this 20 years ago, but you've kind of evolved, you've evolved, you know, the technology has evolved into what you are today, right? So this is why this came to market is you know, a lot about this industry.

Mathew Dragatsis  5:54  

Yeah, you know, like I said, to jump through that pretty quick, but that is pretty much all we've been doing. But you know, the technology has evolved, we've evolved with it, you know, in the beginning, in the very beginning, we can only do scan documents that we created. So they would be credit card applications, they would be insurance claim forms, they would be oh geez, you name it anything that you would fill out Omaha Steaks with our customer, there are there things that you fill out to order steaks that used to be in the magazines, and you send it in, but our system would read all that we did a deal. I won't name any names, but it was a government agency that dealt with a documented immigrants. And basically, they had a form that they had to fill out. And we did hundreds of 1000s of these a week for the IMS basically, and I won't tell you the firm that we were working with, because I can't but you know, that was a form that was filled out and sent in. And then we started dealing with kind of unstructured data, we got away from the remember the comb, and you put the letters in there. And, you know, the little circles that you would fill in and all that, you know, that's how we got our start. Now, that doesn't even exist anymore, that to my knowledge when you get to these high end systems. So now it's a lot more artificial intelligence, intelligence has come into play, where you know, we are trying to look for certain fields and look for things to put in there. But it's nowhere near perfect. I mean, it's far from it. But that's what we've been doing up until Scan Search. And yes, it has evolved quite a bit. But I just knew there was a big jump that we could take to to to make this the process of retrieving documents. That's really what we're giving our customers way easier. And I couldn't put my thumb on it for a while. I'm obsessed with this. So you know, what I've been thinking about for years, how do we make this better? And why we've seen all kinds of attempts with other companies, that sort of different sorts of things. But we're the first we know we were the first today anyway, are we happy, but they're really offers this all encompassing, simple, simple package, you sign up, you set your system up, it's a 10 minute process, if you have three different departments in your organization, and you want to have their own documents separated for security reasons, organizational reasons, what have you, you set up, you immediately start uploading all your documents.

Ron Bockstahler  7:58  

And I want to, I want to put this in a box because you know, most of my worlds in the legal industry. So we work with a lot of attorneys 1000s of law firms. And you know, I look at two boxes, I have ediscovery software, you know, we my firm, we use war room a lot, which is an ediscovery. Platform. And then you know, some people use a disco or relativity. So we're not really we're not talking about that correct? We're talking about Box or Dropbox or Microsoft product, SharePoint. OneDrive, or what Google so we're actually looking at a product that's more it's a document repository for anyone, but with the benefit is you can search by any word within that document.

Mathew Dragatsis  8:46  

Yeah, so let's just compare, we'll use Dropbox as an example. And it's going to be the same for Google Drive, or what have you, let's just say that you somebody sent you a wet signature scan PDF, and you're gonna store that in Google Drive, you're gonna upload that, and you're gonna probably put that in a folder for that, whatever, whatever case customer would have you. And if you want to bring that document back, you've got to go to that folder and look for it physically scroll to find it for a search by the file name, because they only find by file name for a scan image, or a neatly produced PDF, which would be a scan image to PDF. That's what you do with Drive Dropbox, or, you know, Microsoft products and have you would have it was ours, you do the same thing, you upload it. And but we can take it one step further. We now look at that document and we say okay, here's what's on the document. Let's make it available by any word or phrase, it's on that document, not just the filename, you can search by the file name as well, obviously today, but we take it away way, way more robust, a robust step forward by saying you can read the document back based on anything that's on it. Now. Sure, on the to avoid confusion here. If I upload a Word document, I can search for every single word at a time there but that's not what we're talking about. We're Talking about the documents that are either scanned or produced as a neatly natively produced PDF. Those documents, it cannot search on because it doesn't know what the words are. It's an image, it's a picture, it's the same thing as you took a picture of you and me, we uploaded it. It's that that useless when it comes to bringing it back. So what we do is we take it and we like I said, we do a full text analysis of it and make the all those words and phrases available to the user to bring that back. And what does that look like, maybe you want to bring back every document on a certain case, and you've got a particular word, the social security number, a case file number, what happened, whatever it is, if you type that in there, just that they're gonna get back every document. But if you bring if you type in that, and let's just say a particular word or phrase that you know, is on a particular set of documents, you type that into Google, you're gonna get only those back. So it's, it could be as refined as you want it.

