How many times have you read a boring obituary that leaves you disappointed in its failure to truly describe who the person was? Everyone has a story to tell that goes beyond the basic biographical and career information you see in most obituaries. Your loved one had a personality, a life spirit that touched the hearts... more
Today is the last episode of the Self-Care 2021 Series. Enjoy a summary of the past seven months of content. Discover ways to enhance your well-being and manage stress through mindfulness, meditation, nutrition, movement, gratitude, affirmations, journaling, laughter, restful sleep, leveraging the mind-body connection,... more
Everything in the universe is made of energy, and all energy vibrates at its specific frequency. That includes us. We have different frequencies of energy, or vibration. We know that this frequency depends on our own thoughts, and inner mental and feeling world. Today, we talk about increasing your vibrational energy t... more
Have you ever started feeling something in the pit of your stomach when you knew something was wrong, but couldn't put your finger on it? We all have that that gut feeling and can access our inner wisdom. If you ask a question and are still enough to listen, the answer will come. Today we talk about how to hone your in... more
Compassion is an innate human quality. It is a natural and automatic response that has played a role in our survival. We are all born with the tendency to be generous and kind to others. Being compassionate makes us happy, as it stimulates the pleasure centers in our brains. Compassion also may protect against stress b... more
Laughter really can be the best medicine. It is a great stress reliever, and if you routinely laugh and play throughout in your daily life, you will most likely see the world differently and be less stressed. Discover how to plan humor therapy into your day and allow your inner child to play on today’s show. Nurse prac... more
In medicine, the nocebo effect is the opposite of the placebo effect. We can create a nocebo effect with our thoughts. What do you think about? If you are happy and successful, you think thoughts of happiness and success. If you are wading through an endless stream of problems and are unhappy in life, your thoughts may... more
How often do you get frustrated or upset about something? And, in these situations, how many times has someone died or something so disastrous happened that your life was in danger? Few things in life truly have a significant negative consequence. Most things we can fix, choose again, or make amends. It’s the chronic l... more
The relationship between forgiveness and health is astounding. The fact is that after we have been hurt, humiliated, or angered – whether it is real or imagined – not forgiving blocks the flow of love and adversely affects our energy. Holding a grudge affects our bodily functions, including our health. Today we talk ab... more
Practicing gratitude can have a huge impact on our emotions and emotional health. Gratitude increases our psychological and even our physical well-being. When we truly live a life of gratitude, it changes who we are and the way we look at the world. Today, we talk about the benefits of gratitude and offer some suggesti... more
Does the mere thought of exercising cause your face to contort in anguish? The good news is almost any form of exercise or movement can increase your fitness level and decrease your stress. The most important thing is to pick an activity you enjoy. Today we talk about the benefits of movement and suggest some examples ... more
It’s true, there is power in the written word, and adding emotion gives it superpowers. You can journal in many ways, and there is no right or wrong way. The important thing is that you enjoy the process, and it doesn’t feel like a chore or another thing on your to-do list. Today, we talk about a few journaling techniq... more
Using your imagination is a powerful tool you can use to enhance your well-being. Last time, we talked about the power of affirmations as a tool to change limiting beliefs into life-enhancing beliefs. The key to affirmations being such an effective tool is to believe and imagine what you are saying to the extent that y... more
You can start using affirmations right now to make shifts in your subconscious mind to create more life-enhancing beliefs. Affirmations are a way of talking to yourself. If you practice affirmations enough and believe what you are saying, you will begin to believe the statements. The key is truly believing what you are... more
Limiting beliefs are things we may have heard or experienced in the past, often as children. These limiting beliefs negatively color the way we see the world as adults. The subconscious mind is where almost all of our limiting beliefs reside. Approximately 95% of what you say, do, think and feel is in the subconscious ... more
Our thoughts and emotions influence our physical body, health and well-being. Our brain is like our internal computer. Today we discuss the mind-body connection and the power of our subconscious mind to enhance our well-being. Nurse Practitioner, Bonnie Groessl is a best-selling author, holistic entrepreneur and succes... more
Vitamins and minerals strengthen our immune system, increase our metabolism, and give us more energy. Our everyday foods just don’t contain the nutrients they did a hundred years ago due to decades of commercial soil fertilization, which has depleted much of the nutrients over time. Today we discuss the benefits of tak... more
Paying attention to when you eat as well as the amount you ingest is part of a healthy eating plan. Most people don’t drink enough water to promote optimal brain function. Today we talk about how you can easily increase the amount of water you drink each day. We’ll also talk about what you should avoid or consume in mo... more
It’s important to pay attention to what we put into our bodies. The types of food and drink we ingest, and especially how much water we have each day, make a huge difference in our health and well-being. We perform best with a healthy diet that is low in saturated fat, processed foods, and refined sugars, and with eno... more
We are not meant to live in isolation. As humans, we need to be in relationships and each other. Whether it’s romantic, friendship, family, colleague, neighbor or whatever, it’s a relationship. Last time we focused on your relationship with yourself, and today we’ll talk about relationships between two or more people. ... more
Some people think self-love is a sign of being a narcissist or having a big ego. It’s totally the opposite. Self-love means accepting you just as you are, feeling worthy on your own rather than needing kudos from others. When you love yourself, you have compassion for yourself. We can be our own worst critics, often tr... more
Loving ourselves unconditionally can be our biggest challenge. The first step is accepting yourself just as you are. The energy of the heart can reach up to eight to ten feet beyond us. One person’s heart signal can affect another’s brainwaves, and heart-brain synchronization can occur between two people when they inte... more
There is value in having a plan or a routine that you can easily incorporate into your daily life to enhance your well-being. Today we expand on the importance of noticing your breath, mindfulness and meditation, and accessing the drug store in your brain. We will review strategies to help you release more of the “feel... more
Are you someone who struggles with sleep? Maybe you have trouble falling asleep because your mind hasn’t turned off yet, or maybe you just wake up and can’t get back to sleep. Neurologists who specialize in sleep disorders are seeing an increase in these types of issues associated with COVID-19. Seek professional help ... more
Oxytocin is sometimes called the “hugging drug,” or the love hormone, because it is released by the brain during physical contact with others. Women have higher levels of this hormone than men. Oxytocin boosts our immune systems, makes us better problem solvers, and just makes us feel good. Unlike dopamine, which is la... more