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354: Say Nice Things to Bekah for Her Birthday!

354: Say Nice Things to Bekah for Her Birthday!

Released Thursday, 10th February 2022
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354: Say Nice Things to Bekah for Her Birthday!

354: Say Nice Things to Bekah for Her Birthday!

354: Say Nice Things to Bekah for Her Birthday!

354: Say Nice Things to Bekah for Her Birthday!

Thursday, 10th February 2022
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Another episode of , You


know, the bros started theirs by cracking open a beer, but where'd the healthy, we're the health Queens here.


I'm a hydrated bitch. Now I'm starting to change my life around.


You know what I mean? Did I tell you about, did we talk about on the podcast, the guy that only drank yeah.


The guy with the horses that only. Oh yeah.


Did I tell you about how he got last time?


About how he got really sick far I'm selling.


Okay. Yeah. I've been hooking just it's been nonstop.


In fact, give me one second. The water is just not doing well.


Well, here's the thing. I wanted to pop some champagne and also have a delicious birthday treat for the birthday queen, but I couldn't find a sauerkraut cake for your candy to die.


Fuck you actually, keto desserts have been really good.


I wasn't a hundred percent like quite sure what I can call you would be sad if you bought something that I couldn't eat.


And then, yeah, I figured that I didn't know enough about it, but then I got the champagne and then you were like, Jessica, I can't have that.


And I'm like, well, but it was sweet. Well, you know, we try to have you share today.


Thank you.


Happy birthday to me. Do you know what? One of my most favorite things about you is my birthday.


No about you.


Yeah. Is that I'm really terrible at remembering birth dates, but I don't let you forget.


No, it's not that that's not a thing I can Google you.


That's my most. get yourself a friend who you can Google their birthday.


Okay. Because I'm so bad at remembering days.


Birthdays. Yeah. I feel terrible.


I don't, I forget my own. You know what I mean?


I always felt I can never remember. Grey's is the 28th, the 29th.


For some reason, I have a really hard time with the twenties friends whose birthdays are like, or family who's like, there are 20 something.


Yeah. I don't know why that's really hard for me. Well, I don't have to worry about that with you because I can just, you're just a Google away.


So I know it's like, I know everything about you.


I know your birthday. I don't like the age that you're turning and you are stepping into what I believe is the best year.




Okay. Not to like, you know, set your hopes too high or anything, but I'm feeling good about it so far.


So good. So far so good.


We're recording this the day before my birthday also. So not 27 yet.


So who knows? But 27, like now, well, I say my 27th year was my personal favorite year.


Not necessarily, but it felt, I felt like it was like, it felt the best.


Did you get pregnant with birth that year?


I did.


Which sounds like I'm saying that's terrible.


It wasn't my favorite year.


I know I'm correcting.


I'm like, that's why I'm like is your favorite year?


I didn't get pregnant. Well, I did.


And I, you know, for I, so I was pregnant for most of my 27th year.


So it's not like, you know, I did a lot of staying at home.


I was pretty tired during my pregnancy, but it was just, it's a good year.


Feels good. Like, I dunno.


I feel like everything just starts to kind of come alive in the 27th year.


Like I just started my twenties and then now I'm like, wait a second.


I'm in my late twenties now officially in my late twenties.


This sounds like I'm ancient of days coming.


You coming to you being like just you late, but now, Cause


you're about to be in your mid thirties.


I'm going to be 34.


Give us your mid that's your mid thirties. Yeah.


Yeah. We not about to be, but you know, It


feels like it's right around the corner. It's just knocking all it is.


But it's just Come


so quickly now that I'm just like, I cannot in my brain.


I'm still in my mid twenties.


I am not going to be 34.


I know I was just chatting with a, with an ex-boyfriend as I do I


do around my birthday. The memories.


Ah, no, I was just chatting, like just DM-ing with one of my ex-boyfriends where we always reply back to each other's things usually saying mean things to each other that has never gone.


That has never gone away. Yeah.


But he was like, oh, like how's your career going or something.


And I was like, career, like career is such a weird word.


Like I still feel like a 17 year old.


Most of the time I'm like career, career something you have when you're older, but from everyone I've talked to, it's kind of like, that's how you continue to feel.


Even when you're in your like 56 years. You're like, I still feel like I'm a very young person.


That's why like I hate the whole concept where people talk about like dressing your age.


I'm like, go fuck that, Trevor,


my inner junior higher has been dressing me.


I just bought citizens for humanity jeans because everyone in junior high had citizens and seven for all mankind and well, cause I went to a private school and everyone had a lot of money and my parents would not buy me them.


And so what I would always do when I was in junior high is thrift queen.


I would go to the consignment store and I'd, you know, the, the, the, the back edges would be toe creds, but they'd be like 40 bucks instead of like 180.


So I used to always try to find those true religions and the racks, you know?


So I went on Poshmark the other day and just started searching like Abercrombie tops and Just


let it come Out. I remember those tops that would like on the rack, cause the fabric would be so thin that on the rack they would be like, and the sleeves would be like this wide when you Stretch


into it. Yes. But Do you remember the ones that would have the cuffs would be like five inches and then the buttons, there would be like 10 tiny buttons.


I forgot about those.


And then I was seeing them on my Poshmark.


They were, and then you would layer them with two tanks underneath.


So you could get three different colors going, Oh,


that wasn't prime fashion, prime fresh.


So I was like, you know, I'm going to treat myself. I bought two pairs of citizens.


I bought my little seven for all mankind, a shorts.


























bucks. Cause no one wears that shit anymore.


Maybe that's that's the new wave.


It, well, it Is Y2K fashion as they show.


That's true. I hate that. There's something I hate about that label is that, You


know, the only thing that bothers me is the trauma of remembering what, Like


the event or the fashion, You thought it was all over.


Oh, I remember sitting in front of the old enough.


I was five. Yeah. I had, it is the giant TV we had like the, when the thought, you know, when the TVs had the asses on them, they were just huge.


There was no flat screens. We had this giant.


Yeah. And you'd have the built-in in the wall. Right. And the building was like this giant And


it was so thick. And I remember just sitting in front of that screen and my parents are such warriors too.


So they had been like, like I, my brain had been filling up with all their fear about Y2K.


And you better believe that we had like a stock fully, fully gold, you know?


So I just remember being a kid sitting there shaking as the countdown happened, just praying.


I was like, if there is a God, please spare us.


Jesus Christ. That's scary.


I was so scared. I'd ask my parents and my sister about this because I never remember hearing.


I just probably get the energy from your family that they weren't as concerned about it.


You know what I mean? They were a little more logical in my family was just like, God is bringing fire from the ground.


Like that was definitely what was happening in my family.


I don't Know. We all read left behind.


Do you know that? Oh my gosh, this is so funny.


So a couple of weeks ago, what a nightmare, a couple of weeks ago, broads, if you weren't raised in evangelical home, left behind where these bones in the nineties and early 2009


That they say like from the Bible that someday God's, God's going to come back.


It's the rapture and people who believe in God will be taken off the earth.


And then the remainder will be left to like deal with horrific events.


Now in the left behind books, people would get like snatched and their clothes would be there.


Okay. So a neat little pile traumatized all the youth.


If you talk to any kid who was raised with the left behind books, you're like, oh, I lived in constant fear whenever I couldn't find my parent in the grocery store.


It was like, oh, I got left behind because I'm not one of the chosen people.


Or I rejected God, apparently as a five-year-old horrifying, the other day we recorded and I had the bad migraine.


And then you got it. Well, I was taking a little nap.


Becca was like, you know, laid down as I said before, and I knew you were working in the living room.


And I, I w I was awoken from my nap and I walked into the living room.


Your computer was open. Your food was out and you weren't there.


And I was like, and then I went into, I w I went into the studio and I was like, Becca.


And I looked in the backyard and I was like, my immediate thought was like, Becca got raptured.


And she's going back to church. And now I've been left here.


That was my .


I'm not With Jesus. Like, I know she's going back to church again.


So now I'm getting taken and I'm left here and then you walk through the front door.


And I was like, wow. Was, I think you were like out in the front taking a call or something, or maybe on a little walk.


I don't know, dropping off. I was Dropping


off at the post Office. Oh, okay.


Well, there you go. But I was like, where is Becca?


I have a load in my home and in my home, all of a sudden frightened me so much.


Oh my God. You're on your Instagram the other day, which we haven't talked about on the podcast.








event. Sorry, guys. More news from the extra terrestrial front or the, The


supernatural front. Okay. So evidence.


It was, it was actually a really, it was actually really frightening.


Evan and I were sitting, Why


you guys keep lying about this stuff and making it up, but I do entertain it for the podcast.


Can you imagine, we're just like, let's just keep this shtick going.














dude. Like truly frightened. And I was scared, but Evan, that shit really, really messes with him.


So evident. I had been sitting at the kitchen table.


We like, we ate dinner together.


We were working, we were talking for like two and a half hours sitting there.


And the whole time Ember had this little, this little elephant toy that was like on the edge of the table.


And we're in the middle of talking.


And all of a sudden this toy just right in front of us moves like six inches, like full.


















other. And we didn't say a word for about five minutes More


enough so that you guys obviously like, noticed it in your vision.


Like, it was like, It was, it was like, it went like this to the foot foot, I guess I've always been bad with measuring.


So it moved like a lot to the point where you guys I'm sure were mid-sentence and we're like, Well,


and the thing about it was too, is that I was looking at Evan, but Evan was looking ahead.


And so he, like, I saw it out of my peripheral peripheral vision, and you've watched, saw it fully move.


And he was like, he was messed up for the next 24 hours.


You're fucking with you guys. I know.


I know. Oh. And then you told me the next night I was gone and he was still at home and he said it moved again.


Maybe this is the stuffed animal, the Ember sobbing, perhaps, perhaps Busby.


I know. I remember, but I remember I was Busby.


Isn't it? Yeah. It was either Busby, buzz bay, Busby.


Your best fuzz or club funds.


One of the four Buzz's noted.


What, what day was this?


Last week?




Tuesday. Oh, On the day that the episode was released.


So the ghosts can't listen to us while we're recording, but they heard it when it got dropped on the feed.


They're Subscribed. Thank you so much.


I appreciate it. And they Were like the divine spark.


Aha. Yeah, sure. We're going to show you right Now.


I'm going to show you a divine spark bitch.


And then it was kind of freaky because then I pulled up, of course, that ghost app, which Evan was legit.


Like I thought he was going to divorce me and I was like, come on, let's do it.


Let's do it. Let's talk to him. Let's try to see if there's something and he's like, seriously stop.


But I was like, I don't care what you say, I'm doing it.


So I pulled it up and I pulled up the little heat sensitivity thing.


And there was this big thing right behind Evan.


No way. You're like in between us where we were setting.


No way. Yeah.


Just wants to hang. Yeah. I didn't Feel, I mean, it, they feel ominous.


Notice me. He's like a cute ghost.


And he's like, Hey, in my previous life, everyone paid attention To


me, the tone, it was like, this That's actually definitely you don't notice what's happening.


It actually had its hand or foot on it had its hand on the table.


And it was like, yeah.


Hey. And then accidentally pushed the stuff.


It's like a ghost that's like on a piano. And it's just like, just extending it.


And it's like, Hey, you up for a little 300.


It's like, I scared you guys.


Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry. I forgot the whole ghost thing and everything.


He's like, I thought I was picking up energy that we were ready to like, you know, take it to the next level.


I was also thinking that off of that, that perhaps ghosts are just people who were like really hot in a previous life or like air in, in their life on earth.


And they just are like, you know, the Really


used to attention. They don't like that.


They don't have attention Thing or, and maybe that's why they want to stay on earth.


They're like earth was great for like everyone thought I was so hot and everyone paid attention to me.


So I'm just going to stay on earth for a little bit longer and just kind of be like, Hey sugar, like, Hey Hottie.


Like, I'm going to pull your little foot while you're in bed at night time, I'm going to breathe down your neck.


You know, I have, you know, I just, I have something to say along these lines, you want to talk about sexy, Sexy


ghosts or sexy, sexy people. Sexy, sexy Me.


Ah, So sexy, sexy you.


Yes. I can't wait until you haunt this earth one day.


But in the meantime, in the meantime, broads, we all want to feel our best all the time.


You know, regardless whether you know, we're haunting the earth or whether we're currently on the earth, but unfortunately life happens.


And sometimes we just don't feel great. I personally have a really hard time falling asleep, especially when there are things moving around in my home by, you know, other beings when I feel stressed out and when I don't sleep, the rest goes downhill very quickly.


My favorite way to feel best naturally is with my fields.


Oh my God. I love feels premium CBD.


It's I love feels premium CBD.


It's the way to feel better and keep your head clear feels does not give me any feeling of being high.


It is pure relief.


I am saying this off script. You guys, it naturally helps me reduce my stress, my anxiety.


It helps me so much with sleep. I take it every night before I go to bed because, and CBD also, you don't get like dependent on it.


It actually you're. Did you go that your body uses CBD better?


Like it utilizes it better. The more that you use it.


Oh, wow. Yeah. So you really want to build it into your daily routine anyways.


Well, which is why you should join the field's monthly membership.


So you always have your fields on hand and you'll save even more money on each order also.


So I love the CBD oil so much, but what I'm really loving too, is there a new CBD infused mix, right?


The other day back and I were out and I was like passing those things around.


Right. You know, everyone wants to CBD, man, come on.


You know, you never know when you might need one and it comes quite in handy.


Okay. My anxiety tends to creep up at the worst times, often in public.


And all I have to do when I start feeling anxious, I pop one of those CBD mints in my mouth.


And in a moment, I have a call mind with a side of minty fresh breath.


Talk about a win, started feeling Better with fields, become a member today by going to fields.com/jati.


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This is a really good deal. You guys like really good.


