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Workflows with Braulio Rocha

Workflows with Braulio Rocha

Released Monday, 1st May 2023
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Workflows with Braulio Rocha

Workflows with Braulio Rocha

Workflows with Braulio Rocha

Workflows with Braulio Rocha

Monday, 1st May 2023
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018 === Braulio Rocha: [00:00:00] once you run it through, Imagen you just edit a full wedding in a couple of hours, so you make $3,000 in two hours instead of a week. Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Workflows is a podcast about saving you time and money in your photography business as a photographer and content Creator who struggles with dyslexia, colorblindness, introversion, and anxiety stemming from years of being bullied as a. Workflows have been my rock. I have workflows for every aspect of my life, and that's why I am so happy to bring you workflows, a podcast Presented by Imagen as a company dedicated to saving you time and money in your photography business, it makes sense to enhance and expand the conversation to all things workflow. Tune in and subscribe to hear stories, strategies, and tools that could be your rock. Hear from people just like you. Put the camera down for little, connect the headphones and get to work with workflows. Get in on the conversation by joining the Imagen Community today. [00:01:00] Imagen the possibilities. Rosia is a Montreal based wedding and Bar Mitzvah photo. New York Times wrote a full page article about Broo calling him Montreal's Bar Mitzvah King of Photography. Broo is a fascinating person with a fascinating career path as shared by the Montreal Gazette, and a peace titled from Janitor to Entrepreneur, a Montreal Immigrant Success. He is a father of two beautiful girls and is married to the love of his life. Sonya Lio is a speaker, educator and motivator. Without further ado, here's my conversation with Bradley or Rosha and a secret guest, surprise guest that caught us off guard, but was really cute. So we went with. Enjoy the show.[00:02:00] How does it feel to experience a trade show? Not only just a trade show, but one of the largest US trade shows from the perspective of being in a booth? How's that feel? It was, Braulio Rocha: it was pretty dope. It was my first time in L P P I, I've, I've heard about the OPI forever and. And the, the fact that I wanted my first W P P I and was able to speak in a booth with people mm-hmm. especially, you know, a booth, a specialist ImagenAI who who workflow has helped me so incredibly. And being able to share that with, with other people, it was just surreal. Really Scott Wyden Kivowitz: incredible. Awesome. Yeah. The, the, the hustle and bustle, like the, the, the, how busy it gets there is a little, gets a little intimidating at times, and you handled it very well. So, yeah, it was, it was great to see you talking to everybody and and just, it was fun for you to hang out. And [00:03:00] yeah, I think we were, for the most part, we were on opposite sides of the booth when you were in the booth, because , it's like, yeah, you know, like there's so many, so many people coming from different directions. You just gotta split up and. and, and conquer where you can. So people Braulio Rocha: curious. Definitely. Just like, what is Scott Wyden Kivowitz: this? Yeah. And how is the rest of the show for you otherwise? Cause I think you, you got to go to classes and stuff too, right? Yeah, Braulio Rocha: I went to, I went to a couple classes. I went to a couple photo walks. I assisted a few, couple of photographers, friend of mine friends of mine. I was curious because next year I want to host a couple of class. I want to host a couple of workshops. I'm wanna do a couple of photo walks. I really want to dive. And show people the potential of the, the Bar Mitzvah and Bat mitz market. I mean, there's a lot of talks about weddings in opa. Everybody talks about portraits and weddings. Nobody talks about anything else, and I'm, I'm, I'm known for. Bar Mitz and Bat Mitz. I travel right for Bar Mitz and bat mitzvah and that's something I wanna explore next year cuz it's, [00:04:00] it's tremendous potential and I don't think a lot of photographers know about it. Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've noticed over the years it's definitely a topic that is rarely talked about. Or like a genre, not a topic, but cuz topic-wise it is kind of like weddings and other events, but like yeah, genre wise, like that specific niche is rarely, rarely talked about. At most trade shows actually. So yeah, it would be good to see you get out there more and. About what you do, why you do, how you do for those specifically. So cause they, they come with their own unique challenges. You know, like the, the way synagogues are lit are gonna be somewhat different than how, you know, a church might be lit or how a regular wedding venue might be lit, you know, so, You've got your own unique challenges that you have to worry about. Braulio