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STRA Episode 15: The four main things about your Airbnb listing that will get you booked

STRA Episode 15: The four main things about your Airbnb listing that will get you booked

Released Monday, 14th November 2022
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STRA Episode 15: The four main things about your Airbnb listing that will get you booked

STRA Episode 15: The four main things about your Airbnb listing that will get you booked

STRA Episode 15: The four main things about your Airbnb listing that will get you booked

STRA Episode 15: The four main things about your Airbnb listing that will get you booked

Monday, 14th November 2022
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STRA Episode 15: The four main things about your listing that will get you booked


[00:00:05] Hey guys. Welcome back to the podcast. We are John and Wendy Williams, the short-term rental authority, your authority on all things short-term rental related to help make you the best operator ever. And today, we are going to blow your mind with the four main things to consider to help get you booked.

[00:00:30] So let's get into it because it. Very it goes along with how we do a listing audit. We get a lot of people come, come to us and say, Hey, can you review my listing? So we thought that we would give you some tips on. How we actually review listings and do listing audits. So what's the first thing that we need to consider here?

[00:00:56] Well, I, I would say that you, you need to, Well, the first thing you need to consider is who's your target customer? So we, we've talked about that a million times, but it, it bears repeating because it's very important too, how you're going to develop the listing and who you're marketing to. Right? So in that context, You want to be using the listing to your advantage to attract the customer that you're actually trying to attract.

[00:01:24] Right. That makes sense. But a lot of times we see that that's not what's actually actually happening. So these, these kind of main areas that we're talking about are like the first things we go to. And what I like to think about is in the mind and in the shoes of the customer that you're trying to attract.

[00:01:43] You gotta realize what their process is in finding you. Mm. And here we're talking about the OTAs, we're talking about in context of, Hey, this is a listing on Airbnb, or this is a listing on vrbo. And the first thing I usually show people is, And it should be [00:02:00] obvious, but it is. Once you see it is the very first thing is you're going to show up in search.

[00:02:05] So you're going to show up in a list with a bunch of other properties, and the only thing really, people have to go on because remember, this listing is your sales and marketing. You're not there to talk to this person. They've just found you in search. I think that is really. Let's not just gloss over that.

[00:02:27] Okay. Because that, I don't think that a lot of people even have that realization or that mindset that, that your listing is actually. your marketing and your first touch, if you will, to the customer. Yeah. And, and all it's a sales process. Yeah. And that is really what it is. It's a sales process. Yeah. And it's a silent one because you're there on their computer looking at your listing.

[00:02:58] Right? Yes. But there is a a sequence of how that goes, Right. That you show up in search, How do you get 'em to click on your listing and not the one right next to it? Right. Right. How do you even get them to stop scrolling? In the search, and that's the very first thing you wanna look at is, and because we are humans and we're visual, we tend to be looking at the pictures, right?

[00:03:21] So as a consumer, you're scrolling through and you're looking at the pictures. Right? And I would say that it a, a lot of people, if you've ever gone to Airbnb or, or vrbo or any of those OTAs, And you're scrolling through those photos, what catches your eye? And that's just it. Yeah. Right. And that's, that's what you need to focus on is how do I catch my customer's eye?

[00:03:58] And as a [00:04:00] designer, , I would say, Color is a really big factor in that. It is. Yeah. And, and having, I don't know if I'm going too fast here, but, and if you were gonna cover this, but having a, a really colorful first photo is, that's what people that's go, that's what's going to make people stop scrolling. Yeah.

[00:04:27] And it bears, it bears saying that it's a photo. So it's that first. So you gotta think about what's my first photo? Is it attractive? Does it catch the eye? Is it it needs to be a statement, photo, right? Mm-hmm. . So oftentimes I see someone has as their first photo, a picture of a house Oh. Or something.

