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Podcast 39: Restoring Patriarchy and Reshaping Society: Unveiling Biblical Gender Roles and the Impact of Feminism

Podcast 39: Restoring Patriarchy and Reshaping Society: Unveiling Biblical Gender Roles and the Impact of Feminism

Released Friday, 15th December 2023
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Podcast 39: Restoring Patriarchy and Reshaping Society: Unveiling Biblical Gender Roles and the Impact of Feminism

Podcast 39: Restoring Patriarchy and Reshaping Society: Unveiling Biblical Gender Roles and the Impact of Feminism

Podcast 39: Restoring Patriarchy and Reshaping Society: Unveiling Biblical Gender Roles and the Impact of Feminism

Podcast 39: Restoring Patriarchy and Reshaping Society: Unveiling Biblical Gender Roles and the Impact of Feminism

Friday, 15th December 2023
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In today's podcast we're going to talk about raising sons and daughters.


Again, greetings.


Thank you for tuning in to listen to Equipping the Bride podcast.


I'm Brother Jason DeMars from Beaufort, south Carolina, a minister at Bethel Tabernacle.


New episodes of this podcast are posted every Friday.


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If you have any questions, testimonies or prayer requests, please let me know at jasondemarscom.


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May the Lord richly bless you.


Good morning everyone. Welcome to the podcast.


I'm Jason DeMars.


Thank you so much for tuning in.


I really appreciate that. Just want to remind everyone, if you're listening, if you appreciate the podcast, please rate the show and give us a review on Apple podcasts.


So far, we have a 12, 5 out of 5, 5 star ratings on that.


We appreciate that. If you want to get in contact with me and you can write to me at jasondemarscom you can email me any questions, prayer requests or testimonies at jasondemarscom.


I know that says that in the intro, but I want to remind you of that again.


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That helps us pay for the software and the materials that we use and that we're giving out for free.


Ask that you we need your continued prayers and support to continue the free book outreach ministry that is sending the message of the hour into all the world.


Also, ask for your prayers for wisdom as we move forward in this ministry and that what God would lead me according to his plan and purpose.


I want to continue on the thought.


I got a number of positive comments and emails from people regarding the subject about raising sons and daughters from last week, and some people asked for the notes from what I was reading from and I'll get those posted on this podcast.


I want to speak on Proverbs 22.6, train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.


So, looking at this, we often turn this into just merely the ways of the Lord, and of course it is the ways of the Lord and that's the primary focus Is the ways of the Lord.


But part of that is we have sons, we have daughters.


Each of them have a different purpose.


God has a different vision for them, for them, for their lives.


So these are things that we need to make sure of, to emphasize.


I know for myself and I know by observation because no one has talked to me about it, but the reality is that in our day and our society is that we've largely not all parents, not all families, but we've largely failed to point our children in the right way.


We've just let them be children, be irresponsible, and, of course, there's that place where you let them be children.


They're not going to be perfect. They need time to play and discover, but that doesn't mean time to sit on their devices and just live a lazy, god-forsaken life.


Some of their play needs to be surrounded with work, and that work is the training.


So God designed men.


He put them, he put men in the Garden of Eden to do what the Bible says to dress it and keep it.


So part of it is a guardian, protect, and part of it is to work with your hands.


So God designed man to work with his hands and to be a protector.


He designed woman to be a help-meat, you know.


So when we're raising our sons and daughters, we need to have this vision.


I know that seems very simple.


But the reality is in our society all of that has been broken down by feminism.


The destruction of Western civilization, the destruction of America, has come through the destruction of the home and a lack of understanding.


It is built within us that a woman is to be protected by a man.


It is built within us that a woman is the weaker vessel.


It is built within us that a man is to work and to provide and to protect his home.


That is in there, but they have programmed it out of people's minds and to consider it.


That is the patriarchy. That is a bad word, but I want to say let's restore the patriarchy.


It's a necessary thing. Men should be men and women should be women.


And in our training of our children we must point them in the way that they should go In our homes, fathers, that's your duty to make sure that's done.


You can't leave it to your wife, you can't leave it to the church.


You have to make sure that your sons are trained and taught the direction they're supposed to go and that your daughters are trained and taught in the direction they should go.


We teach them the ways of the Lord.


