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Bitcoin Beach's Newest Attraction: Bitcoin Hardware Store Launch

Bitcoin Beach's Newest Attraction: Bitcoin Hardware Store Launch

Released Monday, 1st January 2024
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Bitcoin Beach's Newest Attraction: Bitcoin Hardware Store Launch

Bitcoin Beach's Newest Attraction: Bitcoin Hardware Store Launch

Bitcoin Beach's Newest Attraction: Bitcoin Hardware Store Launch

Bitcoin Beach's Newest Attraction: Bitcoin Hardware Store Launch

Monday, 1st January 2024
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What's up everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the Havaring Report podcast.


I'm your host, brad Mines. I am deep in the jungle of El Salvador right now with our man, ronnie.


Ronnie is a central point of knowledge, I would say, in the community around Bitcoin Beach.


He's been showing us great hospitality since we've been here, so thanks for doing this tonight, ronnie.


No, thank you, I'm glad you're having a good time. That was a great introduction, wow, I feel like, ooh, you're better.


Thank you, I really appreciate it. I'm glad you're having a great time here.


El Salvador, my home, your home.


Awesome. So we had a little preliminary chat and I really wanted to give my viewers, listeners, a context, because you have an interesting story, not to give too much away about it, but being here before Bitcoin and now you're so deep into Bitcoin.


So, if you don't mind, maybe a brief description of how that happened.


Sure it was. I came here because my family is Salvador.


I've always had some touches to the culture here.


I visited here a few times when I was younger and being born in Canada, when things as I started growing up and going through life, I landed here in El Salvador, kind of as like my first place to go home, and it's just here.


As a kid who graduated university out in Toronto, has a finance degree and had a career in sales, and I just felt like it was such a great opportunity here in El Salvador.


When I touch base Every time I came here, I felt it was just.


I couldn't describe it really. It's still hard to describe.


I'd say it's a feeling of being home, where everybody's very lovely the smiles, the sun, I think the weather, the atmosphere it all helps Everybody's in a really good mood and it was something that I had never felt, or maybe something that was missing back home.


So get here and just putting my feet in the sand.


Really I had no idea what I was doing here. I was running my own business, so not your typical job, but I was running my own business to stay afloat.


I was even trading in stocks and stuff at the time crypto as well.


A little bit of that, but not too much time spent there, because once you get once I got here it was an opportunity to meet a lot of wonderful people.


This town is full of just talented, talented people, people who have dedicated their time and effort to really making like an impact.


So I get here and I'm just putting my feet in the sand, getting to know people and I felt very welcomed here and I felt like I wanted to explore more about what was happening here and, in Somba specifically, got a chance to visit a couple other towns.


But most of my time here, right in this town, going back and forth between here and Canada, I guess at the point was kind of just deciding where I was going to spend the rest of my time, where I was going to focus, I guess I'd say the rest of my time, and that's an important differentiation there and I fully committed to being here in El Salvador and listening to what was going on.


I'm here at Bitcoin Beach. It was termed Bitcoin Beach in 2019.


And, if I'm not mistaken, that's when Mike Peterson started the project here.


That's when circular economy really hit as something right.


So I'm here. I'm meeting a lot of interesting people we were talking about like crypto, we were talking about finance, we were talking about the economy, we were talking about making the place better, bringing, you know, bringing money, and I was like, whoa, this sounds incredible, it sounds like such a great opportunity.


And so come back and I'm just listening to people, I'm I'm having a great time, I'm going out and giving people tours.


That was a first. One of the first opportunities that I really got to submit myself here was being able to work with a tour operator here in El Sonte a local tour operator and being able to meet people, being able to learn about my country.


You know, really took under the wing of being able to learn about the culture and really immerse myself into what the culture was here, because that was the original purpose of coming here to El Sonte, coming home to El Salvador, and so I'm involved and I get to meet the team Bitcoin Beach, get to really dive more into me, questioning you know what Bitcoin was, and I could see a use case for it here, unlike really anywhere else.


I saw a use case for it while I was paying for everyday food items, because before 2020, I would come here and I find it difficult to to, as a Canadian, to pay for anything.


