No one ever forgets a break up. Here are the hashtags for the show #StilettoSneakers #Good4YourArches #ThisIsMyTherapy #GirlTalkIsTherapy #CallMeBraille #CallMeRedVelet or #ButterCream #HRDeezy #TheCake #RockStarMyLittlePony or #punkRockMyLittl
Here are the hashtags for this show-. #CovidComfort #CovidCaughtUp #TheCrew #TiffsWithTheCrew #SomeBitch #ThirdLeg #Dickmatized #WereIsYourNameTag #CrystalBlueEyes #MarryLife #LeaveYourMark #InsuranceDoesNotCoverThat #GolfingInPearls. Take a li
Traveling and the state of mind for US. Shout out to @Shee_knows_best and @Wumbogary for the fire! #RoseWineMansionNYC#Dubai #Bridesmaids #Starbucks #WhoYouBeenAround #HaveYouBeenTested #OKC#SJNareb #Nareb #iDontWannaBeA#@AmandaSeales #Small
Classy Sexy women finding their way through life and tell the stories as we go. Some married, single, and sometimes it complicated. Some have small children, teenagers, others have young adults. Tune into our podcast where we talk about it ALL
Self help information for ALL women centered around self, sex, relationships, parenting, love and life. Hosted by TiffanieCo-hosts: Zarah, Taryn, Key, Stephanie , Alli B, Alexa and Naya .