Primarily, teach your young man model for your young how to lead in family worship.


We all make mistakes, we all mess up, we all fail, but there should be a general direction that there is daily family worship led by the father in the home.


You should train your son to know that his duty is to find his work and find his purpose in his life.


Now I want to speak about this. You should train your daughters that she should get married, bear children, guide the home.


This is her vision. This is what she should be.


This is the way that you should train your daughters to go.


Don't train your daughters and teach them that they need to have a career, that they need to get an education and have a career.


That's not scriptural. I'm not advocating for ignorant women by any means.


A sister should be intelligent, she should be well read, she should be able to understand and teach a variety of subjects, because she needs to homeschool her sons and daughters.


A young man should not just be at the aprons of his mother his whole life.


He needs the influence of men, and so, dads, include your sons in your work, whatever that might be how you do it, where to do it.


Include them in the work around the home, teach them and train them how to fix things.


I didn't have that growing up.


We hired someone to do that. But I think it's good, men, have your sons around you, show them what you do, let them do what you do, even though they don't do it perfectly, don't do it exactly right.


Give them the opportunity to learn how to do it.


Same thing for sisters train your daughters how to cook, how to clean, how to take care of a home.


First, timothy 514 says I will.


Therefore the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house.


Give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.


Unfortunately, in America, we've turned this into I will, that the younger women go to college and find a career and then get married.


Now, some of this goes into the mistakes we've made with our sons.


Many of them are.


They're addicted to video games and they spend so much time playing video games that they're not learning how to be men, how to provide for a home, how to work and the importance of work.


From the time they're little, from the time they're little.


Teach them and speak to them about the importance of hard work.


It's not complicated. This is something that you teach and instill day in, day out.


Day in and day out. You do it to your sons.


You do it to your daughters. This is your role.


This is hard, work is good.


Show them lessons. Teach them lessons about working and that the work they're supposed to do.


Give your daughters jobs in the home.


They won't do it perfectly, but that's okay.


That's how they learn. Give your sons jobs around the home that men are to do Repairing, cleaning, putting things together, cleaning the lawn, more and so on and so forth how to do these things around the home Little repairs.


No, they won't do it perfectly, but that's how they learn.


If they never let them do it, they'll never learn.


These are the.


This is part of training, but we've turned this around to the public school.


Does the training? The public school doesn't do this kind of training.


Public school universities teach our young people how to be communists and they're not teaching biblical principles.


I went to a school we they taught theological courses, but they didn't teach us real godly biblical principles.


Our culture demands that we send our sons and our daughters to four-year university, but that's not useful to them, unless they're going into a very specific thing.


Not useful to them and especially to the young ladies.


Let's stop raising our kids, to our boys, to mature at the age of 30 because we have ruined their lives by letting them be addicted to Gaming.


Gaming is feminizing our young men.


I don't care if they're playing killing games, quote unquote manly games they're feminizing them.


It's turning them into a big bunch of sissies.


Get them out, get them working with their hands, get them working hard, get them moving their bodies, get them lifting weights these kind of things.


Men are to be tough and to be strong and to be burly.


Women are to be feminine and dainty and shy.


Fathers, it's your job.


I'm getting ahead of myself.


I'll slow down. Paul instructed the pastor Timothy to teach the young women to get married, have children, be home makers.


God commands this, regardless of what culture says.


We follow God's word. You say it's impossible because our society is this and this, but with God, all things are possible.


If you start from the foundation of obedience, god will bring a blessing on you.


But if you start from the foundation of disobedience, you're gonna face troubles and difficulties, and it's a mistake to do it that way.


All right now.


The breakdown of our society, and what has broken our society, is the fact that women have gotten the vote.


Now. This seems like. What does this have to do with raising sons and daughters?


I want to set things in order with your understanding.


Feminism first attacked the order of the home, first attacked the headship of man.


That was their first order of business and this is the very place that it was.


Is that men were to be the deciding factor for their wives and for their daughters?


All right numbers, 33 through eight.


Read this whole chapter when you have your chance. If a woman also vow a vow unto the Lord and bind herself by a bond being in her father's house and her youth and her father hear her vow and her bond were with she hath bound her soul and her father shall hold his peace at her, then all her vows shall stand and every bond were with she hath bound, her soul shall stand.