This is like strong high quality CBD that's F E a L s.com/chatty to become a member and get 40% automatically taken off your first three months with free shipping deals.com/strategy.


Seriously guys, this is a good investment. Helps them migraines.


Favorite brand of CBD I've ever used by far by a mile Broads.


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All right. Speak queen.


Okay. First of all, can I just tell you that the other day on Instagram, I was like promoting our podcast, you know?


And I was like, we all have over like this many reviews, five star reviews.


And like, we got nominated for iHeart awards, whatever.


And some bitch comment replied back to me and was like, she was like, just so you know, you only got those reviews and the numb, those nominations for being a bachelor recap podcast, I don't listen to anymore.


And I blocked her on the spot.


I blocked her on the spot and she doesn't listen now.


So she doesn't even, she doesn't, she won't hear this.


Well, here's the thing though. That's why we got nominated when we were doing bachelor recaps.


So we got nominated for that. Cool.


We did that for years. So we don't deserve the nomination cause we're not recapping all seasons.


Who's 30% of our content.


That's very true. The other 60 to 70% of our content was I


think one of them, one of the things we were nominated for was TV, best like TV.


So that sure recap, but the other one was best ad reads.


So that has nothing to do with being a bachelor podcast.


And that's really mean, and it's Necessary


Guys Prove her wrong.


Please leave a five star Out


there for Becca's birthday for the Love


of God.


Yeah. Tap those five stars. If you want to say happy birthday back.


Okay. Listen. If Becca has in any way improved your life, affected your life even negatively, whether it be positive or negative, if you have consumed any of that made You


feel mad, Sad,


just hit that subscribe button on YouTube.


Subscribe on YouTube, smash it on the apple podcast app and five stars please.


It's five stars. Please leaves my eyes.


Oh, this is another thing I have to talk about, which is birthday posts.


Okay. I don't want to make this very clear. I love do birthday post last year, but it was a little too good.


Cause then a lot of people in the comments were saying that you were a good friend and I just want, I just want you to know, I don't want a repeat of that situation.


Okay. I was actually, I'm feeling a lot of relief that you're saying this to me because I did, you know, it was a good, it was a good birthday post.


It was a good, it was stellar.


The post to me was so lovely LA for my birthday to, I


don't remember what it was, but I remember you did like a poem and it was kind of like 10 things I hate about you.


Yeah. It was kind of romantic and no, but then with my birthday post, you like were, there was clips from me from the podcast about me laughing and being your friend and doing this.


It was so nice. But I will say I had been researching tick talks to be like, okay, how am I going to make this post?


And so I wanted to put it, but it was also feeling a little nervous.


Cause I was like, I don't think I wouldn't be able to be as creative.


I don't know. Can you, this is what I want for my birthday.


You've got 24 hours to do it. Okay. Speak it.


I want You to do, let me set my alarm.


Yeah, please, please. I want you to do, did you see that tick talk of that girl when her child is in the hospital and they were like, and it was like, what's wrong with baby?


Do you mean the most, the most upsetting tech talk that's ever been made in the entire world?


Yes. I actually felt bad for her because obviously she didn't think when she did that, that she would get the response that she did, which is kind of her fault for being that out of touching.


Yeah. But I did feel bad cause I'm like, she's already in the position where she's going through something stressful with her family and now she's going viral for people saying that she's a Horrigan offering.


It was the, it was one of the worst Ted talks I've ever seen.


It was really done. And one of the best, so I want you to do a dance like that kind of thing where it's like, it's Becca and I want the captains, you know, like be like it's Becca's birthday, she's 27, you know?


And you're like doing body rolls to like a very popular song.


That's all I want you to do is do a Tik TOK song.


You want me to do a Tech talk song?


Yeah. I don't, I don't, I'm not on that.


You don't want an original, you don't want an original score from me if you like, I


like to throw it in, but I want to make sure that it, that the tick talks theme is thing.


The tick talks theme is write nice things about me in the comments.


Me, my birthday, not just being a good friend day.


Okay. So it might be a good score in a video.


Yeah. The message her at privately don't need to see it in the comments just about.


Okay. All right. And


that's a note to you broads too. Don't comment.


Anything about just how pretty she's looking, how sweet it is.


That's going to piss me off.


That's going to get me triggered and I'm going to need you to hold back and message her privately.


Some things should stay private and on my birthday, compliments to anyone other than me should say private, thank you.


The message has been sent and I will start broads.


I will start off please. I will start this off myself, Becca, a few of my favorite things about, Oh,


thank you.


Finally, someone gives me what I want.


First of all, on a surface level, you've never been prettier, Prettier.


You're glowing. Your hair is looking fantastic.


Your style has been popping up.


Everything is really coming together for your 27th year.


It's funny. Cause it's true. Cause we were looking at the podcast and I was like, hideous, hideous.


I know not everything is about a periods, but that is ugly.


What are you doing? Did you put any effort before you walked out of the house?


So I feel like I'm really emerging from, And


you are top level.


You are looking 10 out of 10 on a personal level.


You had made commitments to yourself personally about just like how you were going to move through life.


And I want to say to you, whether it's on the podcast and off the podcast, you have never been more positive, joyful, less like there's no, there, there is, there is this new backend.


Now who's like, when we're starting to kind of go down that like shit talking, hold you'll be the one to be like, you know what?


I'm not going to do it mass. I mean like just, just like you told yourself and you have done it and you have done it.


Well, you're an amazing mother, an amazing mother.


Your children are an absolute representation of that.


I literally could not handle Ruth's birthday.


I was like, who are Evan? And I left were like, who are these perfect children?


Like I can't even just sweet, like lovely, wonderful.


And you're also really funny and you make me laugh all the time and I love you.


And you're my favorite person.


Okay. And it's all true. Thanks. I love you.


I love you. Happy birthday.


Sweet. Can we take a tip?


Put it in Bobby,


anything she said I better not hear anything remotely.


Similar to what you just said.


Exactly. You need to read all the other broads comments and make sure yours is completely Original,


Original compliments. It's exactly.


Come up with thousands of unique, special things.


Words of affirmation on the birthday. Oh


my God. Also, can we just talk about that for a minute?


About, did you see the video that I took of Amber when she was watching the performers?


I mean, I was watching her the entire time and of course this kid.


Oh, so cute. Great. Told me that she whispered about, okay.


So on Ruth birthday we had Elsa and Ana from frozen come and perform And


Ruth. Okay. I'm sorry to interrupt you.


So I, I know like of course you adore your child.


Like you see her all the time.


Yeah. As an outsider. Let me explain something.


Walking into your house and her and her little Elsa dress, Ruth was floating around like floating.


She was levitating around the party.


Like she was just going up to everyone.


She was singing to herself the entire time.


She was like in, she like went into the back, like past the bounce house and it was all the other kids were playing in the dirt.


And she was like, literally weaving in between them singing full like show yourself.


And I'm like I'm captivated.


And she is just so cute.


Just, I mean, like I couldn't, I was like, I was just following her around the party the whole time.


I was like, nobody talked to me, I'm watching As


a topper on the cake. We see the Ember and Ruth were totally Ember brought her little phone, Seeing the two of them, like tried to get a phone on the polar.


It didn't, it didn't come out good. But they're both like huddled sitting on the bounce house, like going through the phone, just like, like It


was so cute. I posted a video and everyone was commenting.


Everyone was like crying and they're like, it's you and Becca in the past.


And then there, they were calling them the chatty babes and I was like, stop it.


I can't handle it. My heart's gonna explode.


That's so cute.


So cute. But so great told me that, that, that during the performances that Amber was like, the reason she was looking at that, like that is that she was pretending, she goes, is that the real?


She was so skeptical. And she was just like sitting back, just watching them perform.


And she comes back to me and yeah, to me in evidence, she's just like, so that the real Elsa and I said, I'm like, I don't quite know.


I'm like, I, I maybe I'm like, I don't know.


I don't, I don't, you know, I don't know. Maybe she maybe sh I mean, would you, could you consider her the real Elsa she's dressed as Elsa going to perform at children's parties?


Or maybe she's one of the real Ellis' because guess what else is a cartoon?


So she's not real. So maybe she's the real outfit.


I don't know. Yeah. Aaron Dell, I don't know.


But a Novia.


Exactly. I don't know. I'm not sure. But then Amber was just like, Hmm, I'm not sure.


She goes, I don't, she doesn't quite look like her.


Her voice sounds a little different, but I'm going to keep watching.


She was just top to bottom.


Just like analyzing her was so sad About


that age too is, and what's so fantastic about that is so there is the half of her that is going, that could be the real Elsa from Aaron Dell.


And that is what is so amazing about that age is they're not like it's a movie and it's fake.


It's like, And


she's in the in-between. So she's like, she's processing.


It's like, well, I want it to be true.


But also my critical mind now is like, but I'm not quite sure.


So, so fantastic. She Didn't


say anything about, did she just take for granted that Ana Ana actually looked much more like the characteristics that's the real honor.


She was, I think pretty accepting of Ana. It was Elsa that she was feeling a little skeptical about just feeling a little skeptical.


She wasn't quite, she wasn't quite buying it though.


They were both lovely performers, but she was, you know, Ana was, it was kind of a dead ringer.


Yeah. Braids and everything. And she had to go to the bathroom at one point side of the house.


And Ruth was like, where's Donna, where did Ana go?


You know, like she's supposed to be here for my party.


Where is ti, Please.


Nobody embarrass me around.


No problem. She goes, maybe Ana, Elsa, come back next weekend.


You know? Like, So she's like, but if they really loved me, they would come back For


a long flight. Honey. That's Expensive.


That's good. Yeah. Aaron, I can just hop on a 27 hour flight every other weekend.


Once a year type thing. Yeah. No, let's, let's, let's take into consideration the cost of a flight from and to Arundel.


And we were scared because at Disneyland, thankfully they were really far away on the float.


Oh Yes. Yes. We Are


scared. I was Googling like do, are do Ana and Elsa live at Disneyland.


They don't, they live at California venture because I didn't want her, if she saw them up close And


then she'd be like, see, that's a good mom.


You're diving into research. Your concern.


Where do you want to analysis the sides?


Erin. Dell. Okay. No


fucking Wiki.


I mean the real ones, The


real on an Elsa.


Anyway, another thing let's talk about Disneyland for a second.


Let's talk about it. Just wanted to talk about it after the guys.


Yeah, Because they were, you know what I lectured?


I mean, Evan, Evan knew it was coming because he knows how I feel about Disneyland.


So he knew it was coming.


I will say this. I fully understand the sentiment there.


The bros, basically on their last episode, they, you know, gray had just gotten back from Disneyland for a Ruth's B day present basically.


And so, and he had an amazing time.


And then Evan and him were talking about how much they love Disneyland now with a family, A


red flag. If someone goes without kids.


Exactly. But this is the thing, they took it too far. So to me, there's, there's two things.


I had a season pass with my roommate, same.


We would go quite frequently the best.


And there's the thing is, is they did not differentiate.


There was an anyone without kids who goes, Disneyland is a freak, but they took it too far because I will say this there's some, in my opinion, this is, I'm just gonna speak my truth.


Right now, there is some truth where they're coming from because there are the people who are like this.


I have a Disney pass and I have my five pairs of ears in my closet.


And I go and do my computer work over at the Lafayette or, you know, new Orleans square or whatever.


And then after that, I go and take the little boat ride across to the island.


And then that's where I did take my business calls, you know?


And then after that, and then in the evening, I love catching, you know, dinner at the pirates of the Caribbean.


And then, you know, and then I go home and, and you know, that's how I do my, my days, like my weekdays by myself.


And I have met some of those people and you know, and they have the tattoos and such, and that's where I'm like, stop.


Okay, you live your truth.


Be yourself. I do judge.




Okay? Live your truth. I want you to look, look me in the eyes.


Me, you're sitting across from one of them.


You were in interest to capture it right now, which is one of the best O G movies.


If lover is to cats, if Well,


I could take all my business calls at Disneyland and be there every day.


I would, you know why? Because I want to live in a goddamn fantasy.


I want to be, I


think you, people are freaks.


Please speak.




Would do the same. If there was 30 people in Disneyland, there's not, there's 3000 at any given time with their shitty kids and there and yelling at their partners.


And sometimes there's actual rats that you see running around and it's Yes.


I've seen one for real.


Wow. One got away because I don't think there's ever been one, except that one.


Except Mickey


and Minnie. Yes. There was only two mice who lived there.








thing. It's the, this is why I think those people are freaks because it's still a theme park.


It's a nasty, disgusting theme park.


Not compared to all the other ones I


could lick off that floor, but the amount of people and like the work to get there when you're not, when you're alone, It's


not disgusting. I won't say that, but it's still like the kind of gross theme.


Like it's at the theme parks, all theme parks, even creme de LA creme are It


smells so good. It's so clean and jolly on like six Flags.


It smells like vomit and like sticky coat. Oh


God, six flags. It's. I mean, I love a roller coaster, but here's the thing, you know how, when you were climbing a lot, how you would take a drive hours away and put all the work into that.


That's my Disneyland.


So I'm like, I will I'll drive there.


I'll get through all the crowds, all the busy-ness because that is my, that is my peak summit.


Your Anxiety isn't Effected by that.


No, in fact it's reversed.


I think all the busy-ness around me and like the anxiety around me sued this me, Do


you know what I think of the whole time I'm at Disneyland?


Don't say it. You know what I'm thinking of the entire I


do. I do know what you're thinking of, but you know what? You know why I love Disneyland because no one liked Disneyland is protective to that level.


They know. And so they're like, you got to go through, even if you're coming through downtown Disney.


Yeah. Full search. And they, I forget the amount of like plain clothes, people there who work for security.


It's something like one to every hundred P like it's, it's wild, but they have so many people they're like ready to go.


If there's an emergency, Scared of like, of this though, like even like natural disaster.