It was the US dollar and before the US dollar it was called the Colón, the Salvadoran Colón.


The banks here wouldn't accept like Canadian dollars.


Like, come on, who's going to take your funny money? Right, they take American dollars.


So you'd have to convert once to American and then again to, like Salvador and Cologne, to really make your money stand out here.


So I was used to that and it was difficult beforehand.


I couldn't support someone's business by buying them 50-cent coconut.


It was actually made very difficult for you to buy something like that.


The access to financial instruments something as simple as a bank account or something as simple as a point of sale machine was very, very difficult at the time.


I remember having just thinking about it in 2018, I think I heard about this thing called Bitcoin.


I wonder if that'll ever. You know could have been something I thought because I struggled.


So that's a vivid memory of why, when I got here, implementing myself and learning about Bitcoin was cool because it's a solution.


This town is very solutions focused, solutions based.


The country right now seems very solutions based.


You have the president doing fixing problems that have been happening here for decades, and so it's just this energy and that's what I think, what I felt, that's what attracted me to really moving on here, living here, trying to be a part of what was happening here.


You feel supported, you feel you know they're going to be wrong.


There's things happening all over the world, so nothing new here.


This isn't some utopia, right, but it's as close as it can get and we're really just trying to have an effect here.


I really you know it's great to hear those words.


I really appreciate your kind words. I'm just trying to get back because I'm not.


I'm from here, but I'm not. I don't also feel like I'm from here.


I don't have the culture from here and hopefully, you know, as time goes on, I can actually immerse myself and become more and be able to reach out to the South Adorans, because it's coming back here has been a really like awakening and homecoming, I would say, wanting to help, and that's all I want to do.


You know, whoever anyone wants to be helped, give out education, help out with community projects and I think everyone here who runs any type of Bitcoin business it's kind of what people are doing, you know running, doing things in a different way, helping different people out in their own community.


You know, the Bitcoin circular economies is a really interesting, really cool concept.


Really, it's more than a concept.


Now, you know, the team at Bitcoin Beach and I did such a great job of making it happen here, and so now it brings people like you, brad.


Yeah, you know, it's so funny that we come from similar, you know similar places, we were born in similar places and we've come here to meet in El Salvador, and so I got to be interviewed by Brad Mines.


How fucking cool is this? I really appreciate it.


Yeah, no, I appreciate those words too and yeah, I find it so interesting that folks that are here and have just been onboarded into the Bitcoin community, like you said, it's working here.


Folks are using the Lightning Network.


They're paying for goods and services. I'm actually finding it way easier and less expensive to use Bitcoin here the countries you know.


We spoke privately about the laws and you know.


Hopefully I can dive a little bit deeper into the laws around here to get the playbook of how people can come here and integrate.


But how have you seen like you were back and forth and now you know you're here full time now for three years if I'm mistaken.


So like, how has the community developed in these since you've been here full time, that's?


a great question. You know the community has grown.


I'm seeing people's businesses, you know, continue to get stronger.


You know the teams, the effort, everything.


I remember getting here and it almost seemed like every business was one by one person, you know, and it was just like, oh, how does everyone do all this?


And now, as I've been here for the past three years, I'm seeing everything kind of expand.


You know, elzonte becoming a place where I don't really have to leave here.


You know people are offering the right services, the community based situation, just like anywhere else.


There's growing pains, right, but we have, you know I was looking at pictures we have safe, you know, I guess, concrete roads.


Now in town we got a really nice lit bus stop where, you know, you feel safe, you can feel like you're in a first world country, Right, and so it's such a beautiful place.


I'm totally in love with this place and being here, I'd like to think that we're going in the right direction and people are contributing correctly.


And I think that's also part, you know, I've got to make sure I contribute correctly as well.


It's a lot of business, runoff, reputation and relationships, but I really do believe that we're all going in the same direction, you know we're all headed in the same direction.


We all kind of want the same things.


And I feel that hop down, bottom up.


You know people are obviously a little hesitant to try something new, but you educate them enough and they come and ask questions and you think if you can solve one of their problems then they're going to be more open to it.


