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The Twisted Sisters Podcast

Samantha Mello and Allie Enggren

The Twisted Sisters Podcast

A weekly Education, Society and Culture podcast

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The Twisted Sisters Podcast

Samantha Mello and Allie Enggren

The Twisted Sisters Podcast

The Twisted Sisters Podcast

Samantha Mello and Allie Enggren

The Twisted Sisters Podcast

A weekly Education, Society and Culture podcast
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A tale of two best friends who couldn't be more opposite in their looks, style and how we operate in life. But know too much about one another to let each another get away. So we became Soul Sister in our own twisted way. First meet Allie who is a fiery blonde with freckles, a successful real estate powerhouse and mother of 2. She started as a teen Mom who attended beauty school as a start her intro into adulthood. Which is where she met a fellow teen Mom Samantha who is now a dark haired gypsy, thriving blogger, emotional support coach and single mother of 2. Little did we know we would meet each other during a time of growth, hardships and misfortune. Over 15 years later these Twisted Sisters have overcame failed relationships, solo parenting, poverty, starting businesses from scratch, marriage and overcoming debt. To defying near death illness, navigating the business world at a young age, becoming a widow to suicide and learning how to follow our passions/dreams despite certain challenges. In our battle through life we have made some wonderful connections and relationships with some very prominent people. We are thrilled that we get to share these beautiful souls with all of you and discuss the various impacts in their lives which in turn helped lead them into success and happiness. Follow these Twisted sisters as they believe despite certain hardships, you can't take life too seriously, imperfection is beauty and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

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Jennifer Freed
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Podcast Details

Created by
Samantha Mello and Allie Enggren
Podcast Status
Feb 22nd, 2022
Latest Episode
Dec 5th, 2023
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
About 1 hour

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