Ron Bockstahler  10:52  

I love this. So I hadn't told you this, I signed up, I went, knowing you're coming on the show, I went and signed up for a user account with search scan. And I uploaded a few documents, personal documents might have one of my great little article there. My daughter wrote last year, why yell so much. And so I knew there's a couple words within that document. And I was able to type that word in I want to once emotionally. And it's a PDF that I basically just moved over into search scan. And I was able to search by the word emotionally and pull that document out of that. And I thought that that's slick. Now that's something that I can't do right now with OneDrive.

Mathew Dragatsis  11:32  

Yeah, oh, no, no, no, no, I mean, that was any of them. And the thing is, you can type in multiple words, or multiple phrases, and it'll bring it back, you know, think about in your mind what you're thinking before you do your search, just type that in, and it'll bring everything back.

Ron Bockstahler  11:46  

And look at this as a way to mean, first of all, it's a very secure, let's talk a little bit about the repository. It's a very secure repository, it's gonna be the same platform or similar as what you're gonna get it Box or Dropbox or OneDrive, it's just gonna have this added benefit.

Mathew Dragatsis  12:00  

It's a big added benefit. Yeah, I mean, store documents are just sitting there, it's the value comes in when you can get it back. Right. So yeah, if you want to talk about, you know, our security, that was a big, big important factor with any cloud based solution that holds data or documents. So we look to Microsoft, you know, to solve that, for us, we told them, we want the highest level we could possibly get. And so with scan search, when you're setting it up, you have the option to enable two factor authentication. And what that means is, or MFA with another multiple factor authentification is, before you sign in the first time, you have to either give them your phone number or your email address, and we're gonna go ahead and when you go to sign in, it's gonna, you're gonna get an email with a code, we've all seen this before, and you try to get it now you're in there, it's the highest level that you can pretty much get in this realm of security, because new security was going to be huge for HIPAA, and you know, things like, very sensitive data documents. And so that was because everyone's gonna ask, well, how secure is it? Well, according to Microsoft standards, we're about as secure as you can get with Microsoft as your little plug for Microsoft. Right? So you know, we have that added redundancy we have, it's just a great platform, and it's bulletproof. I shouldn't say that. It is well proven, you can get it.

Ron Bockstahler  13:15  

Right. Let's go back a little bit. You've been an entrepreneur. Now for 20 plus years, your business has had to evolve. They clearly have done a really good job of doing that. I think I'd known you a good portion of those years. Talk about being an entrepreneur, what are some of the struggles you've gone through? Because a lot of our listeners or your solo attorneys or small firm attorneys are just entrepreneurs that are gone through what they're going, you've been successful now for over 20 years? Tell us? How have you done that? And what some of the changes you've seen, and you had to adjust your business model?

Mathew Dragatsis  13:43  

Oh, yeah, that's huge. Great question. So I think as far as being an entrepreneur, I think one thing that I realized, not early enough, because we all have struggles going through these beginning of companies is that you really got to think down the road, you can't be a reactive person, when you're running a business, you really got to be strategic. And so I really went from being so excited as a young man starting, you know, the first company and then this one, and you know, you get caught up in all that it's a lot of fun, it's a lot of fun. But you get caught up in the moment, and you're not thinking, you know, a year or two down the road, typically. And I think over the years, I've personally mature to a point where I'm really looking at what to what's gonna go wrong. What's gonna go wrong, in two years from now, what's going on five years from now, you know, or what's gonna go right until I can act on it, and know it and see it. So I'm gonna say I spent a lot of my time and day is really thinking about not what's going on right now, although that's a part of my job. But part of the artwork of being entrepreneurs, we're we're going to take this, you know, where's that runner pointed? And you got to be on that. You got to be thinking that all the time, because things are coming at you all the time. And you know, what's the old saying, you can't control the wind, but you can adjust the sails. There is no truer statement and you're gonna have to burn your dodge here and your zag there and zig and that's, you know what you do? So that's as far as I was speaking to someone ensuring there's that's what I would say is that that goes, as far as maturing, you know, technology wise, you know, that's a full time job in itself. I mean, you know, technology grows exponentially. I'd love to show you some of the systems that we originally put in. I mean, they were like Atari, I mean, do you think video games now it was back then, you know, the first iterations of these OCR software is you actually need to connect the dots, you know, so you had, you know, you had your son, nine dots. And if you wanted a four, you basically did that. And that's because that's how sophisticated the lack of the OCR software was. And I go way back with a lot of these companies that develop these products. And, you know, we were just, we were, this was the cool stuff, all fax paper faxes coming in, you know, and you skate crazy stuff anyway, now, it's just so much further. So really, you know, if you're not evolving exponentially with the technology that comes out, you're gonna fall behind, or you're not gonna be able to capitalize on opportunities that are really out there for you, as a business owner, when you're buying technology.

