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Two Sort Of Muslims and a Sort Of Jew (with Imran Yusuf)

Two Sort Of Muslims and a Sort Of Jew (with Imran Yusuf)

Released Thursday, 26th January 2023
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Two Sort Of Muslims and a Sort Of Jew (with Imran Yusuf)

Two Sort Of Muslims and a Sort Of Jew (with Imran Yusuf)

Two Sort Of Muslims and a Sort Of Jew (with Imran Yusuf)

Two Sort Of Muslims and a Sort Of Jew (with Imran Yusuf)

Thursday, 26th January 2023
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00:00.00 talalaban 1 action on alexi. 00:00.00 alexei sayle Good luck studio hi everybody welcome to what number podcast is this I don't know why I I meant what number 33 welcome to podcast number 33 the alexta podcast. 00:05.99 talalaban 33 man 33 00:15.14 alexei sayle Now on the subject I mean this is only part of what we're going to talk about probably but 1 of the things I haven't um, covered I think in the podcast. Although it's a big part of my life is palestine and my support for palestinian rights. And I am one of those elderly jews who supports Palestine Palestinian rights and is much excoriated for it. There's me mimar goal is Michael Rosen I'm keeping a bit quieter but nevertheless still vocal time time Michael Lee that's about it ready but um, ah. 00:56.17 talalaban And the countless ah labor party members who've been you know, kicked out kicked out of the party. Yeah. 00:57.97 alexei sayle Yes, in the countless. Yeah jewish slave party members have been expelled for their support for past and for signing petitions five years ago for organizations that weren't. Band at the time but are now abandoned like Steve Marks who' been expelled. Ah what page page what page in Davos at the moment Kiss Starma waiting for ah your orders from the yeah. 01:31.11 talalaban Oh my god and and it's people often highlight how it's such a contradiction to call yourself left wing and yet be a supporter of Israel because they are 2 01:33.22 alexei sayle World capitalism. 01:43.26 alexei sayle yeah yeah I think it's I think that I know that? Yeah, obviously we think that? um yeah, the one the in the main reason and one of the reasons certainly for Jeremy Corby's ah ejection was his his anti-colonialist position in. 01:53.66 talalaban Yeah. 02:00.40 alexei sayle You know and is is support palestinian rights in general. Do you see that was there was that cartoon in private. Ah did you you sent it to me didn't you did you send it to me oh somebody sents it to me I thought it was you I know it was John that was John Kelly there's a cartoon in private I which says. 02:07.83 talalaban I did must be another till I. 02:16.66 alexei sayle Um, quite understand it on page 20 for anybody in current issue wants to look at it and it says there's a bloke saying I bought an a alexi and then there's a giant my head on this table for some reason and my my head is saying I hate ki starma me so obviously my. 02:32.42 talalaban Ah, so what another alexa alexi joke I believe so the viz did it first. We've discussed the viz one or did we do that on the podcast or in the live show. You know I think because we did it at the cartoon museum I brought the viz comic with me. 02:35.65 alexei sayle I Think it must be an alexa alexi joke. Yeah, that's slightly um, slightly yeah I don't yeah yeah, yeah. 02:37.96 Imran Yusuf 11 02:49.69 talalaban And we did a live reading of the viz ask alexi comic strip but that is part of the section that got cut out. We remember the mic stopped working and there was like a 10 minute chunk missing from the live show and I was really upset because that I would we. 02:57.95 alexei sayle All right? okay. Yeah, well just to just to point and remind everybody. It was from a copy of Viz and there's a what will there's a book. Do you describe we to him Ram we'll get you we we're talked about made them up. We have a guest but I'm just talking about me. That's you all right were out of time. Thanks I round. Thanks you coming. 03:07.84 talalaban Ah. 03:15.51 talalaban Um, yeah, we have a guest waiting in the wings. There's a copy. 03:19.45 Imran Yusuf Yeah. 03:24.57 talalaban Ah, there's a there's a. 03:25.30 alexei sayle It's like years ago just years and years ago I um I was friended with all my agent was friendly with the producers of ah at a letterman show and we went and saw the recording I think on a Monday Letman show. 03:37.40 talalaban Aha. 03:43.16 alexei sayle And the guest was going to be I think it was Ellen Degeneres and they said oh we don't have time for Ellen and generous tonight. But um, we'll have her on tomorrow and then I noticed on the Tuesday show show. We don't have time for ellenlan degenerate and she never got on she constantly got bumped. Ah yeah, because at that time she wasn't. 03:57.67 talalaban Mark. 04:03.14 alexei sayle A big start. She became a big star later but that was a sort of every night on the letman show ellenlan de generous got bomb. So imran's gonna be like this. He's never gonna he's never goingnna get to say anything I mean then we're gonna be out time and so yeah and we'll have you back really soon? Imran um. 04:03.40 talalaban The that's the rude. 04:16.40 talalaban Um. 04:20.94 Imran Yusuf Ah, looking forward to it. 04:21.10 talalaban Yeah, yeah, we're in a tight schedule. Killjoy is using the studio after us. So we do have to be out at a certain time I have I kind of ah kind of want to grab it and get you to read it. 04:22.30 alexei sayle But ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, where were so anyway. Yes the alexa joke You won't describe it just well. 04:38.48 alexei sayle Um, that yeah. 04:38.60 talalaban On the air. So that because I wanted to cut that audio and make a Youtube video out of it. Um, maybe we'll do that. Well, it's spacey. There's a have you got it with you have you got it with you. Okay, wait a set wait a second when I know it's exactly where it is. 04:47.55 alexei sayle I haven't got it now I don't sorry about this I It's run off somewhere now. 05:06.86 alexei sayle Are you gonna read it i' not gonna read it all right? go on then we'll put it up on the screen. 05:07.70 talalaban Um, hello I want you to read your lines so it's like from viz comic um I'll read I'll tow you the credits in a bit. Ah but it's called ask Alexe and there's some slob with a beer sitting on a sofa and he says. 05:21.50 alexei sayle E. 05:25.92 talalaban Alexi Play get lucky by darf punk and then Alexi says you know what I'm gonna send you have you got your phone with you alexi so you can like pinch and Zoom in closer on this. 05:27.89 alexei sayle I Can't read that. What's it say? yeah. 05:44.65 talalaban On your phone all right I'm gonna whatsapp you yes sorry Iran. 05:48.29 alexei sayle You see what's up in me. 05:55.22 alexei sayle Really sorry by this but have you on another week 05:57.44 Imran Yusuf It's all right. 06:00.60 talalaban Yeah, may so there you go you can pinch and Zoom into that and let me just quickly look up the geers who wrote this because they're so lovely. They sent me a Lee Healley is the artist and um barry. 06:22.74 alexei sayle All right? So yeah. 06:24.77 talalaban Ah, Lee Healley is the artist and Barney Farmer is the writer they do drunk bakers in the viz and all that. Yeah, so this is a ask alexi. So and there's a slub on the sofa drinking a beer. He goes ah alexi play get lucky by darf punk. 06:34.41 alexei sayle Um. 06:38.10 alexei sayle Then you cut to the second picture which is me and my sort of 19 iterations of the sort of the gray suit and the stripy tie which I've just thrown out and I say alexi 1980 S Alexi says daff punk daff punk I knew daff punk when they were a cornish folk trio. 06:46.98 talalaban Oh shit. 06:57.70 alexei sayle Jethro ad Andt Arthur and they starts dancing in and hello John got numerist sli says see shantiess about life in the tim mines yoho ho yoho how 15 men in a pit full of all weddings ba days funerals and masonic discotects Arthur fucked off to Nicaragua led the first. And only west country cia death squad and then Alexi while he's doing while he's dancing about he's put. He's getting a ah cd out the rack. He puts the cd in the player and he stands in the corner while the Cd plays I'm up all night to get lucky. 07:25.21 talalaban In the Cd. 07:32.90 talalaban I'm up one night to get lucky I'm up on night to get lucky and and the guy on the sofa is happily nodding away to the music. But. 07:34.55 alexei sayle Um, up on night to get lucky is happily smiling so that's the that's the alexa joke in vi now this one in private eye is similar I will just ah, somebody whatsapp it to me. It's on page 20 of the latest copy of um, private eye and it says very crudely. He says I man the jumper in his kitchen saying I bought an alexi and then he yeah my giant head on the table. And it says I fucking hate kiss top of me there. We are anyway. So that's that Mike yeah, there was years ago. Um. 08:11.27 talalaban That's great. Um, so if any of you listeners out there have seen any other iterations of alexian comic strips. Um, you know maybe Marvel have. 08:24.50 alexei sayle I Think to the start of my career somebody that somebody sense that there was and there was an advocatedvent for um I think it was for alarms or something and be or alarms and there was ah a drawing of some villains stealing stuff from a warehouse and one of them was clearly. Yeah, the the the illustrator had been looking for reference material and had come a kind of photo of me wearing a little beanie hat and it was clearly me but I did I mean I you know I don't know whether it was I did nothing about it in the end but I featured in and out for alarms. 08:47.84 talalaban Oh shit. 08:55.56 talalaban That's funny. Yeah, because we know you don't do ads Yes, our guest in the wings so you were talking about palestine and that was for a reason right. 