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The Soul Glo Project

The Soul Glo Project

The Soul Glo Project

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The Soul Glo Project

The Soul Glo Project

The Soul Glo Project

The Soul Glo Project

The Soul Glo Project

The Soul Glo Project

A weekly podcast
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Episodes of The Soul Glo Project

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Mar 9th, 2017
Episode 103 - Jade & TristanPodcaster and caterer Jade (Jade and XD) comes over with her husband Tristan to talk about all their projects, the hard work behind success and how even official documents are susceptible to human error. We also talk about "Down to Earth" and "American Pie." Also, how many of us have been w...
Mar 2nd, 2017
Improv partners Kelly Buttermore & Justin Peters ("From Justin to Kelly," Countdown Theater) come by to discuss the importance of owning your own work, how they intentionally push back against sexist expectations, what it means to work together "full time," and their friends in Wisconsin. A discussion of the film "Free...
Feb 23rd, 2017
Irish comedian and host of the podcast "Maeve in America" Maeve Higgins comes by to talk about her immigration experiences and some of the stories she's gotten to hear. Also, we review the film Deadpool. Check out Maeve's Podcast: https://www.maeveinamerica.com/Sheena Rose Art: http://www.sheenaroseart.com/Jill Kno...
Feb 9th, 2017
Our special 100th episode was recorded LIVE at The Magnet Theater in December!The evening began with the musical stylings of AZN Pop. Then, standup Calvin Cato performed a set (how broke is broke?) and chatted with us about his way of making a difference in the world. Then, we talked with someone who really knows how ...
Feb 2nd, 2017
Multi-hyphenate Jacob Tobia comes to talk about the power of comedy and gender, why icons and cult of personality aren't what we need, how to balance surviving and thriving, and MTV Cribs. Also, we need to make space for the desirability of trans people. Jacob explains why. Plus, we all have takes on Scarface. #MajorAw...
Jan 26th, 2017
Comedian, lifelong learner and podcaster Brandon Collins (Comedy Outliers & Medium Popcorn) comes by to discuss movies and movie spoilers (we've got HOT TAKES on "Collateral Beauty" and "Hairspray!") and how he almost became an Eagle Scout. We also discuss America's birds and mushrooms!Follow Brandon on Twitter: http...
Jan 19th, 2017
Actor/Writer/Director Lauren Ireland (Above Average, Elite Daily) shows us she's got depth and loves drama. We learn her beauty secret (olive oil) and we revisit the Best Pictures of yore. Check out Lauren's website: www.lauren-ireland.comCheck out Lauren's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/mslaurenireland/?fr...
Jan 12th, 2017
Queer/transgender Tamil-Sri Lankan-American actor/writer/comedian D'Lo calls in to discuss what family means to him (and the "elders," "youngers," and "melders"), what queerness means to him, the bad odors coming off a deodorant crystal, and what he's doing to give people a chance to exhale. Plus, MIA might be his cous...
Jan 5th, 2017
Performer and producer Milly Tamarez (Diverse as F*ck Fest, Affirmative Action, deadass, Pyzza Tyme) comes over to talk about all her projects, creating inclusive spaces, imposter syndrome, her Buddhist practice and MORE. Check out Diverse as F*ck Fest on January 14, 2017: http://www.dafnyc.com/Check out deadass: de...
Dec 29th, 2016
Queens-born comedian and professional soccer player Lorena Russi (she's single, ladies!) talks about her latest projects, times she had to step away for self-care, the time Stephen Colbert misgendered her, and more! Plus, she's actually more academic and radical than you think.Check out Lorena's website: http://www.l...
Dec 22nd, 2016
Musical comedian Amelita comes by to sing with us! We also learn about her creative process (and a blog that no longer exists) and we collaboratively develop a new musical called "Lean In: The Musical." We've got hot takes on mediocrity and "Glengarry Glen Ross."Follow Amelita on Twitter: https://twitter.com/aaaameli...
Dec 15th, 2016
We discuss teen improv with Magnet Theater teacher Elana Fishbein and actual teen Anna Koppelman. They speak openly about not being seen as funny, and we all reflect on our high school selves. We learn what it means to "ship" people and Anna promises to teach us Snapchat. Plus, what was that racial weirdness in "Mean G...
