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EP.63 – Steve Taubman Shares His Passion For Network Marketers And Sales Professionals, And His Emphasis On Personal Growth

EP.63 – Steve Taubman Shares His Passion For Network Marketers And Sales Professionals, And His Emphasis On Personal Growth

Released Monday, 28th April 2014
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EP.63 – Steve Taubman Shares His Passion For Network Marketers And Sales Professionals, And His Emphasis On Personal Growth

EP.63 – Steve Taubman Shares His Passion For Network Marketers And Sales Professionals, And His Emphasis On Personal Growth

EP.63 – Steve Taubman Shares His Passion For Network Marketers And Sales Professionals, And His Emphasis On Personal Growth

EP.63 – Steve Taubman Shares His Passion For Network Marketers And Sales Professionals, And His Emphasis On Personal Growth

Monday, 28th April 2014
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After gaining success as a physician, entertainer, trainer, and author of the #1 Amazon.com self-help bestseller, UnHypnosis, Steve Taubman teaches individuals to reinvent their lives. In 1982, Steve graduated from New York Chiropractic College and ran a successful practice in Vermont while building a strong network marketing business with nutritional products. In 1990, Steve taught himself magic and began performing at corporate events and resorts throughout the United States while simultaneously running his practice. He is acclaim for his corporate presentations, performing for companies like IBM, and many others. Steve began a study of mindfulness, which allowed him to teach many others to meditate and to bring spiritual principles to life.

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Resources We Shared:

The Magic of Inner Selling Audiobook by Steve Taubman
UnHypnosis: How to Wake Up, Start Over by Steve Tubman

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Brian: Hello, hello and welcome to CatalystMLM. I'm Brian Swichkow and today on the show we have Steve Taubman. Steve has a varied and unusual background that has earned him the accolade of Renaissance man. He has gained success as a physician, an entertainer, a trainer and is the author of the number one Amazon self help best seller UnHypnosis where he teaches individuals how to reinvent their lives. He has a specialty in Network Marketing and personal growth and has really built some amazing things and taught other people how to build amazing things by unlocking their true selves. Thanks so much for being on. Steve: Hey, it’s a great pleasure to be here Brian. How are you doing? Brian: Good! And the first time I heard your story I think my mouth dropped and then immediately was just smiling ear to ear. I was like “I need to get to know that guy.” Because you started off as a chiropractor and then went to magic and then hypnosis and now do keynote speaking and primarily help people in Network Marketing be successful. How -- Steve: It’s been an interesting journey. You know, I was a chiropractor for many years, also had a very successful Network Marketing business inside of my chiropractic practice. And I got to a point in practice where I knew there was more for me to do, more that I wanted to do with my life. I ended up selling my practice, and using the skills that I developed as a magician, part time, to go around the world performing at corporate events and at restaurants and all sorts of fun places entertaining people. But also, demonstrating the power of the subconscious mind and demonstrating how we don’t always see things the way they really are. Brian: Yeah.Steve: That lead me into hypnosis and as a hypnotist I’ve had the great opportunity to travel the world and do some really remarkable things where I would put people into hypnosis and then have them believe all sorts of strange and unusual things. And I got to a point in my work as a stage hypnotist where an idea occurred to me. I thought, if I can get people to shift their mindset, or shift their emotions as quickly on stage as I do, as you’ve seen, you know their watching a movie and their hypnotic state and they think it’s funny then its sad and then its romantic and it’s square. If I can get them to change emotions quickly then I also Network Marketers and entrepreneurs and be able to help them to rapidly change the way that they think, to be able to shift -- Brian: Yeah.Steve: -- their emotional state to a more empowered state. And then I also on stage, before everybody’s eyes get rid of people fears and phobias. If somebody is afraid of spiders or snakes, and if I could do that, in an instant, you know, I use the same technology to help Network Marketers pick up the phone -- Brian: Yeah.Steve: -- and talk to people about their business or help people to feel comfortable going up to somebody at Starbucks. Or just lead their team, or confront somebody about something that they’re not doing, and to help people be more courageous. Brian: Yeah. Steve: And then of course the other thing I do on stage now as a regular, kind of a regular thing, I was just at the ANMP the Association of Network Marketing Professionals and I did my hypnotist show and then the next morning I did like keynote. And, during the show I had one of the participants who was a relatively shy fellow, and he had asked me, he said “Can you help me be more successful?” I said “Sure, Absolutely.” So, during the show I tapped him on the shoulder while he was hypnotized and I said, “When you wake up, you are the featured keynote speaker here at the conference, and you’re here to teach us the three things that you’ve learned about Network Marketing. And get everybody all charged up and empowered and you’ll do it in exactly three minutes; after which, by the way, you’ll suddenly become a ballerina.” So -- Brian: Nice touch. Steve: Yeah, it was a nice touch. So for three minutes