[00:04:50] Yeah. Which beyond being. Other concerns with that? It's just like it's a house. Right? And that's not what you're selling. You understand? Right? Cuz this is not real estate. Yeah. What you're actually trying to attract is someone who wants the experience, right? So you're not selling the house, you're not selling the apartment, you're really selling the experience.

[00:05:11] Now, there are times when the experience is, Hey, I want to be in a treehouse. Right? In those cases, maybe that is what you want to. , you know, if it's so, or one of those little tiny homes. Yeah. Maybe. But even then it's like, I, it's, it's not the home I'm after. It's the experience of it. Right. And so it's that first photo that you need.

[00:05:33] And we call, we tend to call those our, our money shots because that's where you make your money. Yep. is in those shots. So you want something very specific, something that is going to not only catch the eye, but catch the eye of the right customer. Right. The one you are trying to attract. Right? Right. And so that's, that's, that's the first area is, hey, what's your first photo?

[00:05:55] Does it, does it stop them scrolling? Does it make them want to click on the listing? [00:06:00] And then the other thing that you can see in in search is, well, you have control over your. Right. So Airbnb specifically recently changed this and they, it was first photo and then they used to show whatever your title was, right under that.

[00:06:18] But now it just says, you know, two bedroom house in whatever city. Yeah. Or one bedroom apartment in whatever city or whatever. Right, Right. And then your title is below. , but it's not all of your title. Mm-hmm. , if you'll notice, if you go to search, a lot of the times it's, it's just the first part of the title.

[00:06:36] Ooh, that's interesting. So that's the very next thing we're gonna look at is what is your title? And you get a certain number of characters, right? So you've got a certain amount of real estate there, no pun intended, to advertise your place. And again, get the click. That's what you're after in search. Get the click.

[00:06:54] Mm-hmm. . So what you want in your title. Is features. Features that are important to the client that you're trying to serve. Right? And you want those features left to right. So the most important or is on the left, Yes. The mo, the thing that you really want to advertise to attract that customer you want On the far left of your title?

[00:07:15] Mm-hmm. . So here's an example of a bad title. Cozy Cabin in the Woods, right? It doesn't re it's, it's kind of vague. It, it doesn't really tell me anything about the, the, the property and, and I'm not sure exactly who you're trying to attract. Cozy, to me is code word for small. It could be, but it's also vague.

[00:07:41] It's very vague. And it's subjective. And it's like beautiful , right? That's another one. Like you see that all the time. Yeah. Or here's some, here's another mistake I. People make is they'll say three bedroom home. Well, they already know it's a three bedroom home because they filtered for that in search.

[00:07:58] Right. So [00:08:00] generally I want things in the title that are not searched or not necessarily filters. Yeah. Or the main filters. Yeah. Like property type or number of bedrooms or, or whatever. Right, Right. I, here, here's a good lead in for like, for example, our client type are families with children and pet.

[00:08:20] Who are coming to the area for reasons, right? That we, we have described in between housing insurance claim on their property life events. Right? But saying pet friendly and my title doesn't help me because pet friendly is already a filter, right? So instead of leading with pet friendly, I lead with Fenced in Backyard.

[00:08:42] Pet in backyard. Yep. And that gets me the. , Right. Fenced in backyard. And then maybe the next thing is you know, gig wifi May, and then maybe desk workspace. Mm-hmm. or something. Mm-hmm. , you know what, Or like three TVs. Yeah. You know, because King beds. King beds is a good one. Is a good one. Yeah. Right.

[00:09:03] Again, these are things that are attractive to our client, right? Mm-hmm. , right. So, It. That's, that's how you want to structure a title. You want feature, feature, feature, feature, and you want most important feature to your client on the left to least important feature on your right, because we, one, we read left to right and two in search.

[00:09:27] If you notice, if you look at as a consumer, your eyes are drawn to picture and then you'll look down and see the first word and the title. And then you read left to right. Mm-hmm. . Right. So again, I'm after the click. Right. So now we've gotten people to stop scrolling on our listing with a great first picture.