But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth not any of her vows or of her bonds were with she hath bound, her soul shall stand and the Lord shall forgive her because her father disallow her.


And if she had it all in husband when she vowed or uttered out of her lips or was she bound her soul and her husband heard it and held his peace at her in the day that he heard it, then her vows shall stand and her bonds were with she bound.


Her soul shall stand. But if her husband disallowed her on that day he heard it, then he shall make her vow which he vowed and that which he uttered with her lips where was she bound?


Her soul of none effect, and the Lord shall forgive her.


This is not an Old Testament principle, this is a biblical principle.


This is the headship of man.


This is where the headship of man has its muscles.


Right, if a daughter makes a decision, signs a document, makes a vow, however you wanna put that, if the father doesn't ratify that it's, it's over.


She cannot. He is the deciding factor.


And the same thing for his wife. If his wife does, he can disallow that.


That is the headship of man.


Without this, the headship of man has no muscles, has no strength.


And this is where we've come to in this day is that women think they don't need a man and young and daughters think they don't need a man.


Well, according to this is without the husband or the father's decision, a daughter should not get married.


If her dad says no, then it's no.


See, this was God's purpose.


A woman is the weaker vessel and that is why God puts the decision making deciding factor in the hands of a man.


This used to be the foundation of British and American common law, and Western European law is that the husband is the deciding factor.


And this is what feminism attacked, said they didn't want this, they didn't want God's place.


First they attacked this to change this law.


Then they went after the vote.


Now look at what Brother Branham says in the Laodicean church age and I want you to understand.


The breakdown of American society comes from this very place.


What you're seeing today in transgender rights and gay rights is a direct result of this breakdown.


Women getting the vote caused this breakdown.


If women don't get the vote, it changes everything.


If you look at demographics and voting, if you erase women from the article, we would not have Democrats and liberalism in power.


Liberalism has come to the place that it is because of women's vote.


If you look at the demographics, it would be completely a Republican country and even the reality is it probably would have an even more conservative party than the Republicans in place, because the reality is the Republicans today are not all that conservative.


All right. Laodicean church age the church age book Brother Branham writes.


The fifth vision had to do with the moral problem of our age, centering mostly around women.


God showed me that women began to be out of their place with the granting of the vote.


Then they cut off their hair, which signified that they were no longer under the authority of a man, but insisted on either equal rights or, in most cases, more than equal rights.


She adopted men's clothing and went into a state of undress, until the last picture I saw was a woman naked, except for a little fig leaf type apron.


With this vision I saw the terrible perversion and moral plight of the whole world.


This is the foundation of our problems, of our society.


If you want to know what granting the women the vote looks like in a society, this is what we have today A general march toward sin and debauchery, and that's what we see.


The very, the biggest deciding factor in the crime If a young person turns to the life of crime as whether or not there is a father in the home.


If there is no father in the home, its likelihood of being a criminal is very high.


It doesn't matter if it's a black community, white community or Mexican community without a father in the home.


That is where crime starts.


Alright. Now I want to read to you an argument against women's suffrage from a Democrat from California by the name of JB Sanford in 1911.


I've read this before.


I'm going to read it again. I feel like it gives such a beautiful picture of why women getting the vote is a problem.


Many people are offended by that. Even message believers can be offended by this idea.


But Brother Branham says it over and over again and I believe this will give you a good understanding of why he said that Suffrage is not a right, it is a privilege that may or may not be granted.


Politics is no place for women.


Consequently, the privilege should not be granted to her.


The mother's influence is needed in the home.


She can do little good by guiding the streets and neglecting her children.


Let her teach her daughters that modesty, patience and gentleness are the charms of a woman.


Let her teach her sons that an honest conscience is every man's first political law, that no splendor can rob him, nor no force can justify the surrender of the simplest right of a free and independent citizen.


The mothers of this country can shape the destinies of the nation by keeping in their places and attending to those duties that God Almighty intended for them.


The kindly gentle influence of the mother in the home will far outweigh all the influence of all the mannish female politicians on earth.


The courageous, chivalrous and manly men and the womanly women, the real mothers and home builders of the country, are opposed to this innovation in the American political life.


There was a bill before the last legislature which proposed to leave the equal suffrage question to women to decide first, before the men should vote on it.