this guy jumped out of his seat and he just had the room rocking, I mean he really knew how to access -- Brian: Wow!Steve: -- the resources to be courageous, to be empowered -- Brian: Yeah.Steve: -- to be inspiring. And the thought was, or the thought is, what does that mean for your team? What does that mean --Brian: Yeah.Steve: -- for you out there in the world? Can you also be inspired to take action, to overcome procrastination -- Brian: Yeah.Steve: -- to really be a consistent player on the stage of Network Marketing? And it turns out that it’s a very, very powerful tool. And in my presentation I shared a testimonial from a woman by the name of Svetlana Kim, you might know Svetlana, she’s a brilliant woman. She’s part of who’s, who in American Business woman, she works with the White House, powerful amazing woman. When I met her she was already somewhat successful, she had a best selling book, called White Pearl and I, it’s a memoir. But she still had some psychological barriers. And that’s what I specialize in is psychological barriers.Brian: Right.Steve: You know, so her ultimate success, and so we did a very brief hypnotic process with her and in doing so, she shed some layers of guilt and fear that came from this idea that, if you’re going to be successful, and that means that you’re making everybody who’s not successful feel bad. Brian: YeahSteve: And she came from that kind of background, so we changed something for her in a very powerful way and suddenly she started like having magical things happening in her life. Including, the very next day, she had a call from Condoleezza Rice to be on a keynote with her. Brian: Wow.Steve: And she got a call from Marlo Thomas, from That Girl--Brian: Yeah.Steve: -- to head up a helping battered women kind of a program. So it was really magical stuff that would take place. Let me get this out of the way there.Brian: Yeah, let’s go back to what you did at ANMP because that’s just mind boggling. Because you know getting someone to stand up and for anyone who has ever seen a hypnotist show, you know, quack like a duck, or you know, do anything else, is entertaining, but you know the principles are the same. And, getting someone to stand up and deliver a three minute keynote with no preparation, and no, you know, public speaking abilities, and a big fear of doing so. And then just, you know, unconsciously wipe everything from, you know, their mind and then have them jump up is crazy. But it’s also a great example of what can be done consciously, so tell me a little bit about how you teach people to reprogram. I mean people a lot of times use affirmations, but you know, what’s the correlation there? Steve: That’s a great question, and first and foremost, you know, everything that we do is just trying to help people become motivated and to motivate their team. And most of the things that are currently in use to try to motivate people don’t work. You know, you use cruises and cars and prizes and piles of money and -- Brian: Yeah.Steve: -- that stuff doesn’t really do it because motivation has to be internal; it’s about your beliefs, not about your pocket book. You know, it’s about your imagination and not about desire. So a lot of Network Marketers learn about finding your why.Brian: Yeah.Steve: You know, go find that why, what’s my purpose in doing this? And that’s great except it’s inadequate if your beliefs don’t line up with what you’re trying to accomplish. So you see lots and lost of Network Marketers out there working furiously to try to find their why. And they do, they know why they want to do it.Brian: Yeah.Steve: But if they don’t change their beliefs nothing happens so now it all comes down to belief. So in the show, and we demonstrate that, by taking a group of people and telling them that they don’t even remember their own first name. Can’t think of it. I have them on stage; I’ll pull $1000 out of my pocket, 100 dollar bills. I’ll give you $1000 if you can tell me your name, they won’t do it. That’s a pretty powerful why. Brian: Yeah.Steve: Right? Still won’t do it. They’re embarrassed in front of 5-6-700 people, still won’t do it because no matter how deep your desire, if you don’t have the belief, it won’t work. So that brings us to the idea of how do you change belief? And as you said, affirmations are a very powerful tool that a lot of people use, but not powerful enough. So what happens with affirmations is that, we’re saying something to our conscious mind over and over and over again, in an effort to ultimately get that information past the conscious mind down into the subconscious mind where change can then take place. Brian: Right.Steve: So we know from the work of Maxwell Malt of psycho cybernetics is that anything that lives in your subconscious, drives you and that steers you to your success, or you’re failure, depending on what’s in there, right? So we need to be able to change the subconscious and what affirmations do is that they speak to the conscious mind, which is your critical factor. It’s the part that rejects everything. So if you’ve ever done affirmations you’ve said, I’m strong, handsome, and healthy. And a little voice in your head says, “No I’m not”. I’m strong, handsome, and health, no I’m not. And that is like a tug of war.Brian: Right.Steve: It’s your will power trying to wrestle a new belief into your subconscious mind. And whenever will power and imagination come into conflict with one another, imagination always wins. Imagination is the domain of a subconscious mind. Brian: Right.Steve: So if we want to make a change we have to go directly to the subconscious. And that way we can do it much more easily and much more effortlessly.Brian: Yeah.Steve: So it’s a three step process that we teach that allows that to happen. And it’s actually what happens on stage for entertainment but it’s really what you need to do, if you want to transform