09:02.37 alexei sayle Any here our guest day. Yeah, that I was that's why I was yeah that's why I an hour I was talking about palestine and my guest is Imran Yusuf a comedian um with the last time we met was we were doing it. Ah, a benefit for Palestine which was on a boat in um, moord on the thames and well I mean just I think imra and were also going to use this opportunity because which I think it's six years since it's nearly six years since Jeremy Hardy's death and imram went on a delegation to the west bank with the occupied palestinian territories with Jeremy and so it would give us a chance to talk about Jeremy and his ah justice is all around a great. 09:48.37 talalaban Oh wow. 09:57.51 alexei sayle Good guyness and also but also his support for Palestinian rights and Imran said Imran tell us a little bit about yourself that sorry after all this um. 10:04.82 Imran Yusuf Um, ah, yes, so hello I'm immaran yousuf comedian and as you ah as you said, um I did go out to the west bank with Jeremy Hardy in January Two Thousand and seventeen with medical aid for palestinians. And we went there to look at the various projects that map have um across the west bank we were in Ramala Jerusalem Jordan Valley ah Bethlehem um hebron and we just went and checked out. You know what map fund and what they do. And interesting thing about Map is that it's a british charity and it is actually supported by both Britain and and it's approved by the israeli government for them to operate because obviously you need to have some form of approval. So obviously they've got to be very mindful of what they say and what they're involved in um I don't work for them. 10:45.33 talalaban Whoa. 10:54.54 Imran Yusuf Um, I just support maps so I can say whatever I want and I'm a comedian too and I I do that. 10:58.28 alexei sayle Yeah, well ma I mean I've I think I've actually supported map since it's more or less since it's an inception which was yeah I think I'm a I think IOG as far as ah as map goes and there are there are. 11:06.52 Imran Yusuf Um, wow. 11:11.55 talalaban Ether. 11:14.18 alexei sayle They're a wonderful organization which you know have to battle against tremendous odds and we will have we will have Alice Watts is a fundraiser for map and maybe the director on a later date. 11:22.16 Imran Yusuf Um, me. 11:31.47 alexei sayle Possibly after that I think they're just on their way out to the West bank So when they get back. They will more size. It's ah I Um well I think there's several things that ah. 11:35.51 talalaban Would you ever go. 11:45.41 alexei sayle Prevent me from going one I'm not entirely sure that I would get in because they are you know I think anybody ah prominent can often be 10 back at the ah the gates you know you know can turn back at Tel Aviv or if you try and get across the allenbury bridge. 11:53.82 talalaban A. 12:02.35 alexei sayle The israelis will turn you back I've also got a slightly niggling 5% worried that you know was as jews get older some of them tend zionistical. You know they suddenly go all like of I'm just a bit worried that I might flip you never I went out there. 12:11.48 talalaban You might hear the calling of the homeland of you. 12:20.35 alexei sayle Yeah, happened to my I mean my best friend Ari went you know just went like in bonkers in and it was a problem between us really, but you know in later life. They start thinking about mortality and they go all kind of they go all kind of yeah zionist and so um, plus ah. 12:22.12 talalaban Come. 12:39.75 alexei sayle Chicks with that. It' such sort of chicks with tweeted that out but women young women with M four Carbines are might develop an unhealthy fixation on those those those members of these Israeli defense force that be all like oh no. 12:50.13 Imran Yusuf Um, ah. 12:50.67 talalaban Ah, shit. 12:58.95 alexei sayle Well like here I'm for the 5.5600000000000005 I'm Muitiongen you know I'll bit worried about that. That's ah, that's a minor worry but I I so I've never been I mean never invite me and it's it's partly just cow I I also think it would in many ways it would be so upseting to to go i'm. 12:59.38 talalaban O god. 13:16.52 alexei sayle I'm probably being a coward about it really? but so um, so one a cowardice two I think they might turn me back anyway in 3 a small worry that I'll I'll go all kind of he break and yeah honey for um. 13:30.58 talalaban And Horny for gun gun girl. 13:36.11 alexei sayle Young women with their M four or the Israeli tavvo Carbine hey so that. 13:38.60 talalaban Did you have any of those experiences Imran when you went to the West bank. 13:45.00 Imran Yusuf Ah, well I've been well I remember I've been twice. So the first time I went to ah jerusalem I went on pilgrimage in 2006 and I wanted to go to jerusalem first and then go on to mecca and medina and I crossed the Allen B Bridge into Jordan in order to then get the corresponding flight. Ah, to Saudi and I remember yeah, just all these young israeli like yeah israeli women in you know in their military uniforms and machine guns and yet it's it's it's it's an odd sight. It's quite an alluringly odd sight but I was there in pilgrimage mode. So you know my my head was down. Ah, trying to focus on that and then after you know I spent about five and a half maybe six weeks in the Middle East back in 2006 and I went. You know what? I'm never coming back here again like and like I've had enough like I've seen it I've done it. Um I don't like it because of you know, especially after about. 14:40.23 Imran Yusuf After a couple of weeks in Jerusalem I was thought I have to leave here like ah that you can just attention is palpable. It's it's not a pleasant place. It wasn't a place to be and also I was there when um hezbollah were find rockets into into Israel so it was that during that um conflict in 2006 so you know tensions were a little bit higher I could never get into the old city on a Friday for Friday prayers. They stopped anybody under the age of 40 going to pray at Aaksa. So I never got to do Friday prayers there I to go elsewhere and um I remember god I'll never go back and then. At the end of 2016 Map call me and go. We'd like to send you out. Ah on this project I went no I'm not going back there like I don't like it and I'm not doing it and they're like we're also sending Jeremy Hardy and I was like I got to go now like god god I got to go this is an important thing now I get and it was bless him. 15:27.95 alexei sayle And. 15:35.41 Imran Yusuf It was the last trip he made out of the country and that was with me was to make that film for medicald aid for palestinians which you can all watch ah on Youtube so ah, well it was. We only showed you know the film isn't that long and we only showed so much. There were things in there that you know we saw and covered that we didn't put into the film. 15:40.64 alexei sayle Guys so much and films. Yeah. 15:52.11 alexei sayle Oh. 15:54.51 Imran Yusuf Such as you know, walking where where there's a security fence between where israelis live and where palestinians live there were used. You know gas shells and bullets that had obviously been used on palestinians just left on the ground and I picked them up I took pictures with them. But obviously you you know I'm not. Putting that in my luggage you bringing it back home. It's a souvenir and talking to palestinians that there were some personal conversations that we had with palestinians where you like and you understand the impact that it's made in their lives. How it's reduced them to being less than second class citizens reduce them to being prisoners in their own land. 16:14.84 alexei sayle 4 16:31.73 Imran Yusuf And it's horrific because I realized just how much freedom I have and how much I take it for granted and how and what a helpless position these palestinians are in and and then further juxta topose with the fact that trying to have this conversation where we are is is very difficult for. Some comedians are courageous enough to step forward and say things and it will cost. You. It will cost you things in your career and it's but you know it's cut funny thing if as comedian you can say what you want but you got to watch what you say when you criticize Israel because so you know you may not get certain. You just basically you will get blacklisted and we know this. 16:53.87 alexei sayle A. 17:08.67 Imran Yusuf As a fact that there are donors to Palestinian charities who are very prominent who do not um, who cannot ah, give you know so give their name and support to a Palestinian charity because it will cost them in their career and these these are actors and so this is what I've been told firsthand. 17:22.21 alexei sayle Oh yeah. 17:26.71 Imran Yusuf Ah, and and that's a really horrible place to be in that This is a human rights of a massive human rights issue that you're not even allow or noise and not.. It's not that I've got a phrase that correct and sorry that there are consequences for speaking up for the human rights of palestinians. And it's massively disgusting and maybe in the future we will look back at this a lot of people look back listening Oh My God they it was really difficult for them to talk about palestinians Only the few people did and it's important what we're doing now because you know doesn't matter what background you're from human rights or human rights. 17:45.76 talalaban A. 18:00.73 talalaban Here. 18:00.86 alexei sayle Yes I agree. You're very eloquently put. Yeah I mean there's a particular pack of bastards I think called yeah uk lawyers for Israel and they constantly make specious. We'll have to check this before we put it out. But. They constantly make specious kind of assaults on on map making you know referring them to the charity commission saying that they're you know, supporting terrorism whatever and of course map. So what they're in effect doing is is map. You know provides medical services for. Children you know in the direst of need and adults and what what uklawyers for Israel are doing is forcing this organization to divert their resources into fighting these legal cases which are always dismissed you know and the charity commission I mean dear god the charity commission is not a. 18:36.90 Imran Yusuf Yeah. 18:48.41 Imran Yusuf Yeah. 18:54.26 alexei sayle Ah, progressive or left-wing organization. But the char commission always and dismisses these accusations work it you know divvets a lot of resources really and it's so malevolent that kind of behavior I think you know. 19:06.30 Imran Yusuf Yeah, and and ah you can feel that you know, Ah, everyone's getting really tired of it. You know there's this we're watching human rights violations being perpetrated on palestinians and and at the same time being. Dissuaded from talking about it that I think public Consciousness This is that this is the upside of the interconnected social media world that we live in is that public consciousness at a point of just go. No, we've had enough. This is not cool in the same way I think you know the world sided with ah black South africans. 