Rocha: Yeah. There's definitely challenges, but I find it, I find it easier than weddings. I shoot a lot of weddings and a lot of bar mitzvah and I shoot a lot of weddings in the Jewish community. [00:05:00] So I'm, I, you know, even there I can see the difference between shooting a wedding and shooting a Bar Mitzvah. Yeah. The Bar Mitzvah parties, they're, they're, they're big parties as big as weddings. Mm-hmm. , but the workflow is a lot. . And when we talk about business wise, we're business owners, right? We wanna make money, we wanna support our families. The, the, there's a potential of making more profit with half the work, half the headache, half the stress, the stress, half the anxiety. Yeah. On a bar mitzvah than on a wedding. Right? And you, the workflow also the editing part, it. 10 times faster. I would Imagen it's a hundred times faster. . You can literally, you can make as much profit or more profit mm-hmm. on a bar mitzvah as you have in a big wedding with a lot less work and people don't know this and interesting. It's tremendous potential out there. Definitely capitalized Scott Wyden Kivowitz: from it. I'm, I'm sure through this conversation we're gonna hear more [00:06:00] about that. I, so I. I've been Bar mi . And I've I was at the time, obviously I was 13 when that happened, but I was photographed by at the time, like the, the go-to person in my area in New Jersey where I live. And he and his wife, where they were, they were a team and they both use Halo. So my, my Bartz was photographed on beautiful haa blood slide. Film. Yeah. Which technically it's not film, but slides and gorgeous, gorgeous stuff. Anyway, so I, I, as, as a professional myself and as I've basically tried every single genre of photography over the many, many years I have photographed a couple of barn bat mitzvahs, and I know that from the synagogues that I've been to, they actually prefer you to. To not hear a sound, they don't want to hear your camera click. Yeah. And so I, when I did it with a muralist, I had to [00:07:00] do on silent mode when I was doing the DSLR actually put in a blimp. So that way it would help. I know, I'm sure not every synagogue cares, but certain ones I'm, you know, Braulio Rocha: yeah, there's, there's some synagogues are very strict. What is one thing that you do for the photographic process that has saved you time? --- Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Yeah. So let's, let's actually dive in. Speaking of things you do for the photographic process, What is one thing you do for your photographic process? The part in the camera behind, behind the camera when you're actually taking the pictures that saves you Braulio Rocha: time. I turn off the lights, ambient lights. Whatever, ambient. If I go to a bride's house, she's getting ready, or I go, you know, I'm, I'm shooting the, the a bar mitzvah, right? Mm-hmm. , during the ceremony process, I, I don't interfere, but when, when I do the portraits after the, you know, the, the sequences. Ceremony, brunch, and then we do portraits. Mm-hmm. , when I do the portraits, the family portraits and the boys portraits, we do, we stage a [00:08:00] little bit, I turn off all the lights. I go to a bride's house getting ready or groom's house getting ready, lights off, all of them. Interesting. That's the first thing is say. Yeah. Because you have lights coming from the ceiling, right? Yeah. Warm light. That tine light creates shadows under your nose. Mm-hmm. Under, you know, and, and the temperature gets all mixed up cuz you have a mixture of the tine. Window light, and it's an, it's, it's a white balance nightmare that takes forever when you're editing. And that's why a lot of photographers just go and do black and white. Black and white is not my thing. I don't like black and white that much, so it's the, and my style is like the dark and moody. Yeah. So that's the first thing I do. I get to a house, lights Scott Wyden Kivowitz: off. Yeah, that definitely, I'm sure that can, that helps get you even closer to that, to that point of, cause your editing style is really gorgeous, especially for bar and bar mitzvah, , like, I've never seen anything like it before. In, in, you know, growing up in that, in that community, you know, I've never seen that before. So, I, I, [00:09:00] that it totally makes sense to, to fully take control. Take out every, every bit of the equation. So you are in complete control with whatever lights you, you bring into the, into the scene. To be able to get you for, to that dark and moody look that you have, that you've built over the years. Braulio Rocha: Fantastic. I love that. That's, it's funny you said that. The, the, the New York Times article comes from an interaction between me and the reporter. I didn't know it was a reporter. I was shooting up Bar mitzvah and the, the New York Times reporter was the boy's uncle. Right. Interesting. And when we do the portraits, we start the portraits. I'm telling the guy there, the generator turn off the lights on, all the lights off. And he's sitting