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The History Book

Jacob Thomas

The History Book

A History podcast featuring Jacob Thomas

 2 people rated this podcast
The History Book

Jacob Thomas

The History Book

The History Book

Jacob Thomas

The History Book

A History podcast featuring Jacob Thomas
 2 people rated this podcast
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Join Jacob as he sits down with Chris Young to discuss the Battle of Chickamauga and the Battles surrounding Chattanooga! Enjoy!
Join Jacob as he sits down to talk about the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln's writing of it, and its legacy. Enjoy!
Join host Jacob as he sits down to discuss the Holocaust and United States reaction to it. Today’s episode will also include a discussion on the War Refugee Board, anti-semitism, and World War 2. Enjoy!
Join Jacob as he sits down to discuss the history of several flags in America! Enjoy!
Join host Jacob as he sits down with Education Coordinator Lloyd to discuss the West Virginia Mine Wars. Today's episode will also include discussions on Baldwin-Felts, Sid Hatfield, and Mother Jones as well as women and their role in the Wars!
Join Jacob as he talks about Thomas Paine. Today's episode will also discuss Valley Forge, the French Revolution, and The Rights of Man. Enjoy!
Join Jacob as he discuss The Battle of Guilford Courthouse. This episode also includes discussion on the Regulator Movement, General Nathaniel Greene, and the Battle of Yorktown! Enjoy!
Join Jacob as he discuss the life and some of the important court cases of Chief Justice John Marshall. Today's episode also includes a discussion on the XYZ Affair, Aaron Burr, and the National Banks. Enjoy!
Join host Jacob as he discusses the life of Brigham Young! Today's episode will also discuss Joseph Smith, the Mormon Church, and the Utah War! Enjoy!
Join host Jacob as he discusses the life of Abigail Adams! Todays episode will also discuss slavery, women's rights, and the White House! Enjoy! 
Join host Jacob as he discusses the murder of Emmett Till. Also included in today's episode is a talk on the Great Migration, sharecropping, and trials. Enjoy! 
Join host Jacob as he sits down with author Alexander Rose to talk about his writing process, having a book turn into a TV Show, and his new work THE LION AND THE FOX: TWO RIVAL SPIES AND THE SECRET PLOT TO BUILD A CONFEDERATE NAVY. Enjoy! If
Join Jacob as he sits down with Christopher Everett, Director of Wilmington On Fire, a documentary on the Wilmington Massacre of 1898. We will discuss the documentary, reparations, and what Chris has coming up next! Enjoy! 
Join Jacob as he sits down with Ray Flowers from Fort Fisher to talk about blockade running, the capture of the Fort, and what's new at the site! Enjoy! 
Join Jacob as he is joined by Maggie from Harpers Ferry National Park to talk about all things John Brown Raid as well as a bunch of other fun history things! Enjoy!
Join Jacob as he discusses the Winter of 1609 in the Jamestown Colony, better known as The Starving Times. Also included in today's episode is a talk on John Rolfe, Pocahontas, and tobacco. Enjoy! 
Join Jacob as he discuss the Kent State Massacre. Also included in today's episode Is a talk on Vietnam, President Nixon, and music. Enjoy!
Join Jacob as he continues Civil War History Month with another episode on a Civil War Prison Camp, Andersonville! Todays episode will also discuss the Raiders, Henry Wirz, and War Crimes. Enjoy!
Join Jacob as he kicks off Civil War History Month with a discussion on Elmira Prison Camp! Today's episode also includes discussion of Prison breaks, Train Wrecks, and Life inside the Camp. Enjoy!
Join Jacob as he discusses the lives and careers of Mathew Brady, Alexander Gardner, and Timothy O'Sullivan and there goal to photograph the carnage of the American Civil War!
Join Jacob as he discuss the road to securing freedom through the lives of Hiram Revels and Robert Smalls. Today episode also includes a discussion on the 13, 14, and 15 Amendment! Enjoy!
Join Jacob as he discusses the journey of the USCT’s. Today’s episode also includes talks about camp life, combat, and Medal of Honor winners! Enjoy!
Join Jacob as he is joined by Ali Bittles to talk all thing Ulysses Grant as well as a bunch of other fun things! Enjoy!
Join Jacob for Part Two of Wilmington 1898 and the violence that broke out in the North Carolina city. Todays episode includes discussion of violence, disenfranchisement, and banishment. Enjoy! 
Join Jacob today as he discusses the events leading up to the Wilmington Race Riot of 1898. Today’s episode also includes a discussion of white supremacy and secret organizations! Enjoy
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