[00:09:47] Yeah. Right. That's got lots of color and it's a, you know, a, a picture of something that they are interested in. Mm-hmm. . Then we've got the, the title now they've [00:10:00] clicked on it, and now they've see, they see the title. But they only see a little bit of the title. Yeah. Sometimes. Yeah. Right. So now, now have they, have they clicked on it?

[00:10:12] Yeah. Let's, let's say we've earned the click. Okay. So we did a good job in search. We had a great first photo. Lots of color right. Stopped 'em from scrolling. They've clicked on it. The title said Fenced in Backyard, and they said, That's us. And clicked on it. Yeah, clicked on it. Okay. So now they've clicked on it.

[00:10:26] Now what do we got to work with? Well, now again, we, on the internet in a browser or even on mobile, it's top to bottom. Right? Right. So, So this is your listing here? Yes. Yes. So it's, it's now titles right at the top, and now it's your full title. Right. So now it matters what else you said. Right. But still left to right.

[00:10:46] Mm-hmm. . So title's really important because now you've. About, I don't know, eight seconds to get this person to even wanna look at the rest of your listing. Right. Right. So you've got title. And you've got title right at the top. So title again, title again is important, and pictures underneath that. In the first five photos, the first five photos, so on a desktop, for example, you're gonna see five, your first five photos listed there with a button that says, Show more photos.

[00:11:12] Right? And that's what people are looking at now, right? Or on mobile, it's you, you're, you're swiping. Mm-hmm. . So again, it's how many, They're gonna swipe a few times before they say, Eh, and go to the next one. Or they say, Ooh. Show me more. Right? So your first five photos now are going to be the next most important.

[00:11:32] Yes. So you've got that first photo that is gonna be there anyway, because that's what showed up in search. Right. But now those first five photos because we're visual again, this is the next step in the sales process of, Hey, do I want to go any further? Mm-hmm. , right. And so those first five photos, one shouldn't be of the same thing.

[00:11:52] Right? . So if the first five photos are all of the living room, right? Then you haven't told me anymore than you already told me [00:12:00] in search, right? Right. So what we do is we will have the first five photos be sort of a mini tour. of the property, and again, we're thinking what are the features Yes. That my client customer is looking for?

[00:12:13] Yes. Wants to see. Right. So in our case, the the first five photos may include a picture of the fenced in backyard. Mm-hmm. or. A screenshot of the wifi speed. Mm-hmm. or a desk and like the workspace. Right. Or maybe it's showing the, you know, the, a bedroom, a living room, the kitchen. Mm-hmm. , the washer and dryer washing dryer's.

[00:12:38] A good one or whatever. The first five things that Okay. Now I'm, now they're more interested. It could be a slim pool. Yeah. Right. Whatever it is, you know, That's for your client type. Yep. Because that's what you need to get them to even click, show more photos. Right? Right. And, and then after that it's okay.

[00:13:02] Now let's take them on a full tour of the property. Right. But people are gonna go, once they click on your listing, they're gonna see your title. And then they're gonna see your first five pictures. Mm-hmm. . And then what are they most likely to do next? Probably if you've done a good job, they're gonna say, Show more photos.

[00:13:20] Show more photos. Because again, we're visual. Yes. And so now once, once you have, have drawn them in with these first five photos. Now let's talk about the rest of your photos. Right. So you've got your first five photos, but you're gonna need at least what, 25 third or 30? Yeah, 20 to 30 is is probably optimal photos.

[00:13:50] Yeah. So after your first five pictures, now let's talk about what the rest of your pictures look like. Right? And, and I, that's what I was alluding to is [00:14:00] after the first five. Cause those first five are your mini tour. It's your, Hey, here's our great features that we built this for you. Wouldn't you like to see.