behind me and he gets up and he say, excuse me. I'm, I'm, I'm a reporter for the New York Times. I follow photographers around and I know for a fact that for. Pictures, you need light and you're turning your lights off kind of photographer. Are you? This is my nephew. Huh? . I, I didn't know who he was. Right. I looked back and I told him, well, sit down. You're gonna learn [00:10:00] something today because enjoy the show, . Enjoy the show. I am light, so that's why I turn the lights off. I have my lights. Turning the lights off. I have total control of, of ambient light. And, and I create the light. And the light tells the story. Light is not just to, yeah. Expose the subject or backlight light literally tells the story. That's how I approach the, the bar mitz. Scott Wyden Kivowitz: That's so good. That's so good. You know, the controlling the light is actually something that in an episode previously with charm penia, she actually said something very similar, different, actually, than what you said about turning off the lights, but rather, A lot of the wedding venues that she shoots in New Jersey where she, she also lives in New Jersey. They use certain l e d bulbs that look horrible on camera and she actually, she actually has her wedding venues when, whenever she's shooting at these venues, she has them swap out the light bulbs for her. So like, they actually change the bulbs and the chandeliers and stuff for her. Like she's at the level where she, she, [00:11:00] she gets those. Handled, but . But but yeah, so like with Braulio Rocha: the reception hall, I do the opposite reception hall. I want ambient light, right. As much as possible. Mm-hmm. , I, I go to the dj, DJ has his lights pointing at the right. Mm-hmm. . So I go to him and I say, look, the first dance, I don't wanna interfere with your light shows. You know, couples pay a lot of money for that. Yes. On, on the dance floor. Do me a favor, point all of your lights on the first dance, a couple, first dance point all of your lights towards the couple. 5,500 K as max power as you can . Scott Wyden Kivowitz: That's a good, yeah, the opposite. Yeah. You're getting nice, nice you know, spotlight type effect to like give them like they're on stage type of look. Yeah, exactly. Braulio Rocha: Nice. You put your camera at F eight ISO 100, get those starburst. Yeah. You know? Yeah. You are. The lights behind you with a, with a, a honeycomb so that the light doesn't. And you have this beautiful dark around them spotlights and it's just unique, unique, [00:12:00] unique, unique. Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Awesome. Let's move into the business side of things. So, yeah, I specifically wanna hear, because as you said, so much of the industry is focused on weddings. Like even the, our podcast, you know, a lot of times we have people come on, actually the episode before you with Ashley Jean, she's a personal brand photographer. So that was a nice break from weddings. What is one thing that you do for the business that saves you time or money? --- Scott Wyden Kivowitz: But The question I'm about to ask you, I'd love to hear specific to Barba Mitzvahs is what is one thing that you do for the business that saves you time or money and not Imagen? We're gonna get to Imagen down the road. Yeah. . Anything else in in your business that saves you time or money? Braulio Rocha: Well, you know, setting up bar mitsa packages aside from, so everybody has wedding packages, right? Mm-hmm. , and then, and then I do headshots. I do corporate headshots and I don't do a lot of family ports. I don't like doing it, but occasionally I'll do it. And you set up a price, there's a session fee, and then per. per image, and then you're doing person sale, right? You sell the prints, you sell canvas, whatnot. [00:13:00] For bar mitzvah we would waste a lot of time bidding around the bushes, the pricing and whatnot. So, you know, in, in, in the city that I live in Montreal the most established Bar Mitzvah photographer, right? So the same way your previous guys said she can go to a hall and she's big enough that they will do whatever she. On the Bar mitzvah, I, I set up my prices. It's by far the most expensive in the market. But the, the, like you said, my Imageners are, I will never say my pictures are better than, than others are subjective, but they're different. Right, right. My ImagenAI's are very different from, from anything that anybody else says. So I, you know, in my head I was like, I'm a business owner. I need you know, I provide, I'm the sole provider of my family. I have two daughters. I wanna put them in good schools. So I have to value myself. I have to value my art accordingly so that I can have a, a business that thrives, that survives, that maintains, and also give my family a good, uncomfortable life. So I created bar mitsa packages and I priced them really high. And [00:14:00] that saved money right away. The prices are on my. , you know, parents go on my website, they see, they see the prices and right away if, if I get emails through