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My Chat with Bioethicist Dr. Alice Dreger, Author of Galileo‘s Middle Finger (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_266)

My Chat with Bioethicist Dr. Alice Dreger, Author of Galileo‘s Middle Finger (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_266)

Released Saturday, 4th September 2021
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My Chat with Bioethicist Dr. Alice Dreger, Author of Galileo‘s Middle Finger (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_266)

My Chat with Bioethicist Dr. Alice Dreger, Author of Galileo‘s Middle Finger (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_266)

My Chat with Bioethicist Dr. Alice Dreger, Author of Galileo‘s Middle Finger (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_266)

My Chat with Bioethicist Dr. Alice Dreger, Author of Galileo‘s Middle Finger (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_266)

Saturday, 4th September 2021
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We discuss the politicization of science, the tension between ideology and science, scientific/clinical misconduct, academic freedom, and activism by social justice warriors, among other topics.

Alice's website: http://alicedreger.com


This chat was originally posted on February 16, 2016 on my YouTube channel as THE SAAD TRUTH_138: https://youtu.be/qD6EVe87w1c


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The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense was released on October 6, 2020. Order your copy now.





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Dr. Gad Saad is a professor, evolutionary behavioral scientist, and author who pioneered the use of evolutionary psychology in marketing and consumer behavior. In addition to his scientific work, Dr. Saad is a leading public intellectual who often writes and speaks about idea pathogens that are destroying logic, science, reason, and common sense.


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