This bill was defeated by the suffragettes because they knew that the women would vote down the amendment by a vote of 10 to 1.


The men are able to run the government and take care of the women.


Do women have to vote in order to receive the protection of man?


Why men have gone to war and endured every privation and death itself in defense of a woman?


To man, woman is the dearest creature on earth and there is no extreme to which he would not go for his mother or sister.


By keeping woman in her exalted position, man can be induced to do more for her than he could by having her mix up in affairs that will cause him to lose respect in regard for her.


Woman does not have to vote to secure her rights.


Man will go to any extreme to protect and elevate her.


Now, as long as woman is woman and keeps her place, she will get more protection and more consideration than man gets.


When she abdicates her throne, she throws down the sceptre of her power and loses her influence.


Woman's suffrage has been proven a failure and states that have tried it.


It's wrong. California should profit by the mistakes of other states.


Not one reform has equal suffrage affected.


On the contrary, statistics go to show that in most equal suffrage states, colorado particularly, that divorces have greatly increased since the adoption of the equal suffrage amendment, showing that it has been a home destroyer.


Crime also has increased due to the lack of mothers in the home.


Woman is woman. She cannot unsex herself or change her sphere.


Let her be content with her lot and perform those high duties intended for her by the great creator, and she will accomplish far more in governmental affairs that she can ever accomplish by mixing up in the dirty pool of politics.


Keep the home pure and she can ever accomplish.


Keep the home pure and all will be well with the Republic.


Let not the sanctity of the home be invaded by every little politician that may be running up and down the highway for office.


Let the manly men and the womanly women defeat this amendment and keep women where she belongs in order that she may retain the respect of all mankind, amen.


So, as we look at this, this is the importance of raising daughters that understand their place in the home.


She is to honor and reverence and respect her husband.


She is to take care of children.


Young man, you are to honor.


Give honor unto your wife as unto the weaker vessel.


You're to love her as Christ loved the church.


Sacrifice your very life for her protection and for her to be able to do her duty at home, which is to raise the children.


This is by example. This is teaching them.


Brother Branham said get them married young.


This is a biblical truth.


I would that the younger women marry bare children.


Guide the home. God's purpose is for young men to be husbands and for them to raise, to provide for their homes.


So teach them to do that.


This is God's purpose.


Genesis 2.15 says the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.


So involve your sons in learning.


That's how do you raise them in the way that you should go, not just by sending them to Sunday school, sending them to youth camp.


No, at home.


Lead the family in worship at home, invalt.


Show your son as he gets older how to lead the family in worship.


Teach him the importance and lay in the importance.


Now, son, your job and your duty is to learn how to work.


Learn how to get a job and we'll find out what kind of work you want to do Right.


Start teaching them from young ages that this is the vision that God has for them, so that they understand that that's the vision.


Your vision is not just to have fun and have sleepovers and goof around.


Your vision is to grow up to defend the home, defend your sisters, your mother, your wife, your daughters.


This is your duty. This is your training them to do that.


You're teaching them how to do that Because you're modeling that, fathers.


You're modeling that for them, modeling how to lead a home, how to help, how to make decisions, how to communicate in love with your wife, wives.


You're teaching and you're modeling for your daughters how to raise them.


Wives, you're modeling how a man should live and operate so that your daughters can see this is how a man acts and behaves.


Genesis 3, 17 through 19,.


And unto Adam he said Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and as eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying Thou shalt not eat of it.


Cursed it is the ground for thy sake, in sorrow, shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life, thorns also, and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat the herb of the field in the sweat of thy face.


Shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground, for out of it was thou taken, for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.


So this is God's purpose for man he is to work and he's to work hard with his hands, and I think this is an important thing In our today's society.


We have, since the Industrial Revolution, we've had a whole realm of jobs created that seemingly were never designed by the Lord and are put society in a difficult place.


However, generally speaking, we can understand that man was made to work with his hands for a Cessilonians 4.11.


And that you study to be quiet and to do your own business and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, that you may walk honestly toward them that are without and that you may have lack of nothing.


Okay again, if God is commanding men to do this, then in our homes we're teaching sons that this is their job, this is their duty.


Study to be quiet and don't be a busy body.


Don't be running up and down and getting in everybody's business.


Mind your own business.


