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When Marriage Hurts Podcast - Help for Christian Women in Painful Marriages, Emotional Abuse in Marriage, Trauma in Marriage

Ola Davies | Marital abuse coach

When Marriage Hurts Podcast - Help for Christian Women in P…

A weekly Society, Culture and Relationships podcast

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When Marriage Hurts Podcast - Help for Christian Women in Painful Marriages, Emotional Abuse in Marriage, Trauma in Marriage

Ola Davies | Marital abuse coach

When Marriage Hurts Podcast - Help for Christian Women in Painful Marriages, Emotional Abuse in Marriage, Trauma in Marriage

When Marriage Hurts Podcast - Help for Christian Women in Painful Marriages, Emotional Abuse in Marriage, Trauma in Marriage

Ola Davies | Marital abuse coach

When Marriage Hurts Podcast - Help for Christian Women in P…

A weekly Society, Culture and Relationships podcast
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Are you tired of trying to figure out this thing called marriage? Do your attempts to seek Godly counsel for your marriage leave you feeling confused and frustrated? Have you attended marriage seminars and joined prayer lines but your marriage doesn’t seem to improve? Do you feel trapped and alone in your marriage and no one seems to understand the pain you experience? Does your marriage look spotless - even perfect - on the outside but on the inside you know you are barely hanging on by a thread? Are you afraid of confiding in someone because you know they would never believe the experiences you’ve had in marriage? Has your marriage become the source of your greatest pain? Or even though you hate to admit it but you are at your happiest and most at peace when your husband isn’t around?

Hey Sis, my name is Ola Davies, Daughter of the Most High God, mom to two beautiful children and a lover of all things marriage.I remember what it felt like to give my marriage my all but the more I tried the more my efforts fell flat. I followed all the church rules and tried to build my home like the proverbial wise woman but no matter how hard I tried, I always fell short. Counselling didn’t seem to help. My marriage was falling apart, my life was falling apart, I was dying on the inside and no matter how loudly my heart screamed, no one seemed to hear my cry for help.

I sank into a deep depression and lost the desire to live. Waking up every morning became a painful experience. I’d pray to sleep and never wake up, convinced my life was worthless and of no use to anyone. Then I thought about my children and what would become of them. I didn’t want to cheat them out of having a healthy loving mother. I felt such a sense of responsibility towards them considering they were miracle babies whom I conceived after battling with infertility. The thought of my 6 month-old baby who was still breast-fed, growing up without any memories of me saddened me. I cried to God for strength to live one day at a time and I realized he was right by me the whole time. Even when I thought he was distant, he was near.

God showed me my life mattered to him more than my marriage. He told me I would rise beyond this, I would be a mother to my children and my life still had meaning and purpose. That marked the beginning of my healing journey. I’m on that path of healing and restoration and instead of despair, I have a new zest for life.

My mission is to guide you to that place of light and truth in Christ so you too can begin your healing journey; so you can live the best life God has planned for you. In this podcast, we will be exposing the religious lies that the enemy uses to make our marriages a place of pain and confusion and we will also be discovering the truth in Christ that sets us free. I’d love to share with you how Jesus set me free from hopelessness and despair.. He is more than willing to do the same for you too; willing to take that heavy burden off your shoulders.

Grab yourself a cup of tea, get in your most comfy pyjamas and let’s have some fun!

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace], and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation] - Matt 11:28

Let’s connect!Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/whenmarriagehurts

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Podcast Details

Created by
Ola Davies | Marital abuse coach
Podcast Status
Feb 7th, 2022
Latest Episode
Sep 16th, 2024
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
26 minutes

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