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The Finder of Lost Things with Hannah Velten

Hannah Velten

The Finder of Lost Things with Hannah Velten

A weekly Education podcast

 1 person rated this podcast
The Finder of Lost Things with Hannah Velten

Hannah Velten

The Finder of Lost Things with Hannah Velten

The Finder of Lost Things with Hannah Velten

Hannah Velten

The Finder of Lost Things with Hannah Velten

A weekly Education podcast
 1 person rated this podcast
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Episodes of The Finder of Lost Things

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Jul 12th, 2021
The final episode of 'The Finder of Lost Things' sees Hannah reflecting on the past 6 months travelling alongside Chris and her amazing guests. There are some loose ends to tie up and also looking towards the future. Hannah's re-joined by Laura Gardner who has her own reflections to share after becoming involved with t...


Jul 5th, 2021
"Grief is for us, not for them," says end-of-life healer, Louise Adams. After working for 18 years with cancer patients, Louise has experienced the life force leaving bodies and transitioning into peace, love and light, while patients' families have been left with their grief. Louise has seen cultural differences in mo...


Jun 28th, 2021
Super fan of the show, artist and poet Chloe Hardy, got in touch to ask if she could write a poem about Christian. I said 'Of course'. So, here is Chloe reading her poem 'The Last Journey' about Chris' experiences in Africa. It later turned out that Chloe had met Chris in both the physical and non-physical realms and h...


Jun 21st, 2021
Hannah meets artist Sophia Christou who creates vibrant colourful abstract paintings which have a unique energy. Her art is bold. Her art reflects her personality, now. Even as a child Sophia knew she was an artist without even picking up a crayon, yet she lost her zest for creativity during her turbulant childhood and...


Jun 14th, 2021
This week Hannah's taking a break from story telling and is going to be supported by her guides as she takes you on a journey of evolution. If you are lost, stuck, stagnant, lacking clarity, experiencing turbulance or wondering what step to take next then this episode is for you. Bring an open heart, an open mind, a pe...


Jun 7th, 2021
Hannah's being asked to share how she and Christian connected in Spirit, making their healing possible when physical circumstances seemed to show that Christian would be forever a 'missing person'. Hannah discusses the practices she used and the energies who appeared to help her find her way. Hannah will also try to de...


May 31st, 2021
Kerri Scott lived with the pain of losing a loved one - twin flame and ex-boyfriend, Michael - to suicide for more than two decades. He had a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. After taking personal responsibility, her grief journey become her spiritual journey and from her loss she has discovered the power of self-love. K...


May 24th, 2021
"Know Yourself" was the first piece of guidance that Hannah received on her healing journey. She had no idea what that meant, but it lead her to discover her authentic self and the pathway that felt 'right' to her. With this knowledge, Hannah was able to face and find a way to heal and transform her stagnant grief, hel...


May 17th, 2021
This week's theme is all about 'Receiving' - Hannah thought this would be a pretty straight forward episode when the topic appeared on the horizon, but on closer inspection receiving is multi-layered, full of illusion and something which many actively block. So, some questions covered: What can you receive, and where...


May 10th, 2021
Following the death of her mother seven years ago, filmmaker and podcaster Desi Kadra embarked on a spiritual search, delving into the world of spirituality and esoteric studies seeking answers outside of the rational scientific approach to every day life. We discuss Desi's personal grief journey and what she's learnt,...


May 10th, 2021
Following the death of her mother seven years ago, filmmaker and podcaster Desi Kadra embarked on a spiritual search, delving into the world of spirituality and esoteric studies seeking answers outside of the rational scientific approach to every day life. We discuss Desi's personal grief journey and what she's learnt,...


May 3rd, 2021
Hannah's joined this week by pet loss specialist and animal communicator, Karen Anderson. From a young age, Karen was able to hear animals speaking to her, but she soon learnt that this was a gift to keep hidden. Over the years she worked in a variety of roles, but every so often she would have a conversation with an a...