And especially, I remember pre COVID now it's not as bad COVID but I remember pre COVID when I had the season path and me and my roommate would go and they'd do the light parade.


And I remember being like squished in like walking pathways.


I don't like that. And I'll get out. I don't, I don't like, I still don't.


I stay away from the parades or anything like that.


I like to get out before the fireworks, you know, I just got, I love it so much.


Yeah. And all seasons of life, really, you know, from being a kid, I used to go every week with my dad growing up, me and him, that was our ritual.


Every Saturday morning, we would get there, like right when they opened the gates.


And then, you know, in high school and college, like, you'd go with your crushes.


And in big groups, it was so much fun.


It's like, oh my God, am I going to sit on the matter horn with Stephen?


Like, oh my God. And it was so exciting.


And then pregnant was like, sweet.


And then once I had Amber and I could stroll around with her now that we live in LA, I like never go, but it's so much fun now with a kid it's magic.


Yeah, it is. Except there's still people vomiting, yelling at their kids.


I guess. I don't see any, I think I must have Disney blinders on, I don't see anything except sparkle and churros and people that are happy and pixie dust and people covered in pins.


Like that's really all that I see and people I'm like, oh my God, look at them.


Having this beautiful time with their family. The only thing I do see is when you see families of like 10 people.


And I'm just thinking about how expensive that is and like how that like a month of work.


Yeah. That's true. That's true. But yeah, so I'm kind of with them on that.


So, sorry, just that I judge you and I, and I think you were Listen


as a Disney Stan, I accept your judgment and I welcome it, but that's weird.


Okay. Well, they were saying that was one step too far. Is that like going by yourself?


I'm like, no, that's like, that's really fun.


My roommate and I used to go, especially, but you know what?


I will say this Gray's never been to California in venture.


And I will say that's a different ballpark, California adventure to me is for Adults.


It feels way more Adult-ish.


I mean, now they have the cool cars and all that, but I've which I've still heard is really cool, so fun.


But I remember when California adventure first opened, you know, it was like story now over California was like very classy.


You know? Like everything was very like, like they sell wine there.


You know, it was all very more like adult oriented.


I mean, you go to California adventure and you get a little, a mini trip around California, all its pockets, smokes and crazy California


adventures. Pretty cool. So you can go visit Fresno, you know, and I can't do any of that, but anyway, so he hasn't been there.


So that might be why. Cause I mean, he hasn't experienced yet, but my roommate and I used to go and what I was going to say was, so we get used to go and we used to bring our, we vapes so we would get off work.


Cause we lived in Lincoln Heights. So it was like, why not our way pretty close to here actually.


So we'd get off work around like five or six and then we'd go.


And we'd just kinda like get dinner and downtown Disney and just hang out to like, you know, 11 or whenever it closes, which is fun too, because then you can go on all the rides late at night.


There's no, there's no lines. There's not really anything.


And let's be real. The night, the rides at night are pretty magical.


So you see the matter horn all lit up the fireworks, all that shit.


So, and it would be so fun. Cause we would stand in line, like just being total G degenerates, like hitting the vape inline with all these children.


And then we'll just be holding the hoodies up to her nose and like try to slowly breathe.


And of course like of course, like vape smoke would like be coming out of the And we'd just be like, oh shit, did anyone notice?


And our eyes are just like, we can barely even open them.


Cause we're just like so stone. And I remember us both being in line for the rollercoaster, Disney, California adventure.


And I remember like looking at her and like her looking at me and I remember us being like I'm so I was getting most still so fun.


Cause it was just two of us. So grant, which I'm sure someone will be like, oh, but whatever.


I'm sure you guys are having like your three Dole whip doesn't don't they have like Dole alcohol beverages now.


Oh, I'm sure that they do. I'm sure that they get back On


Disney now. That's like a new thing in Disney in Disneyland.


Okay. Yeah. I haven't, I haven't, I haven't had that yet.


Right. So It's like, you know, I know people Are having, I guess I know what I'm doing next time I go, here you go.
















wrong. They do have some drink like that Delicious


little star wars Cantina.


Oh really? And they serve like really fun alcoholic beverages there.


And it looks like the Cantina from the movie when they call the green, The


green juice or something like that. I saw that the star wars and it was cool.


I hadn't seen that yet. It's cool. It's almost a little scary.


It's so Real. It's kind of frightened.


I kind of wanted To, I was like kind of ready to be done.


We were there for a while and I was like, I'm in there the whole time.


When you see Chewbacca and I'm F I'm feeling star struck the last time she baka was there and he's by the millennium Falcon.


And he's like, and like embers waving at him.


She, she put, she would point at him and then give, do this finger to him, like come hither.


And he kept coming over and she'd just be like, hi.


She was like flirting with Chewbacca. It was very strange.


She liked the stormtroopers. She goes, I wanna go see the bad guys thought they were so good.


Cool, cool. But Diane so far, we Can't


go on any of the cool rides in star wars.


And The rise of the resistance is Unreal.


I know I've heard, it's worth it to buy like the $20 fast pass or something to get into.


Yeah. It's, it's a cinematic experience.


Like it's an interactive cinematic experience.


You have to, I took your tip by the way, Justin has to get these for anyone who's going to Disneyland and what they're called, what are They


called? They're called Genie Disney


genie plus or something. It's On the app.


You pay like 20 bucks a person. And it'll like, tell you what rides are like, you should go.


It'll plan out your day for you based on typical weight.


Yes. And then you can like do get fast passes.


They don't do the fast passes now that you just like, put your pass in and get it.


You have to pay for it now. But when it's busy at Disneyland, it's just, if you're already spending that money on, like, I


know that that's the thing. You have to go into Disneyland and being like, we're going to burn through the wallets today.


I mean, it's just what you have to accept going through. Oh


no. I'm like, I guess I'm opening a credit card to get Disneyland with Ember.


That's just how it is every time.


Well, you can bring your own snacks in, which is Pretty cool. That is nice.


I definitely bring a full bag. They're


like cool with it. As long as it's not glass, which is nice.


And I just had this realization where, how often do you get D now that you're, you know, that you're a big stoner, pothead, weed smoker, big, you know, Bob Marley fan and all that.


Yeah. The grass, the grass. I love it.


The grass.


Yes. Herbs flower tree.


I smoke it all.


How often would you say you're fearful when you're high?


I can say, well, first of all, I'm very cautious just because I still had like those bad experiences, but the I've only had once now.


And it was just because I got too high and it was a body high and I felt like there were, cinderblocks attached to my feet and arms and I was supposed to go see family.


And I was like, I can't even walk right now.


And I didn't think I had like, had that much, but I couldn't move.


I was just like physically like dragging my body.


And I was like, I don't like this, but in my head I felt happy, but I was not pleased with how my body was responding to The


one in.


Wow. What would you say? I


mean, I would say maybe Weeds.


Yeah. Well, 30 weeds, 30 weeds, 30 dresses, Pretty


priests. One in 30 trees.


Yeah. I realized about half of my time being high is no 30%.


About 30% of my time being high as terrifying.


I don't know why I've been doing it for a decade.


Now If I had had 30% experience like that, there's no way.


It's like, it's like you being like, oh, 30% of the time.


If I have one beer, I puke, it'd be like, well then why are you having beer?


Sounds terrible.


I wrote down. I was like, but half time when I smoke weed, I am scared and miserable.


And then the other half, I feel great, but it must be good enough where I can, I got 70%


Smoking. It's not even that great. But I have been smoking weed for over a now.


And I keep returning to something that scares the shit out of me quite frequently, Running


into fearful arms.




Sad, sad for you. And I think that must be because in high school, because all of my friends were always smoking.


Yeah. Even if I was scared, I just kept doing it.


It wasn't even peer pressure. It was just like, well, I'm, it's just what you do.


I am going to do keep doing this.


Right. So you haven't been smoking recently.


Right? And well, no, I haven't. There was like a couple when I say I haven't misspoken recently usually means like the past two weeks I haven't been Got


it. Okay. Okay. Okay.


But no, if you were having like a retreat from it Really


I'm smoking weed again, but yeah.


I just, it's so strange.


It's so, But I mean, I guess it's about 70% of the time you're enjoyable.


But also if it's a habit too, right?


I mean, there's a little bit of like, it's, you know, for example, it's like me with my coffee, we all know that I have lots of anxiety and that I get heart racing and yet I continue to go back to the bottle here and I just continued to caffeinate myself 24 7.


Even though I know a lot of times I feel terrible from it.


Well, being scared is also kind of an experience.


This is another thing I was thinking like, why do we watch scary movies that scared the shit out of us, But


I know that that's not real.


So I don't necessarily feel Neither


is my, I know that my fear is induced by this thing.


That's like, it's, it's all in my head.


Sure, sure. It's kind of similar.


Some risky living.


Well, this is also the thing after 10 years, I also know that it always ends.


So there's that too. It's like, I know in about an hour and a half, if not sooner, I'm going to be completely Fine.


I'm going to be a slug on the floor anymore.


No. Or just like terrified.


Like everyone around me is looking at me.


And also it'll be funny to look back on.


So I don't know if I started having scary moments.


I'll be real with you. I will, I will back away from the weed.


It's just because it's been good so far, but I'm also very cautious with it.


Yeah. And the one time I kind of wasn't cinderblock feet.


Yeah. I could see them on my feet.


What Do you mean? Like, it was like, I could vision, I could visualize that there were like cinder blocks attached to my feet.


I'm like, I know they're not there and I don't actually see them, but it was so real that I was like, no, there's definitely something weighted attached to my feet, which is why I can't move very well.


Having to like lift my leg up to like take a step.


Yeah. You know? Okay. So here's the other thing.


I, my neighbor just recently told me about this.


Have you ever heard of Bufo before?


So it's this toad venom that people smoke that has this compound in it that it's sort of like DMT where it lasts.


Like, I don't know, like 20 minutes on average, I think.














it. I'll tell you why.


She said that like some people don't even remember their experience like on it at all.


But like, if you Google it most people and it's actually been scientifically shown to help like depression, like anxiety, all these different things.


And what they say is that the only time you've experienced this before is like in birth.


And they say, it's like, like your own birth.


They say your soul goes back to source and recharges and then comes back to your body.


But she said that it felt like she said, she felt, and this is why I thought it might, you should do it with me.


She said, it felt like she recognized that like her soul and her body were two different entities.


And she, she, that made her feel at peace.


Cause she was like, oh, like, it all makes sense.


Like my body's temporary.


And like, this is where, like she said, it was like this overwhelming sense of like deja VU of like familiarity.


I mean, that sounds beautiful.


Yeah. But the fact of the matter is that knowing my luck we'll smoke it together.


You'll have a unbelievably beautiful experience.


And I, you said this is toad venom.


I will somehow go shoot mother towed, get swallowed by her and have like this horrific, like giant towed expense.


You know? What's so funny is that when I was thinking about doing it with you, I literally thought I shouldn't do it with Jess because she's going to come out of it first and he's going to be like this Becca.


It was incredible.


It was, I just, I can't even, you just have to do it.


And then I would be, that is so funny because I literally thought that and then I was like, oh, I'm going to come out of it.


Like terrified.


I mean, I guess you, you have your, your fears with the drugs and Do


you want my first, but when she brought it up, I was like, yeah, wait, so you got to do what you're saying, I cut you off.


He said, I have my first drug, but you know, I'm


just saying you've you've I like, you have your fears with drugs, but I just I'm like, I just never have ventured there much.


And then, And


















thing. Do I look? She said, it feels like when you, when you said it felt like when you what's it called, when they like put you under like, like, you know how she said, you know how like with anesthesia, how they'll be like asking you a question, you'll be like, ah, and then you wake up and it's like over.


Yeah, she did. It felt like that where it felt like there was no time passed for B w but she said that, oh, it's quick.


Yes. Well, like I said, it's on average 20 minutes, but she said the feeling of it is like, she didn't even, she, this, this is how exactly it she described.


She said, if she was at this beautiful place in Malibu, this beautiful home, that with the facilitators of it or whatever you smoke it, you hold it in as deeply or no, you didn't hold it and you just keep breathing it in deeply.


And then what they described was like, if you've taken enough, like you won't even, you'll be gone before you even exhale.


So it happens like quick.


And she said that like she, like, yeah, she breathed it in.


And then she said, she saw like this black and white sort of like swirl or like a spiral.


And then the next thing she remembers is like seeing the spiral go actually the other way and then like opening her eyes.


And she was like in the arms of someone of like one of the facilitators.


And she said that she was like, actually really confused for a second of like, why am I like back in my body?


And So like, the trip felt really fast For


her. Yes. She said she used this doesn't even like, really?


Exactly. It's more like she says, she can't describe it. It's like a sense, it was like a sensation and this like, knowing about all these different things about her soul and her body, but it wasn't like I went to this place and I saw these creatures.


And then I came back. That makes me very less anxious because the length is what scares me.


I think a lot of it has to do with like when I had the terrible we'd experienced the one time where it was like, this lasted for, it felt like an eternity.


Yeah. That's what she said. She actually thought of me. Cause she was like, oh, it's not like, you know, a Shroom trip or an acid trip.


We might be buckling up for like 12 to 14 hours.


It's like, feels like a blip in time, but it's a very like expansive, profound sensation.


And she said that ever since then, it's just like even moving about the world.


She was looking at people and like sensing that they're like, you know, this feeling of connectedness of like everyone's like souls and bodies and all that kind of thing.


I think we should all afford to it.


Okay. All right. We can't go in. I don't think you can go in with other people.


You have to do like one person at a time.


Oh my God. I know. Right. And then you have to decide who goes first, The,


the, the Halloween horror nights and they make you go through like a little thing, all of a sudden by yourself.


And I'm like With the group, I want to go.


Can you report Back? Yeah, I, yeah, I don't.


So if you have a horrific, Long experience, I can be like, I'm out.


