In this episode, we deep dive into the world of finding inner confidence while not having to pretend. Fighting your purpose and trying to be someone else doesnt work. Listen Why. My guest this week Sonya Morton Firth Sonya has a fascination and genuine interest for people, and what makes people tick. What makes those s... more
In this episode Elliot Interviews Sian, who was homeless, sexually abused, and very unwell. Sian shares her story of how she overcame everything to now living a life of purpose
In this episode Cheney Daughtry opens up about her addictions, being co dependent and find hope in a hopeless situation. Truly heart warming and inspiring.
In this episode, we deep dive into being ghosted, what it does to someone, and how to come back from it. Sarah Louise shares her powerful journey. A Must-listen.
In this heart warning episode, Sapphire reveals her story and how she simply packed and walked away with nothing, only to build a new life and empire as result. A Must listen.
In this frank and open interview with Sally Orange, we discuss the lows of depression and how it led Sally to take a different path in life, one that leads her to break records and run dressed a fruit. Listen to find out more.
In this episode, we talk to Paul who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It is a medical condition that causes paralyzation of one side of the body. The doctors detected this diagnosis when he was just an infant. The doctor told his mom he would never be able to walk and she should get me comfortable in a wheelchair. Hi... more
In this episode, Mike Domitrz and I discuss the events that led Mike to do what he does today and the catalyst was his sister's rap. Mike went on to set up the The Centre For Respect and speaks globally about this topic A must listen.
In this episode, we discuss the journey of Lissy, Linda's best who was told Lissy was dying...only for Lisa to work hard to bring her back to full health. A very heartwarming story.
In this episode, we go deep with Lee around losing his mum to suicide as a 15-year-old, the journey that took him on, and how rebuilt his life. Truly moving and a must listen
In this episode, Kristen O'Connell an award-winning international business owner, small business advocate, and keynote speaker talks about the collapse of her business in 2008 and how she came back and rebuilt her life as well as business. A must listen
In this episode we deep dive into how you come back from losing your marriage, your home and everything you thought was a dream life.We cover how you re build from there. How Do you find the depth? Listen to this heart warming story and interview with Katherine Nix who bears all.
In this episode, we dive deep into rebuilding your life after attempting very hard to destroy it, Isabell Rodriguez opens up about the day she knew she had to change and change big time or else....
In this episode, we discuss coming back from complete financial ruin and the effect it has, on you, the family and your future. How do you come back? Have a listen. Gavin J Gallagher is a seasoned real estate investor and developer with a career spanning two decades across four continents. He is a Director of Earlsfort... more
Essjay had ambition, drive and set up her business at the age of 19! Not long after she had to close it down...she then had to come back from losing everything and the shame( she thought) went with it. A must listen. About Essjay - Essjay is an award-winning permanent make-up specialist and scalp micropigmentation tech... more
In this episode, Emma opens up about her journey through being suicidal, burn out, and then slowly rebuilding her life. A must listen Emma Last - Loves supporting her clients to develop strategies, new skills, and action plans that increase their awareness to address their balance. This means they become more productiv... more
In this episode, I discuss how to rebuild when you find out you are in far more debt than you thought and that the business you thought was doing well, isn't and wasn't. In this very honest and open inter Divian bears all and shares some home truths. A must listen
In this episode, with Jan Canty, I deep dive into coming back from finding out that your partner was living a double life which you only find out about once he has been murdered...this is a deep gripping, and emotional episode - who is the person? What happened to them? Listen to the episode to find out.
In this episode I talk to Burcu Onaranel who gave everything up to follow her dreams only for them to come crashing down on her, how do you come back from that? Listen to find out. A truly heart-moving episode. Burcu Onaranel has created a unique value for my clients. She works with each client to identify their person... more
In this Episode Anthony Jeannot a comedian who opens up about his fight back from mental health challenges In his his own words: "I was kind of stuck in all directions the achievements were good for themselves on paper, but I knew there was no progression for a long time and I wasn't happy to sit around and wait... The... more
Season 3 is all about how people come back from hardship and tough situations In this episode I discuss with Aaminah Amin how to ensure you don't have to suffer burnout and distress while building your wealth, a must-listen. Aaminah Amin | 💰Financial Coach who helps 💰you diversify your income streams so you no longe... more
In this episode, with Sian, we dive deep into the world of colour and the effects it has on our confidence, you will be surprised what colours do for you. A must listen. Sian Clarke is a personal styling expert, print designer & blogger who specialises in advanced colour styling. As a celebrity stylist, Sian has worked... more
A different approach to confidence, through the eyes of emotional intelligence. Sam Dossa is an Emotional Intelligence Personal and Business Coach | Public Speaker | Careers Coach Ask SAM about - Emotional Intelligence (EQ) vital for your personal and professional success!
A deep and insightful discussion into unlocking the writer within you with Rosie Di Lecce Rosie Di Lecce is a Persuasive Content Expert and Coach. She’s the Director of Saia Creative Ltd and founder of Writing with Rosie. After years working as a content and copywriting specialist for a variety of startups and big bra... more