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Exploring the Intersection of Queer Theory, Disability, and Tech w/ Dr. Max Thornton

Exploring the Intersection of Queer Theory, Disability, and Tech w/ Dr. Max Thornton

Released Thursday, 27th April 2023
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Exploring the Intersection of Queer Theory, Disability, and Tech w/ Dr. Max Thornton

Exploring the Intersection of Queer Theory, Disability, and Tech w/ Dr. Max Thornton

Exploring the Intersection of Queer Theory, Disability, and Tech w/ Dr. Max Thornton

Exploring the Intersection of Queer Theory, Disability, and Tech w/ Dr. Max Thornton

Thursday, 27th April 2023
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What is QueerCrip theory and how does it speak into theology and technology. Today's expert, Dr. Max Thornton, will help us think through these issues. Max is a theologian and philosopher specializing in disability, queerness, gender, and tech. These are really hard conversations to have in such polarizing times, but I'm grateful and hopeful about the dialogue. If you would like to know more about Max and his research, see maxthornton.me


Religion, Emotion, and Sensation: Religion, Emotion, Sensation (fordhampress.com)

“Trans/Criptions: Gender, Disability, and Liturgical Experience” in TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly(August 2019)

“Gender: A Public Feeling?” in Religion, Emotion, Sensation: Affect Theories and Theologies, edited by Stephen Moore and Karen Bray (2019)

The Porcelain Throne” for Political Theology Network (2018)

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