Greg, Jennifer, Mac and Katherine set up in the new office/studio for a last show before self-imposed quarantine gets started. We talk Coronavirus thoughts, preparedness responsibilities, how we wish things were, and how they actually are. Continue Reading The post How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Coro... more
We discuss how fasting keeps us spiritually awake as one of the two wings of prayer that makes our prayers (and penance) even more efficacious. The post The Truth About Fasting appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
The world’s view that happiness can only be possible under better circumstances versus how God’s wisdom provides a much better perspective than our own.The post I’ll Be Happy When… appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
The perennial power of the liturgical seasons, and remind us of how much we absolutely need seasons like Advent and Lent in our lives today.The post The Good of Seasons appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Greg is prepping a series of three different talks for an upcoming parish mission and solicits help from Mac, Katherine and Jennifer on the most important things to talk about when discussing Mary, Confession, and the Eucharist.The post Until Greg Reads Faces appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
The value of true friendship, difficulties in cultivating and maintaining friendships, and how to find true friends to accompany through the life's seasons.The post Sirach 6 and the Value of Friendship appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Continuing our conversation about confusion in the Church and how we can help improve negative situations through our prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The post Land Of Confusion appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
The response of Catholics to vague statements, quotes, and news stories coming from the Vatican and various chanceries when our shepherds refuse to clarify.The post Shepherdless Sheep appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
We seem to have too much noise entering into our heads. How can we help our children embrace silence if we ourselves struggle with it so much?The post Shut Up, Already appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Are we being genuine with the message that we preach or are we simply prisoners to our personas? Amy Welborn asks these questions in a recent article.The post Responding to Amy Welborn and the Hazards of Online Ministry appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Working though the complexities of experiencing God through Contemplative Prayer, in this episode we explore paragraphs 2709 through 2719.The post The Simple yet Difficult Expression of Contemplative Prayer appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Part 2 - Swords, Scotland, and Sean Connery. Grab some Scotch and join Mac and Greg as they revisit a classic from their teen years - Highlander!The post Highlander – Part 2 of 2 appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Swords, Scotland, and Sean Connery. What’s not to love? Grab some Scotch and join Mac and Greg as they revisit a classic from their teen years - Highlander!The post Highlander – Part 1 of 2 appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
A discussion on prayer as God’s gift to us, and the different ways God calls us into a deeper communion with Him through prayer.The post How Then Shall We Pray? appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen announced the end of Christendom in 1974. We take a deeper look at his statements, as well as the antidote he provided. The post Fulton Sheen and the End of Christendom appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Scripture, Tradition, and the Early Church Fathers show us the necessity of baptism, and how this impacts the rest of our Christian life.The post Are You Living Out Your Baptism? appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
The gang discusses preparing our hearts, minds, souls and bodies for Mass. Start by leaving your phone at home! We talk about how being deliberate about how you approach Mass with your minds and with your clothes will transform your experience of encountering Christ in the Eucharist. Hosted by Greg and Jennifer Wil... more
Part 2 of 2 - Do you have the eye of the tiger? Then get ready to join Mac and Greg as they revisit another childhood favorite - Rocky III! The post Rocky 3 – Part 2 of 2 appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Do you have the eye of the tiger? Then get ready to join Mac and Greg as they revisit another childhood favorite - Rocky III!The post Rocky 3 – Part 1 of 2 appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Continuing our discussion of church documents, we begin to unpack the opening paragraphs of Sacrosanctum Concilium, getting stuck in the opening paragraph with both agreements and issues with the wording. Reform? Modern times? What?? Hosted by Greg and Jennifer Willits from the Adventures in Imperfect Living Podcast... more
Grab your fedora and bullwhip and prepare to relive your childhood as Mac and Greg sit to watch one of their favorite movies together for the first time: Raiders of the Lost Ark!The post Raiders of the Lost Ark – Part 1 of 2 appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Grab your fedora and bullwhip and prepare to relive your childhood as Mac and Greg sit to watch one of their favorite movies together for the first time: Raiders of the Lost Ark! Part 2 of 2The post Raiders of the Lost Ark – Part 2 of 2 appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
The gang pontificates on how important it is to read original church documents, especially in the light of the changes the church has seen since the Second Vatican Council. We discuss this in light of the recognition that the language is often dense and difficult to understand. These documents call us to a greater ... more
Part 2 of 2 as Mac and Greg continue taking on the unthinkable and force their way through Twilight. Lots of jokes about vampire puking ensues.The post Twilight Part 2 of 2 appeared first on Greg and Jennifer Willits.
How do you set aside time for prayer, and could your prayer life be improved? In this episode we discuss the difficulties of maintaining consistent prayer, and overcoming roadblocks to more “advanced” prayer like daily Mass, the Rosary, and Liturgy of the Hours. Hosted by Greg and Jennifer Willits from the Adventures... more