my website means that they saw the price they want to move forward, that just saves me so much time with people calling. How much do you charge? Mm-hmm. , can you do better? Can you do a discount? Cuz you know, prices are on the website. People go to the website. The prices are. If they proceed to contact me that's out of the way right away. One less phone call, one less meeting and then the prices. And then when I set up the price is not just about pricing, it's also about products. So I have three bar Mitsa, three bar mitsa packages. The cheapest one has no products. It's just me. I go take the pictures, put everything on the gallery online, and then the other two cuz I'm, I'm big in products, right? I, I upsell a lot. I. , you, there's so much money you can make out of you know, selling prints and selling albums. And [00:15:00] so, so I have the other packages who have products who have canvas, who have prints. I want people to print their ImagenAI's. Right? And it's important also from the, from a business perspective, like when you create those beautiful bar mitz pictures, and then a family puts that on a wall on their living room, right? Mm-hmm. , they have a brow right there on the wall. Then their friends and family come on, come over and they see, wow, look at that. Like who? Who did that? Who took that? You know, so it's, it's basically free marketing other than just having Imageners on a computer on a file. It's not even, I don't even consider it to be a picture if it's not printed. Right. So setting up the packages. In a way that allows me to sell products and having them on my website, it just says so, people call me right away and tell me broadly, I want package one, I want package two, one, package three or, or, I, I have by now. It's something that to build up. But by now, I have a reputation of not negotiating.[00:16:00] People. Don't, any people don't do that anymore. , can you do better? Can you, you know how the community works, right? Yeah. Can you do negotiating? Can you do better? They don't do that anymore. Mm-hmm. They go to the website, they see the, the packages, they see the ones that have albums, that don't have albums. They have canvas. Don't have canvas prints enough. Print, they right away know which package they want. So when they call, It's because they want to hire me and they know which package they're gonna have. Boom. Done. Nice. Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Yeah, there's, there's this, that ongoing debate in the photo industry for all genres of photography of do you put your pricing on your site, do you not put your pricing on your site? And then the interesting thing is, I think it all, the answer comes down to, depends on the location, cuz certain locations, if you put it on the site, it could backfire. And in certain locations, like you're fighting with yourself, you put it on a site and it's working for you. So, I think that's a great, it's a great thing. Like my advice would be to people is, is to test it. [00:17:00] Yeah. Put it on your site if you know, and see if it reduces the bad leads you get. And if it doesn't, , they didn't take it off your site. Whatever it is, you know? But you have to test everything. You have to test always. Yeah. Braulio Rocha: So I'm a strong believer of putting it, putting the prices on the website mm-hmm. because right away it, it'll, you know, you're not gonna waste time. Or even people, not just your time, you know, potential clients. Yeah. Time. They look at the prices every way and they're gonna see if, if, if this is good for them or not. Right. You're saving them time also. Okay. This is not for me. I'm gonna right away go find somebody else or, yeah. Okay. I like the price. I like the. , I'm gonna give this guy a call. Yeah. They already know the price. You don't have to go be talking about Scott Wyden Kivowitz: that anymore. Yeah. And you mentioned that you, you still offer, even though you like to upsell products, you still offer a, basically a gallery only option. How popular is that package for you compared to the others? It's, it's Braulio Rocha: it's, it's not the most, it's not the most, actually the most popular package. [00:18:00] So I have four packages. , the cheapest one I have is not even me as a photographer. So I basically charge a premium to have me as a photographer. Mm-hmm. , so there's the cheapest one is an associate photographer also a gallery, you know, Not everybody can, has a budget or they do have a budget, but that, as you know, photography sometimes is not as valued as the flowers or the carer or the dj. Right? Right. So people, some people are just not willing to spend a lot of money on photography. . So I have a, I, I created this, this was big for me as, as a business owner. Once you establish your credibility as a photographer and, and you create Imageners that really stand out I, I decided to, to charge premiums to have me as a photographer. And it, it does something to people's head is so, you know, it's, it's exclusive. Okay, now I want, I want value. I, you