Daniel Bradshaw is an independent Christian songwriter and composer on a mission (called Year of Praise) to write and release 52 songs of praise in 52 weeks ranging from choral music to Contemporary Praise and Worship music. Follow along as he shares the behind-the-scenes details of his songwriting process and inspiration for songwriters. While Daniel fully admits to being an amateur songwriter, his honest and open reflection on the process will give you insight into the mind of the modern Christian composer. You're likely to find advice and tips for Christian songwriting such as finding inspiration, scripture for songwriters, arranging hymns for choir, making traditional hymns contemporary, songwriting resources, composing and recording software and equipment, motivation for Christian artists, and more. Whether you're a worship leader looking for new worship music or a choir director wondering about new sacred choral music, Daniel provides both on this journey writing original worship songs and contemporary settings of traditional hymns.