[00:14:08] And they're like, Yes, show me more. Right? And then now we're talking about order of pictures. Yes. So after the first five, I, I always suggest that, Okay, now let's start at the front door and walk through the property. Right? Because what you don't want is a jumbled mix of pictures so that it's confusing to your guest of what they're actually looking at.

[00:14:28] Right? Like, like if you've got one. picture of the kitchen, and then your next picture is of a bathroom and your next picture of is of a bedroom. We don't, the, the customer doesn't understand the flow of the space. Mm-hmm. . Right. That's really what we're trying to do here is. after your first five pictures.

[00:14:52] Your sixth picture is what do they see right when they open the door, for example? Mm-hmm. , right? Now, you're gonna take them on a tour of the, of the space. When they open the door, what is the very first thing they're gonna see, right? Mm-hmm. , maybe it's, maybe it's the living room. And then now you're gonna show them all your living room pictures.

[00:15:19] Right. But when you say all your living room pictures, please don't take 10 pictures of your living room. No. Nobody needs to see 10 pictures of a freaking living room. Cause remember, again, a lot of what's going on is on mobile. And on mobile it's scroll. It's slide, I would say. And so if I see Max, if I see living room.

[00:15:37] Living room, Okay. You told me that story already. Yeah, right. Like you're losing my interest three or four max of the living room. Yeah. And that's a lot. And if, but if there's a sleeper sofa, please pay. Please pull out the sleeper sofa. Make it up. Nice. Like, put the, put the comforter on the [00:16:00] bed, you know, pull the bed out, put the comforter on the bed, put the pillows on the bed, and then use those decorative throw pillows, design mode again, that you decorated the, the sofa with.

[00:16:15] Like, make it up like a regular. So people can see it show because if it's not in the pictures, it does not exist. Yeah. That's a good rule for pictures that that's what you just said is a really good rule for pictures. If it's not in the photos, it doesn't exist. So I know you wrote it in your listing because people aren't gonna read.

[00:16:32] I know you wrote it in your listing that you have a blender, but if you don't open the cabinets in the kitchen and show the blender Yes. People, it's not there. Yep. If you don't show towels in the bathroom, it won't, It's not there. Right. Right. So tour the property, but everything that's in in drawers show that.

[00:16:52] Yeah. If there's something in the drawer, Right. Particularly the kitchen. Yeah, for sure. If you have a closet that has a stroller in it, open the closet and show where the stroller is and hangers and, and then pull it out and show it like a pack and place, show, you know, show where it is. Yep. And then show it put up.

[00:17:08] Mm-hmm. , you know, assembled cuz that this is also. Your pictures not only marketing, but they're also later. Where do I find that? Oh, the, in the pictures that was in this closet. Oh, there it is. Mm-hmm. , right? Yep. All those kind of things. So that, that's pictures, That's order of pictures. We could talk a lot more about pictures in order of them, but that's a whole.

[00:17:30] Right. Podcasting itself. So now people have, they've clicked on your listing. You've got a really great title, you've got really great first five photos. They said, Yeah, this looks great. Show me more. So they've clicked on view more photos. Mm-hmm. . And now they're like, Oh man, this place looks really great.

[00:17:48] Now what are they gonna do? Well, they may just book it, They may, they may just book it. So, at any, any point in this process, it's, it's important to note that that may be the end of it, but it may not be. And [00:18:00] okay, now we need to go down the next garden path to get the booking right. Which is, Which is down the page.

[00:18:07] Yes. It's the very next thing. It's your description. It's your description. Yep. And it doesn't show your entire description by the way. It shows the first part of it with, again, re, you know, show more just like the pictures that she only shows. Five with show more. Mm-hmm. , Right? So the very first thing you say in your listing description should, again speak to that.

[00:18:27] And it, and the worst thing you can do is write a giant paragraph because people don't read, right? People scan. Right. Just like the, the pictures tell a lot of story. Your words now or where we're at. And you want that very first sentence to be a sentence that talks to your client. And then the rest of that thing should be bullet points.

