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Episode 85: The Parks Academy is Back

Episode 85: The Parks Academy is Back

Released Monday, 25th March 2024
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Episode 85: The Parks Academy is Back

Episode 85: The Parks Academy is Back

Episode 85: The Parks Academy is Back

Episode 85: The Parks Academy is Back

Monday, 25th March 2024
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Speaker 1: Hello, everyone. This is the Parks Academy where we discuss and celebrate all things theme parks related. We focus mainly on Disney Parks and Resorts in both Anaheim and Orlando. My name is Paige. Speaker 2: My name is Steven. Speaker 1: And today, we are back. Speaker 2: That's pretty much, like, the crux of it. We're just back. It's been Speaker 1: a while. Speaker 2: It's been our last episode was recorded, on November 6th. Well, it was recorded much before that, but it was released on November 6, 2, 2023. And, obviously, the reason is because, we have a second kid. Speaker 1: Yep. Speaker 2: We have a now, yeah, now 6 month old on the day this is going out. And, we were really hoping to come back in January because our kid was born late September. And then by the way, everyone's good, and he's super healthy. He's amazing. He already has his first Disney trip planned, and tickets are bought. Everything's great. But, anyway, we were gonna start in January after the holidays, and then we're, like, maybe February. And then we were, like, maybe March. And then it's now March 25th. Speaker 1: Yeah. And then here we are. Speaker 2: And, now both of our children are 2a half year old. Well, little over almost 2a half year old and our 6 month old are finally on, like, a sleeping rhythm, fingers crossed. Speaker 1: Yeah. I think you just jinxed us by saying that just now. Speaker 2: No. I don't I don't think so. Speaker 1: I think you did. Yeah. One one, we kinda eventually got the hang of. 2, it's, every day is a gamble. Speaker 2: Yeah. That's for real. The other thing is, since like our last episode, I had a company and I sold it and now I'm like working for an actual business instead of, like, running my own thing like I used to do. Speaker 1: So you're much less flexible? Speaker 2: So I'm a lot less busy, air quotes, like, on a day to day basis. Like, in the evenings, I have more time to, like, actually be with my family, but I'm extremely like, I'm in a office all day, which is amazing. I love it. I'm still doing marketing. It's great. But that also played a big factor on why we couldn't get our feet on the ground with doing this again. Speaker 1: And now I'm a stay at home mom, so, quote, unquote, I'm more flexible, so I don't have to go into a job every day. However, I feel much less flexible because now my job is 247, baby. Speaker 2: Yeah. Because, like, you run the kids all day long, and then I usually get home around 6. And I walk through the door and I because you're, like, taking care of 2 babies, basically, I come home. I cook dinner. We clean up. We get the kids, like, play with them, bathe them, put them to bed. And then it's, like And then I'm, like, ready for bed. 10 o'clock, and then we're like, well Speaker 1: Wanna talk Disney or we Speaker 2: wanna go to bed? Record a podcast. We could either watch television, or we can just go to sleep. Yep. And, usually, going to sleep is, like, 60%. Television was, like, 30%, and 10% was debating whether or not we wanted to do this again until we just went to sleep. Speaker 1: Yep. That's right. Speaker 2: So Speaker 1: So here we are. Speaker 2: Here we are. Speaker 1: We're back. Speaker 2: I'm I'm I'm honestly really happy to be back because, there's we like, you missed the last pretty big handful of episodes. I don't even I don't even know if you heard them or not, to be honest with you. Speaker 1: I can't even remember. Speaker 2: So we did a Speaker 1: little bit busy when these episodes come. Speaker 2: Yeah. So we did our Disney showcase, our Epcot showcase, world showcase miniseries that was so much fun. We had a lot of amazing people on them. A couple of them, I swung by myself, which is totally cool. Speaker 1: And then great time during that series. I just I just wanna, like I would love to go back and do that again someday. It was so much fun. I loved having all the guests on there to speak about some of their favorite pavilions and Speaker 2: Mhmm. Speaker 1: To learn about some of the history of the pavilions and more in-depth about the stories and little hidden things. I had so much fun with that. Speaker 2: Yeah. It was it was a lot of fun, and then I kinda broke off on my own, and I did 3 other episodes. 