Ron Bockstahler  16:00  

That's a great point, Matt, because I think, you know, people hear and I talk to the attorneys I work with, they're like, Yeah, we're not going to fall behind, because we're going to be taking care of our clients. But what you just a second part of that is, you're not going to capitalize on really what's out there, you're gonna miss out on opportunity. I know, we all we all work, because we love to work. We're also here to make money. You know, I like a lot of the terms, if you're not saving $250,000 A year before taxes, rethink how you're doing things. Because the truth is, I mean, if you're making that kind of money, you should have a program in place, it's protecting that money. But if you don't, then you don't sit and say, Hey, I got a goodness, perfect, because it's really not. And if you're not keeping up on this technology, as you're talking about today, and you do this as a full time job, so this technology is something you do his full time job, I can't keep up with it, I got to turn to someone like you to say, Hey, what's going on in this this world? And when I heard about this product, I was like, wow, that, that's pretty cool.

Mathew Dragatsis  16:57  

Yeah, I mean, and that goes back to, you know, you talk about that, relationships are huge. I mean, if you're a law firm, and you're kind of running the it part of it, you don't have the relationship, these people that you are watching them grow, like myself, and you want to stay in touch with those, whether it's for something like this, or whatever it might be. So I'm gonna say some of my six most successful customers have a team of vendors that they grow with. And you know, my job is always come up with new technology and be able to provide that to whoever. And I've got a list of, you know, 20 customers that I've been working with for since the beginning, 20 years. In fact, we just put a big one of these systems, it wasn't the SAS version of it. In a company, I've been dealing with this gentleman for probably 17 years now. And we have our conversation two, three times here, what's new, he calls me, I tell them, and they're great customer, but a lot of customers like that. It's the relationship with your vendors, that you know, they're there to sell to you, they want you to be educated. So you'll buy from them to make money. I mean, that's really leverage that leverage these people to help you become successful, and your goals.

Ron Bockstahler  17:59  

And that's where you got someone that's good. On the other end, that vendor partner, that's a good vendor partners thinking long term, they're thinking down the road, because they don't want to just have a deal with you today. They want to deal with you. You know, I mean, back when I first started out of college, I was selling copiers and the whole mentality. I mean, if you get caught up in it was day to day, but the truth was, if you sold a customer today, and you stay in touch with that customer, you're selling them again, in three years, maybe two years, they're gonna expand, they're gonna need another one, or they're gonna replace the one they have. So it's a, it's a repeat business. And once you get in, and you do a really, really good job for that client, and you're always taking care of them. And like you said, talking to him 234 times a year, you're building that relationship. And it's the same as you got a law practice, you might have a law practice and corporate law that that client uses you occasionally. But if you're always in touch with them, they're always going to come back to you if you do a good job. That's repeat business. You're not going to buy that business again, right? No, got market, you don't spend any money, that business is there for you.

Mathew Dragatsis  18:54  

Yeah, you better have your magnet on the refrigerator.

Ron Bockstahler  18:57  

Yeah. Gotta be in front of them. It's a it's a long term game, and you got to have that mentality. And it seems like that's, I mean, I know, I've had that when I got you started a year before? I did. Yeah, yeah, I just, I keep that mentality.