[00:18:48] Yes, it should look more like an outline. a book paragraph. Yeah. It should look like an outline. Right? And you're really bulleting here the things that would appeal the most to the customer that you were trying to attract. Right? That's a theme, isn't it? Mm-hmm. . So everything in here is what appeals to my client.

[00:19:09] Yep. So we, we even put like black stars, Around the things we want to highlight. Yeah. Because that again, draws your eye to that. Yes. So they'll skip the paragraph and look, look at the things that I have stars around. Yep. Right. And again, it's hitting those same things. Here's the why, here's why speed.

[00:19:26] Here's the, the distance it is. That, that's usually where we show distances Yes. To, to things that they are, that they would be interested in. That they would be interested in that why they're coming. Right? Yeah. Right. So to landmarks, Yes. That are important to your client. So if you're, if you're serving business travelers, for example, Put the convention center.

[00:19:48] Yeah. Two miles to convention center, two miles to conven or, or medical travels. Put the hospitals on there. Mm-hmm. for example, or how, what's the distance to the airport? Or airport? Right, Right. All the, whatever is important to your client [00:20:00] type, but again, it's in bullet point. Lots of space in between words.

[00:20:05] Yes. And sentences, no paragraphs. Right. Very none of that kind of stuff need a need. Yes. Yeah. Very scannable. Mm-hmm. with highlights of the things you really want them to know. Yes. Right, right. And that very first sentence needs to be enticing enough to even wanna read the rest of it. Mm-hmm. . Right. So, and there we usually use really colorful language.

[00:20:26] Yes. Here. Yeah. So really descriptive adjectives. Descriptive adjectives. Okay. Coming from the English teacher. Yes. Yes. Okay. . Right, right. Colorful language. Yeah. So your description is, is last. So we went in order of picture, first picture, first half of your title. To full title, first five pictures, the rest of your pictures, and now the description mm-hmm.

[00:20:55] and see how that's a, that's a process in the, in the way that people are actually using the platform. Right. And we're, we're all along the way saying, Hey, here's the features that you will, like, here's the features you will like. Right here's, here's. Distance to whatever that you're going to mm-hmm.

[00:21:09] Right. And, you know, we also list everything, like, all the amenities in there too. Yeah. Like, like central. AC or something like that. What? Pots and pans. Pots and pans. The blender. The blender. There's a toaster. You know, all the things that, that our guests would be interested. A Craig K cups. Mm-hmm. , you know, that kind of thing, right?

[00:21:32] Creamer. So then, and we also list all the, all those amenities too, right? So now after they've read their description, they're like, Oh man, this sounds really great. What are they gonna do next? Hopefully book it well, right? But But they might go read your reviews. Yes. Right, right. Next people are usually the next step in that is if they haven't booked it by, They're [00:22:00] gonna go check you out.

[00:22:01] Yeah. And see what other people have said about this particular listing, right? Mm-hmm. . And that's one of the things, that's one of the reasons I think that a lot of people use Airbnb platforms like Airbnb. Yeah. Cuz they don't know you because Right. And not only that, it's it, it's a, it's social. That, that's the word that I was looking for.

[00:22:27] Yeah. It's what has, what has other people's experience been like? Staying in your space? Mm-hmm. , right? So they want to know more about you because they, they, maybe they've never booked on a platform like Airbnb before. Maybe they're a new user and, and they don't, they don't know what to expect. Or maybe they are.

[00:22:53] They, they do use a platform like Airbnb or VRBO a lot, and they've had all these different types of experiences and they, again, they don't know what to expect because there's no such thing as an Airbnb. Right. Like that, that could be anything. Right? You're, it could be anything. They wanna know what to expect in your listing, right?

[00:23:19] So how do you control that though? Cause you don't write reviews, other people write reviews, right? So what, what do you do? Well, you create experience for the customer that you want to serve. Right? And I, I wanna say that's a big part of good reviews. The fact that you did attract the right customer mm-hmm.