your beliefs and get the results that people get when they have the right beliefs. Brian: And so, I mean, you’ve been doing this, you haven’t don’t clinical hypnotist, right? But it’s -- Steve: I have -- Brian: Oh really?Steve: I don’t run a practice for it -- Brian: Yeah.Steve: -- of course it’s been 14 years and a clinical practice as a chiropractor and after that I was really happy to be off-- out of the clinic -- Brian: Yeah.Steve: and hit the road. But, I do some phone coaching with people who are in grave need and of course at every show I do some of this stuff. We do phobia cures, we do [inaudible 00:09:26] presentations, and we do things to help transform people so that they very quickly can make that change. You know so many times I go to conferences and after the time that I start my presentation, they’ve already heard 100s of people on stage saying, it’s all about your subconscious mind.Brian: Right.Steve: And they’re like, yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s all about my subconscious mind. But what does that mean? Brian: Right. It’s very difficult to change that. Steve: Yeah, but when they see it -- Brian: Yeah.Steve: That’s when it really starts to change. Brian: So, you know, from your perspective and helping people, did you realize anything about yourself and your own beliefs that you needed to change?Steve: Lots. I mean I think that, you know, necessity is the mother of invention.Brian: Yeah.Steve: I’m a mess you know, I grew up in a very neurotic family in Long Island, you know, so I was a neurotic kid, just functional stuff going on in my family. I was depressed, I was anxious, I was insecure, I was filled with shame. And it colored my life, you know, even though I became successful outwardly, it took a long time for me to like, let go of some of that negativity so that I can embrace the experience and then like, take it to the next level. So I had to learn this stuff. I had to learn what really changes beliefs. I did all the affirmations I spent years, you know, pounding away at affirmations. Brian: Yeah.Steve: I spent years trying to find my why. And, you know, like a lot of other people, it’s exhausting and it’s depressing when you do it and it doesn’t work, because then you think, what’s wrong with me? Brian: Right.Steve: You don’t think there’s something wrong with the technique, it’s what’s wrong with me? And it turns out there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just that you’ve got stuff in your head that you haven’t used a legitimate method, to remove. Brian: And I think you hit something really important there, because you know, Network Marketing everybody says it’s all about duplication, it’s about duplication. And you know there is a few pieces to this right? There’s the first piece which is what are you doing? Is it Internet Marketing, is it how you run a home meeting, you know whatever it may be. That’s the what, but then you know, the root kind of like where people are coming from, what they’ve been through, what they’ve experienced and what they’re carrying with them. That’s not duplicable, people have to work through that on their own and it’s not gonna be the same process for every person. So what would you say to someone like that, that is having trouble breaking through to team members and kind of over looking that? Steve: Well, you know, we’re working on putting together programs -- Brian: I heard “We are putting together programs that”. Steve: Oh, okay. Brian: Go for it.Steve: So we’ve been putting together programs that team leaders can use in order to influence their entire team, but what they’re based on is this three step model for changing beliefs, or reprograms their subconscious mind. So, the first thing that needs to happen, weather this is you doing it for yourself or you working with your team, so that they individually do the same thing. The first step that needs to happen is what’s called creating receptivity; which essentially means, making the mind receptive to the new -- to the changes. Now the problem again, with affirmation -- Brian: So the equivalent of sanding before painting. Steve: Yeah that’s it. You have to sand before you paint.Brian: Yeah. Steve: So most of us are not particularly receptive to new information, our critical mind or subconscious -- our conscious mind stands guard and keeps us from accepting anything new. And we also tend to be fairly arrogant; we think we already know everything. And so as long as you think you know everything, you’re not going to open yourself to a new paradigm, to a new way of thinking. So we use a variety of techniques for creating receptivity. One of them is what’s called NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming, where what’s called a pattern interrupt.Brian: Yeah.Steve: I’ll do a magic trick and a magic trick will startle people and in startling people it kind of interrupts the ongoing, chatter inside their head and you create a moment of silence where we can slip the message in. Alright, so that’s the power of changing, or doing something unexpected. Brian: Right.Steve: And we also do it by proving to people that their minds don’t always work in the predictable ways they think they will. A lot of times they’ll be something on stage, I’ll say “Everybody take one hand, put it along side of you like this and they’ll do what I say. Pull back three fingers so you’re making the sign of a gun, they’ll do what I say. Now, touch the tip of your finger to your thumb so you have a circle, they’ll do that and I’ll say, look at your circle, look at my circle, put it right on your chin, and freeze. And they all do that and I’ll say look how few of you know where your chin is.” Brian: Yeah. Steve: And you probably didn’t even notice that, because the words and the visual are not congruent and that’s a gap in our perception. We don’t know how to resolve those gaps. And so there’s