Work with your hands, provide for your family so that you can walk honestly and you can have lack of nothing, that you can be a giver and that you can be a provider.


Second Thessalonians 3.10-14, for even when we were with you, this we commanded you that if any would not work, neither should he eat.


For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working, not at all.


But our busy bodies. Now, them that are such, we command and exhort by our Lord, jesus Christ that with quietness, they work and eat their own hands.


But you, brethren, be not weary and well-doing, and if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man and have no company with him that he may be ashamed.


So this is the importance of this.


Paul is saying that if you don't follow this, don't even have anything to do with that person.


My goodness, it's quite something to take that stand in this place for this purpose.


It's that important.


He basically said don't have anything to do with this person that refuses to work and goes around and is a busy body that doesn't live a quiet life.


Work with his own hands, study to be quiet.


It means be ambitious to live a quiet life.


So these are the things that we should be laying into the hearts of our sons and preparing them for life.


These are the things that we should be laying in for our daughters and preparing them to be a homemaker.


So if we both don't do this, we face trouble, because if the young man is expecting the woman to go work and be out in a man's place and doing man's business, then his vision as a young man is wrong.


So I mean, these things need to be taught to our young people, and from a young age you start from a young age, modeling it, teaching it, setting it forward, showing that this is the norm.


Not only is it the norm in our home, but it's the norm of what we're teaching and what we're trying to establish in their hearts.


Otherwise, we get this situation that we have right now is where girls are like what am I supposed to do.


There's no young men that are ready to get married, they're all irresponsible or many of them are just a bunch of sissies that young ladies don't aspire to get married to, and that then the situation they face is what do I do?


I got to go get an education, become a nurse, become a this, become a that, in order to wait my time to be a housewife, instead of those young men being prepared the time they're 18, they're working, they're out, they're ready to be a provider for a home.


Why not? Why do we have to aim for what the world does?


We aim for what God's word says.


So I hope that is helpful to you, to give you kind of cast a vision for you.


Study God's word with your family.


Show them these things in the Bible, teach them.


Don't just rely on the pastor to do it in church.


It's up to fathers to do it in their home.


Read these verses, talk about them with the family, talk about it with your wife.


Help her to understand. This is what we need to be the vision we need to be giving our children.


God bless you, saints. If you have any questions or prayer requests or testimonies, please let me know.


You can email Jason at JasonDemarscom or just go to JasonDemarscom and go to the contact area and send me an email from there.


Thank you so much Help.


You have a wonderful weekend. May the Lord richly bless you.


Thank you for listening to Quipping the Bride podcast.


New episodes are posted every Friday.


I want to remind you that if you have any questions, testimonies or prayer requests, please let me know at JasonDemarscom.


I also have free books and tracks available at my website, and shipping is free as well.


Please, I ask you to remember the believers and the missions work in the Middle East in prayer.


From The Podcast

The Jason DeMars Podcast

The purpose of the Jason DeMars Podcast is to reveal the hidden mysteries of the Bible as uncovered through the ministry of Malachi 4 fulfilled in the life of William Branham.   This incredible ministry restored the true church to the original doctrine of the apostles. After this ministry, we are told that another ministry will rise. It will not be a one-man ministry but instead will be a five-fold ministry in a many-membered body. "These men, if they pick up This and goes out with It, they can make more sense to It, see, to bring It to a place you would. I just want to lay this Seed, then hope they make It come to Life." He speaks of the teaching ministry in this way, "Only one Thing to lead us, that’s the Holy Spirit. And we believe that the Holy Spirit leads through our leaders. If God set a—a…Holy Spirit set a teacher in the church, then if the Holy Spirit wants the church to know something, He’ll speak through the teacher. For the Holy Spirit…That’s what the teacher is ordained to do. Is that right? It’s ordained. That gift is in the church as a teacher and we should all listen to it until that gift goes to proving something that isn’t right in the Bible, then we have a right to question it." I take the Bible as my Absolute, and my purpose is to show the reality of the end-time message through its pages. We will take what has been revealed and apply it back to the Bible and our present time. This podcast is designed for the purpose to help you increase your revelation of the Word and, in so doing, cause you to  grow in your walk with Christ because we are living in the hour that the Bride of Christ is coming to full maturity in a fully manifested Word. 

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