Mathew Dragatsis  19:11  

You have to and I'm learning, that's where we're marketing scan search way differently than we've traditionally marketed traditionally, you know, I'm selling big systems, you know, a quarter million dollar $2 million systems out there that are going in, and they're gonna have that system for five to 10 years, 15 years, I got some customers from the beginning that are still using the system. And that was a very, that was a of course back then, you know, you're wearing a suit and tie and you're bringing doughnuts in and you're having coffee and dinners and that that whole process completely changed. Okay, so now I get customers that I don't ever talk to because we're marketing this as a says, and I'll get to my point in this just a second but the people are signing up now I didn't mean I won't meet now if it's a gigantic customer doing a million documents month we're gonna want to meet them and and nurture that relationship but if otherwise, but we're going to constantly stay in contact with these customers via email, podcast posts, you You know, Merry Christmas emails, whatever, whatever postcards, whatever it's going to be, he got to be in front of these people all the time. And this is a new way of marketing for me. So we hired a great marketing firm, they're doing a phenomenal job, but they're putting us in front of several 100,000 people a week that are seeing our ads. And it's amazing how people will go from seeing an ad, very few sign up the first time, I mean, very few, very small amount. But we're at the our average, right now, they see that as seven and nine times for the actually sign up. So that means that they, we had to get in front of them seven, nine times to make them our customer. And then you have to keep doing that, obviously. And so this whole new way of marketing, and you and I have talked about this in the past, it's a radical departure from the way that we used to do business. I mean, there's no more hamstring. It's kind of bizarre. I mean, everybody is, and all I do is I sit in front of the dashboard, or I should say I check it daily, and seeing what's going on, you know, we're like, yeah, we're looking down the road to see what's trends, what's not going right, what's going right. But it's very bizarre to me to do business this way. Because I'm like you, you know, I used to traverse the industrial parks in Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois, with boxes of donuts, knocking on doors and those days, that although that was a lot of fun. But young kids do that anymore.

Ron Bockstahler  21:11  

I don't think you know, one thing you said that I don't think has changed is you had to be like a touches how many times you have to touch a prospect before they became a client and is usually in that six to eight range. So that doesn't seem like that's changed. You still got to have that touch. It's just the touches coming in a different way.

Mathew Dragatsis  21:26  

It's a different media, I mean, completely different. Yeah.

Ron Bockstahler  21:29  

No talk, I want to talk to the our attorney listeners because that's primary listeners much attorneys is, you know, getting a new client isn't someone you just like, if it's a referral, and they need a need today, but generally it's they need to stay they know about you, they see you they see your name, they start to in their subconscious, they start to build that trust in you comes comfortable, right? Because let's face it, we all say we trust someone, we don't do a ton of research. Because it's something major, we're not doing a whole ton of research, we start to believe that we trust them because someone told us we could or we seen their ads, and we've seen them a few times and all sudden they're built into our subconscious. And then when I actually need something, and I see that they say it's the attorney yet and I'm gonna get divorced. Boom, I'm calling them and I feel comfortable calling them. And I think that hasn't changed those touches. That's still the same. And it's it's interesting that you brought that up?

Mathew Dragatsis  22:22  

Well, if you think about it, we're still looking at we're still watching videos, they're just not TV commercials now their Facebook ad videos, or their tic tock or their what have you. So it's still a human being talking to you. I mean, it really is, that's our biggest thing is our videos, and our ads, of course, brands all linked to a video. I mean, that's kind of the thing, we want them to see our video because that's still a human face and voice that's talking to them about our value proposition. So yeah, you're right, that hasn't changed at all. But, you know, in the old days, Ron would be you'd be URI sitting in front of them, you know, across the desk, having a cup of coffee and explain to them, you know what your value proposition is? But yeah, this is just a river Max had drum from MTV. Do you remember that? Oh, yeah. Okay. It's kind of like this is kind of like that now. He was like a virtual guy. That was I don't remember he was selling I'm sure it was video ads or whatever. on MTV. Some of your younger listeners, they're not gonna get no idea. Yeah, virtual here. It was a virtual human basically it it was hilarious. But that's the that's kind of what it reminds me of. I see my own ads. So it's not me. We've got, you know, the ads and actors and all that. But it's not real. It's a video that's being played, but boy, it sure does seem real.

