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Who's There?!

Who's There?!

Who's There?!

A Business and Management podcast

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Who's There?!

Who's There?!

Who's There?!

Who's There?!

Who's There?!

Who's There?!

A Business and Management podcast
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Hosted by Robert Schott and Curt Meinhold, Who’s There?! is our continuing exploration of what is within you, that is, your aspirations, your capabilities, and how you define rewards in your life that can inform your organization’s leaders for better outcomes.

Each episode opens with a brief reflection/summary of our favorite takeaways learned during the conversation. During each episode create threads around these four critical questions:

* Does every individual have an inner flame that can be fanned into fiery passion through their workplace(s)?

* Do organizations have the will/ability to focus on workers’ passions - what changes would that take from leadership down?

* How can we better communicate to organizational leaders that this change is in their organization’s best interest? Are we able to do this?

* How can organizations go about implementing changes, as needed, to be even more successful?

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Podcast Details

Created by
Who's There?!
Podcast Status
Jan 15th, 2018
Latest Episode
Apr 24th, 2021
Release Period
2 per month
Avg. Episode Length
44 minutes

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