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Your Brain ON Positive with Jackie Simmons

Jackie Simmons

Your Brain ON Positive with Jackie Simmons

A weekly Education, Health and Fitness podcast

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Your Brain ON Positive with Jackie Simmons

Jackie Simmons

Your Brain ON Positive with Jackie Simmons

Your Brain ON Positive with Jackie Simmons

Jackie Simmons

Your Brain ON Positive with Jackie Simmons

A weekly Education, Health and Fitness podcast
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When I heard that my brain on positive was 31% more productive than my brain on negative, neutral, or stressed, I knew I heard a “Truth”.

I'm Jackie Simmons, your host. I believe that you can put your brain on positive only if you are willing to face one uncomfortable truth. It’s a decision you must make. You must decide that putting your brain on positive is your job and no one else's.

Your Brain ON Positive is about getting radical . . . not just radical self-improvement, but also self-acceptance. self-responsibility, and self-esteem. Why? Because if you don’t esteem yourself, if you don't have a healthy self-centeredness, you won't take responsibility for your emotional state or actions.

Your Brain ON Positive is about you owning your emotional state so that other people's emotions don't impact you so much. And other people's judgments, opinions, and expectations stay just that, other people's. So your life is based on your judgments, opinions and expectations, no one else's.

If you’re comfortable letting other people dictate how you feel, what you do, what you think, and what you believe, then this is not the podcast for you. On the other hand, if you want to be in the center of your own life, if you want to get to the end of your life knowing that you lived your life, and not someone else’s, then stay.

This is the journey that I invite my guests to speak about. We’ll help you write a new story; one that serves you greatly.

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Podcast Details

Created by
Jackie Simmons
Podcast Status
Jun 4th, 2022
Latest Episode
Jul 4th, 2023
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
28 minutes

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