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iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild Grim & Mild


A weekly History, Society and Culture podcast featuring Aaron Mahnke

 16 people rated this podcast

iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild Grim & Mild



iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild Grim & Mild


A weekly History, Society and Culture podcast featuring Aaron Mahnke
 16 people rated this podcast
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For Season 1:I would probably give it 3.5 stars actually, but there isn't an option for that so I'll give 4.The podcast is well researched, the script is nicely written (it's Aaron Mahnke after all), sound design is also great. In short: Production-wise this is very well put together.The topic in general is also pretty interesting and they do a good job trying to give a sense of the bigger picture. That said I feel like the huge number of names, people, families, places and institutions involved makes this hard to follow sometimes. So maybe just not a really podcast friendly topic.Another negative is that I feel like the first few episodes didn't really caught my attention. They go chronological through the events and I feel like when they actually get to the first accussations and trails the podcast really picks-up. From a dramatic standpoint they maybe should have taken another route with the background instead of starting the show with that, mix it in there.Completly subjectiv for me is that I don't really like that they actually mix the interviews into the show. Kind of takes me out of the narrative. But nice show and curious to hear what's in store for season 2.
This podcast is wonderful put together; and the host does an amazing job. All his works are amazing. This podcast dives deep and leaves no stone unturned, the addition of quotes from actual historians is a wonderful touch.
Fascinating deep dives into particular topics. The information on the Salem witch trial was nuanced and contained more machinations than I ever thought possible.
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