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Perfecty Imperfect with Aylin Webb

Perfecty Imperfect with Aylin Webb

Released Wednesday, 6th September 2023
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Perfecty Imperfect with Aylin Webb

Perfecty Imperfect with Aylin Webb

Perfecty Imperfect with Aylin Webb

Perfecty Imperfect with Aylin Webb

Wednesday, 6th September 2023
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Welcome to another episode of the Wake Up Call 📞 Podcast with me Leo Crystal Queen 👸. Today I have the beautiful Aylin Webb.

Aylin is a 5 star book Author, Psychologist, Personal Coach and a Podcaster, and in the past 10 years, she has helped thousands of people "Overcome Anxiety and Build Unshakable Confidence to Thrive" through her 7 step Signature Programme. After spending over 15 years as TV producer in large TV channels, Aylin dived into the world of psychology, and built up her business.Aylin's Practical Manual and Daily Journal "Transformation Through The Power of Quotes" is based on psychologically proven principles. It has received 5 star reviews and is designed to take the reader from "Survive to Thrive" in just 10 chapters with motivational quotes, daily 5 minute journals, and reflection questions to encourage personal growth.Aylin's Podcast "I am a perfectionist, get me out of here!" has more than 24.000 downloads so far and growing fast.


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