I've seen it. I've seen it happen here, faster than I've seen it happen anywhere else.


I mean I can't say I was evangelizing Bitcoin in Canada because I wasn't there.


I wasn't there.


I didn't hear there, but here I find they're just like okay, maybe the first time they'll be like no Bitcoin, no.


Then the second time, which will be like 24 hours later, I'm asking them again and then I'm yeah, I have the wallet now, so let me go open it for you.


And then they realize they don't know their password. Then the third time they're like yeah, yeah, we got it all right.


So you know, it's a lot faster here than I would think anywhere else.


So people are open. There's still so much like.


I'm just new diving into this.


Right, I'm still learning a lot about what Bitcoin was.


You were telling me some of the story and that's really cool.


I really appreciate you. So I want to be able to pick more of that and understand more about Bitcoin.


You know just running your own node and forks and all that sort of stuff is.


I don't come from a developer or you know that type of background at all, and so that's not the point of you.


I came from it at. If, at least to me, that wasn't attractive.


It wasn't attractive. I just kind of relate to it, and so I have a lot to learn still.


But it's here, it's just happening at a pace you know.


Today, for example, I was able to go.


I needed some cash to my dog.


My dog is ill and I needed some cash.


You know, a really quick emergency cash. And what are you going to do?


I'm so happy that I was able to just go down to the ATM, take out some cash and be able to take care of things.


I walk outside of the bank it's funny that Chivo ATM was in the bank but I walk out and there's a couple other banks there and there is a line of people.


It was taking like hours to be seen and get your money, you know.


So I see El Salvador developing in a positive way.


The infrastructure is there. There's a lot that's coming.


You know a lot of work could be done, but I look forward to it.


I think I'm happy to be here. So, speaking of things coming, you know, a big part of what I want to talk to you about tonight is the Bitcoin hardware store.


I told you again in private that I think this is going to be something very special in the area and it's going to be an attraction, because they don't like, these things don't really exist back home Back home for me and a lot of other places.


So I think it'll be one of the spots that a lot of people, a lot of Bitcoiners, are going to come to Alzante and they're going to be like.


I want to go to the Bitcoin hardware store and see what's up and see the various products that you guys are now showing at the farmers market, but you know this you're so kind enough to give me a sneak preview of inside your location there, which I think is super awesome.


Super secret, but as soon as it's open, everybody will know it's going to be.


Okay, but it is. It's on Twitter, so it's not a secret, not this secret.


I can't mention it yet, right.


Yeah, no, no, no, of course.


Okay, so my first question surrounding this is why the Bitcoins, why the Bitcoin hardware store.


Yeah, I mean again, as I was telling you this, I'm my foreign to like self custody, bitcoin kind of.


The ethos of Bitcoin is still fairly new.


So being here and learning about Bitcoin and being able to use Bitcoin you know I'm from where I come from, in Canada I guess you could say you, I didn't have a Bitcoin wallet Like are you kidding?


I didn't even know what that was. And so I get here and I'm learning from people like you know, my first Bitcoin.


They have a great diploma program really going to what Bitcoin is, how to self custody, why it's important, going into a little more technical details, obviously it's a 10 chapter, 10 week book and it does such a great job.


So, being able to collaborate with them, being able to collaborate with Bitcoin Beach, seeing what they're doing, and then being able to use Bitcoin in a way that is actually like in a real life situation.


Like I mentioned before, when I got here, buying anything was difficult, and then this new technology comes in here Bitcoin.


I summon from my background.


I love tech, I love playing with toys like I have expensive toys and it's fun, like to play around with my hands, and so thankfully, I was able to and I understand.


I'm super privileged. I have these tools to access, being from Canada, but even then, it was still super difficult to be able to figure out.


Okay, well, what am I using when I'm using a custodial wallet, a custodial lending wallet?


How does this work? How do I just go to the ATM, put in some money and be able to buy Bitcoin?


You know, bukele said that I could just buy it at any time, and so I'm thinking, all right, cool, I'm trying to figure out a new way to use some new type of money.