these things that need to be -- we need to be made aware of, that allow us to be more receptive. The other way that we create receptivity is by simply putting the mind in a relaxed state of concentration, a hypnotist state, a trace state, a meditative state, if you will. And by creating that state of mind, now the mind is open to positive receptive and beneficial ideas. Then we go on to step two, which is called eliminating negativity. So now, as you said, this is different for everybody, everybody comes in -- Brian: Right.Steve -- Network Marketing with their own baggage. So, what we do is, we teach a technique that allows you to become present to your baggage, to be aware of what your baggage is. And to use the technique to see it, spot it, set it aside. See it, spot it, set it aside, and that’s a neuro linguistic process as well and it’s a very effective process. It’s the same thing I do on stage when I have people get rid of their fears of snakes. Brian: Right. Steve: And instantaneously I’ll take somebody who has been deadly afraid of snakes and then bring a live snake up on stage and they’ll end up kissing the snake. Brian: That’s not sanitary.Steve: So it’s dramatic, powerful and it really it’s not just theoretical this is something that will work. So we remove the negative, regardless of what it is for you, that’s what we’re going to do. And only once we’ve done step one and step two, go to step three, installing positive messages make any sense at all. Brian: Right.Steve: Step three is what everybody’s doing affirmations to try to accomplish. Brian: So -- Steve: But, if you’ve already, if you haven’t already created a receptive mind, if you haven’t already removed the negative, then you’re putting the positive on top of the negative and it’s like, you know, putting whip cream on a pile of dog poop. You know, so we have to get the dog poo out before we -- Brian: Right.Steve: Now, the other challenge, with affirmations is that, who made them up? Brian: Yeah.Steve: Who came up with those affirmations? And generally it’s you. You came up with your own affirmations. And you’re not in a position to come up with your own affirmations because if you had a strong understanding of what it was that successful people believe, you’d already be successful. Brian: Right.Steve: So your conscious mind is trying to tell your conscious mind, not to be your conscious mind. Brian: Yeah.Steve: And it doesn’t work, it’s like trying to pull yourself out of the water when you’re drowning. Brian: Right, right.Steve: You need something to come from above. And so what we’ve done is we’ve created a program where the messages, the affirmations that come after receptivity and after elimination, are messages that come from the top 25 Network Marketers in the world. What do they believe? You see, because we make up stupid affirmations, we say things like “I’m a millionaire, I’m rich”, right? Brian: Right.Steve: And the truth is, that when you met, you know when you met the Jordan Alders of the world, and the Jewels Prices of the world and all the successful Network Marketers at the top of their game, they’re not going around saying “I’m a millionaire, I’m rich.” That’s not the way they think. What you want to do is you want to duplicate the way they think, not saying things that you think are going to get you where they are. Brian: So would you say that it’s accurate to think the way that they think when their successful, but act the way that they acted when they got started? So, because a lot of, I see a lot of people that try and jump in and they’re like, you know, trying to be an Internet Marketing expert from day one, verses, you know, Jordan Alder, if I remember the story correctly. You know, got started slowly, you know and failed several times an then learned, but that mindset, you don’t want the beginning mindset, you want the success mindset. Steve: You want the success mindset and you want as much as the success action steps as possible. So, you know, whenever possible, you want to learn from other people’s errors, not from your own errors. But that’s the easy part, you know Brian? I mean there are so many people in the industry who are out there to train you on what to do, what to say, and how to do it. My little, you know, kind of corner of this industry, is, I’m not so concerned about what you do, as much as who you are. Brian: Right. Steve: What’s going on, on the inside? Because if I can shift that neurology, we end up creating what we call prosperity neurology.Brian: Yeah.Steve: Which essential means that you’re wired for success. Brian: Right.Steve: You’re particular activating system, the part of your mind, that can stop opportunity is present. Brian: So, I mean, you know, I’ve heard over the years, countless stories about people who do just amazing things. I mean, you know, it could be building a Network Marketing business with, you know, three kids and three jobs and you know, working an hour a day, whatever it may be. Or it could be, you know, the people who, I think the metaphor here would be two mice fall into a bucket of milk, and one mouse says “Oh, I guess we’re dead” and, you know, sinks to the bottom and drowns. And then the other mouse just keeps swimming and swimming and swimming and right before it’s about to just have nothing left to give, it turns to butter and it climbs its way out. So, you know, I’ve seen -- Steve: That was from Pulp Fiction. Brian: Really? Steve: Yeah, it was -- Brian: I knew the metaphor; I did not know it was a Pulp Fiction reference.Steve: Christopher Walken tells that story.Brian: That is awesome; I need to watch that movie again now. So, from a people standpoint people do that. And some people just give up before they’ve ever started and some people you know fight through and conquer amazing things. And the difference there is not, you know, biology, it’s not someone stronger, has more