19:33.63 alexei sayle 1 19:39.60 Imran Yusuf When apartheid was running rampant in South Africa and you know ruining the quality of lives and the dignity of a people who had been there for so long who had been there from the start and the same thing will happen with Israel and Palestine and. 19:40.10 alexei sayle Yeah, yeah. 19:52.72 Imran Yusuf In this being in this space has also made me realize that it's very important for us to be very specific with our language and to understand there are lots of Israelis and lots of ah jewish people who support human rights who support palestinian rights and we need to understand that we have to build bridges where we can between. 19:52.75 alexei sayle Hopefully. 19:57.56 alexei sayle Yes. 20:11.45 Imran Yusuf All the various communities involved here particularly Israelis ah jews muslims palestinians the larger arab world. There are bridges to be built built here bridges of peace and understanding and we're trying to do that. What's at the same time coming from you know. 20:11.85 talalaban And. 20:26.67 Imran Yusuf With there where there are extremists on either side but the upper hand does belong to Israel because it has the military power and you know the the the support of the british and american governments who who allow it to perpetrate the crimes that it does against palestinians. 20:39.69 talalaban A. 20:40.52 alexei sayle Yeah, again, beautifully post. Do you want to tell us a bit about how you know what your your background is and you know you became a gott to comedy and I mean you're actually an observant muslim is that is that what I did Ju from your what you're saying going on the hudge. 20:55.20 Imran Yusuf Observe. Ah, it depends on who you ask I Just well yeah I'm ah I've I've grown up in the muslim tradition I am a muslim. However, but when I say that it depends on how you know how many wants to define it in some people's eyes. 20:59.80 alexei sayle But well and. 21:09.60 Imran Yusuf Oh I'm not muslim nowhere am I muslim enough in some people's eyes. Oh wow he's pretty full on I'll give you so my background just to kind of but bring give it to you concisely ethnically I'm indian but I was born in East Africa in Kenya my family of fruit like we are the indians that ended up in East Africa after 21:12.39 talalaban And. 21:26.78 Imran Yusuf Um, after british colonial exploits in India ah, my family then came here to the Uk fleeing Uganda because they were kicked out by id amin and my mom became pregnant with me later and so she went back to Kenya gave birth to me there and so I was raised here and I've been naturalized I'm a naturalized british citizen now. I have a certificate. Um I think I got it when I was about 12 and um, yeah, thank you finally I've got a license to be here with that. That's what it is then as we've seen you know it can quite easily be taken away if I don't jump through order hoops. Um, and um. 21:51.99 talalaban Congrats man. 21:56.14 alexei sayle Um, I know. 22:00.27 talalaban Ah, yeah. 22:04.51 Imran Yusuf So yeah, now I'm a comedian and the reason I went on that pilgrimage in 2006 is that I started when you grow up in a religious culture. A religious tradition. You just kind of you go with the flow you do as you're told and you go with it. This is your identity. 22:16.99 talalaban Go from. Okay. 22:19.11 Imran Yusuf And I really start to question it go? Well Why do we believe? what? we believe Why do we practice what we practice? Why are there So many different various forms and and schools of thought within any one religion and I start to really question things and I thought well if I really believe in this then surely I should read my holy book. You can't just walk around going I belong to this religious group and know nothing about it. 22:36.82 talalaban Skin. 22:39.40 Imran Yusuf And and not be ah competent in the subject. So I was like right I need to read the Quran cover to cover in a language that I understand I can't just sit around here chanting Arabic all day because I don't speak Arabic I can recite it when I pray but I don't understand I can't speak it as a language so I started reading the quran it was like. 22:41.16 talalaban The. 22:50.72 alexei sayle Yeah. 22:58.21 Imran Yusuf You know what I need to go on a pilgrimage I need to make this journey and really understand the depths of what it means to have faith and what my faith is or you know or am I just following other people and so that you know I book the tickets to fly to a Benngurian airport to Tel Aviv um and just before I flew out. Hezbollah fire rockets into Israel. It kicks off I've turned up and I'm you know, hauled into into questioning but the funny thing is before I left months before I left I wrote to the home office I wrote to the israeli embassy going my name's immaran yusu I'm making this trip. You're probably gonna want to talk to me here's my contact details and. 23:30.73 alexei sayle He. 23:35.53 Imran Yusuf None of them replied to me except just before I left heath throw ah to plain clothes like police officers just went hello there you know can we ask you some questions I was like yeah man I understand what this looks like and I know you're going to want to question me so let's let's do this and they were really polite. Um. 23:53.27 Imran Yusuf And ah, they just asked me know why I'm making this journey. What's going on I go look I'm going on pilgrimage I know this is an ideal time with what's going on but this is important to me and I just want to go here on my contact details. You can contact me anytime I'm on this trip they they were really cool. They were really polite and then they let me get my flight. When I get to the other end I get hauled up into questionings there weirdly enough the israeli ministry of defense people who question me were really polite, really welcoming. You know, ah not at all hostile in the way that I've sometimes experienced in America and um and then I was on on my way and on that trip and. Ah, spent a lot of time in alakqa I was in it. Not only was I at the dome of the rock I was under it praying every day and reading the quran. Um, and it was it was a difficult journey. It's a lot. It was a lot of soul searching and then went on to mecca and medina. And um I learned a lot. It was a Matt it was a huge point in my life where I really learned a lot about myself and I and I learned a lot about the the what when I learn a lot about when we say that we are this part of this religious group or we that we have faith. What does that really mean are you just saying it because you want to fit in or you saying it because you see the value in this religion in this particular religious tradition and its particular stories. So I learned a lot from that and then I came back and then just kind of got on with life I kind of took took my foot off the gas on religious introspection. 25:19.62 Imran Yusuf And went back to work for a bit. Um, and then you know, kind of grew up life happens life doesn't kind of unfold perfectly for everybody and then went on that second trip of 2017 and what's really stuck out to me is that we were on. We've only got so much time in this world. 25:24.53 talalaban And. 25:38.69 Imran Yusuf And whilst I'm here I want to do some good because I've been the recipient of other people's kindness and I want to give my kindness to those who can't even are not even allowed to defend themselves ah particularly palestinians because talking about palestine Criticizing Israel is a difficult thing to do fortunately I'm a standup comedian and I'm handsome and charming. 25:56.47 alexei sayle A. 25:56.80 talalaban Good. 25:58.51 Imran Yusuf So I know how to do it in a way to say what needs to be said the difficult things that need to be said in in criticizing the state of Israel and the crimes that it commits against palestinians. But at the same time building bridges with the jewish and israeli communities who want to build these bridges who want to build a better world. Who don't want to make it one dimensional where you know that there is there is a pharaoh and that there are and that there are slaves and we can build that together. It's um so I know I've gone on here a bit I just want to tell you quickly. Um I went so an israeli comedian her name's Noam Shuster aiai she um. 26:20.35 alexei sayle Yea. 26:29.70 alexei sayle I'm sorry. 26:37.80 Imran Yusuf She came over to the u k she's so yeah I hope I say this correctly, she's she was raised in a place called niveshalom in ah Israel which is a place where arabs and israelis are kind of socially engineered to get along so she speaks Arabic ah, and um, you know she's got lots of arab friends. And so this is ah a great thing and so she's her background if if I hope I get this right? I think her mum's like iranian jewish and her father's as Ashkenazi. Ah jewish and they're all like very you know hippies progressive they want to wait the world. A better place and so she went on tv and she criticized the Abraham Accords 27:07.21 alexei sayle Yes, yeah. 27:17.27 Imran Yusuf And she became and it went viral and she became quite quite famous. Um, and then she came over to the UK and she played at J W Three the big jewish cultural center in finciley and finchley road and I remember she came and that was on the same day. The queen died and just before she went on stage. We all got. 27:26.66 talalaban I need. 27:27.29 alexei sayle A. 27:35.80 Imran Yusuf Ah, notification that the queen passed away 5 minutes before she was due on stage and she came on stage. Yeah, and she came say she gave it. She did a prayer in Hebrew for the queen and then she did ah then she did a show and told us all about herself and what she does and. 27:38.34 alexei sayle I. Right? so. 27:52.50 Imran Yusuf Ah, you know she's turned down. You know she doesn't Ah, she's turned down ah being in the idf. She's turned down being ah miniish. Ah you know being a spy or and all this kind of stuff because she cares about making the world a better place in building bridges with palestinians. Ah. 28:09.23 Imran Yusuf As as he herself as an israeli you know jewish israeli so that's fascinating to see and I want people to know about her and to see about her particularly people in the broader muslim community in the UK who may not have any interactions with with Jews or israelis because. 