[00:23:40] and you are giving them the experience that they wanted and, and, and so part of getting good reviews is have good marketing that's targeted at the person that this place actually is designed to serve. Yes. Because that, that's where bad reviews usually come from. It usually is, yes. It's someone who walks into your property that either [00:24:00] doesn't appreciate the features that are there because they're not using them, It's not their target client.

[00:24:06] or someone who it, it's kind of like a, a a Nordstrom customer that walks into a Walmart, Right? Right. Or a Target or, or, or a Walmart customer that walks into a Nordstrom. Right. Like the, there's nothing wrong with Walmart or Nordstrom. It's more about what your expectation was. Mm-hmm. when you walked in there, you know?

[00:24:25] Yep. The Walmart customer's gonna say, Well, Nordstrom, I'm not paying 90 bucks for T-shirt. Right. But the Nordstrom Cub Store may walk into a Walmart and say, I'm not walking all around this store. I need somebody to help me. You know? And what, What's the quality of this t-shirt? Right. Right. So one doesn't appreciate the other, but they both make money.

[00:24:43] Mm-hmm. . And you gotta think about that in terms of who you're attracting as well. Yeah. So reviews do, you're right. Has a lot to do with who you attract. Yeah. But there's one other component of a reviews that you can control is your response. It's your responses. Mm-hmm. . Yes. Yeah. I, I think the main thing to, to think about when you are, Well, number one, you should be responding to reviews.

[00:25:09] Yeah. On, you could be responding to a good review or you could be responding to a not so good review. Right. Right. But regardless, you should be responding to reviews because people will read that. Yeah. And when you, when you are doing that, remember that you are. Talking to the guest who left the review necessarily.

[00:25:29] That's true. You were talking to potential guests. Yeah. Who are reading the review, who are reading the review, and then they're reading your response to the review. Right. Cause that gives them an idea of what's the interaction like with this host. Yes. Yes. Right? Mm-hmm. . And so if it's a good review, you want to write something back.

[00:25:51] You know, appropriate for a good review. Mm-hmm. that shows that hey, you are interactive with and you're appreciative. And you're appreciative of them, of them, of [00:26:00] them booky of choosing you. And you cared that they had a good experience. Yes. That you cared. It shows that you cared. Yes. Yes it does. And that goes a long way.

[00:26:09] Mm-hmm. Sure enough. But what about a bad. Well, so that goes back to what you were saying, right? You're really writing a response to a bad review to the Not that person. Not that person. Right. To a potential guest. Cause sometimes that can be emotional. Mm-hmm. , like somebody leaves you a bad review and you're like, Oh yeah.

[00:26:26] Oh it you, It used to really hurt my heart. Especially when it was something that maybe it wasn't even in your control. Like they were expecting one thing and it's just not what your product is. Right. Right. Or something. Mm-hmm. . Right. Or, you know, it, it was something about, you know, the neighbors did something right.

[00:26:43] It had nothing to do with you at all, really. Right. That you couldn't control. Like the power went out or the power went out. Right. And it sometimes it is something you did. Sometimes, you know, sometimes it is, you know, we aren't imperfect, Right? Yeah. Like sometimes, I mean, we aren't perfect, we are imperfect.

[00:27:00] Right. Like, we dropped the ball somewhere. Yeah. And so that calls, so it's mm-hmm. . So how do you respond then? , it's important to take the emotion out of it Yeah. When you are responding. So

[00:27:17] don't respond with, with, Well this guest , you know, didn't they didn't listen and didn't read. They didn't read my des. If they had read the description, they would have sit, they would have seen that this was an apartment and not a house. Right. That actually happened when, Right. Yeah. Or something like that.

[00:27:42] So take the emotion out of your response and just be very professional. And if they, for example, didn't follow a house rule, you know, maybe just state. [00:28:00] that as per our house rules, we don't accept parties, for example. Yeah. Or something like that. Yeah. Like I usually I will, I'll use language like this.