1 with Steven Clark, the dis distrovert, or did I I can't remember how to say his his branded name, but he's basically he runs, like, a Disney introvert channel, which check out that episode. We talked to a really amazing or I talked to a really amazing Disney concept artist. His name was Jacob McAllister. Had a very, very good time speaking with him. Extremely interesting dude, artist. You know, was just so much fun. Photographer, just so fun talking with him. And then, the last episode we released, 84, was the haunted tiki cruise with chore with Corey or the jungle cruiser who ran, the podcast, bracket, like, the March Madness podcast battle. So it's been a lot of fun. We've been able to keep up with all of our pals, but it seems to me that everyone is just kinda busy doing stuff and, you know, families and and whatnot. But, it does seem to me like we're at a place where we can kind of get our our boots on the ground a little bit as it were. Yep. Speaker 1: We're back, and we're ready. We're ready to record. We're ready to jump back into another series. Speaker 2: Mhmm. Speaker 1: We're excited. We've we've really enjoyed the time to just have this time off to be with our family and to kinda relax a little bit, but this really doesn't take up too much of our time, and it's something that we really love. We love to do together. Mhmm. We love the community of you guys that listen and that write to us on Instagram. We appreciate it. We feel so loved when we see all the comments and Yeah. Things that when you guys write us, it's so much fun. So thank you for that. Speaker 2: Plus our friends over at, Make It Magical just hit a 100 episodes, like, this week. And I was like, man, we fell behind so quick. So, yeah, I had to catch up. You know? Speaker 1: We dropped back. Speaker 2: We dropped the ball so hard. Yeah. I I was actually getting really antsy too because I felt like we were so out of touch with everything going on with Disney. Like, I would see news that happened in the parks and discover it, like, 2 weeks later because I wasn't really living in that space any longer, which was kind of a bummer. So it's nice to it's it's definitely nice to be back. We this 2023 was the very first year since we got married, I believe, maybe a year or 2. Maybe there was 1 year in there somewhere, but that was the only year we had not been to a Disney park. I'm sorry. 2023. Speaker 1: There were reasons. Speaker 2: There yeah. Well, we found out we were having another baby in, like, January. It Speaker 1: was January. Yep. Speaker 2: So, we ended up just scrapping that whole thing. And instead of going down to Florida in the humidity or California on a long flight with a with a 1 year old, we we or 2, home 1. Choose 1. We decided to just go up to Portland, Maine instead Speaker 1: We did. Speaker 2: Last year, and it was nice. Speaker 1: It was great. Speaker 2: But I just kept on missing out on on Disney stuff, and and it so weird, like, actually not getting to go last year. Speaker 1: I know. I felt like we lived vicariously through our friends who went to Disney this past year. Speaker 2: Yeah. There's a lot there's a lot of them. Speaker 1: And planning for our trip for this year. Speaker 2: Right. I want to talk about that because the funny thing too is we went in October of 2020 2, of course, and then we didn't go in 2023. And 2024 is gonna be such a dry spell because we're going in December. Right. Like, late November, early December. Speaker 1: So we have to wait the whole year. Speaker 2: So we have to basically wait the whole year. Speaker 1: Which will be worth it, and we've already gone through 3 months of the year. Speaker 2: And this is actually crazy. The very first time ever that we are doing a trip like this because Paige's parents, for Christmas, surprised us and our kids and Page's brother and his fiancee with, like, tickets and itineraries and Right. Hotels, park tickets, the whole thing. Shirts, gift cards. Speaker 1: The whole thing. Speaker 2: New luggage. Pieces. Right. It was crazy. Awesome. So we're gonna do that with Paige's family, and, they're very, very excited about it because one, they get to take their grandchildren for the very first time to Disney. Like or it's gonna be our son's first time, which is really great. Right. Unless there's a miracle, and we end up going, like, in the next 6, 7 months, which Speaker 1: I'm thinking that Speaker 2: That's gonna be a miracle. Speaker 1: Is