Ron Bockstahler  23:32  

That's amazing. It's amazing where things are, and they're gonna keep continuing. Now let's talk about sketch search. Your products been out on the market now for how long? Seven weeks, seven weeks, you've got great activity you guys are I know you're building up really quick. So we're lucky to have you. I appreciate you coming on the show and talking to us. You've got new stuff coming on. So your products continually evolving?

Mathew Dragatsis  23:52  

Yes. Yes. A lot of cool stuff coming up. So like, can I touch on that for a minute? Absolutely. Okay. So originally, you were able to just upload documents, which in itself was a great way to do it super easy. Go to your directory, upload a million documents. And next, you know, they're all available planning word or phrase. So and that's great. But if you a lot of people get most of their documents emailed to them. So you know, they're going to get a scanned document, maybe it's been turned into a PDF, but it's got a signature on it. But we need to be able to, you know, put that in the system to store it, but we also need to get it. So right now, instead of downloading that document to desktop, and then maybe uploading it to our system, you basically get an email address for every department you have, or every box, whatever you want to label every file folder, probably not that close. But anyway. So now you're able to just take that email, look at the document and then just forward that email to your place where you're storing documents. And then that's it. There's no more that step of downloading and uploading again, that was going to be pretty important, obviously. So we released that a few weeks ago. It works great. I mean, you could just go through all your emails, and anything that's attachment on it, forward it to your scan, search email address, and that's all you do. That's all you have to do. There's never printing it. There's Never filing it. There's never scanning it. There's nothing, there's no downloading it. It just simply forward that email and we take care of the rest for you. Yes, you,

Ron Bockstahler  25:08  

Matt, you have tutorials out there for all these things.

Mathew Dragatsis  25:11  

Yeah. Oh, absolutely, absolutely, yeah. And it's, yeah, we put a lot of effort into our video production, it took forever to get done, but it's done. And if you go to the website, you know, you can see all this stuff, scan search.com, by the way, anyway. So we did that. That's how that's working. Right now we've got, we're gonna run the answering our viewer, right now we want it right now, when you search for a document that brings the document back, and you can then go ahead and search within the document and things like that. But we want to do it where when you This is one of the things we're working on now, where when you do your search, it comes back the document, the words are highlighted, and it takes you to what you searched on. Basically, we think that's a pretty cool feature that we're going to put in there, and I can't give you a date, it's gonna be available. But that's going to be big, it's not really necessary to do, but we think it's gonna be a nice feature to give to the customers. And then we talked about in right now in the drawing board is integration with other repositories. So we think it'd be very slick, to be able to go to Microsoft's OneDrive and search for what you're searching for, and be able to bring your documents back that way, or Google Drive or Dropbox, or vice versa. You know, these, we all have API's, which is basically a connection that makes other applications talk to each other. So you could go to, you know, scan search. com, log in search for what you're looking for, and it'll bring you back your scan documents that you uploaded or emailed or what have you to us. And everything else that stood out, you know it through. So we're working on that now that design is not solidified. It's a it's a big one to integrate with these these things. But we're hoping sometime, you know, next year, we'll have that and that that'll be nice. Is it necessary, no. But again, a nice feature to be able to give to our customers just kind of tie things a little bit better together. Because right now we do not, and we probably never will do it because we don't want to reinvent the wheel. But for Word documents, you know, we were talking about scan search, upload your document, search any word or phrase Great. Well, you can then now with electronic document, meaning a Word document or an Excel document, if you're in Google Drive, you know, they've got docs and in their spreadsheets and what have you. So if you upload a Word document to Google Drive, and you search for word or phrase on there, it'll bring the document back. But along with that you upload a scanned document, that document is invisible, you'll never see it unless you know the file name of it. So we'd like to maybe at some point in time, you know, bring all that together, just to make it more seamless, we're in the business of making things easier when it comes right down to it. And we use technology to do that. So these are just some of the things down the road that we're looking, we want to have to do it, we're coming up with a bulk upgrade, or a bulk upload the download a little chrome extension or a little app on your desktop, and you can upload millions of documents cuz we're gonna have customers, you know, I have customers now not using this, but our own technology. You know, I mean, we've got one customer, they upload a 12 million invoices a year, that's a lot of documents. And, you know, we're going to get them converted over to scanners. But it's a process. It's a big undertaking process wise for them. But everyone's on board, why we show them this? They're like, Oh, my gosh, where was this 10 years ago, you know, and another thing is, so that's the things that we're working on many other things as well. That's one of the key things we're working on, I guess the message here is, we're going to consistently try to make it better, you know, people working on the development, the design, or the user experience, and then just constantly rolling this out. The nice thing is, you know, we come up with idea, we design it, we test it, we make it ready, we push it to production, we're done. In the old days, you had to call 300 customers and go to every one of their servers and and do the upgrade, which was, you know, it took a year to do that sometimes. So, so this, yeah, it's, you know, it becomes available, you know, pretty much immediately, which is nice.