28:14.73 alexei sayle Yeah. 28:25.78 Imran Yusuf Ah I think in this country if you live in London you're you're quite lucky but there are parts of this country other parts of this nation in which there are there are enclaves of of of people who don't interact with people outside of their own background and that's a recipe for disaster especially in the modern world. 28:33.30 talalaban You know. 28:40.23 talalaban Um, now like healing it. 28:41.76 alexei sayle Like healing like your enclaveing ealing tell her. No. 28:43.90 Imran Yusuf But ah. 28:49.61 Imran Yusuf Ah, so um um I think growing up in London has been a blessing in my life because I've always been surrounded by every culture ah religion that you can think of and it's ah and I think because of that it's helped me become the person that I am is that. Let's work together make the world. A better place. It's a difficult conversation to have. There are lots of difficult areas that we have to traverse. But if we're committed to doing together. We can make the world a better place of the next generation of kids who come through. Don't have to live 1 if in a world of fear and lack and suspicion of other people. 29:23.10 talalaban Hey, some of the most difficult connections I I have tried to make are with other arabs and and muslims in my life like that's some of the most difficult ah times like try to. Because especially because they grew up in this bubble like you said sometimes you know I don't to generalize. But yes it happens a lot man that they just don't fathom a well a life a lifestyle or a world outside of their way of of being and it can be really difficult to ah, convince people to open up and. Be more welcoming to new ideas. 29:58.94 Imran Yusuf Um, it's ah um, I'm lucky so I grew up in hackney first in Hackney Downs first eight years of my life and so that was a multicultural melting pot back in the 80 s and I benefit from that and I quite um so this is the very first time. 30:06.87 talalaban In. 30:13.79 Imran Yusuf I learned anything about jewish people. Um from my mom. So what happened I was I think maybe I was about six years old and I was in school and I found a book in the school library about islam and I picked it up and I was like oh right? This is about my religion. This is about who I am. And so I took the book and I told the teachers you know I'd like to take this book home. You know you could take books home from school. So I don't know if they yeah um yeah, they still do that right? I'm pretty sure they still do that so I took this book home. Ah, and you know the the school didn't call prevent none of that was happening. Ah these were much better times in the eighty s. 30:36.35 talalaban F. 30:47.49 Imran Yusuf And took it home and my parents were really Proud. My mom was really proud that I've identified what my religion is I understand this is about me I took it home and it was just it was a very you know it's a kids. It's ah it was a very kind of this is what Islam is this is where it's come from this is what muslims believe and I remember my mom distinctly telling me this story she goes she said. Ah. The Jews are like us right? They're like us muslims because they believe in Moses and we also believe in Moses and so that's why we're allowed to eat their food. Whatever their food and I went all right and so I grew up believing that Jews were just another type of muslim effectively right? just. 31:17.73 talalaban On the one. 31:24.95 talalaban Ah, yeah. 31:25.45 Imran Yusuf Well and effectively really it is. It's it's very strict monotheism. That's what it's about and it's about the creed of Abraham and and so that's what I thought I didn't know about Israel palestine I didn't know about any of that I just thought jews are just other types of muslims and that's cool. Um, and that's how I grew up and that's ah, that's a story I had in my head and then. 31:25.51 alexei sayle That that. 31:44.58 Imran Yusuf As I became an adult and you start to learn about Israel and Palestine and and that whole that whole massive story it then starts to bring a different dimension to this story and I'm like right I have to learn about this and what I'm very fortunate about is that I've in this country in Britain I've been able to engage the jewish community so easily right I've been able to. 31:48.91 talalaban Yeah, yeah. 32:04.33 Imran Yusuf You know I know Rabbi ah Laura yanna Klausner of the reform synagogue where she was the senior Rabbi I think she's doing something else now. Um I've been able to I know Ashley Blaker who's an orthodox jewish comedian on it. 32:11.25 alexei sayle Um. 32:14.37 alexei sayle Yes, I mean we could talk a about a bit about Ashley because I know he nearly produced before I actually did sandwich barers. There was some talk of where I was Goingnna and Ashley was goingnna produce a show and then he did de produce Josh Howey ' show that I was in a couple of episodes of. 32:31.94 Imran Yusuf Um, oh yeah, a just that he knows what he's doing. He's very proven. 32:32.93 alexei sayle And yeah, yeah, he's ah I mean I don't know what I mean but could probably get him on and asking Bob and he's I mean he's and you did a show with Ashley and Ashley is a very is a is is ah some kind I actually never um. 32:41.87 Imran Yusuf Um, yes. 32:50.99 alexei sayle Ah I never actually asked him what kind of what but I mean he's orthodox jewish right of and 1 of the things I like he's got a big hat but he can take his hat off and he's got like a little emergency hat underneath it? Yeah, which is ah. 32:55.42 Imran Yusuf Um, yes, he's orthodox Jewish and he yeah yeah mees here he's got is that is is Kipa's couple. He's got He's got that and. 33:04.27 talalaban Um. 33:10.62 alexei sayle Yeah, yeah, yeah, and but he is also because of his religion and it's kind of it's difficult for him and it's that he can't shake out. He can't shake hands with women, producers and stuff I don't know you has to. It's just to say that in advance that you get when he's having means. 33:13.44 Imran Yusuf So. 33:19.77 Imran Yusuf Oh yeah, he's hardcore. Yeah, he makes it very I mean if you can't see it by looking at him. He makes it very clear just like look I can't also when we were on tour so we did a show together called Profit sharing right. 33:32.51 talalaban Um, yeah, such a good name. 33:32.62 alexei sayle Right? Prayer words. 33:35.93 Imran Yusuf It. It's a great. It's great title. It was his idea what a great. What a great title and we did um a tour. Um and it was you know nothing like this seemingly had been done before I'm pretty sure there are other muslims and Jews who've done comedy shows but ours was the best like ours is really and we did a Q and a at the end that people really enjoyed. 33:48.86 alexei sayle With that. 33:55.00 Imran Yusuf And I remember when we um when we did that when we were a tour after a show I'd be hungry so I'd be on deliveroo and now almost everything is halal right? Um, and it's quite easy for me to be able to get ah to to get a meal after a show. But for kosher I discovered is so much more difficult than halal like it's so much more. Ah, you know? Ah, ah, you have to have the kitchen has to be split into milk and meat. There has to be a rabbi observing the whole process in order for him to sign off for it being kosher so Ashley and I don't think he had a cooked meal once we were on tour. 34:13.00 talalaban And. 34:29.85 Imran Yusuf Like what was we were in a hotel to hope and. 34:30.97 alexei sayle That's a bit like chat that was like that mind you after touring in the 80 s was like that you couldn't get a cooked meal but just it wasn't because it wasn't couchha. It was just because old food was horrible but but you know. 34:41.23 Imran Yusuf Ah, a horrible. So what? Ah so according to the quran right? Ah, the food of the Jews and the Christians is lawful to us right now. 34:41.64 talalaban The 8 well wait. Ah it muslims can eat kosher food but jewish people car'ny hal right. 34:52.84 talalaban What. 34:55.72 Imran Yusuf What that means in the current. So. It's weird like Halal effectively is that this meet has been slaughtered in in the name of God and not to any force Idol or attributed to any lesser thing right? That's all it is and so effectively. That's what kosh it's much more stricter in the way that ah it's prepared. But we are allowed to eat that food because Kosher food isn't when it's Slaughtered. They're not invoking the name of a different God It's the same God The muslims are talking About. We're just using slightly different language right? Um, what the the food of the christians is I don't quite understand Um, but that's what the Quran says the the the food of the Jews The Christians is lawful to us. 35:25.43 talalaban But ah. 35:35.43 Imran Yusuf Um, so knowing that it just kind of makes you know it. Ah it made life a bit easier but in here in modern Britain. It's easy for me to get any type of food that I want and it to be halal. But for kosher I mean yeah I felt really bad Vashi I think he just had like snacks in his bag that he kind of survived on. 35:55.50 Imran Yusuf Um, which must have been really really difficult. We did. We went to a kosher restaurant once at the start. Yeah I think sorry was at the start before we actually did the tour we went out near where he lives there's Kosher restaurants near and we had That's the only cooked meal I think I'm had with him ever was before the tour started. 