experience. It’s totally the mind. So, the reason I say that is, how do you explain to someone who doesn’t understand, how hypnotist works? Steve: Well, first and foremost, you know, before I even explain how hypnotist works, I want to explain a little bit about how the mind works, right? And I want people to understand that the conscious mind is much smaller than the subconscious mind. So, the subconscious has already been programmed, hypnotized, if you will, over years and years and years. That’s why my program is called UnHypnosis. Because to me it’s more important to remove the bad, remove the negative programming than to implant the positive. It’s really a question of waking up. Waking up from all those things that you think and believe to be true. So it really ultimately comes down to being present to your own stuff. You know, oh, look, there I go again, there’s the -- But not believing everything you think. Brian: Right. Steve: So, a lot -- Brian: I like that, don’t believe everything you think. Steve: Don’t believe everything you think. Brian: Yeah.Steve: So, hypnotist has a bad rap, I think, in the general parlance; a lot of people think of it as weird, or mystical, and it really isn’t. It’s a very psychological thing and what it essentially is, is a way of putting you into a state where your conscious mind is relaxed and is sort of set aside for the time being so we have more access to the subconscious. We all go in and out of hypnotic states all day long anyway; it’s part of our physiology. On our drive home and suddenly your home and you don’t know how you got there, that’s a hypotonic stat. Brian: Right. Steve: So what we’re -- Brian: Would you say that routine is the cause of that?Steve: Routine, definitely, yeah, routine and, what’s the word I’m looking for? Repetition, so if I want to hypnotize somebody I use a certain kind of voice tone.Brian: Right.Steve: It’s a certain type of repetitive word choice. In doing that it kind of lulls the conscious mind to, not to sleep fully, but just to kind of, just to tip the scale so that I’m speaking more directly to the subconscious. When I’m doing that, now I have access, and now in doing that ultimately if I can, if I have 21 days -- Brian: Yeah.Steve: -- to give you that process, give you a receptive mind, eliminate negativity and find positive messages. If I did that with you for 21 days, if I did that with anybody for 21 days; what would happen is they would have what we call the awakened mind. The awakened mind is people you already know who are already successful; these are some of the qualities that you see, they have a sense of humor, they don’t take themselves too seriously, they don’t get too torqued out when people say no to them. They think on their feet very effectively, they know what to say and when to say it and they don’t have to practice that. It just sort of, it’s in them, it’s ingrained. Brian: Right. Steve: They feel more vibrant, more healthy, more motivated. They spot opportunity more readily. And they are recipients of what’s called synchronicity which is an experience of coincidence things just happen. And we’ve had the experience yourself where, you know, you’re in the zone, everything feels good and suddenly people come up to you and say “Hey, I heard that you’re in such and such company.” And you’re like, “Whoa, how did that happen?” Brian: Right.Steve: You’re in the flow. And therefore those things happen, for whatever reason. So that’s why it’s very important to create that reprogrammed mind in order to create the awakened mind.Brian: Right.Steve: And so when the awakened mind happens a lot of this stuff becomes effortless. And that’s why we started influencing whole teams because you create a culture inside of a company. Brian: Yeah, yeah, and I mean, I think in that sense it’s a lot like striking a tuning fork, and you know, once you hit it and once you, I guess work with someone and they have a team below them, then it resonates throughout the entire team. Steve: Yeah, leadership is a powerful thing.Brian: Yeah.Steve: And we as leaders are responsible to do the work ourselves, you know, you don’t want to be an un-inspiring leader, you want to be somebody who has already cleared out your baggage. You want to be somebody who has the right belief systems.Brian: Right.Steve: And therefore, you know, you’re not relying on every body else, but you’ve got something to offer them. Brian: Yeah.Steve: Powerful stuff. Brian: And what have you found to be, in working with all these Network Marketers, what have you found to be the most common, you know, hang ups? Steve: Well, we all know what they are, you know, there’s -- part of its fear, you know in fact fear is at the base of 90% of it. So when people say I don’t have time -- Brian: Yeah.Steve: People in my town don’t believe in Network Marketing and I don’t think they’re going to believe me. A lot of that doubt stuff really comes out of fear, and when we overcome fear, it’s a powerful deterrent to that. Sometimes it’s overwhelming, I tell a story about one of my coaching clients who had been a very successful Network Marketer but she had a falling out with somebody who was at the top of one of the ladies of her company, and the woman basically mutaintated and ended up taking a lot of people with her. Brian: Wow.Steve: So my client was so traumatized by that experience, not only did it cause a major hit on her financially -- Brian: Right.Steve: But what happened was, she came to believe, and probably because it already resonated with her old childhood beliefs, no body likes me, I’m not a good leader, I don’t deserve to be successful, and all these very toxic beliefs that were seeping back in despite the success she had already enjoyed.Brian: Right.Steve: So, when I got together with her, I began to notice all that, and we put her through those three steps, we, you know, we made her receptive, we