yeah. Yeah. Slim to none. Speaker 2: So we're gonna take our our son for the first time. It'll be our daughter's second time there, And then, it'll be our our, my in laws, Paige's parents, very first time going with with their with their grandkids. So they're just I think they're all I think they're probably they might be more excited than anyone going on the trip, and Paige has a very enthusiastic brother. Speaker 1: I do. So I think maybe my brother is equally excited as our daughter. Speaker 2: That's probably true. We just got back from a trip with her family to Florida. Speaker 1: We did. Speaker 2: We went to the Oriole spring training, and it was amazing. It was so much fun. We all stayed in the house together. But if that was like but it was like Florida, so we were kind of just not like good well, it was good Florida, but it wasn't like Orlando, good theme park Florida. Speaker 1: Different Florida. It was a beach, pool, baseball trip. Speaker 2: Yeah. Exactly. So that was a lot of fun. My our daughter absolutely Speaker 1: I mean, just to throw this out there Mhmm. We also happen to be going her birthday. Speaker 2: That is, yeah, her 3rd birthday. Yeah. We're going Speaker 1: down. So she is gonna think that this whole stinking trip is about her. Speaker 2: I need her to chill because Speaker 1: Which is great and fantastic. I guess what 3 year old would not wanna spend their birthday in Disney World. Speaker 2: We had a discussion about needing to figure out our daughter's situation because we keep falling into these things where, like, we take her somewhere and it ends up being, like, a better ticket or we are able to, like, access like, get access Speaker 1: to, like VIP status. Speaker 2: Yeah. Like, we're not special, but, like, the job that I work in is partner with a broadcast company that is able to get tickets to, like, games and suites and stuff. We went to a warriors basketball game in in Washington and sat in a suite. And our daughter's just like, this is pretty much how things go. And I'm like, I wanna have to buy you nosebleeds. And we're gonna have to like, do something on your brother's birthday next year. So that way you don't feel like you, Speaker 1: you know, everything for you is special. Speaker 2: Exactly. Exactly. But it'll be so much fun. I'm a little bit anxious about the matching shirts. Speaker 1: It'll be great. Speaker 2: Have to admit. Speaker 1: You and my dad are not about the matching shirts, but you are gonna survive one day. Speaker 2: We will. Speaker 1: Meanwhile, my mom and I are planning to get matching shirts for other days Speaker 2: Oh my gosh. Speaker 1: As well. Speaker 2: I've been actually stocking up on Roosevelt's for this trip. Speaker 1: You have. Speaker 2: I I yeah. I'm really, really excited. One for basically every day except the matching shirt day. Speaker 1: So Yep. That's great. Speaker 2: Yeah. What do you, there's I feel like there's so much that's changed in the parks since we would have been there last in 2022 because that was the 50th. Speaker 1: Mhmm. Speaker 2: Which feels like an eternity to go now. Speaker 1: It does. Speaker 2: And then when we go, like, we we we didn't see Tron yet. We haven't been on that. Speaker 1: Nope. Speaker 2: I don't even know. I'm just gonna just show my cards. I don't even know what show is happening at Epcot right now. I have no idea, frankly. I really don't. Speaker 1: I well, last that we talked would have been during the world showcase series Speaker 2: Mhmm. Speaker 1: When they had just turned it back. Right? Speaker 2: Honestly, I don't it's been so long, and I have baby dad brain, so I don't remember in the slightest. Speaker 1: Yeah. There's there's gonna be definitely a lot of changes. I mean, we'll have, Tiana's bio adventure. We'll be open by then. Speaker 2: Yep. Speaker 1: I actually saw some posts from this past weekend where they were running some, tests on that. Speaker 2: Did you see the, the animatronic for that? Speaker 1: I did not. Speaker 2: I'm gonna pull it up on my on my handy dandy screen here. I'm not gonna play the video because I want people to hear it, but it looks amazing. Oh, wow. Good. Now I believe that she does have the holographic eyes. May Speaker 1: It does not. Like it. Speaker 2: But it looks really, really cool. Beautiful. And I know too that d 23 is right around the corner, so there's a lot going on with that that we're gonna be able to kinda catch up on, and and, hopefully, we can just pull out our popcorn and and enjoy a night of of watching Speaker 1: Yes. Speaker 2: What's