Apr 26th, 2021
Probably the hardest thing to let go of during a healing journey is mistrust. We've all experienced events in our lives which have caused us to lose trust in ourselves, in others and in life; you know, those happenings which shatter our expectations, assumptions and world view. Hannah explores how she lost and regained...


Apr 19th, 2021
"Their death contains a gift, which has to be opened to be truly received" - Hananh got this message from Spirit after her own healing and this week's guest, Karen Chaston from The Chaston Centre, on the Gold Coast, in Australia, speaks about 'The Gift of Loss'. When you're in a place of loss it's not easy to see the g...


Apr 12th, 2021
Have you ever felt there's more to life than you can see? Are you drawn to being in Nature? Are you yearning for more connection? Well, this week's show could be just what you've been waiting for! Hannah's joined by Niki Shefras from 'The Vida Sana' who provides practical guidance for a purposeful, balanced and beautif...


Apr 5th, 2021
When you feel alone, stuck or lost, wouldn't it be great to know that a whole support team has your back? Well, we all have that support team - unseen, but very much present. Hannah chats to Natasha Harris this week about the Akashic Records which hold all the information about your past, present and future; everything...


Mar 29th, 2021
Having lost both parents by her mid-20s, Rochelle Bugg felt there wasn't much support for people her age. She found that nobody was talking about how things affect young people, as if they were too busy enjoying life to ever worry about losing someone they loved. Rochelle wanted to change that, which is why she started...


Mar 22nd, 2021
What if you're not full of the joys of Spring? With COVID restrictions relaxing and the Spring Equinox just past (20th March in Northern Hemisphere), what if your feelings of loss and grief are weighing heavy while others are returning to 'normal' life? Christian and I, and our team of guides, are concentrating this we...


Mar 8th, 2021
Looking back, all the clues were there. Hannah and Christian answer the big questions of 'Why did Christian have to travel alone in West Africa?, 'Why did Christian disappear?', 'Why did it take 15yrs to find the truth?' and many more. When traumatic events happen, we ask 'why?' - perhaps this podcast will give you som...


Mar 1st, 2021
One of Christian's most favourite people, Sara Jaffar, is joining the show this week, to share her memories of Christian and the amazing way that she and Hannah met in 2018. It was a time when Hannah was needing strength as she faced the reality of life with her brother-in-Spirit and the adventure that he (and her soul...


Feb 22nd, 2021
Becoming 'The Finder of Lost Things' hasn't been an easy path to tread - every fear has been triggered within Hannah and in those around her. Fear of spirit, fear of being abandoned, fear of rejection, fear of being seen, fear of her power: these fears (and more) made her soul purpose feel like a burden at many points....


Feb 15th, 2021
This episode should come with a warning, Hannah's been told. It will change your life. So often we struggle and strive, feel like we are alone, feeling rejected and even a martyr to other's whims and desires. But there is another way; where unconditional love creates miracles and manifestations beyond our wildest dream...


Feb 8th, 2021
The finding of lost things is a marathon, not a sprint. Hannah Veltenyearned to find her brother, Christian, quicklyafter we realised he'd gone missing in Africa, but it took her18 years to find all the missing pieces of him, herselfand the story; and then climb 'the second mountain' of transformation.There were massiv...


Feb 1st, 2021
Today's episode falls on Imbolc - the point of mid-winter and the beginning of Spring (in the Northern hemisphere). Hannah will draw three 'Earth Magic' oracle cards for live guidance on how we can best usethe inspiring energies of this time. Hannahand her guest, soul healer Ursula Dekker, will also discuss how grief a...


Jan 25th, 2021
"You understand how threadbare life can be if you don't step out of your own pain and allow someone to hold out a hand to you and rescue you. You, however, did that for yourself. I want you to have my heart as I have your heart..."Your missing pieces can appearin the most unexpected forms and often when you're not even...


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