I'm dipping.


Yeah. I think it's that kind of drug though. That's that's the thing I was gonna like, I D I think that the way she described it as if like, look, if you're trying to fight it, but it doesn't even seem like you have much of a chance to fight from the way she was describing.


It seems like it's like, like it's like beams you up kind of thing, you know?


Yeah. And I told her that the, one of the scariest things I think about being higher, like tripping on anything for me personally, is actually having of lucidity where You're


like, no, I guess I was just Acting


crazy. And I know I'm just about to go back.


Yeah. Yeah. No, I totally, Gary, I don't like that at all.


I'm like, I kind of like the feeling of being like sucked up and suck it down and that's it.


Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I'll run and done.


Right. All right. All right. I'll do it.


Let's do it.


Yeah. I have to go first though, because again, if you have like, no, actually it will be worse if you went first and then you were like, Becca, it was so beautiful.


That's gonna, that's going to trip me out.


Oh. If I had a great experience, cause then you're going to get in your head.


Like something bad is going to happen to me.


What if I went first and I came out and I was like, it was hell on earth.


Like, it was horrifying.


Like I saw the devil.


Salvin reborn us as spawn.


You're like, what if he came out? What if you came out in your psych, then you're like, I'm Satan's wife.


He, So we got married and it's on the opposite finger because I don't know the devil.


He just does things differently.


Now it's your turn.


I had a Bible teacher tell me that Satan worshipers call him to toss because everything's backward.


Oh my gosh. That's true.


No, so I am the tosses mistress.


So I come out and I'm like, have a split Tonight.


My tongue is cut and I am speaking backwards.


If you do that, I would literally leave you there.


And I would drive Home so quick. You wouldn't go in.


No, you wouldn't try it after that.


Hmm. Maybe I need to explore my dark side. Maybe I should.


Coward Was like, your eyes are all black, but yeah.


I mean, I think we should do it fine for Your


birthday. I'll say That. And it costs $333.


Oh no, but that means, you know what?


People, you know what that adds up to 6


66. I bitch I'm out. All right. I'm done.


So that's why we got the guy to get the guys in there.


Cause then it adds up to $1,368 or something.


Oh, Okay. If it's the, number's not 6, 6, 6, let's see.


6 66 times two is and see what the numerology is.


Report back guys, if this is bad or good, but, But


we then have to pay all together.


$1,332. Okay.


Okay. Because we have to pay, we have to pay all the four of us together because I don't want to pay $666 going in.


That'll just scare me On


Venmo. You're just like, yeah. 6 66 Also


a lot of money. I'm not going to lie to you Put


a once-in-a-lifetime experience or a dance with the devil.


It is actually a lot of money. They must be rocketing.


The cash of those experiences are only like 20 minutes.


Jeez. Yeah. That's oh, should we do ads?


All right. Well for quick breather from my potential horror is going to hold over my head for her birthday.


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So I did want to tell you about something that happened to me.


Good. So I am on my period right now.


Yeah. And well, two things about that one.


I went out in my follicular phase.


My friend was like, Hey, can you please meet me out at this party?


You're like, let me check my, and I looked and I'm like, check my chart.


And I was like, oh no, my period is starting tomorrow, but I didn't want to bail on her.


So I went in with you in my brain.


And I was like, okay. I told her I was going to go out.


The last time I went out, we all know what happened. And I made an absolute fool of myself.


So what I'm going to do this time is I'm going to channel the energy.


That is me during this phase, which is a little quieter.


I'm not like bouncing around. I'm not trying to impress and be like, Hey, quick banter.


I'm like, I'm going to channel my mystery.


I'm going to dry. I kept my sunglasses on.


I wore all black. Oh, I love it.


And I was super like laid back. Not trying to force anything.


No. And let me tell you what it was a success.


Well done. I went out and I had great conversations with people.


I felt very like, it was weird because I think accepting what phase I was in and then kind of, you know, adding a little bit of a part to it.


I'm like, I'm just going to play mysterious.


I felt very like sexy, still in my body because I was accepting where like my head space was.


And I'm like, maybe this is my new oscillation period.


That's what I did right before I got my period.


When we went out to comedy, I was like, I'm gonna wear all black kind of like flowy.


So it's comfy. But then some heels put my hair up.


So it's out of the way and I'm not brushing it back and it feels good.


Right? You're like, okay, this is right for the time.


It was perfect. It was perfect. And I, and I, then I had an amazing time and it was a very successful experience.


And so I'm like, I'm going to keep doing, Rebecca's telling me because if I just step into that part of my month, it's just, it Just


bores anything. Right. You Dig


your heels in. Normally if I were to go out and I'd be at that point in my phase, then I would feel super.


I feel like super not in my own body.


I feel like I'm trying to force this part of me.


That is me, but I'm just not in that head space instead of just into, into follicular phase, Jess, and she is a mysterious bitch, honey.


She is brooding.


And the com the comebacks can be quick, but they're just different.


They're a little harsher. I think you're, You


know, that's your luteal phase.


Luteal phase. Am I saying it all wrong? I think for like you're full, fully killers.


Right? Let me look it up real quick. I think of, But


I'm also Aaron, I'm gonna turn the air on.


I'm so sorry, because you know what it is February and it is 85.


It's always like this in LA in that at some point in January, February.


It's so hot. Okay. Hey, to be the corrector here, but is it luteal?


Yeah, you're instilling. Okay. Well here's the thing.


I got it wrong, but I did it right, but I did it.


Right. So that was part one.


And that was great. But then two days later in my luteal phase, I was in my car, minding my own business at a stop light.


And the guy behind me hit me.


It wasn't a big, you know, he bumped me.


Yes. But the parking lot was right next to the light.


And so I just pulled in and I could see him very annoyingly pulling in, even though he hit me and he was annoyed.


I literally just witnessed that today of a car pulling, like pulling out in front of someone, getting sideswiped and being like, what the fuck?


And you're like, dude, you just Like,


this is what you did. So he pulls in irritated.


I could tell. And as I like get out of my car and I'm being really friendly, like it was a bump, it happens.


I've done it before, whatever we'll get it paid for, you know, whatever.


And so, and so I was like, hi, how are you?


And I was right away friendly. And he didn't say anything.


And he just like walks away for a second to pick up the license plate from the front of his car that had fallen off in the passive aggressive, passive, aggressive, all gentlemen Younger.


He's probably like in his fifties.


And, and I'm then behind my car, I'm taking photos of the damage, which was very minimal.


Right. There's just like, there was a couple little scratches, a little like two little tiny dents.


It wasn't big, but we just got the bumper replaced recently.


So it was like, oh, here we go. Again, sucks.


So, but I was taking photos of it and, and he like walks up next to me and he goes, no damage.


And I'm like, well, yeah, there's some, some damage right here.


See? And he goes, I don't say anything.


And you're like, don't try to bully me out of this. Give me your fucking insurance card right now.


The police, he goes, I don't say anything.


And he and I, like, I bend down and I'm like, I will point out right here.


The dense in the damage that was done.


I said, it's not a lot, but you definitely did damage to my car.


And he's like, well, I don't see anything.


So I don't know why we have to exchange information and Becca you're luteal phase queen lost it.


What did you do?


It exploded out. Are you serious?


Yeah. I didn't yell at him, but my Britain, the smash room yet get to this room girl.


But I looked at him and I was just like, dagger my Scorpio.


It just like came in and I looked at him and I'm like, I'll scream.


I said, if I was a man right now, there's no way that you would be fucking acting like you don't see any damage.


It's because I'm a woman. If I was a man, there's no way you'd beach.


Oh, I was going off on him. I'm like, there's no way that you'd be trying to get out of showing me your insurance card.


Give me your insurance card. Right? The fuck.


Now I lost it on him.


Fully lost it on him. What did he do?


He was like, he was pissed, but he was keeping it at bay because I think then he got, he's like, oh, she's not playing right now.


Like, she's going to do something drastic because I was just like, cause like I'll show you fucking damaged videos when people get in their car and then they start raining into the other car.


But it was crazy. Cause I literally said four times when I came out of the car was being so nice to him.


And then I showed him, I'm like, well, there is actual damage.


And then he was refusing to exchange information with me.


And it's true. If I was some tall guy standing there, there's no way he would have been like, I don't see any damage.


I'm not going to give you my insurance card.


Yeah. Oh man. I lost it.


Luteal phase.


So he was pissed, but he's keeping it at bay. And then he Brought it up and then he gave it, he like, he very begrudgingly showed me his stuff and then like he pulled out his insurance card and I'm like, I'm going to also need your license.


And then he was like, oh. And then I was like, I'm going to also need your number.


Like I was getting everything from immediately to your family doctor and go, I need scans my neck.


Something's bothering me. No, in fact I, I was so just like fired up that I came home and I completely forgot about it for like 48 hours.


And then I was like, oh, and I forgot to tell you someone hit my car.


Cause I just got like, so I was so mad justifiably.


So I was just so irritated.


I'm like, excuse me. So that was my luteal phase so far.


Cause for you, I don't, I don't have really the, I don't think I have the capacity to go off on a stranger like that.


And I wish I did.


Maybe if I was defending like a young, like someone, like if someone was hurting, I


think I could. I think I, I don't have the capacity to go off on someone who I know the stranger thing.


Apparently I don't have a problem with and it's so like not me normally.


And then it's like good for you. And I was just like, oh, you're going to try that with me right now.


You're going to, and all I could hear in my head too, is Evan always says, cause like, if Evan's ever there, nothing like this ever happens.


And then when I'm alone, often like that type of shit goes down.


So I was hearing that in my brain and I was like, It's


not going to happen this time.


Not today, bitch.


I'm in my face. And I just had a successful night, two days ago.


You're not going to take me away from this.


You know, I had someone do that in AI, in the Santa Monica college parking structure where I was sitting in the car on the phone and this bitch pulls in her car next to me.


He goes, my car moves.


And so I'm like, Chris, I'm going to have to call you back One


sec. Yeah. Yeah. Like as if I have a flip phone and then I walk around and I'm like, I don't remember what I said.


I was just like, you just Go down. You're just like, so, So


I got out and walk around. I'm like, Hey, I don't know if I feel like you hit my car.


Like, she was literally about to like walk out and go to class.


I was like, you hit my car. And she, with the most attitude, she was like, no I didn't.


She could like, and I go, well, I was like, well I was sitting in my car and I felt it move.


Like I felt the car move.


And she was like, I think that was already there.


And I'm like, this is great paint.


Your car is great. Oh, and on your car, you have white paint on your car.


Cars made love. As you Can


see, there was a little friction, There


was a little friction between them and now we have the evidence.


So paid.


Yeah. It was so crazy. And she was literally like, no, no.


And I go, okay, well, and she was probably like 19.


I'm like, okay, well I'm going to need your license and registration and that stuff.


And she goes, oh fine.


And literally I remember her being like rolling her eyes and like sticking her arm on like she's so old.




Literally She's like here, you know? And I'm like acting still as if she I'm inconveniencing her.


Cause I didn't hit her. She didn't hit my car crazy.


I've had similar situations before we've been present when similar things have happened.


And I just, I think who are these people?


And I want like maybe 1% of that in my body because I don't want to be that asshole.


But at the same time, like if I open my car door and I bump into someone's car, I have, if they're not in the car, you're about to get a full blown, like rolled up letter from me on your hood with like my social security number where I live too much information.


If they're in the car, I'm


like, I'm So


sorry. I'm like, oh my God. I'm so sorry.


I mean, I'm panicking. So the idea of being annoyed at someone when I do that, I can't, it doesn't register.


I, We have had, I don't think I've really ran the gamut when it comes to car accident situation.


Yeah. You truly have my tool. I haven't told you this one when I was in high school and I was a senior.


So you get to eat off campus lunch. Right?


Love that. Yeah. I had my car.


I probably, I probably had totaled it.


So I had my dad's Tahoe that I was driving and I took a couple of my friends were going to McDonald's as you do.


Of course. And as I'm leaving the parking lot backing out or something, I scrape into this guy's truck.


It's a beater. It's old, whatever.


I still am like, oh, I'm going to exactly.


I'm so sorry. I hit, I hit your truck.


Here's my number.


Yeah. I could, I didn't know. I couldn't figure out who was in the McDonald's.


Cause I had to go back to class. I was going to be late, but I leave my info.


I go, I get a call from this guy in class and he's like, I'm calling the police on you.


This is a hit and run.


I'm calling the police. They can investigate.


He was saying that they were going to come to my school and arrest me.


But I know cause I've hit cars before.


And the case was about hit and run.


And I go, sir, I left my information.


You know who I am. You're calling me right now.


That's no, I'm sorry, sir.


I had to leave to go back to class.


I, you have my information that it's not a hit and run.


And he was like, we're going to find you, we're going to come to the school.


I'm like, sorry, you don't have to find me.


I'm giving you my insurance information right now, Sir.


Oh my God. He would not let up.


But I, thankfully I knew about it. Otherwise I would have been terrified.


But then The picture I can picture high school back and being like, listen, sir, I'm in section 1 25 of this, part of our, our law.


What you're doing to me now is harassment.


And I will arrest your ass chewing gum and like playing with your septum ring.


And you're just like, I will have you arrested, immediately serve.


Like I said, I was like, but you have like information.


I have to go back to class.


And then, you know what the funniest thing was is that apparently this then later that day in my mock trial, like after school group, whatever this girl in there, it's like, oh my God, like my redneck cousin is complaining posting photos all over Facebook, about how someone hit his car in the McDonald's parking lot.


And I'm like,


shit on Facebook right now about this bitch.


You hit and run his car in the McDonald's parking lot.


That's Money. That's


bizarre. And then, you know, I was harassed and verbally assaulted.


And when I tap someone's car in the parking lot before I really had a Lot


of car experiences, That's my fault. I've hit a lot of things.