know, I'm gonna pay more to. Him, you know, cuz you know it's him. Mm-hmm. , it's just psychological, you know? Yeah. And the Bar Mitz is [00:19:00] extremely popular, is the one that has an album that's the most popular package that I Scott Wyden Kivowitz: have. What is one thing that you do for editing that has saved you time? --- Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. Okay. So, we've talked about the photographic process. We've talked about the business process. Now again, Not Imagen, cuz we're gonna get to Imagen down the road. But what is one thing you do for the editing part of the process that has saved you time? Braulio Rocha: Well, creating my own presets for sure. I, I made a post on my group about it. Mm-hmm. , I, I did a reel on my Instagram about it. No judgment to those who use other people's. Presets. Mm-hmm. , or don't use presets at all. You do, you, you do what's best for you and for your business. You know, it's a, it, it takes time to be able to have the confidence to create your own presets, right? Mm-hmm. , so, you know, over time, I, I was using other people's presets and then I was tweaking here and there, and then when I was ready, I created my own presets. They're adjusted to the way that I shoot. I have a pre. [00:20:00] For the Imageners that I shoot natural light only, I have a preset for the Imageners that I, that I use. Natural light blended with off camera flash with a lens wide open. I have a preset for the ceremony where I'm using flash. So, you know, light is different. I have a preset for the party pictures where I'm using off cameral flash to light up the recession room and, and I'm shooting no F six, F seven cuz I want that image to be like very contrasted, very. So I created a preset for that. So having presets was the number one step that allowed me to really, and the presets that adjusted perfectly to, to the way that I shoot and to each part of a wedding day or a bar mitsu day. And it just made everything so much fast. And then in Photoshop eventually. There's always a few pictures that I grab, you know, those ImagenAI's that you mentioned? Mm-hmm. , those you bring to Photoshop, you add a bit of juice in Photoshop, creating my own actions also it just made work so much faster. Yeah, faster. So create your own presets when you're confident enough. [00:21:00] And if, if I, I'm not a Photoshop. Specialist at all. Mm-hmm. , a lot of people message me can you edit my Imageners? I'll pay you, would you teach me how to edit it in Photoshop? And I refuse. I'm not knowledgeable enough for that. I just created actions for the way that I shoot, created presets for the way that I shoot. And it's just my life is so much Scott Wyden Kivowitz: easier. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it is amazing that like, that presets and actions can really enhance your, your, your product. . . And then on the preset side, once you combine it, with Imagen, which we'll get to just like it's a whole different level. Yeah. It's a whole different Braulio Rocha: level. Because even if even a preset, when you shoot volume, you still get flooded with work. Yeah. And we're gonna get there. But when I found out, Imagen I, I, I felt I was bringing in the water, like Yeah. Yeah. Even with presets. Yeah. No, we're gonna get there. Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Awesome. Pardon in the interruption, but I wanna take a moment to say that we [00:22:00] at Imagen. Appreciate you. That's all. Now back to this incredible conversation. We're gonna do something fun that I, I, I've been doing lately and it, and I have a blast with this. So pick a color, I'll go with Green. Green. I think the last two episodes were both green. That's interesting. I'm gonna shuffle through the deck and you're gonna tell me when to stop. Okay? Stop. Okay. Your next question is, okay, if you were given $1,000 to spend on your closest friend, what would you get them? Braulio Rocha: My closest friend. . Mm-hmm. is, is my brother-in-law and he's Jewish. Actually, even, I'm not Jewish, but my brother-in-law is Jewish, so I would, I would get him a book to start with. He [00:23:00] loves reading. What would I get him with a thousand dollars? Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Well, what, what, what would the book be on? Maybe it's a Braulio Rocha: first edition book, socks book type of book. He loves the, he loves Jonathan Sachs. I actually met him Such a nice. Nice. Before he died. I would, I would help pay him a trip to Israel. He's been dying to go to Israel, so Nice. Scott Wyden Kivowitz: That's what I would do. That's that's a great one. Yeah. Yeah. , Braulio Rocha: that's what I would Scott Wyden Kivowitz: do. Cool. I like that answer. And he can read that book on the, on the, on Braulio Rocha: the plane. Yeah. There you go. . Get him the book. And then I was shooting an event here in Montreal. Jonathan Sachs was the guest of honor, and he, he was a new, he was, he just launched a new book and he was signing the. So I actually got my brother-in-law