It actually, for someone like myself, it wasn't as straightforward being here in El Salvador.


It was either you use a custodial service or you pay lots of money.


You don't know who you're getting it from. You're taking all these unwanted risks to be able to use the hardware needed to be able to use Bitcoin right, to be able to run a node, to be able to mine a little bit, to be able to have a wallet Like those are some of the, I believe, vital parts of Bitcoin right.


So it wasn't easy. The education was there, people were very intrigued, but being able to find the correct tools for your needs was a space that's still lacking.


So I saw the opportunity and I said first thing I did was I got all what I would say needed to store Bitcoin, to use Bitcoin in all its forms.


I could say I mine, I run a node, I have a node and I use Lightning, I use Layer 2s, so I like to think I'm living on a Bitcoin standard and it's fun, and it's fun for me.


But it's difficult, it's not easy, it's a lot of logistics.


So, going back to my business background and always being an entrepreneur, I was like you know what I need to be able to provide this there has to be an easier way.


Mckelley drops a couple of laws. We were talking about the laws.


Mckelley drops a couple of laws and I'm thinking, wow, this is very, very exciting for the country.


This is going to allow people to have access to learn about technology.


Have technology come in, be able to use it, be able to take advantage of it for the next 15 years.


This is absolutely fantastic. This is such a great call to you know.


It's giving people the call to action Like you have to come now.


We've opened the door for you.


This is a great place to come in and start a business and teach people stuff.


So come here and do it. And so I was like all right, cool, I'm going to try it.


And so reached out to some of these hardware you know hardware devices and asked them do you guys want to be on board being here in El Salvador?


Because you'd be surprised. You know, I meet Bitcoiners all the time and people have different equipment.


And then you ask El Salvador, and they have nothing Right, and even within the Bitcoin community, everyone wants to try everything.


But you can't. You can't like where are you going to test it out with your hands?


Where are you going to see what really works for you. Obviously, there's privacy related issues, but I think people were looking for this, people were asking for this.


Coming to the Adopted Bitcoin event was such a great event for me and it was something that I mentioned to you earlier.


I would say was the moment that are really orange-pilled me was being around so many amazing projects, seeing what people were aspiring to do, and so that inspired me.


That inspired me to be like all right.


Well, what challenges did I experience while getting newly into this?


You know I wanted to become super soft soft and independent as I could be.


So what was the best way to do it? And I found obstacles.


So really, the point of the hardware store is to resolve these obstacles for people, is for it to become a chance that you don't have to pay 100% over what retail price is just because you live in a place like El Salvador.


Like that doesn't. That doesn't sit right with me and apparently it doesn't sit right with Bukele.


He's doing the right things to make sure that the right laws, policies are in place so that these businesses and ideas and structures can strive, and that's what I think is really, really awesome, and that's what makes me just feel super supportive.


The community here is fantastic. You were at the Bitcoin Farmers Market.


It's a great community and everyone's supporting and there's opportunity to support and everyone's super happy and friendly.


So many different projects, so many different projects.


Everyone is looking forward to the next thing.


Everyone's looking forward to, you know, the next person that comes here.


And the hardware store is just that. It's just trying to add Value value for people that come in and want to test on new products, learn about lightning.


You know, let me we spoke about that's not something very common.


So the hardware store is just a place that you can come and Learn about on-chain, learn about how to be sovereign, learn about lightning, learn about later twos Welcome place for anyone who wants to speak about Bitcoin and talk about Bitcoin and talk about whatever projects.


Come in Like, yeah, I the store, come, hang out.


It's the purpose of it. I want.


I want to hear about the projects, I want. If it's on Bitcoin, I want to know about it.


I think, and the store there's hoping to be like a little bit of a cafe, so people come and hang out and it becoming a place where you know you can come and just talk about Bitcoin.


If you want to come talk about Bitcoin and and support any of these projects, learn about what's going on in Elzante.


Just just a place to hang out, yeah.


Yeah Well, like I said, I think it will be a major spot.


We're a lot of Bitcoin people and me personally, like like I was super excited to come across, so so, early in my trip through Pete, showed up to Pete.