36:13.71 alexei sayle Ah, ah, but you want test bit about how you came became a standup then so but what that journey was. 36:20.98 Imran Yusuf Yeah, well, um, before so before so stand up I wanted to be um, sorry well one second sorry right? so. 36:22.53 talalaban Very Npr of you? yeah. 36:24.40 alexei sayle There. 36:34.94 Imran Yusuf I when I was um when I was a kid I love watching Benny Hill when I was like 5 years I would love for for 3 4 5 years I'd love watching Benny Hill but um I didn't I didn't know what standup was until I was about a teenager when I was a teenager we got cable and they had the comedy store tv show. And the jong does tv showing at midnight and I was like wow what is this? there's there's like a ah shop that you can go sit in and people get up on stage and they tell jokes and that's their job might I should be doing that. But my first levels in video games. Hence why I've got all that video game paraphernalia behind me. Um. 37:00.00 talalaban Here. 37:10.67 Imran Yusuf Is so I wanted to go make video games I'll do comedy later and then eventually I was like right? I'm gonna go for the comedy and start ah and then just got on got on the circuit doing open mics. Um, but at the same time this is a bit bit of a trip for me to be on a podcast with a lexi sale because I remember you. Ah, from from the 80 s on comedy tv shows even though I was too young to understand them. You were the guy wearing the fairs right? It was ah it was a funny bloke and now little did I know decades later I'd be on a podcast talking about serious things and trying to be for me at the same time. 37:40.14 alexei sayle Yeah, yeah. 37:44.18 Imran Yusuf Um, so yeah, just got on the circuit and a big thing for me and this is where we're also ah sorry I think ah I hope did you hear that I think Michael tried to do an update sorry about that I didn't realize I doing this um with another way that myself and Alexia connected. Not only did I watch you back in there. 37:49.46 talalaban Yeah, that's okay. 37:49.72 alexei sayle Yeah, but don't worry. Sorry so outcast it literally doesn't matter. 38:01.45 Imran Yusuf On on television and even though I was too young to understand what it was all about um my my dream in comedy like I was like I had to play the comedy store I was like that's where I want to go. That's the best place in the world that's ah, that's the club I want to play I did over 14 open spots at the comedy store before I was given a weekend. And and and then and then I was in but I'm even I've even got my comedy store. Um mug. That's what I'm keeping my tea out of ah yeah, yeah, yeah, so um. 38:24.85 alexei sayle No, right? The original logo that they stole from the United States yeah 38:26.26 talalaban Nice. 38:33.40 Imran Yusuf Absolute. Ah yeah, so the comedy store was the thing I was like I need to be a comedy store comedian I want to be that caliber of comedian and I did it managed to up. So what? Ah the highlights of my career have been I got nominated at the edinburgh festival in 2010 I ended up on Michael Mcintyre's comedy road show um, and then I've got to you know travel the world telling jokes but whilst that's been happening I've also been discovering. You know I got to talk about things that are important to me and I think I've really learnt that from Mark Thomas and and Jeremy Hardy um I was like. There are important things that need to be said and important things that we need to do with our lives and it's all good and fun making funny jokes and laughing. But if I have the opportunity to speak up to make the world a better place and say difficult things I've got to do it and that's why I really admire you know any comedian who who speaks up. 39:25.31 alexei sayle O. 39:27.23 Imran Yusuf Justice and commits themselves to it in any shape or form. Um is it's someone who's truly living life. You know this isn't we're not here to thrive ah to survive. We're here to thrive and when when someone from culture x community or culture x. Sees the humanity and someone who's from community y or zed and goes you deserve to have the same as I have you deserve to live in the world of peace and have the same privilege as I have I think that's one of the most beautiful things. A human being can do um and especially ah. We're very well aware. You know you criticize Israel you can get into a lot. Ah you know that you can end up in a lot of hot water and it almost feels that the whole of israeli culture is this hostile thing and it's not because there's loads of israelis doing amazing I discovered. Um I I befriended a lady from jcorr. Jewish Council of racial equality and what I discovered about them is that they will befriend refugees who come to Britain whatever their background is and help them and just go. We know what it feels like you know to be running from pillar to post and we know what it means to be persecuted and have to escape and end up as. You know, foreigners in foreign lands. Whatever so we will help that and and when I met them. They were helping this eritrean muslim guy I believe he was um, eritrean or ethiopian I forgotten now. But as a few years ago I remember they met um, met him and they were just helping him with you know, get here are the resources available to you to be able to you know. 40:57.49 Imran Yusuf Have roof over your head food and your stomach and opportunities for you to access education or whatever you need to help you survive and watch. You're enduring this difficult thing and so the jewish community is doing that in Britain and if we don't know about this then we're going to end up with this one dimensional image of who Jews and israelis are and. 41:03.82 talalaban E. 41:17.34 Imran Yusuf Ah, it really surprised me because I was like we need we need to know this I think the broader muslim community and the jewish community have to build more bridges together and understand what we're doing. We have to understand like how do I know about Jcorp but loads of people. In fact I bet there's those of jewish people who don't know what Jcor is and definitely. 41:33.75 alexei sayle Probably not. Yeah. 41:36.98 Imran Yusuf Loads of muslims don't know what Jcor is and the other countless of Israeli and Jewish organizations that are trying to make society a better place. Um, so there is great scope for improvement there. 41:50.41 alexei sayle Okay, maybe we should? well we should then because we partly going to talk about Jeremy as well. I think that um you went to the west bank with him and you knew him that Jeremy pulled off that trick that I haven't quite managed to do which is to be so beloved by middle england partly. Because of his work on radio 4 and the news quiz I guess ah but he was I mean I I mean 1 several things I liked about Jimmy I think he got better as a comic that he was towards the end you know before his. 42:09.17 Imran Yusuf Yeah. 42:25.30 alexei sayle Was on timely Death. He was really great I did a benefit with him somewhere and I just thought he was fantastic really which I hadn't always ah particularly necessarily liked a lot of what he'd done before and but also he was he go on those. Ah, panel shows and shit like that I guess he did did he do question time as well and just be so fierce about you know I mean politics in general particularly Palestinian rights judge. You say you can pay a price for. Ah, holding those trees but about everything really he was so fierce and so immovable and his death was um, you know I mean just it was you know we really lost somebody I think who I say was getting better and was also was was so loved by a lot of the British public. 43:12.42 Imran Yusuf Um, yeah, ah. 43:13.80 talalaban A. 43:15.41 alexei sayle Makes me a bit suspicious I mean that power you know there's a point when every single left- wing leader in um South America got cancer. It might been too paranoid chavez and but yeah I mean now I probably that's not working is it ah will. 43:25.89 Imran Yusuf Um, right. 43:29.44 talalaban This that you. 43:32.85 Imran Yusuf What I I was there at his ah memorial and so the memorial that they did at Battersey Art Center and then um, yet that that was an amazing just how much love there for this man from across the entertainment industry and beyond ah was phenomenal. 43:32.96 alexei sayle But I mean it's. Yeah I would say Yeah yeah. 43:48.73 Imran Yusuf And um, and then years later we did the benefit in his name at the Apollo um, and that was um I got to I got to do a little speech for map and I did a bucket collection at the end with loads of people spilling out the Hammersmith Apollo and I'm there with a bucket in the map team and we collected thousands of pounds and it's. 44:02.28 alexei sayle Whatever. 44:08.16 Imran Yusuf His legacy the impact that he's left in this world. It's made me realize of when somebody dies we mourn the loss of a life because even though we might believe in an afterlife we don't know it as a fact and that's why we we fear we feel what this great unknown that that death seems to be but. The kindness that Jeremy put into the world exists within us and some of the kindness that we show to others is because of the kindness that Jeremy showed us how to give to others as well and so in a way you know your kindness is immortalized. Your example is immortalized in the people who survive you and know your legend. And sometimes whenever I think about whenever I just think about anything nice I've done somebody says. Thank you to me I just think sum to that point when Jeremy was nice to me when I asked him for help and I asked him look I'm writing a radio show I don't know how to do it will you help me and he sent me. The transcript for his entire but for for his last series and he goes this is how I formatted it. This is what I did you can listen and learn from this I'm like wow he he gave it to me like that was that the last I think email we exchange was him going here. You go here's Transcript. Wow what what? who does that. 45:15.83 talalaban Well. 45:19.96 alexei sayle Yeah, now he was yeah he was um I mean he did those things that he was professionally really good but he was also personally a decent person that's off you know that's um, with most comics you get 1 or the other certainly do with me. 45:31.63 Imran Yusuf Um, and. 45:36.86 alexei sayle Fuck off, but ah that him. So Yay I mean he was a real I mean he was a tremendous example and and he's ah he's a he's an enormous loss I think really? Ah, do we want it? I mean how we do I mean is anything Else. You want to say Im right I mean. Ah, thank you for bringing a rare note of positivity to this podcast. Really,. It's usually I know it's ah we're not quite used to it Really, it's it's it's Endless. It's endless kind of Endless Byle and Byin Negativity usual. 