got rid of the negative beliefs, we gave her positive ones to believe in and all of a sudden she started to turn things around, and she ended up going back -- this was after a period of eight years of being depressed and anxious -- Brian: Wow.Steve: -- and she really just put her business aside. Came right back again, she became very successful, she won a car, cruise, all the stuff, all the fun stuff.Brian: Right.Steve: But that was months later right? So she did it all, but the best part for me was that she called me from the first conference that she went back to and all these people are coming up to her and saying, Kim, we missed you, where have you been? We love you. And she didn’t have any idea that people actually felt that way about her. Brian: That’s awesome. Steve: And you know, she was crying when she talking to me, and I’m getting teary up just thinking about it. Because, again, the only difference was her belief, that was it. She had all the skills she had the resources she the team. All she needed was to believe it was possible. Brian: And what did you do to unlock that? Or help her unlock that? Steve: Well the beauty of it was that it was, as I said, she already had it, all I needed to do was unlock it. And for her, we used the system that, you know, the system which goes -- she was listening to the UnHypnosis program, every night for 21 days consecutively, she was talking to me a couple times a week as well. So she was hard case, we had to really work hard with her. But generally with most people if they listen to that audio, they’re going to have a period of time, where they’re simply going into a hypnotic type state. They’re inducing their relaxed state. Then they’re going to do the process of removing the negative, then they’re going to do the same to the positive messages and then as they go on they also have ways to influencing positive messages that they’re inspired to come up with, only when they’re inspired from within.Brian: Right.Steve: Not to be inspired with what they think other people think success is. Brian: Right.Steve: And so that process has been dramatic and we’ve been, you know that particular program -- I don’t know if you knew this Brian, but the UnHypnosis for the best sellers of Network Marketers and entrepreneurs was named one of the top 25 must have products by Direct Selling Life. Brian: That’s awesome. Steve: Yeah, so we’re very proud of that. Brian: Yeah.Steve: And, you know, 100s of people have gone through that program, we have, you know, dozens and dozens of testimonials from people who have made good progress. But, in the last I guess two months, 2 ½ months, I was working with a Network Marketing company and the leader of the company wanted to see what we could do to influence a larger number of people. Brian: Yep. Steve: So we created this program, called the 21 under 21 challenge. And what we’re doing is, we’re taking -- we’ve had the leader of that very large team, he’s the top guy in his company, put the word out to his entire down line and we’ve put a couple hundred people into a 21 day program. And what the 21 day program is is every night they listen to that audio program. And every day their going to be going on to this website, they’re going to be tracking their results -- Brian: Yep.Steve: -- they’re going to be sharing an accountability module, what’s in their way, what’s stopping them? They’re going to be writing down five to seven people that they’re going to be calling the next day, or approaching the next day.Brian: Right.Steve: And then the next day after that, they’re going to weather they did it or not. So there’s a whole accountability system built into it. And rather than, you know, putting people through like what would be $1000 worth of coaching, we’re putting them into this program for less than the price of the actual audio. Brian: That’s awesome.Steve: It’s a $39, each person on the team, will call in -- Brian: Yep.Steve: -- not even calling, just log in, do that work, listen to the audio, and for 21 days they’re going to be sort of embraced in this very comprehensive process. They’re going to watch a little three minute success video everyday.Brian: Yep.Steve: They’re going to have three live calls with me and with the team leaders and so this is called the 21 in 21 challenge. And we’re excited about it because we’re going to be replicating that in Network Marketing companies. Anybody who sees the wisdom in that approach -- Brian: Right.Steve: -- will, you know, want to have a conversation and we’re putting that together for the teams. Brian: And it’s very valuable too because you have that internal process of going through and kind of you know, ridding yourself of those barriers. But at the same time you’re doing it with other people. But you’re not doing it with other people in the sense that, you know a lot of these trainings, they force people to go through the same journey, but you don’t have to go -- it doesn’t work because no everybody is traveling the same path, but they all have the same destination. Steve: Right.Brian: And that’s really valuable. So, what have you seen, I mean, after you’ve spoken and done things on stage? Have you had people right after that just from that see success with breaking those barriers and then come back to you?Steve: All the time. Yeah, it happens because I’m out there in the field a lot and we’ll have people come up to me, who I hypnotized the year before and they, you know “I don’t know what you did to me, but, I have so much more energy and I’m so much more focused.” And you know, that kind of thing, but the people who are utilizing the program and actually going through it for the full 21 days, we’ve got lots and lots. If you want to edit one in I’ve got lots of video and testimonials about that. Because, again, the things that people write back or video back about, aren’t just that they’re making