I know, I know he's gonna.


I know he's gonna be watching this from New Jersey.


So I miss you, Pete Buddy.


Yes, I look forward to seeing you here, man.


Yes, I just launched our episode this morning.


Awesome, he was super stoked about that great candid conversation.


It was over at the hotel so folks were coming in server drinks.


It was a fun environment. So my next question is surrounding the, the hardware store.


Yeah, is, sir? What's your goal?


Is there a grand opening? Is it gonna be ready to go by the having party in early April?


Yeah, for sure. I mean. The goal, I guess, is to have a soft launch in the new year, starting in, you know, january, as soon as, as soon as we can, and then, from there, kind of be obviously being there for people who come to the having party and come, come, check it out.


I see a lot of great things happening for Bitcoin, you know, over the long term, not even just the short term, and the goal of the store really is for the long term, you know it's too from here to 10 years from now.


I want to be here, I want to be in those on to, I want to be adding value to anybody who wants to help this thing grow.


I want to be here and know about what projects you have going on so that I can help you connect with the right people that are Doing, something that you know I think would be a great mesh.


That's, that's the goal.


The goal is nothing short term, just open up, have a place for people to come hang out.


Anyone wants to learn about Bitcoin, for it's in English and in Spanish, you know.


So anybody wants to come learn Bitcoin from you know.


How do I, what wallet do I get?


How do I interact with lightning and then how do I say?


What do I say? How do I, how do I do my seed backup, like, how do I create child seeds?


How do I do a multi-sig, how do I get on lightning?


Because you know, in a self-custodial way, how do I mine, how do I, how do I add to the community, how can I sell something and bring value and get paid in Bitcoin?


And then how can I say how can I save?


Is is the end goal, because you want to be Available to have.


You want to want to grow your wealth. I mean, let's just be real, yeah, you want to grow your wealth, so there's nothing wrong with that.


You want to protect yourself, you want to protect your loved ones, you want to.


You know those are the necessary things. So I think Bitcoin is, is that?


I think they coin, is that, and I just want to. I just want to help you know, in 10, 20 years and be here.


I would love to, you know, continue to grow all solider into, into the next, like Stacy and like Kelly and Max, a Renaissance 2.0.


I really, I really do believe in that.


I'm working towards it, that's for sure.


Yeah, yeah. And like, like you said, protection of you know this helps protect you and your wealth, your friends, your, your sorry, your family, and not only that, but you're helping people that need it most.


You've helped helping other people do the same thing that need it most by offering the same tools that you probably wish it would have onboarded you quicker or helped you get to that next level quicker.


As we know, this thing is moving.


Moves quick, right, like we're. We're gonna see where everyone's expecting a Lot of things next year expecting yeah, pete's got some Pete's expecting a lot, but you know what it's not it says doesn't seem abnormal to me.


Since I've been here, the whole community is super bullish.


They, you know a lot of people think we're going into a hyperbic oneization phase and it's mind-blowing to me.


It's mind-blowing to me and, if you know, I'm praying that all these predictions come true, that the highest bed goes through.


So, yeah, well, I mean once the having party comes around and, you know, next year I hope you're back and you know, able to see what the Bitcoin hardware store is doing.


You know, the community in and of itself and being able to provide this value to people is keeping me like.


You know, I have to stay on my toes, I have to continue learning myself, because now it's not just myself.


I'm teaching others and I'm helping others and I have support of, I have the support of such a great community and then, once the store is fully open, you'll be able to see all the partners that are actually in the store.


There's. There's more than just what's in this plate, right? now and so the people who are there are who I feel, people that have supported, done such a great job.


I mean, they've been here in El Salvador or need to be, who have been to the conferences and who have that, you know made Action here, and I've seen them do great things with the products and helping Salvadorans, and so it's that's what the store is about, and so it's not just me.


I'm very thankful to all the sponsors, and then one's going to be at the store Now.


Everyone's gonna be showcasing their stuff. Everyone who's like just supported me all the way through.


I'm excited to actually let everybody know what the final, final list is at the store.