Ron Bockstahler  28:49  

Well, this is great. It's been I look, I really appreciate you coming on the show and talking to us a little bit about being an entrepreneur, but you know, really about scan search and talking about technology that's really changing the way we're doing things. I think it's gonna be a pretty big winner for you guys, for everyone. I think

Mathew Dragatsis  29:03  

I'm seeing this. I've been doing this for 30 years scanning, extracting data, what have you. I mean, it's a great technology. I'm obsessed with it, I always have been. I truly believe that this is a disruptor in the industry that I've been in all this time. And the reason I say that is twofold. One, no one's doing it to the feedback we're getting far exceeds my expectations of what I thought we were going to get with this. And so with that being said, I think we've got a very disrupting to the industry product here.

Ron Bockstahler  29:28  

That's great. I wish it's great to see a mnemonic client from 20 years ago, doing great and going on a good friend of mine that I enjoy drinking some beers with. So Matt, I wish you all the best of luck and hopefully we'll get out and start touring some small cities and in some of those brew pubs we we well, thanks for coming on yet. Wait, so let's Matt You can reach Matt go to scan search.com That's the best way just go check it out. scanners.com you can reach Matt directly. Mount even What's your email Matt? What's the best way to contact could,

Mathew Dragatsis  30:00  

you know I'll tell you what did you want to do just enter gases at scan search comm that's how you can reach me directly. That's my personal email. But also there is a 800 number on the website asked to talk to me. And it'll get forwarded to me if you want to have conversation.

Ron Bockstahler  30:15  

But once we've had macro, match the CEO of scan search.com been doing a long time. And once again, man, I've known you many years. So I'm really, really happy to see this great success. And I wish you all

Mathew Dragatsis  30:25  

appreciate the time I really appreciate you get in front of me the people that are going to run Thank you. Absolutely.

Ron Bockstahler  30:29  

Thanks for joining us. We'll talk to everyone next week we will be kicking off our marketing I guess it's gonna be look like marketing. Two months, we got a lot of marketing coming your way. So stick around and pay attention. We'll talk to y'all next week.


Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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From The Podcast

The 1958 Lawyer

In 1958 the ABA published a pamphlet with an article titled “The 1958 Lawyer and his 1938 Dollar” which gives our podcast its title, and its inspiration. Prior to 1960, most attorney engagements were project based. As a result, many lawyers felt their pay scale was falling behind that of other professional service providers. For many lawyers, this article spurred them to change the way they billed for legal services and thus the billable hour was born. It is a stark reminder that change is the only constant in our world and those that do not keep up with the change often times find themselves obsolete. To be sure, the business surrounding the practice of law has continued to change since the billable hour went mainstream. This podcast is all about how law firms and their clients are adapting to a changing business world to remain viable. Your host, Ron Bockstahler, is the Founder and CEO of Amata Law Office Suites, an attorney support Services company. For more than 30 years Ron has worked with law firms of all sizes, helping them manage expenses, implement new technologies and strategically grow their law practice. Ron will pull from his experience and those of his guests to uncover new developments in the business world and how the legal industry is adapting to meet the changing demands of their clients. Each show will feature successful business people, politicians, judges and attorneys to provide insight into their thoughts and how they are meeting today's challenges.

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