more money, or that they’re taking more action, but there’s a sort of effortlessness and easiness about their experience that they didn’t have before, and that they’re experiencing that magic that synchronicity that we talked about. That’s the stuff that excites me, I love when people are really like, you know, like, kind of were clamped down.Brian: Right.Steve: And now they’re like, ahh, I get it. You know, there’s -- it’s hard to capture that if you’re at a conference and you see a top leader, you know, a Kevin Marino, a Bob Gant, these guys who are like, they’re funny, they’re light hearted, they’re great people, they’re having a good time. They’re not taking their lives too seriously and they’re making a lot of money.Brian: Yeah, and they’re not, and I think a lot of people might object to that and say, “Well, you know, they’re enjoying their life because they’re making a lot of money.” But they were doing that before.Steve: They totally were before. I’ve seen it, in fact I watched this particular group, they were the top earners in their company to begin with, they were already doing well, but they weren’t doing like, amazing. We introduced them to the UnHypnosis audio program and a number of their team started using the program. And the first year they did a 22% increase in growth as before the program.Brian: Wow.Steve: But the next year, the year that they had the program, they made 100% increase in sales. Brian: Wow. Steve: We’re expecting a higher percentage when they go through the team 21 in 21. Brian: That’s only unlocking internal barriers. That’s not any new fancy system, or Internet Marketing or any strategy. That’s solely just unlocking what’s already inside you. And I think I got an email from someone and it was actually an email from a service called The Universe, that’s Tuts Universe and it’s -- it was a great quote it was “Everything that you will ever need is inside you right now.” Steve: It’s absolutely true. You know, granted, there are things you need to learn about, like the how to of the business. But 99% of the people who are dropping out of Network Marketing, 99% of the people in your down line, who are either not taking action, who are like on their way out the door, are simply not doing it because they don’t have the mindset for it. You explain to them how to do it, and they’re what the rudiments of it are and a lot of times we end up training people over and over and over again and it gets exhausting because they think, that you think the problem is the didn’t get training in the first place. But what it really is, we got trained and it got locked away in some little pocket of their soul, that doesn’t open up until their belief system lines up. Brian: Yeah, and I’m going to pause there and ask; because usually we ask for an action that people can take today, to step forward. And I’m going to link all of the links that we talked about in terms of your audio training and everything else below, but I want to give some extra time to you because what is something that someone can do, right now, today, that they can basically use to unlock those barriers from within themselves? Even just one of them that makes them see the power of, I mean, just being their true selves. Steve: Can we take a few minutes and just do our sort of sample induction so I can show people how to put yourself in that state of mind?Brian: Absolutely. Steve: Let’s do that. This is something to be done if you’re not driving, but I assume since you’re watching this you’re not driving. Let’s hope.Brian: We do haven an audio, so if anyone is listening on audio, just either pull over, or pause. Steve: This is something that is really strictly for you to do in the comfort of your own home in a quiet comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted. And this is a sample of an experience that goes much, much deeper and has much more power when it’s done, fully, completely and of course repetitively. But we’ll give you a taste okay. Close your eyes, if you’re out there. Let it all the way out, let your mind relax, let yourself settle down into the seat that your sitting in, or perhaps if your laying down let yourself settle on in. And take a nice deep breathe in, and let it all the way out, you’re letting go of stress, you’re giving yourself just a few moments of relaxation. Place your attention, on the physical sensations of your body, in particular of wherever your body comes into contact with another surface. If you’re laying down just notice where your body comes into contact with the bed, if you’re sitting up just notice where your body meets the chair, the seat, the back and beneath you. Notice if your hands are resting on your lap, the weight of your hands as they touch your lap. Just notice any place where there is contact being made. Just allow yourself to be aware of that sensation and just breathe into it softly and relax. Allow a wave of relaxation move down your body now, from the top of your head, right down to the tips of your toes. Feel your forehead relaxing, the muscles of your eyes, down the sides of your face and all the muscles around your mouth, just relax deeper and deeper, and deeper into total and complete relaxation, breathing out relaxation, breathing out stress, breathing out tension. Allow that wave of relaxation to continue down your body, down your shoulders and arms; your chest relaxes, all the way down to your belly. Your lower abdomen, your groin relaxes, your thighs, your calves, your knees, out through your feet and your toes. And just sit there. And now I’m going to count backwards from 10 down to zero and I want you to imagine yourself doubling the relaxation with every time I count. Floating like a leaf on the breeze. 