In episode 30, Andrew Winters has a meaningful conversation with CEO of LFY Consulting, National Speaker, Empowerment Coach, Consultant, Mentor and Teacher, Dr. Benjamin Ritter.
In this weeks episode of The Real Hero, we discuss the importance of developing self-leadership, how to distinguish between a good/bad leader, the qualities of a leader in modern day society, and how to create a career you LOVE.
Key aspects to consider while listening:
- Are you serving each person you work with best needs individually?
- ABC's of managing change ( Awareness, Beliefs, and Commitments).
- Things you can do to be happier in your work environment/lifestyle.
If you enjoyed listening to this episode, please let Dr. Benjamin Ritter and myself know on social media - we would love to hear from all of you. Also, The Real Hero podcast can now be listened to on google podcasts, Spotify, and of course iTunes on Apple Podcasts. If you do have the time and are an apple phone user, you can leave a review here All reviews are greatly appreciated! @andrewdwinters & @ritterbenj
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