[00:28:13] When I respond to a view, I will say something like, unfortunately, Oh, that's a good one. You know, Megan, I'm just making up the name. Unfortunately, Megan you know, experience wasn't up to her. Standards. We do use professional cleaning crew and you know, we, we, you know, we've addressed this issue and we fixed it, or whatever it was.

[00:28:37] Mm-hmm. , right? Whatever the issue was, it's usually okay, we, we heard her, we've addressed it. This is what we've done. It's now not that way anymore. Right. Whatever it was. You know, a battery usually comes from something about cleaning. Yeah. Or something about you know, it can just be retaliatory sometimes.

[00:28:56] Yeah. You know, they had a party and we don't allow parties. Right. Unfortunately, you know, Megan had 15 guests. Right. And we had to ask them to not do that. . Right. Right. And then people will understand that, okay, this isn't the norm. This is, this is what happened. Right. Type thing. Right. Or, you know, this is a norm.

[00:29:17] It looks like they've addressed it. Right. The worst thing you do is just let it sit Sure. And not say anything. Sure. For sure. So, yeah, responding to your reviews both good and bad, or is, is critical. Mm-hmm. , I think mm-hmm. , Yeah. To a good extent. And I, and I think that, if a, somebody were to be looking at your unit and they're thinking about having a party then, now, actually the point too.

[00:29:43] Yeah. They, and you've responded to this review. Now they're, they're almost put on notice. , we, we know that this is going down, we're watching mm-hmm. and it kind of tends [00:30:00] to deter people who are, have malicious intents that, that may want to Yeah, that's a good point. May want to have a party. Yeah. A good way to kind of deter that.

[00:30:12] Right, Right. It's it, yeah. It's like, I better not book this place . Right. I'm really looking to have a party. , right? Yeah, yeah. Oh, they're gonna be watching me. That's a good point. So, I mean, not everybody that clicks on your listing, do you want them to book it, right? Yeah. Right. So you wanna be very clear about.

[00:30:30] Very, you know, in all those other things we talked about too, very clear about, Hey, here's what you're getting. Yep. Here's what you can expect. Yes. If that's you, then please welcome, please, like, and subscribe to our listing

[00:30:48] Totally. Five stars. We click again, , you know? Right, right. So, so hopefully with, with all those tips, now you've got the booking, and you've got the booking from the right person. Who's then gonna add to those reviews that we just talked about? Yes, exactly. Because they know what to expect. Yeah. And, and they know what kind of experience they're going to be having.

[00:31:08] Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Because you've thought about them. Yeah. And that, that's what really down to, That's very, that's the thing. You, and we've said it millions of times, that's where it all starts. Yeah. It all starts with you as the operator first. Thinking about who you're serving, like who do you want to attract, who do you want to attract in your space?

[00:31:33] That's the very first thing to help make you the best operator ever. Yes. Is think about who you're serving. Yes. So hopefully that has been helpful and you have enjoyed listening to us ramble about all those things. Well, hopefully it has really been helpful. We, we do strive. To be helpful. . Yeah. And to, to add value.

[00:31:58] Well, sometimes there's so much more. Cause I [00:32:00] could just sit here and talk about this for an hour. I know. And it's really hard to ring you in. Yeah, it really is. So I try to, I understand when he makes a list and she's like, We're talking about this, this, this, and this. Because you'll go off on rabbit holes and I just got to reel you back.

[00:32:14] Hey man, you almost talked about sofa beds for like five minutes there. That's not true. It was not five minutes. I mean, one. But hopefully I enjoyed my tip about sofa bed. And leave us a comment. Did you enjoy the tip about Coke, sofa, bed? And if you did, like and subscribe to so that you can hear more tips about other things besides forbids, , because we have so much more to talk about.

[00:32:45] We do. So , well hopefully you did and we will see you next. Onto the next .


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