Dec 8th, 2016
Standup and performer John Early ("The Characters," "Search Party," "Showgasm") talks with us about his childhood rituals and comedic influences and where people miss the nuance. Plus, we discuss "Soul Man" in our segment "Movies Only One of Us Has Seen." Follow John on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bejohnceFind John...
Dec 1st, 2016
Goofy-looking standup Pat Brown comes upstairs to get real about PC Culture, to advocate for "maximum inclusion," and to discuss purpose in comedy. Plus, we have different experiences with uber. Check out Pat Brown's website (and buy her album!): http://comedianpatbrown.com/Watch Pat Brown's Walking Dead Videos: htt...
Nov 23rd, 2016
Broadway actor (!) and quirky Black girl Mandi Masden comes by to talk about representation in casting, growing up in Wyoming and Disney movies.Check out Mandi's website: http://www.mandimasden.com/Follow Mandi on Twitter: https://twitter.com/meridianmylove
Nov 17th, 2016
Stacy Hayashi and Ryan Schleeter, two improvisers, join us this week to discuss social justice improv and their work in DC with "Invisible Knapsack." We also discuss snuggies, our country's history, gay shenanigans and fat positivity. Follow Ryan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RyschleeCheck out Ryan's band, Aztec S...
Nov 14th, 2016
After a particularly heavy week, we at the Soul Glo Team wanted to let everyone know what's making our souls glo. Thank you for listening.-Sign the Pledge to stand with Women of Color Leadership: https://our100.org/-Support Venus in Leo's Fundraiser to bring non-toxic body care to non-toxic deodorant and body butter...
Nov 3rd, 2016
Longtime friend of the show (and former Soul Glo Producer and Host!) Poupak Sepehri comes by to discuss what makes Parisian improv unique, her love of math, and which HBO shows we're all reading. Plus, she tells a joke in French AND English!-Follow Poupak on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/poupak/?fref=ts-Check o...
Oct 27th, 2016
Jen Bartels (TruTV's Friends of the People and TV Land's American Woman) stops by to talk about wearing many hats and “representing" as the only woman on her TV show, the truth about being verified on Twitter and her big fear of… find out! Keisha, Emily and Anna still struggle to play Two Truths and a Lie.Follow Jen o...
Oct 20th, 2016
Ebony Costain, founder of Ujamaa Box, called in to talk about the power of small businesses and cooperative economics, the risks and rewards of being an entrepreneur, how we might close the wealth gap, and how her long showers distract her.-Follow Ujamaa Box on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ujamaabox-Subscribe to Uja...
Oct 13th, 2016
Spoken word artist Neil Hilborn (Button Poetry) shares about being "super mentally ill," what life is like as a full-time poet, and we contemplate drones. Specifically, we got dirty with Mike Rowe. Follow Neil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeilicornCheck out Button Poetry: http://buttonpoetry.com/Learn More Abou...
Oct 6th, 2016
Prolific producer and Prince fan Daisy Rosario (Latino USA, Sooo Many White Guys) comes over to emphasize the importance of finding your people and shares moments where she really killed it as a producer. And she speaks from the heart about her invisible identities and how they affect her life. Plus, do we really care ...
Sep 29th, 2016
The amazing and fat Glo Tavarez (UCB's Maude Night) stops by to discuss her history with The Soul Glo Project, her unwanted role as a teacher, and her passion for farting. We also address her name (and nicknames from bullies) and unpack "preaching to the choir." Plus, we explore mindfulness and meditation. And...Steven...
Sep 23rd, 2016
The effusive actor and activist Scott Turner Schofield skypes in to discuss intersectionality amongst trans actors, all the things people see and don't see about him, and what kind of hors d'oeuvres they have at the "Dynamic and Diverse" Emmys Party. We get some valuable advice about privileging self-care, we understan...
Sep 18th, 2016
Jordan Haynes ("Vigilante Mode Reviews") did his homework before coming over to discuss representation in film (movies include: Star Wars, Star Trek, Suicide Squad & Citizen Kane)! We, however, didn't see any of the movies we discuss. Plus, Jordan finds his voice! Also, we have a date for February 17 to review The Grea...
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