45:57.19 talalaban Yeah. 46:00.71 Imran Yusuf Um, owen. 46:05.14 talalaban Ah. 46:05.41 Imran Yusuf But you know I think it's come. It's come from my background in video game. So like I kind of bounced around the games industry I was ah an assistant producer then I became a games tester where I really learned what I was doing. Ah, became ah an assistant producer again. But as a games tester you're looking for like right? This is broken. Why is it broken like what like what is the infrastructure of its brokenness and then how do we? How do we fix it and I think human interaction is no different. We think we've got these like ah we're in these. Ah, these are Unwind. It's It's an unwinnable situation. It's not this has happened over and over Again. There's always been groups of people who've been in massive conflict. Um, and that has gone on for ages but through but through when the rest of the World. We can now collectively talk together as a planet and not just as. As these as these tribes go How do we solve this because we want every you know the fact that I I went to um I went to the the reform synagogue fincily and it was easy like I live in a country where I can call up a Jewish person. Go hey man I want come visit your synagogue and learn about what you guys do and he's like yeah cool my name was on the list. And I turned up at the synagogue and they welcomed they didn't treat me like an outsider at all. Maybe they didn't know maybe they looked at me and went Ma I'm I'm another type of Jewish person. We're effectively all muslims really are because we it's all the same God It's all the same prophets right? but. 47:29.13 alexei sayle I Think with the name of Im round Yusuf they had that kind of idea were you I do not I'm not ah you know. 47:30.13 talalaban Probably not a clue yet. 47:33.80 Imran Yusuf You know I was I was welcomed in. Yeah, but yeah I was welcomed in and then later we went to the Rabbi Laura's house for ah um, ah for dinner and what's really great about Rabbi Laura is that she's like any you know you can ask any question you want and you're in a. 47:43.88 talalaban Wow. 47:52.62 Imran Yusuf In fact, she gave me I've got a copy of the tanak which is um, ah ancient jewish scripture on there that she gave to me as well because I like to read from every religion I like to learn and understand you know how? Ah how any religious person sees the world. What their religious ah religious tradition has bought them. So. You know that's a great thing about Britain. Don't forget that if you don't know something about another group of people. It's very easy to find something and go hey can I come to your cultural center can I can I come to your place or worship and learn about you and you know the jewish community has been around a long time and and they have that facility. We just may not know about it. 48:22.40 talalaban No yeah. 48:28.70 talalaban Um, yeah. 48:31.72 Imran Yusuf Um, I've been very fortunate to be able to to be invited to that table because I know it's there and I invite other people from whatever background you're from is there is a table around which we can sit around and have very difficult conversations. But at least we can sit around it and have those conversations and not be at each other's throats. So. 48:48.82 talalaban Or they say they say people are afraid of the unknown. So just remove the unknown part of it and ah, ah. 48:49.71 Imran Yusuf Let's do that. 48:53.12 alexei sayle Well, you've raised the moral tone of this podcast by about 12000% I think so among. 48:56.48 Imran Yusuf What alexa you know I'm also grateful someone who is a prominent a prominent name in the entertainment world someone especially like yourself who helped give birth to alternative comedy in this country and as a Jewish yeah. 49:11.21 alexei sayle Absolutely didn't have just invented it that. Yeah. 49:15.90 talalaban Single handed. 49:16.33 Imran Yusuf Massively Ah, but also as a Jewish person for you to say what you're saying is it's it's It's a huge It's like ah looking at a beautiful light that's going. Oh My God there's somebody from that community of people with whom we think we have this one dimensional conflict. But no, it's not there is plenty of of. Ah, love and understanding and acceptance um within that community and for you to come forward and say that alexi is it's a huge thing and thank you for doing that and I hope in the same way that you are an ally to palestinians that I hope that I get as a muslim. 49:39.50 alexei sayle Well thank you? Well, you're welcome. 49:52.53 Imran Yusuf Can be an ally to the Jewish and Israeli world as well. 49:56.15 talalaban Amazing now. 49:58.90 alexei sayle Beautifully put. Thank you imer you? you've given us a lot to think about I'm very impressed with this my podcast out two sort of muslims and a sort of Jew that sort. Well you you you? but you. 50:01.99 Imran Yusuf Um, thank you. 50:08.81 talalaban Hurt. Yeah. 50:10.58 Imran Yusuf Thought her so I love that it's a nice title. So so. 50:15.62 alexei sayle Yeah, you're a proper ah you ever thought of going on the had you anything? Yeah, you've been brought up to secular tell our love near ready. Yeah. 50:17.27 talalaban I. 50:24.80 talalaban Ah me I'm I'm too secular. Yeah I'm I've very early on ah she ah shunned religion from my life and like from my outlook what it's not I've yeah I think my my dad was very open minded. My mom was is religious. Enough a bit but my dad is very um, secular and was big flu in Arabic and I think I've had too many experiences growing up being lectured by family members or my visits to Syria or when they visit us about how. 50:45.40 alexei sayle Be speak. Give me your arabic is fluent I know I pretend to speak. 51:00.90 talalaban I'm living a devilish lifestyle and you know I'm going down a very dark path and that you should you know sort it out and then that naturally makes me want to reject that shit and then when I the first time someone took I was at after school club in primary school and one of the people who like. Part time probably late teenager who does a does a shift at the after school club just playing football with the kids probably out of probably broke the rules and and explained atheism to me and like just broke it down to me and I was like that's an option I don't have to go to hell and. 51:34.32 alexei sayle Um, yeah. 51:40.63 talalaban So I think I kind of was enamored by atheism Very very young and it's kind of stayed with me. Um, but I do believe there's that you can learn from any ah, any religion I think religion and you know I don't want to offend anyone who has is faithful out there I will never. 51:49.71 alexei sayle Ah. 51:59.76 talalaban Deny Want anyone's right? or ah to to believe ah in their in their faith and who am I to say what's right? or wrong. But um, one of the conversations my late dad ah would repeatedly me and him would have is about where religion comes from and. 52:09.30 alexei sayle That's my job. 52:19.19 talalaban Comes from a place of necessity and he would tell me stories about Muhammad um about how he was a real person and you know the reasons for things being so-called outlawed in in Islam was because it was dangerous at the time like they don't eat pork and certain seafood because. They come from a hot climate and that shit goes off really quickly and it's dangerous to eat it and they didn't have fridges so like that's why that's why there's no, you're not meant to eat pork but those rules were created then out of necessity and now we have fridges but there's still part of the tenets of Islam and like no alcohol. He's like. 52:41.70 Imran Yusuf Are sorry. 52:51.34 alexei sayle Ah. 52:57.60 talalaban My dad used to love a glass of whiskey every night and and he would just I guess this was him justifying why he'd liked bacon and but and booze but he he'd to go like Mahammed had to ban alcohol because people kept showing up to prayer drunk and he told them not to come drunk to prayer. 53:00.11 alexei sayle Um. 53:10.39 Imran Yusuf Well yeah, that's essentially yeah, that's that's what the quran says and not turned out to prayer drunk. So it's weird the Quran forbids the flesh of swine it forbids usury right? Um, but in the same language. 53:16.89 talalaban E. 53:25.17 Imran Yusuf I Don't believe is used for alcohol. It advises it against turning up it advises against alcohol right? and invite and don't turn up to pray a drunk but in the way that pork is pork is Forbidden Usery is Forbidden that's made very clear. So I'm now reading usery like so usery. 53:29.60 talalaban Yeah, and pray don't get. 53:41.12 talalaban Um, what's usery. 53:44.38 alexei sayle Loaning money by extracting interest from money. Yeah. 53:44.60 Imran Yusuf Okay, it's it's interest right? So all the exorbitant interest on a loan right? It's weirdly I think it's forbidden in christianity and judaism as well. But like in the modern world. It's all gone been shot to hell you know exorbitant interest rates. 53:47.70 talalaban Ah, right? and. 53:58.50 alexei sayle Yes, well there was very good reasons for bad Bannon newsy and. 54:01.25 talalaban Ah, that's why you have That's why you have the islamic bank because they don't do interest and stuff. 