coming. Because I I definitely have missed out. Like, I think I had a dream that there was gonna be 2 more gates opening up in Florida. Speaker 1: Mhmm. Speaker 2: And maybe that wasn't a dream. Like, maybe that is happening. I just don't quite I don't know for for for 100%. Speaker 1: Well, there's been so much news. Speaker 2: I know. There's been so Speaker 1: much news because it's been 6 months Speaker 2: Yeah. But guess Speaker 1: been gone. Speaker 2: Yeah. But guess what? We're not a news podcast, so it doesn't matter. Speaker 1: Well, we're not. And we're not gonna sit here and just go over all the changes. There's just certain things I'm looking forward to. I'm really, really excited to do the Moana's journey water Yeah. Speaker 2: Journey into wet imagine wet water imagination. Speaker 1: Definitely journey into wet imagination. We're back, guys. We're back. Speaker 2: Gross. Speaker 1: And, Tiana's Bayou Adventure. Uh-huh. Strong. Looking forward to that. Speaker 2: Ditching our children and going to, Trader Sam's? Yes. That's gonna be great. Speaker 1: We are really excited for that as you guys know. We've we've mentioned before that we wanna check that place out. We love a good tiki bar. We actually we went to a tiki bar that we stumbled upon. Speaker 2: Mhmm. Speaker 1: It was in Sarasota, Florida, and it was a hole in the wall tiki bar connected to a motel. Speaker 2: It smelled like cigarettes inside of it. Yep. As we were rolling up, they were just finishing, drag bingo. Speaker 1: Yep. And Speaker 2: we missed that, which I was severely disappointed because bingo's great. But Speaker 1: 5 minutes, maybe. Speaker 2: Yeah. It was just a it was a local yokel place and surrounded by, like, old people on vacation. That was kind of a breath of fresh air except for the smoky walls. Right. That's true. Nice. Speaker 1: So there was really no actual fresh air. Speaker 2: Mm-mm. Speaker 1: But other than that, there's Speaker 2: was a hype it was like a it was like a hypothetical. Figure of speech. Yeah. It was like a nomenclature. Yeah. So one of the biggest things and this episode, so one of the biggest things and this episode, honestly, is probably gonna be fairly short and, just kinda bright and tight because we don't really have, like, an insane amount to go over. If there was any news that I wanted to even touch on briefly, it's that, obviously, there's a brand new cruise line, the Disney Destiny, which I know everyone already knows about. They have the heroes and villains sort of theme that seems really interesting and fun. The reason that I bring it up is because we are planning as a family to next year, come hell or high water, actually go on a Disney cruise. Speaker 1: You really, really wanna make Speaker 2: that happen. So we feel as though our children will be old enough to do it. I don't actually you know, I don't even care about age on that one. I just we feel as it'll be a good timing for us, a good summer, spring, fall, whatever vacation. Speaker 1: Well, the 3a half year old and a one and a half year old. Speaker 2: Yeah. So, Speaker 1: like, is that really a good age for cruise? Probably not. But, like Speaker 2: doesn't matter. Speaker 1: Whatever. Who's Speaker 2: this? Nothing nothing matters. So, we're gonna do that. And what I'm excited about too is that each one brings its own sort of curiosities and and interest, and aesthetic to it. So I kind of feel like we just, like, throw a dart at a wall and whichever cruise line it hits, we just go on that one whether it's the wish or the, the the destiny or the adventure or the or the villain or whatever these ships are. The magical cruise. Like Speaker 1: I would love to do the treasure. Speaker 2: Yeah. The treasure. That's 1. That's 1. I wanna do the one with the Star Wars Lounge, but I kinda don't really care as but, like, I yes. But I also don't care that much either. Right. Like, I'll just go wherever. Right. I just don't wanna go on the Ant Man, like, dinner show experience. That seems like too much for me. Speaker 1: I don't need a test kitchen food. Speaker 2: No. Gosh. I'm him. Come Speaker 1: on. Come on, dad. Speaker 2: You and your particles get out of here through a low budget third film. Actually, it was very high budget. It was just terrible. The only other thing that I was really jacked up about was that, it was just, like, a week or 2, maybe a couple weeks ago that, Patrick, Warburton surprised fans on. Did you see that? Speaker 1: I did. Speaker 2: I just thought that was really just a nice little thing. Speaker 1: I didn't