No, I get that because I also, I'm not, I've become a good driver, but I used to be a really terrible driver and I would hit like just ding things like inanimate objects all the time.


Or like when I was pulling out the parking lots where my absolute hell Women


actually have worse, spatial awareness than men really in your brain.


Like when you're moving about the world, there's a whole podcast on this.


Like your brain plots out points.


Like it's like, I guess it's like a T my mom described it as like a triangle.


I'm probably describing all wrong, but it's like, your brain will plot out as you're walking along, like in your peripheral and in front of you, like, this is like, this is the distance away.


That things are from me. And all of that wins is just worse than men's or like we're like lacking some component of actually biologically.


Can I tell you I can barely walk downstairs?


I'm like the same old, the railing. I'm just like, oh my God, like escalators scare me so much.


I was just thinking of the escalators CN for my students.


The bachelor, her biggest fear was falling down the escalator.


And ever since she said that I can't get out of my fucking head.


I never thought about it before Math


trap there, it's literally like it's slippery.


It's metal. It's jagged with like the way that like the edges of the escalator are just poking out.


And it is, it's hard if you've ever like scraped your shin, that hurts so bad.


God forbid I have to take Ember down the escalator with me.


Like I will find the elevator or stairs.


I'm like, I hate this so much because I'm so nervous about it.


And so then I'm, and she doesn't pay attention.


So I'm like, and now Get us because we're taking so long to get on the escalator going down, going up.


I'm fine. Ruth. When I was traveling with her recently, we were on the escalator at the airport and I hopped on and she was with my suitcase and I thought she was right behind me, but she was still timidly waiting just to have fun.


So then I'm trying to run up the escalator, you know, to get her just a nightmare.


Just a total nightmare is The


stuff You gotta be careful. Cause it could be a self fulfilling prophecy because CN one time we were meeting up and she had fallen down the escalator.


Yes, totally cut up her legs.


It was horrible. She felt, And the escalator I need to, like before I step on the escalator, like I need to give myself the energy of like, okay, here we go.


I'm going to dominate this thing.


Like, I'm going to make this escalator, my fault, The


sidewalk, you know, do you fall?


I know I'm not very Courtney used to fall off.


I used to bike around UC Irvine and I'd fall off my bike all the time.


Like I would just like hit a curb and like fall off my bike as you know, an adult, Just


the mental image of you just like hitting a Bush and your legs.


Just Like, yeah, probably just flying all over things.


Everyone everyone's always Just like, have you seen that one girl on campus?


Like she's always, Hey


golfer. You know what? The funny thing is too, is they give out tickets on campus.


If you ride your bike there's there are some, sometimes you, a police officer giving out tickets, ride your bike.


Yeah. You're not supposed to ride it on ring road. The designated walk, you know the place.


I Mean, sometimes you gotta get places fast.


I Do. I'm always late to things, you know, campus when you've only got 10 minutes to walk, like To


be fair, you are always.


Yeah. So they're like, please don't this is a liability.


Like you're gonna get Caused us a lot of money in a lawsuit.


Okay. So please put your bike away.


He goes those legs. Yes


ma'am but the bike. So people, scooter around too, which is just So


you can't bike, but you can scooter. I actually Don't


think he would scoot her either, but people can just like hop off.


Let's get her real quick. I'll cool. And be like full of The


razor. I used to have a professor. There was a professor on campus who was so Hot


and he Scooted around campus. No skateboarded.


He was, I mean, it was, it was literally like every One


on 30 he's like 28 or professors.


And she like that 2 27 at the time.


And he and everyone talked about him on campus.


He was so like, it wasn't even like, oh, you're hot.


Like w it wasn't like, oh, there's a bunch of professors that aren't attractive.


And then he's like the one young one. So you're like, maybe you're cute.


Like, he was like a model.


Okay. And he would like wear his little tortoise shell glasses with his, like one hair that would fall in front of his eye.


And every once in a while, he'd take the glasses off. And it was like, it was like an Indiana Jones.


You know, when he's the professor, it was just like, oh my God.


And then he'd have his cute little outfits and his briefcase.


And he would skateboard around the campus.


And he would teach history too, which is like really hot, hot history teacher.


Yeah. Do you think I'd make a good professor? Yeah.


You would. I would love to be a professor.


I could imagine you being incredible at being a professor, but even more so incredible at knowing that you're a professor.


Like you, I imagine you're being an incredible teacher.


Like I could, I would think that you'd like speak and teach very well, but even better than that would be like your aura of like, I am a professor, like what you're wearing, how it would be.


It's like this guy, how you're showing up to class, the way that you would like pull your button down, the way you put your glasses on, it would be like, who is this person I Need


to be professor Lives. Has she lived through That's


the next thing I have to do is be a fucking professor that requires a lot of school, but I'm up for the challenge.


Yeah. You know, I think what I would really enjoy too, is I love this as a fellow student because I, especially as I got older, never cared about being the asshole in class, especially when we would do like art classes, you know?


And I would get livid, absolutely furious.


Let the woman Drink most choke on my spit.


I would get livid when someone was clearly half-assed in the assignment and the professors and the other students would dance around it in crit, in critiques, where they would be like, well, I can really see like the dimension and, you know, granted artist's objective, but there was some times where it is so obvious You


like tell them professor tell them they are lazy.


Yeah. That's bullshit. And I remember one time in a critique where there's this guy and it was the third time he had done it.


It was third project. And he was coming up with some bullshit description for something that he had clearly made 30 minutes before.


It's like, it's about temporality, whatever.


And I just remember being like, honestly, Justin, I think said it was Justin.


I was like, honestly, Justin, like, I think it's really obvious that you didn't really put any effort into this critique as like, I just think that, I think I said, like, I think kind of feel like you're bullshitting us right now.


Like, and I, This


is, this is per, this is perfect.


I See you on your bike. You fell into a Bush earlier.


So there's like two sticks in your hair, in my brain.


You're pregnant. And you're in the front row with a couple of sticks in your hair and you have glasses on and you just turn around like Justin, No.


The crazy thing is in critique your Allstate in the circle, around the person's artwork.


So you're all standing there, you know, and you're all like looking at, And


you're just like the, the, the leaves are in the hair.


You're pregnant. And you're like, Justin, some of us want to actually be here.


I don't know what this bullshit is.


I honestly, I don't know. I'm not going to lie. I just, it doesn't seem like he put very much working.


I just gotta be honest. I gotta say it.


I gotta say it. And everyone else is just kinda like, so I can't wait to be that professor where I'm like, where you just, where I'm like, and you know, it's incredibly disrespectful that you would blatantly lie to my face saying that you put any thought at all into this project because we can see it.


We can all see it. And you're like, do you want to be here?


I sure don't Have


teacher going off on the students know.


Okay. Because this teacher was like, if I saw any of, you had to say like, man, I think I know where she's coming from.


Obviously she's clearly having a breakdown. Of Course


at times I think it was something was on zoom.


Okay. But it's, it's those stressful times.


I never had a group of students where I can say with such confidence that I would not care.


I remember having teachers that would like break down crying.


I mean, yeah.


Horrible, horrible. There's one specific teachers emotionally, constantly.


There's one specific teacher that I like.


I wish that I could find his information because the amount of trauma.


Yeah. The amount of shit that our entire class put this poor man through is like, it haunts me like trauma.


We put our Spanish teacher through, oh my God, God, God, we'll just walk up, get up in the middle of her lecture and just go make popcorn in the back of the room in the microwave.


I mean, Imagine the disrespect insane.


The disrespect. Like I used to God, I was so weird.


Okay. I used to every day, but I don't think he liked this and I was doing it because I'm weird.


And I thought it was, I have a weird sense of humor, but I would take every day I would get a Snapple.


I'd pop the Snapple and I'd take the Snapple fact, my, my diet peach.


And I would draw this weird guy that was looking over like a cartoon of a weird guy, looking over like a fence saying the Snapple cap.


And I'd be saying what the Snapple cap said and be like, Mr.


Lore, how, why?


Hello? Then he'd say weird shit. Like, well, hello there.


How are you today? Did you know?


And I'd leave it at his desk every day.


And every day he'd look at it and he would just be like, so disturbed.


And then like the class would be chanting his name whenever he would try to talk.


And I just So


high school is crazy. Cause you adopt these like, like things like that where you're just like, I'm going to make this my thing you're Calling.


This is my weird thing that I Do with the popcorn where I'm like, this is my thing.


I'm going to bring a bag of popcorn and pop it in class.


I sit around and you're like, I'm the pop, the Snapple cap girl, everyone loves it.


Everyone thinks it's like your hole in your, you've got a shtick in class.


And everyone's like, oh my God. Beck is about to do that. Or like, oh, Jess is about to deliver her letter to him.


Like it's a whole thing. And I think about now terrorism, I was speaking to a group of 15 year olds and they were treating me that way.


And they were Hulu, Suzanne bros.


Anytime you'd try to talk about anything.


I would, I would go off.


There's no way that I could keep my composure iPhones.


Exactly. And it's like, I, you know what? I have one class at me.


I could do it one time, second day done.


I will be like lock Period where it's like two and a half hours of the Same


shifts. I would just be crying. And I'd be like, you all have no idea.




Algebra teacher who was pregnant. And I remember in eighth grade and I remember standing in front of all of us crying.


Oh, that poor thing just being like, you guys are just like, she was losing it.


Yes. Oh. And we're all just sitting there, like finally listening to her six.


Sorry Mrs. Nazaryan I, I


feel, I feel horrible. Like I go back and I just feel like in general, I was always too scared to, because I was such a people pleaser to do with the teachers.


But this, this one specific one, sometimes the entire cloud, the thing, it was like, there was that's the certain teachers.


Sometimes there's a class.


Yeah. Certain teacher and a suit, certain combination of students that is just coming together of it's fun for the students.


It's almost like the students feel like they you're like, we can take advantage.


We can, we can, we can take this teacher unit.


It's like, they it's like, we almost thought when we were students, like we could do enough to let you out to let us out of class early.


Yeah. Like we can do this together.


Most of the kids wouldn't even show up to his class because we have like a lunch period before.


Yeah. And there'd be like four of us in the class. I remember in my Spanish to be sitting there front row with like my delivery Snapple cap letter.


What was his name? Shout him out. Mr.


Moore. I'm so sorry. You were such a sweet man.


I feel horrible. What broads in that notes.


Shout out to all the teachers. Thank you for all your input.


We love you and happy birthday tobacco send amazing messages to her.


Oh man. Yeah. That feels like ages ago when we talked about that episode.


So next episode, I would like to talk to you about so many things.


Psychicness about, oh my God.


My love I have, I have this thing I need to talk to you about, about uniting people.


Yeah. Gosh, there's so much. Actually our next episode is going to be with a professional at a map tune in Tuesday for the professional matchmaker episode, it was a really great episode.


We recorded already. You all are going to love it.


And then of course, tomorrow tune into the bros because there are two very special guests, very special guests that will be joining the bros.


You do not want to miss it.


We love you all and chat soon, soon.


Hi, I'm Katie Stall and I'm Cody Johnston.


We are the hosts of even more news.