10-9, floating and drifting, 8-7, just letting go 6, bring them down, 5, when I reach the number 1, imagine yourself just laying down in a comfortable bed, 6, 5, 4, 3, bringing on down now, 2, and 1. It’s sort of peaceful, relax, concentration, your mind is open to positive beneficial suggestions, and you deepen the state each time you deepen it you go deeper into a more receptive positive beneficial message. In this state you begin to explore the possibility that you are successful, you are successful now, success comes before the money, fame comes before acknowledgment. It’s a decision that you get to make right now, regardless of your past. And so it’s decided now that you are successful, say to yourself, I am successful. Success comes easily and effortlessly to me, I am a money magnet. I enjoy that experience. Notice any resistance that occurs in your mind whenever those words to come you and as the resistance disappears imagine that you can feel that resistance in your body. Notice it where it resides, what it feels like. Imagine that resistance as if it were a bundle or a package taking up space inside of your body, it’s size, it’s shape, the density the color and location. And as you watch that bundle that package inside of you imagine it getting smaller, and smaller, smaller and smaller and it seems so small it will fit in one hand. When it’s small enough to fit in one hand, grab a hold of it and throw it away. Letting go of that resistance, that fear that discouragement, that resistance, now and forever, once and for all. Breathing and relaxation, breathing out stress knowing that each time you do this, it becomes more real, it becomes deeper, it becomes more substantial and [inaudible 00:36:53] it removes more of the negativity and opens with more positive because your mind is open to positive and beneficial suggestions and when you take your next few deep breaths, you notice that you can fit more air in your lungs without that bundle taking up space. And you’re more powerful than your fears, more powerful than your discouragement and so before we arise from this state, you can say to yourself, I am successful, I enjoy the experience of Network Marketing and I am not a [cast of the outcasts]. I am happy, I have something wonderful to offer and I am willing to take risks with myself I am willing to take risks from the world. I am willing to be the person that I know I can be and influence others in the process, and for that I rejoice. And so in a moment when I have you open your eyes back up again I’m going to count to five, feeling alert and awake and refreshed and relaxed, happy, healthy and confident and just a little bit freer of that negativity. Knowing that each time we do this we go deeper, knowing that you’re willing to take the risk to try something new and do to something better. There ya go, one, slowly and calmly and deeply and gently I want you to return to your full awareness once again. Two, you are feeling perfect in every way. Three every muscle, every ligament, every nerve, you are feeling like you woke up from a long nap. Four, your eyes are sparkling clear, like crystal clear streams of water and that’s eyes open wide awake. One, two, three, four and keep [inaudible 00:38:30] eyes open, five. And I can see by your face there Brian that you’re pretty spaced out and relaxed and I adhere that a lot of other people are too. That’s the tip of the iceberg really.Brian: Right.Steve: That’s a very small sample of what it is to experience affirmations in a whole different way. Brian: Yeah.Steve: So now in continuing that process there are a few things that you can do. You can find a hypnotist or a therapist -- Brian: Right.Steve: -- which is a very effective thing to do. The problem of course, is that, you know, where do you find one, are they any good, are they certified, do they know anything whatsoever about Network Marketing? And do they know anything about [inaudible 00:39:09], do they understand the process of removing negativity? And then of course the cost of that which is in the thousands of dollars to be able to really replicate this process over the long haul. Or you can make your own audio, so if you, those of you that are do it yourselfers, what you do is get a CD, you get a really nice piece of relaxing music, you start playing the relaxing music and you do sort of what I did, you start count down induction.Brian: Right, right. Steve: Just make yourself very relaxed and then you use the linguistic that I used to take whatever it is in your way and visualize it and beginning to shrink it and move it, and there are different methods to doing that. But you do something to allow you to physically remove that. And then the third step is to then being positive messages, and again, my recommendation is, don’t make them up yourself, go ask your up line, go ask the successful people how to do that. Brian: Right. That’s awesome.Steve: It’s the choice that I, that we made which was to just to utilize just a pre-created program that does all that in a professional way. Unfortunately nothing like that existed in the industry which is why we did it with the UnHypnosis process.Brian: Right and it’s an amazing program that I’m going to link below and by the time that this is actually posted live, and I’ll say this as well, is that we just created some awesome content together. And I’m really looking forward to that and by the time that this is live, that will be available, so I’m going to link below as well. And I’m really looking forward to it. Because your book, your program, they really do help to unlock what’s already inside of people and help them to just kind of get out of their own way. It’s like the drastic simplification of what it actually does. But your story, your experience has been amazing. And thank you so much for coming on and I really look forward to creating that content with you and getting it out there. Steve: Good talking to you Brian, thanks so much, thanks Brian.Brian: I’ll see you again soon.

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