even recognize him at first when I was scrolling through his whole dude. Man, he's getting up there. Speaker 2: Yeah. He's just such a treasure himself. And, I, it was just, that was just kind of a fun thing. Very nostalgic to see that. And the fact that he did that was just cool. Speaker 1: What a sweet little gesture for me to show up and surprise Hugo. Speaker 2: What a sweet little man. Yeah. So, I mean, do you have anything, you know, that you wanna touch on since we've been you know you know what? The 40 niners lost the Super Bowl, and I was devastated. Speaker 1: That's right. Speaker 2: That happened while we were gone. Speaker 1: We don't talk about that. Also, this whole football season was kinda wonky. Speaker 2: What do you mean? Speaker 1: It everybody was mad or happy about, you know, Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce. There was just, like Speaker 2: Yeah. Speaker 1: Everybody talked about football this year, which was kinda weird for me. Speaker 2: Yeah. That was weird. Speaker 1: I don't like football. Yeah. I love Taylor Swift, but I'm not, like, I'm not a friendship bracelet wearing, era's tour going Speaker 2: Mhmm. Speaker 1: Swifty. So it was just a weird thing. Speaker 2: Because, like, I've seen people on no disrespects, but, like, I've Speaker 1: seen people you if you wear friendship bracelets and you went to the Aerosaur. I would have liked to gone. I was super pregnant. Speaker 2: Yeah. I was gonna surprise you and go. We're gonna go to the one in Philly, and I pulled up tickets and were $24100 a piece. And I Speaker 1: said He was just gonna send me, but not for that price. Speaker 2: Well and even then, like, he wants to do that by themselves. Speaker 1: I would have done it by myself. Speaker 2: Get solo drunk with Taylor. Speaker 1: I was super pregnant, so But none of that would've happened. Speaker 2: Yeah. Just a weird I mean, we're not a sports podcast either, but just, like, a weird vibe overall too. Like, they have the Disney, they have the the toy story game. Speaker 1: Yeah. And then the Nickelodeon, Speaker 2: Super Bowl. Spongebob did the Super Bowl, and then NHL hockey was like, we'll do that too. And then big city greens did that. Was that not hockey? Speaker 1: No pause. Speaker 2: What was that? Speaker 1: The Super Bowl halftime show. Speaker 2: Mhmm. With Usher. Speaker 1: Plus. A plus plus plus plus. Speaker 2: Such an a plus. We're gonna go see Usher in a couple months. So Speaker 1: That's right. Speaker 2: Amazing. Speaker 1: We are definitely doing that. Mhmm. That was the best part. Our daughter was dancing. She was having it with Etcher. It was great. Speaker 2: Yeah. Not just as I mean, it was just it was a devastating blow, but it doesn't again, it doesn't I mean, it really it has nothing to do with anything. So right. Speaker 1: We always you know, whenever we talk sports on this podcast, I always say, well, they own ESPN. So Speaker 2: Exactly. Right. Yeah. Ex right. Was it big what did big city greens do? Was it I think it was hockey, wasn't it? Did you see that? Speaker 1: Negative. Speaker 2: It was something. It was I don't think it was basketball, but it was like it was like a and that's a Disney show. So Speaker 1: Yeah. Well, we watched that in a hotel or something. Speaker 2: We watched that. For When we were in looking for our dog. All but me visiting my sister. Speaker 1: That's right. That's right. Yes. That's definitely where it Speaker 2: was. Speaker 1: Yeah. Disney Channel. See? Like, everything comes full circle. Speaker 2: Everything just right there. Speaking of Disney shows and TV, our son is really into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Speaker 1: That's right. Speaker 2: This is at a we're just full force. Speaker 1: We're just going to, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. New Bluey episodes. Speaker 2: New Bluey episodes, Snapped the Grid. Oh, you know what we did? Uploaded Go ahead. Speaker 1: No. I that's all I was gonna say. New Bluey episodes have been uploaded since since we were last here. They're fantastic. Speaker 2: We we took our daughter to go to a in in Washington, DC, C, this this company called Camp that does, like, these really interactive experiences. And we took her to do one for Encanto, and it was really cool. It was, it was, like, in a mall. That was very unexpected. I I didn't really expect how it was gonna work, but it was like this like, the entire casita where you walked through, and there was, like, everything in each room room was extremely interactive and