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Write Your Book in a Flash Podcast with Dan Janal

Write Your Book in a Flash Podcast with Dan Janal

Write Your Book in a Flash Podcast with Dan Janal

A weekly Business podcast

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Write Your Book in a Flash Podcast with Dan Janal

Write Your Book in a Flash Podcast with Dan Janal

Write Your Book in a Flash Podcast with Dan Janal

Write Your Book in a Flash Podcast with Dan Janal

Write Your Book in a Flash Podcast with Dan Janal

Write Your Book in a Flash Podcast with Dan Janal

A weekly Business podcast
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Write Your Book in a Flash Podcast Creators & Guests

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Donna Serdula is an author, entrepreneur, public speaker, and brand strategist. Her expertise is LinkedIn, Personal Branding, Content Creation, etc...


Dr. Roger Firestien is an author.


Shawn Casemore is the CEO of Casemore & Co Inc, marketing strategist, keynote & virtual speaker, and author.


Jim Kukral is an entrepreneur, Internet marketing professional, and serves as a Program Faculty Member for the University of San Francisco. He is also the founder of AuthorMarketingClub.com and co-hosts The Sell More Books Show Podcast.

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