Coach G of G-style Coaching
Coach G of G-style Coaching
What's all the P.M.S.? with Coach G is Positively. Motivating. Sisters. with Purpose. Meaning. Style. Are you ready for POSITIVE conversations inspiring you to your next level? Do you need MOTIVATION to get you growing? Are you a SISTER (woman, leader, boss, mom, wife, female, her, she)? Are you seeking PURPOSE in your life? Do you know the MEANING for which you stand? Do you know your STYLE is your unique authenticator? If you answered "Yes" to any one of these questions, this podcast is designed with you in mind which embodies the whole you...mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually. Our topics of conversation will cover your health (mentally & physically), career, finances, business, spiritual life, community, and personal care. Coach G is passionate about you winning in your personal and professional life growth as your empowerment speaker and leadership & growth coach strategist. “Sisters, we are on a journey in connecting you from where you are to your what’s next with Purpose. Meaning. Style.” And, IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU!
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