engaging. And the people who worked there were singing and playing the different characters. And our daughter was just wholeheartedly in love with Isabella's room, and that was a lot of fun. That made me feel like kinda kinda like I was in Disney again. Speaker 1: It it very much felt like, you know, a Disney on ice level experience or the Disney 100 exhibit that we went to Mhmm. In, the Franklin Institute. Like, those, it was very Disney level. I was thinking about that too when you mentioned that. It was great. Camp has sort of all over the country. I think Los Angeles, New York, DC, Chicago. Yeah. There may be one in Texas or something. Speaker 2: Probably. Speaker 1: But if you live in any of those, you know, big populated cities or states Mhmm. Check out, see if there's a camp store near you. They rotate what they do. Some of the stores, you know, have, like, Trolls themed or bluey themed or there's one with Mickey and Friends Speaker 2: Mhmm. Speaker 1: Right now. I think that one might have been in Chicago or something. But I Speaker 2: don't know. But that's it's it's so fun. Yeah. Speaker 1: It was a cool thing. It's very cool. It was worth the money. They really do it up, and then you can buy merch specific to that. Speaker 2: My gosh. Was that merch expensive? Speaker 1: Yeah. It's exclusive to the camp stores, but it was pretty cool. Pretty cool stuff. Speaker 2: It was cool. If you have kids or whatever, go. I would not recommend going without kids because that'd just be super weird. Yeah. It's cute. Not recommend going without kids. Speaker 1: There's, like, slides and, yeah. Speaker 2: Yeah. Don't go for the vibes because the vibes are, like, kids only. Speaker 1: Yeah. It's go go with children. Speaker 2: Yeah. Go with god. Speaker 1: Find a niece or nephew or a cousin or something so that you're not the lone adult Speaker 2: there by yourself. Find a random kid. Speaker 1: No. I noticed I listed people that would be related to you in some manner. Speaker 2: Best friend's kid. You know? Right. Whatever. I I guess that the only final thing that pops into my head, Disney related that happened while we were gone was we did take our daughter to go see Wish, which was her very first in theater experience. Speaker 1: My gosh. We haven't talked since Wish? Speaker 2: No. We've talked since Wish. Speaker 1: Since Wish? Speaker 2: That was like a Thanksgiving Christmas film. Speaker 1: That's right. Guys, Wish was so good. Speaker 2: That movie was I think it lost a $100,000,000 box office. Speaker 1: I I can't wrap my head around the amount of complaints and the bad reception that Wish got because I thought it was a fantastic film all around. Yeah. Like, every aspect of it, the music, the writing, the characters, the subtle and not so subtle nods to the last 100 years of Walt Disney Studios and what they've been able to achieve, everything from the animation and how it was this mixed animation style to the, bringing up past story lines and having subtle nods to previous characters. I mean, it was Sure. It was beautiful, and I don't understand I mean, unless it's just, like, some curmudgeon who is like, there's nothing new in this movie. Speaker 2: A $100,000,000, though a $100,000,000 hit is not just a couple of curmudgeons. It's like I don't know. Speaker 1: I don't do people not go to the movie theaters for kids' movies? Speaker 2: Not really. No. I don't think I think that I mean, I I think, obviously, we know that, like, the theater experience has been drastically altered. Speaker 1: Sure. Well, that Speaker 2: and film releases aren't where they used to be, but yeah. Speaker 1: I guess maybe people aren't taking their kids to the movies anymore because you're paying Speaker 2: Mhmm. Speaker 1: You know, $15 a head plus snacks. Yeah. But like that wait for it to come on Disney Plus. Speaker 2: Like that insane film migration, which I also took my kid to go see our kid yours and my kid. Speaker 1: Yeah. Our shared kid. Speaker 2: Our shared our shared child. That movie, like, blew it out of the water. Speaker 1: I know. Speaker 2: And it was just a freaking movie about ducks with a 15 minute opening short from Despicable Me. Speaker 1: The difference? Mhmm. I saw migration everywhere. Yes. Leading up to Yeah. I mean, every time I turned on the TV, somebody was talking about it. There was a commercial for it everywhere. It was on buses. Mhmm. It was on billboards. It was everywhere. Speaker 2: Mhmm. Speaker 1: I saw hardly anything about Wish. Did they just decide not to have a marketing budget for that