Yeah, and well, I'm gonna create some anticipation as well with this, with this podcast.


Hopefully, ronnie definitely want to be back here for the having party in early April, so I'm gonna try to make that happen.


Maybe, you know, make my stay a little bit longer next time.


Maybe maybe permanently one of these days.


You know, I can't wait. Yeah, man.


So my, I was here. I'm curious because just in my short stay here I'm only here for eight days total and I've already seen so many international Bitcoiners come in and out at the hotels.


You're pretty central here. How often do you see that?


Is that like every week there's a bunch of new Bitcoiners coming through.


I know we're early and we're probably going to see a ton more next year after the having and price increase.


What do you think? How do you see right now?


Yeah, good question. I'm super bullish, I'm super excited.


I remember again when I got here, I didn't really know much of the community.


Everyone was just I wasn't even using Twitter back then, actually but I've seen a steady growth.


I've seen it happen over the past three years Now more than ever I mean this would be.


We've had the third adopting Bitcoin conference.


We're going through the third phase of this.


I guess my time here of the summer season and the busy season and, as I've been here, I'm seeing more people show up on the daily.


I can't even remember how we ran into each other, but I actually might have even reached out to you on Twitter or something and seen that you guys were coming in.


It's like that wasn't the case before being here and I was on to an El Salvador.


At first I was like I'm lucky, I had Bitcoin Beach here and so I'd see them maybe every day.


And then we have a couple of chit chats about Bitcoin five minute chit chats.


Now you can sit all day talking to people about Bitcoin and it's more and more and just these great projects, these great minds, these brilliant minds coming here.


You have the Bitcoin farmers market again a great event, where it just brings a fantastic amount of people here and I'm seeing it grow.


I'm seeing it grow before my eyes. I'm super excited.


I'm so bullish. I'm so bullish on El Salvador.


I'm so bullish on what's going to happen here.


Getting, I feel like people coming here, like we say, we're seeing people move here, bitcoiners move here.


I feel like getting moving here in El Salvador is like buying Bitcoin early.


Right now. It's an early opportunity to set roots and establish yourself and make these connections before things pop off even more.


And we've talked about this a little bit too, about the real estate in surrounding Bitcoin Beach and how that's gone astronomically high in the past couple of years since enhancement and securities and everything around that.


So super interesting stuff.


I'm going to ask you if you have any resources, like what do you like to go to learn more about Bitcoin?


Besides these great opportunities of being face to face, where do you go online to learn more?


That's a great question. Honestly, I spend a lot of my time on Twitter.


Same I'm on there learning about the different projects, and I like to get hands on.


I like to get. Really. If I hear about a project, I'm willing to throw myself in, sign up, get an extension on my note or whatever.


Wherever I can find it, I'm going to figure it out and if I can play with it, I'm going to play with it and I think that's the best way.


These projects are trying to solve real world issues and so I'm willing to get myself in find out about these projects.


I think I'm really lucky because people come here all the time, so I get to hear about awesome projects and I just reach out to them.


I follow their Twitter and the first thing I do is I start asking questions.


Maybe sometimes it gets me in trouble, maybe some people don't like me, but I want to know, I want to figure it out, and so I'm on Twitter.


I would suggest looking into. I don't know.


I've been spoiled here. That's a hard one.


You are spoiled here.


Yeah, no, no. Twitter is a very fair source and, like from my experience, the community still lives on Twitter and I started using Twitter.


I signed up in 2013 knowing there was something there like news, but it wasn't till Bitcoin happened for me that I was like okay, now this is like I'm all in on Twitter all the time.


It's where I get most of my guests from my show.


It's been the most amazing tool and definitely my favorite piece of social media that I wouldn't want to lose at this point.


Maybe we'll see you know different developments in the future, but right now it seems to be still the hotspot.


I will give a shout out, though, for, like any beginners who want to learn about Bitcoin, in Spanish, like the my first Bitcoin curriculum, and I know it's been now translated into a few languages for any beginners, 100%, that's where I would spend all my effort in getting some hands on tools as well.


