In this episode, Corrina Rosella (they/them,) host of the podcast Rise Up! Good Witch, takes all of us astrology queers deep into what's written in the stars for our life time. From the chart of the United Fakes of America to the 2020 uprisings, Corrina let's us know that our best bet to survive is to be the best versi... more
Loba and Carino take a you through their beginning experiences of COVID, how mutual aid has begun to have a greater, more intentional place in their lives, as well as how we can learn from mushrooms on how to care for eachother now and always. This episode features a new segment "Coping with Carino" focusing on mental ... more
In this episode Carino and Loba introduce themselves and welcome you all to the journey of Wild Weeds were we will explore all types of relations. This episode features two segments, Carino and Loba's "Doctora Corazon," where an anonymous babe asks us our opinion on moving in with their partner before they're ready as... more
Carino and Loba invite special guests Sasha (IG: @earthwindandflowers_) and Tracee (IG: @mamawolff) of POC Camp and QTIPOC Poly LA to discuss what it means to be in ethical non-monogamous relationships and how we all move through them. This episode also features our Doctora Corazon segment, guest answered by Sasha and ... more
Carino and Loba discuss the complexities, conflicts, as well as beautiful intimacies of being in a relationship as a couple with one person on the asexual spectrum and the other person being allosexual. This episode also features Loba's segment "Your New Age Shit Will Not Save You," exploring and critically thinking ab... more