movie? Speaker 2: I remember 2 years ago when it was announced at d 23 Speaker 1: Yes. Speaker 2: And we talked about it on an episode. Speaker 1: We did. I thought the animation looked weird. Speaker 2: Well, I remember, yes, that was the because the only picture was just her and Valentina Asha and Valentino. Sitting on the on her dead father's tree branch spoilers. And That was just the wishes. Just like, hey. You know, this is if you ever wanted to know where wishes came from for Disney or wishing upon a star came from, this is it. And I was like, no one wants to know where wishes came from. Like, nobody asked about this at all. So I think that probably part of the issue ended up being that it was a storyline that kinda no one needed and almost, like, altered the canon of every other Disney movie because it's just like wishing on a star was sort of this more, like, intangible idea as opposed to an actual star that, like, put on a mustache and hid behind pillars and stuff. Speaker 1: Yeah. But I think if you look at the movie for what it is, it stands alone. Like, when I watch the movie, now we're getting really Speaker 2: Yeah. Deep in the Speaker 1: weeds. Whatever. Philosophical about a literal children's movie. Whatever. That's what we do. We're a Disney podcast. And you probably do too if you're listening to this Disney podcast. It doesn't, to me, make me think that, spoilers, every single person in history is a star, and then we all fall from a universe. It seemed like this one particular storyline lives in its own universe. Speaker 2: Sure. Speaker 1: Just like all the other films. Like, Cinderella and Ariel don't live in the same universe, or are they supposed to? Speaker 2: I don't know. I mean, this is very John Negroni Pixar theory that we're getting into. Speaker 1: But it's not Pixar. These are Disney movies. Speaker 2: Understand that, but it's the same kinda concept. I think that I think that as a standalone film, it was very good. I can see why people were annoyed by it. I don't think that it was marketed very well. I think that the colors in the film, frankly, were not enough to, like, pull people in because it was just the whole movie was basically purple and blue. Speaker 1: It was exact Speaker 2: it was blue, purple, and, like, black, and that was it in the film. Speaker 1: Some yellow. Speaker 2: Some starry yellow. Speaker 1: Green. Little hint of yellow. Speaker 2: But, like, the main colors were, like, purple purple, blue, and black was it. And so there was, like, nothing that really like, with frozen, it was all blue. There's just so it was just so bright. And, like, you look at pictures for Wish, and I was like, this is nothing. And the star was poor poorly designed. So I liked star. Anyway, all that to say, that was our kid's first movie, and she loved it. Speaker 1: And we listened to the soundtrack all the time? Speaker 2: All the time. Thank god. Will Lin Manuel Miranda did not do it. You're welcome. Speaker 1: Yeah. That was not a Lin Manuel Miranda pun Yeah. Intentionally. Mhmm. That was pun intentional. Speaker 2: Pun intentional. So yeah. Anyway, I was about to say, that's I think that's everything that that conspired. Speaker 1: I'm sure that that does not summarize the last 6 months of Disney stuff that we would have wanted to talk about, but we're not gonna sit here for 2 hours and Just share all the things that happened while we were gone. Those are just the main things. So We had thoughts. Speaker 2: Let's do this then. Let's actually talk a little bit about, what is coming. So Speaker 1: What is coming, Steven? Speaker 2: Last week, when we were on vacation, I got a without even talking to you about it, I got a wild hair, and I put up an Instagram story that said, basically, we're back. Speaker 1: I saw it. Speaker 2: And And asked Speaker 1: what we wanted to talk about. Yeah. What people wanna hear? What do they So we wrote Speaker 2: out and had a couple people, you know, write into us. One of my favorite things that someone said to us was I don't care what you talk about. I'm so glad you're coming back. Thank you. You. Thank you for that. I'm super nice of you. But one of our friends, Alexandra Burns, who we've I've I've spoken with quite a bit on awesome. She said that, they wanted to talk to us about, our favorite defunct Disney attractions and why is it Disney Quest. I don't know a whole lot about Disney Quest, to be honest with you, but I also knew nothing about, like, the history of churros either, so that's kinda why we do this. That's right. So I think that we are going to