a signed book from Jonathan Sex. Nice. What is one thing that you do after a session that has increased business? --- Scott Wyden Kivowitz: That's cool. Yeah. Okay. Back to the workflows. What is one thing now that you do after a session, it's all done, [00:24:00] you're now ready to deliver it and so on. , what is one thing you do after a session that has increased business? Braulio Rocha: What is, I do more than one thing, but like if, if safety first, right? So you get home, it's triple back up everything. Right? Especially weddings, environments doesn't, it's not gonna happen again. It's very important that people know that. And then, and then I'll grab a few pictures, like highlight pictures from the day, and I will edit right away and send it to the couple. I, I find that that goes, goes a long way because two, three days after the wedding, they will post on their social media. and their friends, it's so fresh. They're still dancing. It's been three days, but it's still dancing. They still hangover, you know, and the pictures are already there. So that's, that's something that works a lot. There's something that I do during the weddings. It's, I'm gonna, I talk about this in my workshops that, that also, you know, definitely it's during the event, night after. But it, it helps, you know, getting you out there and helps your business being known, which is during an [00:25:00] event, I do a lot of stories and, and as I'm, I'm videoing and I post the stories right away. I tag the vendors on the stories. And then the vendors share your story, and then you do this consistently, your name starts getting recorded in their brains. And when people go to them and say, by the way, do you know any photographer? They're going to mention you because you share their products on the event day through your stories. So this is also something I do, and if I don't have, I don't have time to do it, I will definitely do a lot of videos and then post them as soon as I get home. Definitely Take a lot of behind the scenes videos take a lot of videos of, you know, table setups and the flowers and is this okay? Yeah, . Okay. You wanna come sit That is on the front. Quiet. Okay. See, hi Scott. So I'll do that. And then a lot of [00:26:00] behind. People love, even clients. They love seeing behind the scenes process. They like, they love seeing, you know, the lights and how you do that, especially with the type of work that I do and people go, how, how, how, and you show a little bit of behind the scenes I find that brings a lot of traffic to my social media. Can you share an outlined breakdown of your workflow from lead to delivery? --- Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Awesome. Awesome. Now this one, in this next question I'm gonna ask you to look down at your business from. 30,000 foot view. Can you share an outlined breakdown of your workflow from lead to delivery? Braulio Rocha: Right. So, people reach out after they go to my website. So, you know, immediately I know that I'm very likely getting that contract. Mm-hmm. , invite him over to my studio. , it's very important cuz in my studio you have prints all over the walls, printed all. I have big canvas all over the wall. I have album samples, you know, so [00:27:00] people come over try to upsell, you know, I want them to see the album, not to see the products. Younger generation, not so sure about albums. So I need to show them so that they see the potential of having those prints. You know, I have a scotch bar, coffee, food. You have to create a good. For your client, you know, you can just ask them to spend money and you're not like giving some kind of a good experience luxury experience, right? You know, sign the contracts. And then when the wedding's done, or bar mitzvah, make sure I, I triple back up everything. I have the work hard drive. Then I have a server that I built myself, and then I have a cloud where I put the old. You never know what can happen. And yeah, you know, that's that's pretty much it. Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Nice. I don't know if you were told this, but you know, that Imagens working on our own backup solution. Oh, Braulio Rocha: I had, no, that's, that's good. Yeah, because [00:28:00] I use And sometimes just so complicated. I wish there was something more simple. Yeah, that's big Scott Wyden Kivowitz: news. Yeah. Yeah. So, we've, we've, we talked about it on a, on a webinar not too long ago. But we haven't made much of a splash yet. And yeah, it's, it's in the pipeline. It's gonna be it's gonna be nice. Braulio Rocha: Should definitely do it. I was just talking you, you're getting to capture one too, right? That was capture one's What does the future of AI in photography look like to you? --- Scott Wyden Kivowitz: in the works as well. Yeah. Yeah. Lots of cool stuff. Big thing too. Good stuff. Yeah. Now I wanna ask you, as somebody who is using AI in your photography business what does the future of AI and photography look like to you? Braulio Rocha: Well, to me it's exciting you