54:06.92 Imran Yusuf What apparently they don't do interest I just think it's all like that the language around it is changed but the mechanism might be the same I'm not an expert ah on that but interesting what you're saying here to la ah right? is you have questioned religion right? and you should. Right? And this is this is this is why I think the story of Abraham from both the bible and the quran is the most important story. it's it's it's the story that's that changed my life. The most is that there was so I can't tell you historically as a fact that this this happened as a fact. But the story as an archetype is very pertinent to us right now and so here is this story of Abraham he lives in a time where everyone worships idols and his father makes the idols and he questions he's like why do people worship the ids goes well this is what we found our fathers doing this is what we found everybody else doing and we uphold it goes well can you not see that. You don't really worship god you worship other people you seek their validation and they're like shut up. You know what are you talking about then when everybody goes out to ah celebrate one of their festivals. He smashes all the idols and he leaves 1 intact and he hangs around. And when everybody comes back. They're like oh my god who smashed our idols and he's like why don't you ask that one because he obviously saw it all and they're like you know that our gods don't speak and he's like well why do you worship them then and can you see essentially what's happening here is before it became islam before it became judaism here as a man who in the eyes of his community was committing a blasphemy. 55:32.99 talalaban He. 55:35.30 Imran Yusuf Right? They worshipped an established way that had just been passed down that they did without question and he challenged it because he goes this isn't God what your court pointing towards is not God and then the journey continues and I love that story because it's the story of you have to have the courage to question the status quo. 55:52.00 talalaban Like yeah. 55:54.60 Imran Yusuf Why are we living like this. Why are we behaving like this and when we look at the larger very devoutly organized religious world. It's full of insane problems insane problems and we have a challenge. 56:03.78 talalaban Yeah, ah my big problem with it too is is the performativeness of of religion for a lot of people it if they're putting on a show and it's like you know and it's a lot prideful like look how religious I'm look how dark the spot on my head is because I pray so hard I rub my head into the carpet. 56:10.72 Imran Yusuf Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so and it's important. It's it's and that's really important for us to challenge in question because I think Faith isn't a thing that oh this happened a long time ago and I believe that story and I'm gonna uphold it. 56:21.62 talalaban And I'll never wash my forehead so everyone can see how hard I pray you know. 56:32.90 talalaban Yeah, yeah. 56:35.47 Imran Yusuf It's a constantly evolving thing and where I've come to it as a 43 year old man now I realize this when we use the word god in in especially in western tradition god has been reduced to an image of a man in the sky with a big beard throwing thunderbolts down. And that's never worked for me because in islam there is no imagery of god because you can't you cannot apply an image to god right? saying with judaism as well. So where I've come with it at 43 I realize I exist in a reality that I didn't create and nor do I sustain it is me who is the created and it is me who is the sustained as a human being. 56:56.77 talalaban Ah, yeah. 57:09.92 Imran Yusuf I'm dependent on the environment and on the weather cycles and on the food that grows how we've emerged from reality is not isn't our own Genius We just have now you can attribute that to God a God be God See whatever or evolution. Whatever but the fact is it has happened and it is a power greater than you. And it doesn't need you. You're just in the middle of it. You're in the middle of the ah in the cosmic ocean of life and I realize that I'm I'm here on just for a little bit of time and whilst I'm here knowing that I'm not the creator nor am I the sustainer I'm the creator and I'm the sustained. What am I going to do with this. I'm going to try and honor it by living a healthy life and being good to others so that they can know some joy in Health and thrive in their life as Well. I Hope that makes sense like I'm still watching on my on my proslytized. Ah. 57:56.17 talalaban M. 57:56.30 alexei sayle Absolutely well tankro I was yeah, a hot water bottle you're clutching because of your chest infection. 58:02.64 talalaban Yeah, hit. 58:04.99 Imran Yusuf Yes, yeah, I'm very cold. So I've got a hot ah hot water bottle on. 58:07.60 alexei sayle I Thought it was some kind of advanced electronic device for for a minute and well thank you for. 58:11.44 Imran Yusuf And. 58:12.57 talalaban This funny is good. There is a oh just quickly. There is a completely inverse perspective on that as well that we are the creators of everything around us because you know we live in this our world is based on our perception around us and I've created that Well, it's like a. 58:18.55 alexei sayle So. 58:27.10 Imran Yusuf I meant like the universe and nature and how atoms work and why they work and the solar system like I didn't I'm just part of this big Cosmic Cosmic dance like I didn't create it I'm just in the middle of it all somehow and I'm conscious. 58:38.26 talalaban Yeah, yeah, yeah, what do you think a barrettas you imaran. 58:39.30 alexei sayle This is getting too far away from brand alexi now this is this is damaging my brand I think yeah 9 millow seven point six two five point five six assault rifle. Thank you very much imran that as ever I think this podcast was um, didn't go at all in the way I was expecting it. But it's been extraordinary I think it's been amazing. Thank you very much. Ah. 59:01.87 talalaban M. 59:04.10 Imran Yusuf Oh thank you. It's been an honor. It's really an honor to to be asked to do this. Thank you for having me and I hope this isn't the last time we get, we get to chat and work together would want to see you do stand up again. Alexi want to see you back on stage. 59:10.81 alexei sayle Now Let's yeah nurse. Yeah yeah, absolutely absolutely. It was great. Thank you? Yeah well I yeah I'd like to see me back on stage as well. It's a. 59:23.62 talalaban Hey. 59:27.12 alexei sayle It's a bit complicated really because um and I've got no I've got no new material at all. Really, it's also I think I was saying like the the the stunt that it was this. You know the I was doing this tour which was a you know which was two says the way through it. Um. 59:45.14 alexei sayle 2 wo-th thirdds the way through it when lockdown struck and so I'd cancel it and then I used all it was a beautiful beautiful show with the twenty nineteen twenty twenty show that I was doing which I then used a lot of it on an imaginary sandwich bar. So at least it got used but I didn't get really to do it live more than a few days. 01:00:00.12 talalaban A. 01:00:02.90 alexei sayle But then you know, but it it perfectly captured the Zeitgeist I think for me that it was ah it was political where it was about it was about the hope of jeremy years and then how they were betrayed and there was a lot of you know? Yeah, there was a lot of kind of really heartfelt stuff about betrayal and political. You know the machinations of the right and stuff and so you know but then and to that was that show and and but now now that I'm 70 that that was what was at the forefront of my mind hope and then despair. But then you know, but now what's at the forefront of my mind is death and illness. Um I don't know whether you can get standup out of that ready. Can you do a show up with just about all your mates getting ill. 01:00:46.77 talalaban I Think you can. 01:00:47.41 Imran Yusuf Um, yeah, um, what you could do about anything. Ah, really. 01:00:50.60 alexei sayle We got the ideas or any of the listeners have got the idea about you can make that funny but that's ah, that's the reality and my left out seventeen up'm separately no and I've got to I've got a blood clot at the moment right. 01:00:59.26 talalaban That would make a great topic. Your comedy should reflect your journey your life man tell funny stories about the people who have died to kind of. 01:00:59.32 Imran Yusuf Um, yeah. 01:01:07.70 alexei sayle Yeah, but it's not. It's you can make half that shit funny. Well we'll see. 01:01:15.48 talalaban You know, tell your funny stories about their lives your interactions with them. 01:01:19.26 alexei sayle Um, well we'll see reviewing Lexi Sal 2024 never as an audience being so stunned into silence by the miserable. 01:01:34.34 alexei sayle Shit that Alexis so related to them. It's the challenge getting old's a challenge I'll tell you that yes, that's true. You can be up beating them. Yeah, live podcast here. We're planning that moment at the comedy store. Hopefully. 01:01:36.21 talalaban Ah, ah well, we'll be doing more live podcasts. So for now as well. So come along and watcher one of those with us that I'm ran. Yeah. 01:01:51.30 Imran Yusuf Oh yeah, that would be great that would be great that'd be amazing and be amazing you at the comedy school but the the club that you help bring into you know you? but. 01:01:55.41 alexei sayle Yeah, it's a book to come along. Yeah I birththed it I was its midwife wouldn't have existed without me Dom Ward wouldn't have the house in the south of France if it wasn't for me. Ah. 01:02:08.64 talalaban Ah. 01:02:10.26 Imran Yusuf Ah, he does have a nice pass I've I've stayed at his house. Yeah, and that in on Tv Yeah like ah ah is. 01:02:11.97 alexei sayle But the what which one the one in the one in is the yeah yeah, well that's fucking paid for I should be called maison alexi I fucking paid for that place where' mayas in the out of France done. Ah. 01:02:17.48 talalaban Holy shit. Ah. 01:02:28.80 Imran Yusuf Ah, is is ah he's but you know what I love about Don is that he he he he attends his club like he watches what happens at his club. He watches everyone on stage. He cares about the quality of the comedy that's happening in his club and that's what's kept the the standard so high for so long. Um. 01:02:34.50 alexei sayle There. 