probably do some stuff on some defunct Disney, rides and attractions and shows and characters and things like that or ideas. I don't wanna get, like, to funk land on YouTube and kind of rip that off, but I do think that there's a lot of opportunity for us to kind of give our own spin on some things and share some and I find ideas. Speaker 1: Well, and you guys know in the past, we've we've talked a little bit about rides that never came to be, and the history of that. So I think that would be really fun. Yeah. I think that's sort of right in our wheelhouse and right in our lane of what we enjoy doing. Speaker 2: Do we wanna show our hand at any of the other things that we talked about or maybe, like, tease it Speaker 1: at all? We could tease tease maybe one more. Speaker 2: One more? Speaker 1: One more series that might be coming Speaker 2: after now. So we have done world showcase, which was so much fun. Mhmm. I think it was just a great idea how that all came together. We loved all of our guests. And the other ones we did was we did, like, the history of, you know, like, the snacks? We did snacks, and we did, I can't remember. Like, the icon series. Speaker 1: Mhmm. Speaker 2: Yeah. The park icon series, which was just so much fun. Mhmm. We did our artist series, which I absolutely loved. And what really pushed me really, really hard into getting back into this this year was that, I was just thinking about everything we did with, you know, Jared and Brett and all of our guests, you know, last year who who came on and who kinda came back too for our world showcase series. So Mhmm. We talked about maybe doing something, history and the story behind some merch because there's a lot of, like, staple merch in Disney parks that is just everywhere. Speaker 1: Yep. Speaker 2: And so it's like, why do we now have this big deal with Loungefly? Or Speaker 1: Mhmm. Why are there so many ears? Speaker 2: Why are there so many sparkly ears? You know, like Why Speaker 1: are there so many sparkly ears? We shall find out. Speaker 2: Yeah. I mean, they I can tell you the answer. A little. It's capitalism. That's the answer. It all boils down to people who are willing to spend money. Speaker 1: Those same with our snack series. That's that's the answer for all of it. Speaker 2: No. That's gluttony. Speaker 1: But also capitalism. Speaker 2: Right. Capitalist gluts? Speaker 1: America. Speaker 2: That is my favorite musician band. I, you know, I really don't, have anything else to go over. I think this is just a nice little welcome back introduction if that works for you. Speaker 1: That works for me. I have just one last thing. Speaker 2: Okay. Speaker 1: And it is that I'm a little bit sad we're gonna miss the new Encanto stage show that's gonna be there this summer and ends the 1st week of September. Speaker 2: I am not, but we can agree to disagree on that one. Speaker 1: Yep. Well, we know how you feel about Lin Manuel Miranda's music. Speaker 2: That's mostly just I don't like that movie because I think the family's very upsetting. Speaker 1: Well, they're supposed to be real. Yeah. So problematic like most families are. Speaker 2: Listen. I'm not gonna throw in our ad drops here, but, of course, we are still and and very graciously continue to be sponsored by DeepCut, and we are also continue to be sponsored by Neosaber. I will have everything about, their their their links and our and our and our discount codes and everything like that in our show notes. I wanna just also say thank you to everyone who, you know, continued to listen while we were gone. Our numbers just kinda continued to rise, and and it seemed to me as though a lot of people discovered the show on our hiatus, which I felt was very kinda rare because we we weren't showing any progress. But for everyone who kinda stuck around, who's coming back, and who discovered us when we were gone, thank you. And, we are going to be back next week with something fun. I don't quite know what yet, but we'll definitely keep you guys updated on that. And, Speaker 1: Listen for some defunct Disney interaction probably. Speaker 2: We should probably do. Yep. Yeah. We might have a guest for that one too. Speaker 1: Also, consider this season 2 of our show. Speaker 2: Yeah. Speaker 1: We had a break because now now we're in season 2. Speaker 2: We are in season 2 episode, what, 85. I think 85. Speaker 1: 85. Wow. Speaker 2: Yeah. Episode 85. Wow. So Awesome. Alright, guys. Well, thank you again, and we will catch you next time.

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