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The Annabel Portcast

Absolute Radio webmaster

The Annabel Portcast

A daily Comedy podcast featuring Annabel Port

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The Annabel Portcast

Absolute Radio webmaster

The Annabel Portcast

The Annabel Portcast

Absolute Radio webmaster

The Annabel Portcast

A daily Comedy podcast featuring Annabel Port
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Dec 12th, 2014
All week Annabel has been attempting to make people happy at Christmas by making other people happy. That might not make sense when you read it though, but if you listen to this you'll understand. She also reads letters from her All Star Postbag, with correspondence from Nigel Farage, Queen, and Pope.


Dec 11th, 2014
Annabel has spent the week trying to live by the advice of the Archbishop of Canterbury; to make Christmas less commercial and to instead spend her time helping others as a gift. Find out how she got on with that, and how Geoff feels about her early Christmas gift to him.


Dec 10th, 2014
Annabel continues her assignment to spend less money on presents for people this Christmas and instead make the festive season better by doing good deeds for others, so far with mixed results...


Dec 9th, 2014
Annabel starts her assignment to stop giving conventional gifts to those she loves, and instead make them feel happy vicariously, through her good deeds. However, it seems there may be a flaw in this plan, as nobody involved seems that happy.


Dec 8th, 2014
Today being Monday, Annabel is set a new assignment, and she's going to be trying out an idea put forward by the Archbishop of Canterbury - to give people presents of emotional rather than monetary value. She also reads letters from Nigel Farage, Prince William, and Barack Obama.


Dec 5th, 2014
Sometimes you hear about when films are being written and filmed and made and the whole process takes about three years, and that's silly, because Annabel drafted a plot for the sequel to Love Actually, got the cast and sorted a production team, all in just three days, and she still had time to read some very funny let...


Dec 4th, 2014
Annabel finishes off her assignment in grand style, having gained entry to the building where the producer of Fraggle Rock lives, and having to display a level of cunning and vocal imitation that would shame the best spies and impressionists.


Dec 3rd, 2014
Annabel is going great guns with her assignment to make a sequel to Love Actually. Is "Going great guns" the right phrase even? I'm not sure, I basically mean she's doing really well at it. I'm pretty sure it's the right phrase. Who cares- why not distract yourself from that by having a little listen...


Dec 2nd, 2014
Annabel gets stuck into her assignment to write a sequel to Love Actually, and she's started by outlining the plot and characters needed, and it's all shaping up to be a hit. She also reads letters from her All Star Postbag, with correspondence from Nigel Farage, Prof Stephen Hawking, and Madonna.


Dec 1st, 2014
Annabel returns from her holiday and is set a new assignment from Geoff - it's an easy one this week; to write a sequel to Love Actually, get in touch with the actors and get it all made. Simple as you like.


Nov 21st, 2014
Despite Geoff being absent for two whole days this week, Annabel didn't shirk her responsibilities to the show, and completed a full assignment, as she is contractually obliged to do.


Nov 20th, 2014
Annabel finishes off her assignment to conduct some social experiments on the British public- so far it seems we're eager to help, but have no morals. Who knows what today's survey will show up?


Nov 19th, 2014
Annabel continues her assignment to test the moral fortitude of the nation. Yesterday she discovered that people aren't as bad as you might think, but today her findings are pointing in a different direction...


Nov 18th, 2014
Geoff is ill today, but Annabel wasn't, so she was able to regale you with her assignment to conduct some social experiements, as well as reading letters from her All Star Postbag.


Nov 17th, 2014
Annabel gets a new assignment for the week doing social experiments on us all, and reads letters from her All Star Postbag, including correspondance from Bono, Putin, and Arnie.


Nov 14th, 2014
A slightly shorter assignment for Annabel this week, but despite its meagre length she faces a huge task- to get the forgotten members of Live Aid back together to re-record an alternate modern version of the song. She also reads letters from Putin, Michael Buerk, and Kate Middleton.


Nov 13th, 2014
Annabel never shirks her responsibilities when it comes to her assignments, and she puts everything into every single one of them. However, there are times when she feels it might have gone a bit too well, and she ends up a bit more involved than was originally intended...


Nov 12th, 2014
Annabel gets stuck into her assignment to do an alternative version of Band Aid, with only the members who are perhaps less well known. And success today, as she gets none other than one of Big Fun on board...


Nov 10th, 2014
In the first Postbag of the week, Annabel has letters from Cheryl Fernandez Versini, Geri Halliwell and Madonna


Nov 7th, 2014
All week Annabel has been striving to join two great European nations in harmony. Has she succeeded? Pretty much. She also reads letters from Brian May, Cheryl Fernandez Versini, and Queen.


Nov 6th, 2014
Annabel finishes off her assignment to improve Anglo-German relations. She may not have the support of the German chancellor or the British royal family, but who needs them- she can make friends with Germans all by herself.


Nov 5th, 2014
Annabel continues her assignment to improve Anglo-German relations. She had a bit of trouble getting Angela Merkel involved, but who needs the German chancellor, when you can get the British Royal (and German) family?


Nov 4th, 2014
There aren't many radio shows that try and get in touch with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in order to give her a gift of amber to soften relationships between Britain and Germany, but this one does- mainly because that's the nature of Annabel's assignment this week.


Nov 3rd, 2014
Annabel starts the week with letters from Ed Miliband, Mick Hucknall, and Mel B in her All Star Postbag. She's also set a new assignment, to help improve relations between England and Germany.


Oct 31st, 2014
All this week, Annabel has not only been braving the early starts, but also attempting to bring the wonderful game show You Bet back to screens across the UK. How did she do? Why not take a bet on it now, and then listen and find out, like a podcast version of You Bet.


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