01:02:45.72 alexei sayle Yeah, yes, really. 01:02:45.99 Imran Yusuf And you know he's always there. He also like years ago he had a club in India and that's the first time I went to India was because of the comedy store. So I went back to my I guess my ancestral homeland because the comedy store like can you come out here and do comedy and I can jump between hindi and english quite easily I didn't realize that I could on stage. 01:03:01.96 talalaban Wow. 01:03:05.49 Imran Yusuf and and I loved it. We oh it was amazing and then fortunately you know the the ah the club got swindled out from under him and it didn't ah you know it came to an end but I was really you know I was really lucky I got paid I've paid the comedy store in England and in and in India when they had it um and it was great. It's just it's amazing. That. For the 2 of us who've played the comedy store here is that you were there. It's in section. Are you don't want to mention that all right cool. Unfortunately, that's under repair at the moment's under like a long like ah severe repair issues. They're dealing with but you you were there Alex you. 01:03:26.63 talalaban Hey I did the one in Manchester. Yeah. 01:03:39.34 alexei sayle That's a cloudsy after you did did it till ah. 01:03:40.27 talalaban Yeah I think I left a cigarette lit or something. 01:03:42.60 Imran Yusuf You? Yeah yeah, ah you you know you help give birth to a comedy store and the comedy store ultimately would then go on to inspire me to go I want to play that club more than any other club. Um, and it really shaped me I also did the cutting edge at the comedy store. It was their Tuesday topical show. Um, so. 01:03:50.54 talalaban Yeah. 01:03:59.37 alexei sayle Aha. 01:04:01.20 Imran Yusuf I used to do that and I got around the likes of Ian Stone Sean Mio Paul Thorne Steve gribbin Martin Coyote and that helped me you know, write short form topical stuff. So it's it's massively shaped me and it's I it's this is an odd thing. Oh my god I'm on a podcast with a lexi sale and the comedy store and the how it you know. 01:04:14.52 alexei sayle Um, yeah, it's ah yeah, yeah. 01:04:20.65 Imran Yusuf What you did affected me and hopefully one day someone might be inspired by what I'm getting away with. 01:04:22.83 alexei sayle Yeah I'm sure well to be inspired by this podcast if nothing else. Thank you very much how you say? Thank you Hindi is like this is gonna go on forever. 01:04:27.28 talalaban Yeah, yeah. 01:04:39.83 alexei sayle Hindi is ah Hindi the same as urdu. Basically you speak hindi rather than nerdu. Yeah yeah. 01:04:42.59 Imran Yusuf Um, they very very similar so uu is written in Arabic Hindi is written in ah Devonagri I think it's thing so weirdly I think I speak uidu but when I go to India and I speak what I think is all to do they go oh your hindi very good and and then when I meet people. Proper udo speakers. They're like ha your those is really funny. So I kind of speak a thing that's in between both of them. But I perfectly understood and I can get by um, which I'm quite proud of because I have a connection to my ancestral language I'm also learning japanese at the moment and that's very difficult. It's very very difficult. Yeah. 01:05:01.64 alexei sayle No. 01:05:03.99 talalaban Ah, okay. 01:05:12.57 alexei sayle There is it I So is it easier than Chinese a hundred. Yeah. 01:05:17.44 talalaban Yes, it is. 01:05:20.12 Imran Yusuf Like it's started off easy and now it's got a point where it's im really ah, it's probably easier than chinese but I've been doing it for about a year and I'm not conversational I can say you know I can say more than I could say a year ago. 01:05:30.68 alexei sayle The. 01:05:34.64 Imran Yusuf But um, yeah I'm on my third language at the moment and um, it's it's It's a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. 01:05:37.23 alexei sayle Yeah, see what over podcast did have an arabic speaker hindi speaker me bit speak for puid wa bla band espanel mass or Menos I mean fucking Josh Withcom you haven't got any of this. 01:05:44.27 talalaban That he. 01:05:46.10 Imran Yusuf Ah. 01:05:55.84 Imran Yusuf Um. Are. 01:05:57.30 alexei sayle Yeah, fucker just to bring back a bit a negativity just to restore the yein and the Yang go on the Yellow la. 01:05:58.63 talalaban Ah, man I had had 1 have 1 question I really wanted to ask imran before we go because I was really fascinated by you bringing up the the games testing and that gamifying life. 01:06:13.22 Imran Yusuf Um, yeah. 01:06:14.72 talalaban Like because like it's become like normal to use gamified like like Boris John saying leveling up all the time and now that's normal and shit so like life has become gamified and like people don't even realize it and they talk about in education and it's such a great way to like help people improve and like solve problems like you were saying. 01:06:21.82 Imran Yusuf Um, right I. 01:06:32.26 Imran Yusuf That's what it is all video games really are are massive puzzles. Yeah, it looks like you're just shooting zombies. But really, it's a puzzle like you're in a situation with a set amount of tools and there is a challenge in front of you. How do you solve it and we think oh I'm just shooting zombies. 01:06:32.72 talalaban But maybe yeah so ah. 01:06:46.81 Imran Yusuf You know you're just being mindful like how much ammunition I ever got what kind of weapons have I got what kind of zombies are these what kind of tactics can I use to get around them. You know if I do I have to confront them and in life really life is very much like a game of here's the situation that I'm in. How can I overcome it. How can I beat it What? what tools do I have what options do I have what what options or tools. Do I not know that I have or that I can get as well and I think when you apply that kind of that attitude and thinking to life. 01:07:02.78 talalaban Yeah. 01:07:10.50 talalaban A. 01:07:16.65 Imran Yusuf You realize? Ah There's this beautiful quote from Steve Jobs which I'm not going to do any justice to he goes. There's a you know you're told that life is this. You're in this box and don't bash into the walls too much but really life is quite malleable and that you know when you poke something here. Something has to come out the other end and everything that you see in the world. Has been made by people. No more intelligent than you that but life and the world is malleable and we can make it and if we want so but particularly specifically to this podcast. We can have peace between Israel and Palestine we can make the world you know in the image of this. Ah. 01:07:47.68 talalaban This is what I wanted to ask you? How do we apply that to Palestine. 01:07:54.81 Imran Yusuf To be better than it is now right? There was a time where in this country you couldn't move between part. You know you couldn't you couldn't just go move between england oh sorry that London and Manchester and and Edinburgh and and and Glasgow. Just like that now you can you can just get on a plane and go there and live there and and start a life there and ultimately we will see that with the world and we're part of that having this conversation in the future. There'll be conversations like did you know there's this. Ah, there's this jewish comedian lexixi sale on this muslim comedian imaran yusev and they used to talk I he to talk about peace and. How they can help each other and what they can do and the world that they will live in will be built upon the kind of conversations we're having now and the efforts we're making now and I feel really heartwarmed that that's what I get to be part of and that after I leave this world and whatever happens next? Ah, perhaps. 01:08:39.96 alexei sayle Um. 01:08:47.18 Imran Yusuf Some joy. There'll be joy in this world that we've all participated in making happen even though we won't be around to see it. 01:08:49.91 talalaban A. 01:08:52.35 alexei sayle Up But thank you and end on that positive now I'm just going to say I want to say something negative just to us restore resist resist restore the Ph balance. 01:08:54.89 talalaban Lovely, Let's end on that. 01:08:57.50 Imran Yusuf Um, ah. 01:09:03.12 talalaban Resist alexi resist. 01:09:10.10 alexei sayle Ki dumb was a fucking shit bag. Yeah there you go. Thank you? Thank you very much Tim Run it's amazing no no no it's incredible yeah yeah yeah let's yeah I'm come out there. Will there. 01:09:10.53 talalaban Ah, yeah. 01:09:12.97 Imran Yusuf Um, yeah. 01:09:17.97 Imran Yusuf Thank you Thanks a lot alexi. Thank you so much for um, it's been a joy and if if I can ever if I can. 01:09:26.94 alexei sayle But well come along to the live podcast at least and you'll see a can't of get a flavor of me life I will be what I'm thinking of doing is doing some sort of live because I haven't got a new Actbot if I do sandwich bar live then I can use I can use the old material and then. 01:09:37.21 Imran Yusuf No. 01:09:46.10 alexei sayle Seed new material in it kind of thing you know. So maybe maybe a way around it because ah can't I'm too old to write a whole new act of 70 You don't you want to be you want to when you you want to be wait until you get to be 70 it's it's terrible 01:09:46.62 talalaban He. 01:09:52.59 Imran Yusuf Um, you could do it. You could probably do it. 01:09:55.49 talalaban Is it. 01:10:03.47 Imran Yusuf Um, looking good 70 No way. 01:10:05.20 alexei sayle Do look? Yeah no I am in amazing physical shape I agree. Yeah, that just makes it worse ah fit as a fucking fiddle. Thank you? Yeah yeah, Lights Seaman 01:10:10.34 Imran Yusuf Um, ah. 01:10:15.87 talalaban All right? Sayanara Free palestine. Don't go anywhere though. Um, just yet. 01:10:17.94 Imran Yusuf Um, cool.

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