I think it's super important. And then, if you're going into, if you're deep diving into the radical point like, get on Twitter, get some, pick up some tutorials on YouTube and then get yourself the equipment, stop by the hardware store.


We'll get you started. You know, we'll get you whatever you need and play with it yourself.


I think that's the best. There's a lot of projects upcoming and you know they're going to be at the store so you'll be able to see.


You know, open source, free and open source projects, you know, and people who have been doing great things in the Bitcoin space, and so you'll be able to come to a Salvador.


You know, come to a Salvador, come to the store, play with these things, see how it works.


You know I'll try and answer as many of the questions as I can.


And and yeah, you know, come see what what Bitcoin can do for you.


So I want to jump into everybody's favorite question Price predictions going into the after the next having going into after the next so so just let me clarify what's the top and what do you think the top will be Okay, and this is not financial advice for anybody watching.


No, not financial. I'm not a finance guy at all.


So let's go the top. Next cycle's top and bottom post 2024.


Next cycles top and bottom.


Jesus, I'm going to say next cycles top.


Let me just go 8.5. 8.5 million 8.5 million.


So just when I thought nobody could be more bullish than Pete, you come up with 8.5 million.


Really, oh man, all right, well, I'm here in El Salvador, so I don't know what that speaks.


I could be living in a crazy land right now, but I'm saying 8.5 and then.


So you're 100% serious. Yeah, you're 100% serious.


This is my most educated hypothesis that I could do, and we know what a hypothesis is right, just an educated guess Sure.


So I'm going to go with 8.5 as a top, and then as a bottom I'm going to say like a million, Wow that's yeah, yeah, Well, that's I mean this big fluctuation not like we haven't seen.


Yeah, we have till 2028, right, so that's a long way to go.


Yeah. So historically we've seen the price top 0, I think, 6 or 10 months post-having.


Okay, so that means that means next year at some point we're going to go straight up at some point.


Very interesting.


I love the bullish sentiment. I've never heard much any more bullish sentiment than I've heard here in El Salvador.


It's wild and you know what A lot of people have like.


They have the reasons, they have the reasons and the sentiment is just we're going to that cycle of mass, mass adoption, hyperbiconization.


So you're certainly not alone with your super bullish opinions.


It's getting late here in El Salvador.


You see the wind there.


Yeah, the wind's coming, so I'm going to ask you to let people know where they can follow you and learn more.


Awesome. Well, I'm going to go with Twitter. You can follow myself and the store.


Really, if you want to follow the store, I'm going to do that one. If you want to do more research yourself, you can find it, but tbhs underscore sv is just the Bitcoin hardware store here in El Salvador.


Find me on Twitter. That's where I'm going to try and do and let people know about what's going on here in El Salvador and come visit me, come see me.


You want to come find out why I'm so bullish.


You know where I'm at. I'm here in El Sonte. Come here, find, see for yourself.


Come and verify it. I hope to see you.


I hope to see you at the store, hope to talk about Bitcoin with you.


To be quite honest, and come to the having, see if I'm right or I'm right, and come tell me why I'm wrong or if you have more bullish predictions.


I'm totally in. So welcome everybody.


I really want everybody to come be able to feel welcome down here in El Salvador.


The Bitcoin hardware store will be open in January.


Again, like I said, soft for hunch, I'm on Latino time, so I'm on El Salvador time, but I'm super excited to be able to bring this.


I'm super excited to work with the partners at the project and I know they're excited too.


So a lot of things are going to be happening happening here in El Sonte, and then a lot of exciting things are going to be happening for Bitcoin, for the people here, for the community.


I'm super excited and thank you for having me on.


I really appreciate it. Hope you had a good time.


I had a great time. It's my last night here in El Salvador, first time ever coming, and you've been a great host, showing me around, taking me on hikes, showing me your store, giving me preview of what's what you're working on.


I'm glad we made it back from that hike.


Oh man, my legs were jelly for for a day and a half after that.


So oh man, it was easy.


Oh geez, I might be jelly tomorrow too.


I might be jelly tomorrow, so thanks.


Thanks for everything on this trip.


It's been awesome. You've given us a great experience.

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