know, obvious. Progress, new things that come, come, come into the way. We, we used to doing things a certain way. And then, you know, evolution comes in and you have to adopt. And that can be scary sometimes, right? [00:29:00] But it's progress and you can't stop progress. So you can either be chewed by progress or roll with it and take advantage of it. I, I'd rather take advantage of it, which is what I do with ImagenAI, I think. I think ai, when properly used, is gonna be, It, it's already a wonderful tool for creatives like myself. I don't think that being a, you know, wedding photographer wedding bar mitzvahs event photographer there's a lot of discussion, a lot of fear that AI will take over. Robots will take over whatever. I don't, at least in what I do, I don't think that's possible. Cuz AI, as advanced as it is, it's, it's still object. It doesn't have that emotion and subjectivity that we as humans have. But on the editing side, it's certainly a plus. It's unbelievable how fast and accurate. Imagen for example, how fast and accurate it is. It changed everything. Like I, I didn't even know if I was gonna make it to WPI [00:30:00] cuz I had so many weddings in barbecue Sister. Four weeks before my trip to the ppi and I'm, I was down here, you know, as you can see, the stairs behind me. My house is upstairs, my office is downstairs, and I was here all the time. I was just taking my daughter to daycare and then I would stay here until 11 o'clock in the evening, even with my own presets, even with my actions, you know, it just, it accumulates in 2022 was the busiest. ever. And then it was my wife actually, Sonny Shoes the whole time. Try this, try, try. Imagen I keep seeing these ads. Imagen, try, try. And, I was a bit of school. I'm 47. I, we were off school, you know, what is this AI editing for me? You know, it's, it can get scary, right? So, so I tried, she insisted. I tried. and mind blowing immediately. Wow. What just happened? Yeah. So, so you just edited a whole party How did Imagen impact your life? --- Scott Wyden Kivowitz: and . Yeah. So my next question to you is actually gonna be how did Imagen impact your life? And it sounds like [00:31:00] that it gets you out of your, your, your, your editing cave. . Braulio Rocha: Oh my God, it does. Like, I, I, I, I felt it, it changed so much. I felt compelled to, I call my videographer and I say, listen, we have to do a video. And we have to show this to the world because this, this really changes lives. You know, so now I have a software that edits the way that I edit, which is super important, right? I have my presets, I have pre, I have a way that I edit based on the way that I shoot. I think she fell asleep. Are you falling asleep? Falling asleep, baby. It's okay. That's really cute. I, yeah. . Yeah. She's been sick with this ear infection. So I, there's, there's, you know, it's very important to edit the way that I edit. And Imagen does just that once you teach the software, how you edit your pictures, it does everything for you. Lightning speed. So now the, you know, while Imagen [00:32:00] it's doing it for me, I literally get to spend time upstairs with my family and help cuz we have another baby and my wife needs help and it's, I, I know she was like stressed and. Mental health pays a role. So now I can help her. And I, I, we, we do things together. We go on dates, and my wife season go on dates because I, I managed to edit things to ImagenAI. I managed to edit eight weddings and two bar mitts with the bar mitsa party in two weeks, when I used to take week and a half for one wedding. Cuz life takes over, you know, we don't just hear edit, you know, you stop, you go do your thing. So it accumulates. I did the whole thing. Eight weddings to bar mitz in like three weeks, three and a half weeks. Scott Wyden Kivowitz: What's your blowing? What's your go-to? We date, date night look like with your wife? Now? My wife? Yeah. Braulio Rocha: Good restaurant, good wine. We, we blessed, we live in a good area, really close to downtown, [00:33:00] downtown Montreal is very vibrant. It's the typical big north, big city, north American city. And we live close to the city. I, I don't club anymore. . So, you know, a good restaurant, good, good wine you know, yeah, that's what we do now. We're parents now. We don't have the to go with dancing . Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Fantastic. So, where can listeners learn more about you, connect with you and of course, see your incredible Braulio Rocha: photography. Thank you for your kind words. Well, definitely my social media at Rashes studio. Sorry. At Russia studio and Instagram. That's r o c h a. I think in English you say . In Portuguese, we say sh so Russia studio so that's R O C h a studio, only one word. And my Instagram, if you go to my reels, it's full of behind the scenes. I love sharing behind the scenes. I have no secrets. You know, go ahead and, and take it out. Take it all in, and then adjust it to your [00:34:00] way of shooting. My final work on, on the grid with my picture. I have a YouTube channel also. You can find me at . And then the group that you, you are, you are, you are a part of and you, you're an admin and you help a lot of people there too. People ask questions. I have no idea. So Scott, please come. , I tag you right away. Which is the wedding photography education guide for beginners. We, we are going 6,000 strong. And then, and then I'm setting up my workshops where I will be teaching how to shoot, how I shoot. I might, I might show how I edit even though it's not something that I, I'm charging for, because again, I don't think I'm knowledgeable enough to teach other people how to edit. I'll just show you how I edit my Imageners so that they came up the way, the way they came. And then on my workshops, I also want to, I also, I'm also gonna talk, talking about the business size of it. I'm gonna be talking about the the [00:35:00] upselling, the, the potential of, of, of how good it is for your business. I'm gonna be talking about Imagen also people, I want future wedding photographers. . I don't want them to spend hours and hours and hours like I did for so many years in a bad cave, not living and just editing, you know? Because when you, when you use, Imagen you are also making money. You don't realize it. If, if you, if you, if you talk about numbers, let's say after you shoot a full day wedding, I'm gonna throw a number after expenses, paid taxes, your staff, whatever you have a profit of $3,000, right? Just as an example takes you a. To edit a wedding plus the 14 hour shooting, so that's seven days. Let's put eight. Total of eight days or so, you made $3,000 an eight day's pretty good. $3,000 in eight days is pretty good. Once you run through, Imagen you just edit a full wedding in a couple of hours. So you made $3,000 in two hours instead of a week. , I want people [00:36:00] to know this. This is, yeah, now, now you can spend that extra time advertising your brand, building your brand, growing your brand. Spending time what you found, which is so important, right? Yeah, for sure. That's why I'm gonna be talking about that in my workshops Scott Wyden Kivowitz: too. Well, thank you so much for, for, you know, hopping on, chatting with me sharing your workflows with everybody. It's, you are so welcome. Yeah, I appreciate it. You're very welcome. Thank you so much bra for that fantastic conversation. I'm so sorry that your daughter is going through an ear infection. , but it was really nice to be able to you know, you were able to give her that affection and that love while we were recording. I know it was a little bit distracting for, for both of us, but we made it work and yeah. I I, there's a bunch of great takeaways here. Thank you again for taking the time. For for chatting with me and for sharing your knowledge with all of the Imageners. Listening to this episode, you have been listening to Workflows Presented by Imagen. [00:37:00] To hear more from workflows and to find a link to our guest, please go to imagen-ai.com/podcast/. Be a part of the conversation by joining the Image Community at imagen-ai.com/community. Slash community and be sure to subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Thank you for tuning in. Until next time.


From The Podcast

Workflows - Photography Podcast

Ready to enhance your photography workflow? Welcome to Workflows, a podcast by Imagen that transforms how photographers like you manage their business, making every minute count.Each episode offers advice on optimizing your photography workflows so you spend less time at the desk and more time behind the camera. It also tells real-life stories and shares innovative tools to optimize your operations, helping you maximize efficiency and creativity in your photography business.Join host Scott Wyden Kivowitz, who, despite challenges like dyslexia and color blindness, has mastered the art of efficient workflows to excel in the photography business, as well as building and leading one of the most popular global photography communities on Facebook – the Imagen Community. Through insights and conversations with photographers fro m various countries, backgrounds, and walks of life, discover how structured workflows can save time and alleviate stress in your professional and personal life.Get ready to overcome common industry hurdles and boost your photography business's profitability through effective strategies, innovative tools, tech, and automation.Join the Imagen Community to continue the conversation and connect with fellow photographers, share stories, and access unique resources tailored to the challenges of managing a photography business.Don't let workflow inefficiencies hold you back — tune in to Workflows for inspiration and guidance on crafting a thriving, productive photography business.For photographers who prefer creating stunning images to getting bogged down by business tasks, Workflows is your gateway to a smoother, more rewarding photography career.Join us today at workflowspodcast.com

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