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And welcome to another episode of Chadi rods with Back End channels. Youll You know, the bros started theirs by cracking open a beer, but where'd the healthy, we're the health Queens the started theirs by cracking open a beer, but we're the healthy we're the health queens. here. I'm a hydrated a hydrated bitch now. I'm I'm hauntings to change my life around. Youll know what mean? Did I tell you about Did we talk about in the podcast the guy that only drank yeah. The guy with the horses that only oh, yeah. Did I tell you about how he got last time about how he got really sick? Wanted to make sure to bring you yeah. Okay. Well, so far, I'm still okay. Yeah. I've been puking just it's been nonstop. In fact, give me one second. The water is just not not doing well. Well, here's the thing. I wanted to pop some champagne and also have a delicious birthday treat for the birthday queen, but I couldn't find our crowd cake for your canned krita dot. Fuck you. Actually, keto desserts have been really good. I wasn't hundred percent crap, like, quite sure what I can eat. I'm really glad youll would be sad if you bought something that I couldn't eat. And then Yeah. I figured that I didn't know enough about it. But then I got the champagne and then you were like, Jessica, you can't have that. And I'm like, well, but it was sweet. Well, you know, we tried having a great day. Thank you. Thank you. Have a birthday to me. Do you know me. Do you know what one of my most favorite things about you is? My birthday. I know about you. Yeah. Is that I'm really terrible at remembering birthdates, but I don't let you forget. No. It's not that. That's not a thing. I can Google you. That's my most favorite. That's 27th. Get yourself a friend who you can Google their birthday. Okay? Because I'm so bad at remembering days. Birthdaydays? Yeah. I feel terrible. don't I forget my own. You know what I mean? remember. Grey's is the 28th, the 29th. For some reason, I have a really hard time with the twenties friends whose birthdays are like, or family who's like, there are 20 And welcome to another episode of Chadi rods, me Becky and Chadi's me. Well, I don't have to worry about that with you because I can just, you're just a Google away. So I know it's like, I know everything about you. I know your birthday. I don't like the age that you're turning and you are stepping into what I believe is the best Youll the started theirs by cracking open a Bekah, but we're the healthy we're the health queens over here. I'm a hydrated bitch now. I'm full. I'm starting to change my life around. You know what I mean? Did I tell you about good. We're recording this the day before my birthday we talk about in the podcast the guy that only drank yeah. The guy with the horses that only yeah. Did I tell you about how he got last time about how he got really sick? On it 27th, when he started drinking oh, yeah. Okay. Well, so far, I'm feeling okay. Yeah. I've been puking just it's been nonstop. In fact, give me one second. I mean, the water is just not not doing well. Well, here's the thing. I wanted terrible. It wasn't my favorite 27th, some champagne and also have a delicious birthday treat for the birthday queen, but I couldn't find a sauerkraut cake your canned keto diet. Fuck you. Actually, keto desserts have been really good. I wasn't a hundred percent crap, like, quite sure what I could I'm really glad would be sad if you bought that couldn't eat. And then Yeah. I figured that I didn't know enough about it. But then I got the champagne and then you were like, Jessica, I can't have that. And I'm like, well, but it was sweet. Well, you know, we tried to have a great day. Thank you. Thank you. Have a birthday to me. Do you know what one of my most favorite things about is? My birthday. This sounds like I'm ancient of days know about you. Yeah. Is that coming. You coming to you being like just you late, but now, I'm really terrible at remembering birthdates, but I don't let you forget. No. It's not that. That's not a thing. I can Google you. That's my most That's fun. Get yourself a friend who you can Google their birthday. Okay? Because I'm so bad at remembering days. Birthdaydays? Yeah. I feel terrible. I don't I forget my own. You know what I mean? I always I I can't remember Grace's twenty eight 27th twenty ninth. For some reason, I have a really hard time with the twenties, friends whose birthdays are, like -- Mhmm. -- or family who's, like, they're twenty something. Yeah. I don't know why that's really hard for me. Well, I don't have to worry about that with you Bekahs I can just you're just a Google away. So I know it's like I know everything about you. I know your birthday. I know the age that you're turning and you are stepping into what I believe is the best year. Wow. Okay? Mhmm. away. Not 27th, like, you know, that your hopes too high or anything, but I'm feeling good about it. So far so good. So far so good. We're recording this the day before my birthday also so not twenty seven Y2K. So who knows? But twenty seven, like, now will I say my twenty seventh year was my personal favorite year, not necessarily, but it felt I felt like it was like it felt the best. Did you get pregnant with Embers that year? That's why like I hate the whole concept where people talk about like dressing your I did, which sounds like I'm saying that's terrible. It wasn't my favorite year. I mean, I know I'm correct, dude. I'm like that's why I'm like, is your favorite year? Didn't you get pregnant? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I did. And I, you know, For so I was pregnant for most of my twenty seventh year. So it's not like, you know, I I did a lot of staying at home. I was pretty tired during my pregnancy, but it was just it's a good year. Mhmm. It feels good. Like, I don't know. I feel like everything just starts to kinda come alive. I do feel though like I just started my twenties and then now I'm like, wait a second. I'm in my late twenties now officially in my late twenties. This sounds like I'm ancient of days coming youll coming to you being, like, just you wait. Just you wait. I'm not sure. But Now because you're about to be in your Just let it come I'm gonna be thirty four. That's your mid that's your mid thirties. Yeah. Yeah. We're not about to be, but, you know It feels like it's right around the corner. It's just knocking all day. But it's just like, yeah. Each year comes so quickly now. That I'm just like, I cannot. In my brain, I'm still in my mid twenties. Yeah. I am not gonna be thirty four I know I was just chatting with a with an ex boyfriend as I do. You underneath. So you could get three different colors going, know, as I do around my birthday, the memories come sliding back. No. I was just chatting like, just DMing with myself. I bought two pairs of one of my ex boyfriends where we always reply back to each other's things, usually saying mean things to each other. That has never gone straight. That has never gone away. Yeah. But 27th was like, oh, like, how's your career going or something? And I was like, career. Like, career is such a weird word. Like, I still feel like a seventeen year old most of the time, like career career, career, something you have when you're older. But from everyone I've talked to, it's kinda like that's how you continue to Like the event or the fashion, You thought it was all 40. Even when you're in like, fifty or sixty or, like, I still feel like I'm a very young person. That's why, like, I hate the whole concept where people talk about, like, dressing your age. I mean, go fuck that. No. My insurance. However, My inner junior hire has been dressed to me. I just bought citizens for humanity jeans because Right. And the building was like this giant in junior high had citizens and seven were all my kind and, well, because I went to a private school and everyone had a lot of money and my parents would not buy me them. And so what I would always do when I was in junior high is thrift queen go to the consignment store and I'd, you know, the the the back edges would be too short. Sure. 27th. Broads. But they'd be like forty bucks instead of like a hundred and eighty. So I used to always to find those true religions in the Ruths, you know. Yeah. So I went on poshmark the other day and just started searching like Abercrombie tops. And do you scared. I'd ask my parents and my sister about this because I never remember those tops that youll, like, on the rack Bekahs the fabric would be so thin that on the rack, they would be, like and the sleeves would be, like, this wide when you stress into it. Y2K. Yes. But do remember the ones that would have the cuffs would be, like, five inches and then the buttons, there would be, like, ten tiny buttons. I forgot about those. Oh, yeah. And then I was seeing them Those are right on my poshmark. They were and then you would layer them with two tanks underneath, so you could get three different colors. Mhmm. Going. Oh, that one. Prime Fashion Prime for fashion fashion. So I was like, you know, I'm gonna treat myself. I bought two pairs of citizens. I bought my little seven for all my kind a shorts. And it all came out to a grand total like, thirty bucks Bekahs no one wears that shit anymore. Maybe that's that's the new wave. It it wore this. 27th fashion as they show. Let's try I hate There's something I hate about that youll. Does that bother you? You know, the only thing that bothers me youth. If you talk to any kid who was raised with the left behind books, you're like, oh, I lived in constant fear whenever I couldn't find my parent in the grocery the trauma of remembering y two. Like the event or the fashion? The store. It was like, oh, I got left behind because I'm not one of the chosen event. I just thought it was all over. Oh, I remember sitting in front of an old enough house five. Yeah. I I had is the giant TV? We had, like, the one that's not even You know when the TVs had the asses on them? Mhmm. They were just huge. There was no flat screens. We had this giant. Oh, yeah. And you'd have the built in in the wall. Right? And the built in was, like, this giant big as a couch. It was so thick. Can remember just sitting in front of that screen and my parents are such warriors 27th? So they had been like like, I my brain had been filling up with all their fear about YTK and you better believe that we had like stopped doing the same wrapping meal. FEALS. Fully. Gold, you know, different thing. So I just remember being a kid sitting there. They're shaking as the count down half and just praying. I was like, if there is a God, please spare us. Jesus I'm not With Jesus. Like, I know she's going back to church That's scary. You know, so scared. I ask my parents and my sister about this I never remember hearing about it. I I just probably get the energy from your family that they weren't as concerned about it. Youll know what I mean? They were little more logical and my family was just like, ugh, god is bringing fire from the ground. Like, that was definitely what was happening in my family. I don't know. We all read left behind. Do you know that oh my gosh. This is so funny. So a couple weeks ago, What a nightmare? A couple weeks Broads, if you weren't raised in evangelical home left behind were these born in the nineties and early two years? Specifically. That they say, like, from the bible that someday God's that God's gonna The supernatural come back. It's the rapture and people who believe in God will be taken off the earth and then the remainder will be left to like deal with horrific events. Now in the left behind books, people would get like snatched and youll Their clothes would be there. Okay. So then you just plug it in neat little pile. You know? Traumatized all the youth. If you talk to any kid who was raised with the left behind books, you're like, oh, I lived in constant fear whenever I couldn't find my parent in the grocery store. It was like, oh, I got left behind Bekahs I'm not one of the chosen people. Or I rejected God apparently as a five year old. Horrified. Horrified. Horrified. Horrified. there. And the whole time Ember had this little, this little elephant toy that was like on the edge of the Horrified. 27th we recorded and I had the bad migraine and then you got it. Well, I was taking a little nap back. I was, like, you know, laying down as I said before. And I knew you were working in the living room, and III was a wogan for my nap, and I walked in the living room, your computer was open, your food was out, and you weren't there. And I was like and then I went into I well, I went into the studio and I was like Becca and I lived in the backyard. And I was, like, my immediate thought was, like, got raptured. She's going back to church, and now I've been left here. That was my immediate thought. Truly remember. I did. Peace. I'm out with Jesus. Like, I know she's going back to church again. So now she's getting taken and I'm left here. And then you walked through the front door, and I was like, oh, where was I? I think you were like out in the front and taking a call or something. Or maybe on a little walk. I don't know. Dropping off. I was dropping off at the post office. Oh, okay. Well, there you go. Yeah. But I was like, where is Becca? I will load in my home and then my home all of a sudden frightened me so much. Oh my god. You're on your Instagram the other day, which we haven't talked about on the podcast. Luteal about the event. Sorry, guys. More news from the extraterrestrial front or the supernatural front. Okay. So Evan and I were sitting. It was it was actually really frightening. Evan and I were sitting -- And I don't know why guys keep lying about Ruths stuff and making it up, but I do entertain it for the podcast. Can you imagine we're just, like, let's just keep this shit going. On the day that the episode was Pod dedicated. Evan was Evan was truly frightened. Dude, like, truly frightened and I was scared, but Evan, that shit really, really messes him. So Evan and I have been sitting at the kitchen table. We, like, we ate dinner together. We were working. We were talking for, like, two and half hours sitting there. And the whole time Embers had this little it. Let's do this little elephant toy that was, like, on the edge of the youll. And we're in the middle of talking and all of a sudden, this toy just right in front of us moves like six inches. Like, full And we both just, like, stare at each other, setting. No and we didn't say it was for about five minutes. It was far enough Feel, I mean, it, they feel so that you guys obviously, like, noticed it in your vision. Like, it was No. No. -- was, like, it went, like, the foot. Oh, yeah. Foot, I guess. Yeah. I've always been bad with measures. To me, the tone, it was like, this That's actually definitely you don't notice what's So it moved, like, a lot to Yeah. Because I'm sure we're mid sentence and we're, like, table. And it was like, and the thing about it was is that I was looking at Evan -- Yeah. -- but Evan was looking ahead. Yeah. And so he like, I saw it out of my peripheral peripheral vision and he was saw it fully move. And he was like, he was messed up for the next twenty four hours. They're fucking with you guys. I know. I know. And somebody told me the next night, I was gone, and he was still at home, and he said it moved again. Maybe this is the stuffed animal that Embers saw being sacrificed perhaps. It was Buzzbee, I know. Yeah. I remember. But I I Embers. was Buzzbee. It was not that. It was either Buzzbee, Buzzbee, or Buzzbee? earth. They're like earth was great for like everyone thought I was so hot and everyone paid attention to fuzz or club fuzz. Club fuzz. Got it. One of the four buzzers noted. Mhmm. What what day was this last week? Maybe Tuesday? Uh-huh. On the day that the episode was released. So the ghosts can't listen to us while we're recording, but they heard it when You know, I have, you know, I just, I have something to say along these lines, you want to talk about sexy, got dropped on the 40. They're subscribed. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. And they were like the divine spark. Uh-huh. Yeah. Sure. They're like we're gonna show you right now. We're gonna show you a divine spark, bitch. And then it was kind of FEALS then I pulled up, of course, the ghost app, which Evan was legit. But in the meantime, in the meantime, broads, we all want to feel our best all the Like, I thought was gonna divorce me. And I was like, come on. Do it. Let's do it. Let's talk to him. Let's try to see if time. You know, regardless whether you know, we're haunting the earth or whether we're currently on the earth, but unfortunately life something and he's like seriously stopped. But I was like, I don't care what you say I'm doing it. So I pulled it up happens. And sometimes we just don't feel and I pulled up great. I personally have a really hard time falling asleep, especially when there are things moving around in my home by, you know, other beings when I feel stressed out and when I don't sleep, the rest goes downhill very the little hea sensitivity thing and there was this big hea thing right behind Evan. No way. You're like in between us where we were So know it. Yeah. Just wants to hang. Yeah. I don't feel quickly. My favorite way to feel best naturally is with my they feel ominous. Luteal is me. Node is me. Yeah. He's fields. Oh my like God. I love feels premium a cute ghost and he's like, CBD. It's I love feels premium in my previous life, everyone paid attention to it. Did it. It had his own. It was like this. It's like a cliffhanging. That's actually definitely don't know high. It is pure what was happening. It actually had its relief. I am saying this off hand or foot on it had its hand on the table and it was like, yeah. Yeah. It was just hey. And then accidentally anxiety. It helps me so much with pushed stuff. And when it goes, it's, sleep. I take it every night before I go to bed because, and CBD also, you don't get like dependent on like, on a piano and it's just, like, hi. Just extending its leg and it's, like, hey, it. It actually you up for a little you're. Did you go that your body uses CBD things. I was like, god, I scared you guys. better? Like it utilizes it better. The more that you use like, oh, so so sorry. it. Oh, Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I forgot Yeah. So you really want to build it into your daily routine whole ghost thing and everything. He's like, I thought we was anyways. Well, which is why you should join the field's monthly picking up energy that we were ready to, like, you know, take it to the membership. So you always have your fields on hand and you'll save even more money on each order level. I was also thinking that off of that, that perhaps also. So I love the CBD oil so much, but what I'm really loving too, is there a new CBD infused mix, are just people who are, like, really hot in a previous life. Or, like, they are in in their life on earth, and they just are, like, Youll know, they're really used to around. Right. You know, everyone wants to CBD, man, come They don't like that. They don't have attention to anything. And on. You know, you never know when you might need one and it comes quite in and maybe that's why they wanna stay on Earth. They're like, Earth was great for, like, everyone thought I was so hot and everyone paid attention to So I'm just gonna stay on Earth for a little bit longer and just kinda be like, hey, sugar. Like, mouth. And in a moment, I have a call mind with a side of minty fresh know, hey, Hadi. Like, I'm gonna pull your little foot while you're in breath. Talk about a win, started feeling Better with fields, become a member today by going to at nighttime or I'm gonna breathe down your neck. You know, I have a youll know, I just I have something to say along these fields.com/jati. And you're going to get 40% off your first three months with free Youll wanna talk about sex sexy ghosts or sexy, sexy youll. Sexy, shipping. This is a really good me. Oh, I love that. deal. You guys like really sexy, you? Yes. good. This is like strong high quality CBD that's F E a L s.com/chatty to become a member and get 40% automatically taken off your first three months with free shipping me goes. I can't wait till you haunt this earth one day. But in the meantime in the meantime, we all wanna feel our best all the time you know, regardless whether, you know, we're haunting the deals.com/strategy. Seriously guys, this is a good or whether we're currently on the Earth. investment. Helps them fortunately, life happens and sometimes we just don't feel great. I personally have a really hard Broads. You know, there's not really a blueprint for life every week, every day, every minute is unpredictable and time falling asleep, especially when there are things moving around in my home by, you know, other beings. Mhmm. When I feel stressed out and when I don't sleep, the rest goes downhill very quickly. My favorite way to feel best naturally is with my 40 CBD. I'm gonna thing. We call life by giving feedback, providing a new perspective, or even just lending a listening ear for a long love feels premium CBD. It's I love 40 premium CBD. It's the way to feel better and keep your head clear. Feals does not give me any feeling of being high. It is pure relief. I am saying this off script youll It naturally helps me reduce my stress, my anxiety, it helps me so much with sleep, I take it every night before I go to bed Bekahs in CBD also don't get, like, dependent on it. It experience. So if you're on the fence or you're feeling skeptical about talking to a stranger about your life, or you feel like you don't have the time or don't know where to start, let me tell you, Talkspace is the actually youll did you know that your body uses CBD better Like, it utilizes it better, the more that you use it. Oh, wow. didn't get that. It's a so you really wanna build it into your daily routine. place. There are so many reasons why you might may want to talk to a therapist from processing trauma and grief to try to work on your relationships, to dealing with your anxiety, whatever you have going on the perfect therapist to get you through it is on Talkspace And you can message your Talkspace therapist, 24 hours a day, and even set up live video calls on your which is why you should join the 40 monthly membership So you always have your 40 on hand, and you'll save even more money on each order also. I love the CBD oil so much. But what I'm really loving 27th is their new CBD infused mix. Keep in my purse. Right. The other day, Bekah I were out and I was like passing schedule. That was always one of the those things around. Right? reasons. It was hard for me to see a therapist finding the time and the schedule to search for the right You know, everyone wants to see me demon. Come on. You never know you never know when you might need one fit. Then setting aside the same time each week to go see it comes quite in handy. Okay? My anxiety tends to creep up at someone. It was always just kind of a hassle, but now I use Talkspace and I can talk to someone on my schedule, which has made it so much easier to get the help I the worst times often in public and all I have to do when I start feeling anxious, I pop one of those CBD mints in my mouth and in a moment I have a calm mind with a side of need. Join Talkspace today and start the journey to happier, healthier fresh Broads. Talk about a win. Start feeling better with Feals. relationships. Just visit talkspace.com and get $100 off your first a member today by going to 40 dot com slash month. When you use promo code chatty at signup, that's $100 [email protected], promo code and you're gonna get forty percent off your first three months with free shipping. This is a really good deal youll chatty. All right. Speak really good. This is like strong high quality CBD. Mhmm. That's FEALS dot com slash chatty to become a member and get forty percent automatically taken off your first three months with free shipping. Fields dot com slash chatty. Seriously, guys, this is a good investment. It helps them with Ygrene's favorite brand CBD I've ever used by far. By amount. Broads, you know, there is not really a blueprint for life every week, every day, every minute is unpredictable and messy. And honestly, we youll all benefit from talking it out from time to time. With talk space, you'll get unlimited access to a licensed therapist to help you navigate this thing we call life by giving 40. Providing a new perspective or even just lending listening ear. For a long time, I just never found the therapist because of just the logistics like -- Yeah. -- having to drive to a therapist, having to just even find one in the first place is so hard. And I know that that's like that in and of itself is really big barrier for people. But it's been Josh, over a year now, and I've had a really good experience. So if you're on the fence or you're feeling skeptical about talking to a stranger about your life or you feel like you don't have like time. podcast. And that's really mean, and it's We don't know where to start. Let me tell you, Talkspace is the place. There are so many reasons why you might may wanna talk to a therapist from processing trauma and grief to try to work on your relationships 27th dealing with your anxiety. Whatever you have going on, the perfect therapist to get you through it is on Talkspace. And you can message your Talkspace therapist twenty four hours a day and even set up live video calls on your schedule. That was always one of the reasons it was hard for me to see a therapist finding the time and the schedule to search for the right fit than setting aside the same time each week to go see someone. It was always just kind of a youll, but now I use talk space and I can talk to someone on my schedule, which has made it so much easier to get the help I need. Join Talkspace today and start the journey to happier, healthier relationships. Just visit talk space dot com and get one hundred dollars off your first month. When you use promo code chatty at sign up, that's one hundred dollars off at talkspace dot com promo code chatty. good. Cause then a lot of people in the comments were saying that you were a good friend and I just want, I just want you to know, I don't want a repeat of that Alright. Speak queen. Okay. First of all, can I just tell you that Okay. I was actually, I'm feeling a lot of relief that you're saying this to me because I did, you know, it was a good, it was a good birthday the other day on Instagram, I was, like, promoting our podcast, you know, and I was, like, we don't have over, like, this many review five star reviews and, like, we got nominated for iHeart Awards, whatever? And some Mitch, comment replied back to me and was, like, She was like, just so you know, you only got those reviews and the numb those nominations for being a bachelor recap podcast. I don't listen anymore. And I blocked her on the spot. Really rude. I blocked her on the spot. And she doesn't listen now, so she doesn't even she doesn't she won't hear this. Well, here's the thing, though. That's why we got nominated when we were doing bachelor recaps. So we got nominated for that. Cool. We did that for years. I know. So we don't deserve the nomination because we're not recapping We'll see. It was nervous. Cause I was like, I don't think I wouldn't be able to be as thirty percent of our content. That's very true. The other sixty to seventy percent of our content was non batching. I think one of them one of the things we're nominated for was TV -- Yes. -- best like TV. So that's true. Great. But the other one was best ad rate. So that has nothing to do with being youll podcast. And that's really mean -- And it's mean. -- and it's mean -- Totally necessary. Guys, prove her wrong. And if you're still listening, Please leave a five star. Is there anyone out there for Becca's birthday for the love of God? Oh, yeah. Tap those five stars if you wanna say happy birthday Bekah. Listen, if Becca has in any way improved your life. Affected your life. Even -- Negative. -- whether it be positive or negative, if you have consumed any of In fact, made you feel mad, sad, just hit that subscribe button on YouTube. That subscribe. On YouTube. Smash it on the Apple podcast app and five stars, please. Five stars, please. Please leave my eyes. Oh, this is another thing I have to talk about, which is birthday post. Okay. I don't wanna make this very clear. I loved your birthday post last year, but it was a little too good then a lot of people in the comments were saying that you were a good friend song. You want me to do a and I just want I just want you to know I don't want a repeat of that situation. Okay. I was actually I'm feeling a lot of relief that you're saying this to me Bekahs I did, you know, it was a it was a good birthday party. It was it was which year it was stellar. Birthday post to me was so lovely for my birthday too. don't remember what it was, but you I remember you did like a poem and it was kind of like Hauntings I hate about US. Yeah. It was kind of romantic. And No. But then with my birthday post, youll, like, were there was clips from me from the podcast about me laughing and being your friend and doing this. It was so nice. But I will say I had been researching TikToks Okay. All to be like, hey, how am I gonna make this post? And so I wanted to put comment. Anything about just how pretty she's looking, how sweet it But I was also 40 a little nervous Bekahs I was like, I don't think I'm gonna be able to be as creative. I don't know. Can you this is what I want for my birthday. You've got twenty four hours to do it. K? Speak it. I want you to do let me set my alarm. Yeah. Please. Twenty four hours. Please. I want you to do did you see that TikTok of that girl when her child was in the hospital? And they were like and it was like, what's wrong with baby that was the unique The most upsetting TikTok that's ever been been made in the entire world. broads. I will start off Yes. I actually please. I will start this off myself, Becca, a few of my favorite things about, back of her Bekahs obviously she didn't think when she did that that she would get the response that she did. Which is kind of her fault for being that out of touch. Yeah. But I did feel bad Bekahs I'm like, she's already in the position where she's going through something stressful with her youll. And now she's going viral for people saying that she's holding off her head. Yeah. Yeah. It was the was out of touch. It was the it was one of the worst TikToks I've ever seen. It was really do one of the best. So I want you to do dance like that kind of thing where it's like it's Becca's and I want the captain's, you know, like be like, it's Becca's birthday. She's twenty seven, you know, and you're, like, doing body roles to, like, a very popular thing. Okay. That's a good thing. You do is do a TikTok. You mean, do a TikTok song. Yeah. And I don't I don't don't I don't Youll don't want an original youll don't want an original score from me? If you'd like to throw it in. Yeah. Of course. doing? Did you put any effort before you walked out of the I want to make sure that it that the TikTok's theme is right nice thing. The TikTok's theme is right nice things about And you are top me in the comments. level. You are looking 10 out of 10 on a personal Me, my birthday, not just being a good friend day. Okay? So it might be a good score in a video. Yeah. The message for it privately. Don't need to see it in the comments just about okay. Mika. Alright. I will start. And that's a note to you, Broads too. Don't comment anything about just how pretty she's looking. How sweet it is. That's gonna piss me off. what? I'm not going to do it That's gonna get me triggered. And I'm gonna need you to hold back and message her privately. Something should say private. And on my birthday compliments to anyone other than me should say private. Thank you. that. I literally could not handle Ruth's birthday. I was like, who are Evan? And I left were like, who are these perfect The message has children? Like I can't even just sweet, like lovely, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I will start these I will start off these. I will start this off myself, Becca. Mhmm. A few of my favorite things about you. Oh, thank you. Finally, someone Okay. And it's all me what I have want. Thanks. I love First of all, on a surface youll, you've never been prettier. Great. tip? Put it in Bobby, anything she said I better not hear anything remotely. Similar to what you just said. Exactly. You need to read all the other broads comments and make sure yours is completely Youll? Pretty your your glowing. compliments. It's Your hair is looking fantastic. Your style has been popping off. Everything is really coming together for your twenty seventh year. It's funny Bekahs it's true. Because we were looking at all of it as the podcast and I was like, Hittiest. Hittiest. I know not everything is about cute. Great. Told me that she whispered about, but that is ugly. What are you doing? Did you put any effort before you walked out of the house? So I feel like I'm really emerging Ruth. from my cocoon. Youll are job youll. Y2K are looking to head out again. Thank you on a personal level. Yeah. As an You outsider. Let me explain had made commitments to yourself personally about just like how you were gonna move through life, and I want say to you whether it's on the podcast and off the podcast, youll have never been more positive, youll, less like there's no there there is this new Eka now who's, like, when we're starting to kinda go down that, like, shit talking hold, you'll be the one to be like, you know what? Not gonna do it. Mass I mean, like, just just, like, you told yourself and you have done it. captivated. And she is just so And you have done it well. Thank you. You're an amazing mother. An amazing mother of your children are an absolute representation of that. I literally could not handle Ruth's birthday. I was like who are Evan and I left were like, who are these perfect children? Like, I can't even just sweet, like, lovely wonderful, and you're also really funny. And you make me laugh all the time and I love you. Same stuff. And you're my favorite person. Wow. Okay? And it's all true. Thanks. I love you. I love you. Oh, that's super safe. That's that's good. Can we tell you take a tip? Because if you put it in instagram, don't copy anything, she said better not hear anything remotely similar to what youll Exactly. Exactly. Youll need to read all the other Broads comments and make sure yours is completely cute. original. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Original compliments. It's expected, like, come up with thousands of unique special things to do. Affirmation on the birthday. Oh my god. Also, can we just talk about that for minute about did you see the video that I took of Embers when she was watching the performers? Oh my god. Mean, I was watching it heard the entire guest when I was watching this kid. But youll know what? It was so cute. Gray told me that he whispered to Evan about okay. So on Ruth's birthday, we had Elsa and Anna from Frozen come and perform. And Ruth k. I'm sorry to interrupt you. So I I know, like, of course, you adore your child, but you see her all the time. Yeah. As an outsider, let me explain something. Walking into your house and her and her little Elsa dress. parties? Or maybe she's one of the real Ellis' because guess what else is a Ruth was floating around like floating. She was levitating around the parties. Like, she was just going up to everyone. She was singing to herself the entire time. sure. But then Amber was just like, Hmm, I'm not She was, like, in like, went into the back, like, past the bounce house and was all the other kids were playing in the dirt, and she was, like, literally weaving in between them singing youll, like, show yourself, and I'm like, I'm captivated. And she is just so luteal. I mean, like, I couldn't. I was, like, I was just following her around the party the whole time. Oh, like, nobody talked to me. I'm watching. As a topper on the cake, we see Embers Ruth were youll Emera brought her little phone. Yes. She wanted to She should've seen the two of them. Like, Like, why did you get a phone on the porch? Didn't come out good. But they were both, like, huddled sitting on the bounce house, like, going through the phone. Just like you don't even get a little bit, like, passed away from here. I posted a video and everyone was commenting. Everyone's like crying and like it's youll Becca in the past. And then they they were calling them the chatty babes, and I was like, stop it. I can't handle it. My heart's gonna explode. That is so weird. They were so cute. She was, I think pretty accepting of So cute. But so the gray told me that that that during the performances that Amber was, like, the reason she was looking at that -- Uh-huh. -- like that is that she was for whatever she goes. Is that the FEALS She was, like, trying to decode. She was either or not. They were the real thing. Yes. Yeah. Braids and everything. And she had to go to the bathroom at one point side of the was so skeptical and she was just, house. And Ruth was like, where's Donna, where did Ana sitting back, just watching them perform. go? You know, like she's supposed to be here for my And she comes back to me and and yeah. To me and party. Where is ti, she's just, like, So that's the real concept. And I said, I'm like, I I don't quite know. I'm like, I I maybe I'm like, I don't know. She doesn't respond to her. I don't, you know, I don't know. flight. Maybe she mean, would you could you consider her the FEALS so she's dressed Is Elsa going to perform at children's party? Sure. Maybe she's one of the real Elsa's Bekahs guess what Elsa's a cartoon, so she's not So maybe she's the real Elsa. I don't know. Yeah. Aaron Dell. I Arundel. know. Yeah. But -- Yeah. -- Innovia. Yeah. Exactly. I'm not sure. But then Embers was just like, I'm not sure. She was able she doesn't quite look like her her voice sounds a little different, but I'm gonna keep watching. She was just top to research. Your just, like, concern. Where do you want to analysis the her. You know, so so youll about that Okay. too is and what's so fantastic about that is so there is the half of her that is going, that could be the real Elsa from Erendel. Mhmm. And that was what is so amazing about that eight. Just that it's not like it's a movie and it's fake. It's like She's She's a She's a and she's in the in between. So she's like, exactly processing. It's like, well, I want it to be true, but also my critical mind now is like, but I'm not quite sure. Mhmm. So complex, so fantastic. But she didn't say anything about did she just take for granted that Anna Anna actually looked much more like the characters. Yeah. Let's see. Just like that's the real Anna. She was I think pretty accepting of Anna. It was Elsa that she was feeling little skeptical about. 40 a little skeptical. She wasn't quite time. And then Evan and him were talking about how much they love Disneyland now with a family, she wasn't quite buying it. Though they were both lovely performers, but she was, you know Anna was was kind of a dead ringer. Yeah. She really was. She was and everything, and she had things. I had a season pass with my roommate, to go to the bathroom at one point inside the house, and Ruth was like, where is Anna? Where did Anna go? You know, like, she's supposed to be here for my party. Where is she? Please, nobody embarrassed me around, Anna. And here's the no problem. She goes, maybe Anna also come back next weekend, you know. Oh, no. She's like, but if they really loved me, they would come Yeah. I'm like, well, Aaron Dell is a long flight, honey. That's that's expensive. That's good. Yeah. Aaron Dell is just hard. Wanna twenty seven hour flight every other weekend. Yeah. So once year type thing. Yeah. No. Let's let's let's take into consideration the cost of a flight from into arendel. Well, and we were scared because at Disneyland, thankfully, they were really far away on the float. Oh, Y2K. Yes. We island. And then that's where I did take my business calls, you scared. I was googling, like, do or do Anna and also live at Disneyland. They don't. They live at California Adventure. Because I didn't want her if she saw them up close, and then she'd be like, that's different. See, that's a good mom. Mhmm. I'm diving into research. You're concerned. We do wanna analysis. Besides, aren't youll? Okay? No fucking Wiki? Yeah. I mean, the real ones. truth. Be The real on in Elsa? Anyway, Okay? Live your another thing. Let's talk about Disneyland for a second. Let's talk about I wanted to talk about it about the other guys. Yeah. Because they were youll know what? I lectured I mean, Evan Evan knew it was coming because he knows how I feel about Disneyland. So he knew it was coming. I I will say this, I fully understand fantasy. I want to be, the sentiment. There are the brows basically on their last episode, they know, gray had just gotten back from Disneyland for Ruth's b same. If there was 30 people in Disneyland, there's not, there's 3000 at any given time with their shitty kids and there and yelling at their present basically. Yeah. And so and he had an amazing time, and then Evan and him were talking about how much they love Disneyland. Now with a family, it's a red flag if someone goes about kids. Exactly. But this is the thing they took Yes. I've seen one for too far. So 27th me, there's there's two things. Mhmm. I had a season pass with my roommate. Same. We would go quite frequently, the best. Minnie. Yes. There was only two mice who lived And there's the the thing is is they did not differentiate. There was anyone without kids who goes Disneyland as a freak. But they Y2K Bekahs did I I will say this. There there's some, in my opinion, this is I'm just gonna speak my truth right now. There is some truth to where they're coming from Bekahs are the people who are like this. I have a Disney Pass and I have my five pairs of ear disgusting. I won't say that, but it's still like the kind of gross in my closet. And I go and do my theme. Like it's at the theme parks, all theme parks, even creme de LA creme are work over at the, you know, at Lafayette Square or, know, New Orleans Square or whatever. And then after that go and take the little boat right across to the island, and then that's where I did take my business calls. Uh-huh. You know, and then after that, in the in the evening, I love catching, you know, dinner at the pirates of the Caribbean. And then, you know, and then I go home. And and, you know, that's how I do my my days. Like, my weekdays by myself. And I have met some of those people and, you know, and they have the tattoos and such, and that's where I'm like, stop. K. Y2K don't live your Ruths. Be yourself. I do judge but -- Okay. -- I love your truth. I want you to look look me in the eyes. Me. You're sitting across from one of them. You're wearing an aristocrat shirt right now, which is one of the best Do you know what I think of the whole time I'm at OG movies. I if love aristocrats. If I could take all my business calls at Disneyland and be there every day, I would youll know why? Because I wanna live in a goddamn fantasy. I wanna be But this is my whole life to Bekah fair understanding. This is where I think you people are freaked. Don't hesitate to it. I would do the same if there was thirty people in Disneyland. There's not. There's three thousand. At any given time, with their shitty kids, and they're and yelling at their partners, and sometimes there's actual rats that you see running around. And it's the Disneyland. Yes. I've seen one. For Yes. Wow. One got away because don't think there's ever been one except that one. Except They they keep a tiny shell, Mickey. Yeah. No mini. Yes. There's only two mice who live there. Mhmm. So that. And I'll get out. I don't, I don't like, I still that's the thing. It's the this don't. I stay away from the parades or anything like why I think those people are freaks because it's still a theme park. Okay. It's a nasty, disgusting theme park, not compared to all the other ones. It's stunning. I guess, lick off that floor. But the amount of people and, like, the work to get there when you're not when you're ritual. Every Saturday morning, we would get there, like right when they opened the not disgusting. I don't wanna say that, but still, like, the kinda gross theme park. Like, it's it's a theme parks all theme parks, even creme de la creme are kinda gross. It smells so good. It smells so clean and jolly. Oh, like six flags. It smells like vomit and like sticky Coke. Oh, gosh. I mean, I love a roller coaster side flags. exciting. And then pregnant was like, Here's the thing. You know how when you were climbing a lot? How you would take a drive hours away and put all the work into that. Mhmm. That's my Disney list. So I'm like, I will. I'll drive there magic. I'll get through all the crowds, all the busyness Bekahs that is my that is my peak summit. I guess. I don't see any, I think I must have Disney blinders on, I don't see anything except sparkle and churros and people that are happy and pixie dust and people covered in anxiety isn't affected by that? No. In fact, it's reversed. I think all the busyness around me and like the anxiety around me soothes me. Do you know what I think pins. Like that's really all that I see and people I'm like, oh my God, look at of the whole time I'm at Disneyland? Don't say it? You know what I'm thinking of these? Yeah. I I do I do know what you're thinking of, but you know what? You know why I love Disneyland? Yeah. Bekahs no one like Disneyland is perceptive to that level. Yeah. They know. And so they're like, you gotta go through even if you're coming through downtown Disney -- Yeah. -- full search and they forget the amount of, like, plainclothes people there who work for security. It's something like one Okay. Well, they were saying that was one step too to every hundred far. Is that like going by it's it's wild. Do they have so many people there, like, ready to go if there's an emergency? I also get scared of, like, of this stuff, like, even like natural disaster. And especially I remember pre COVID, now it's not as bad COVID, but I remember pre COVID when I had the season pass and me and my roommate would go. And they do the light parade. And I remember being, like, squooshed in, like, walking pathways. I don't like that, and I'll get out. I don't I don't like I stay I stay away from the parades or like anything like that. I like to get out before the fireworks. Yeah. I just god. I love it so much. oriented. I mean, you go to California adventure and you get a little, a mini trip around California, all its pockets, smokes and crazy Yeah. And in in in all seasons of life, really, you know, from being a kid, I used to go every week with my dad growing up me and him. That was our youll. Yeah. Every Saturday morning, we would get there, like, right when they open the gates. And then, you know, in high school and college, like, you go with your Ruths and then big groups and it was so much fun. It's like, oh my god. Am I gonna sit on the Matterhorn with Nextiva -- Yeah. -- Steven. Like, oh my god, and it was so exciting. And then pregnant was, like, sweet. And then once I had and I could stroll around with her now that we live in LA, I like never go. Yeah. But It's so much fun now with a kid. It's magic. Yeah. It is, except there's still people Fawmarine youll at their kids. I guess I don't see any I think must have Disney blinders' ears. I don't see anything except sparkle, lines. There's not really and churros, anything. And let's be and people that are pixie dust, and pixie dust, and people covered in pins. Like, that's really all that I see. And people, I'm like, oh my god. Look at them this beautiful time with their family. The only thing I do see is when you see families of, like, ten people and I'm just thinking about how expensive that is and, like, that how they say a month of work. Yeah. That's true. That's true. But yeah. So I'm kinda with them on that. So sorry, Jess, that I judge you and I and I think you're weird. Listen. As a Disney stand, I accept your judgment and I welcome it. But it's weird to say that they okay. Well, they were saying that was one tip too far. Is that like going by yourself? Is I'm like, no. stone. And I remember us both being in line for the rollercoaster, Disney, California like that's really fun. My roommate and I used to go, especially but you know what? I will say this. Gray's never been 27th Y2K Adventure. And I will say that's a different ballpark. California Adventure to me is for adults. It feels way more adult ish. I mean, now they have the whole cars and all that, fun. Cause it was just two of is but I've which I've still heard is really cool. It's so fun. But I remember when California Adventure first opened, you know, it was like, story now over California was, like, very classy. Youll like, everything was very, like but, like, they sell wine there. Youll know, very more, like, adult oriented do. I'm sure that they get back in a way. I mean, you go to California Adventure and you get a little mini trip around California. Yeah. All its pockets, it's nooks and crannies. Right. So It's like, you know, I know people adventure is pretty cool. So you can go visit Fresno, you know, and the no. can't do any of that. But anyway, So he hasn't been there. So that might be why Bekahs, I mean, he hasn't experienced it They do have some drink like that but my roommate and I used to go, and what I was gonna say was, so we get really? And they serve like really fun alcoholic beverages used to go, and we used to bring our there. And it looks like the Cantina from the movie when they call the green, weed vapes. Mhmm. So we would get off work Bekahs we lived in Lincoln Heights, so it was, like, about an hour away. Pretty close to here, actually. So we'd get off work around, like, five or six, and then we'd go and we'd just kinda, like, get dinner and downtown Disney, and just hang out 27th, like, you know, eleven or whatever. It closes. Mhmm. Which is fun too Bekahs then you could go on all the rides late at night. There's no there's no line there's not really any little kids. And let's be FEALS, the night the rides at night are pretty magical. Yeah. Mhmm. So you can see the Matterhorn all lit up, the fireworks, all that shit. So hither. And he kept coming over and she'd just be like, it would be so fun because we would stand in line, like, just being total degenerates, like, hitting the vape in line with all these children. And then we're just beholding the hoodies up to our nose and, like, try to slowly breathe. And of course, like, of course, like vape smoke youll, like, out of this lecture. If I can drag in any chance. Exactly. And we just be like, oh, shit. Did anyone notice? And her eyes are just like we can barely even open them Bekahs we're just like so stone. And I remember us both being in line for the roller coaster Disney California Adventure. I remember, like, looking at her, and, like, her looking at me and her breast being, like, I'm so hot. I'm so hot. It was still so hot. It was On the so fun because it was just too bus. So great night, which I'm sure someone will be like, but whatever. I'm sure you guys are like, three dough 27th it doesn't dough don't they have, like, dough alcoholic beverages now? it. You have to pay for it Oh, I'm I'm sure that they do. I'm sure that they do. I have it on Disney now. That's like a new thing. In Disney? In Disneyland. Okay. Yeah. haven't I haven't I haven't I haven't had that yet. Right. So it's like, you know, I know people haven't, I guess, I know what I'm doing next time I go. Here you go. Kind of be sorry, Ambry. Ambry's so funny. Well, you can bring your own snacks in, which is Mom has got the youll with Rome. bag. They're like cool with I think they do have some drink like that. Delish. So it's good. I know they have a little Star Wars Hauntings. Oh, really? And they serve, like, really fun alcoholic beverages there, and it looks like the hauntings from the moon. Oh, yeah. They call, like, green. They call, like, green green juice or something that I saw that. Yeah. it. The Star Wars fan is cool. I hadn't seen that yet. It's cool. It's almost a little scary. It's so real. It's kind of frightening. I kinda wanted I was, like, kinda ready to be done. We were there fully on. I was, like, I'm out. I'm in there the whole time. Wonderful. Youll Chihuahua, and it's, like, And I'm I'm feeling starstruck. The last time Chihuahua was there, and he's by the millennium falcon. And as we saw it, and, like, Embers waving at him, she she put she would point at him and then give do this finger to him. Like, come with her, and he kept coming over, and she'd just be like, hi. She's like flirting with chewbacca. Very strange. We've liked the she liked the stormtrooper. She goes, I wanna go see the Bekah Yeah. I thought they were so cool. They are cool. They are cool. But costume design. So far. But we can't go on any on any of the cool rides in Star Wars end, and the rise of the resistance is unreal. I know. I've heard it's worth it to buy, like, twenty dollar fast pass or something to get in thousand percent worth it. It's it's a cinematic experience. Like, it's an interactive cinematic experience. You have to. It's a must. I took your tip, by the way. Wow. What would you don't have to get these for anyone who's going to Disneyland. What they're called? What are they called? Yeah. Well, 30 weeds, 30 weeds, 30 dresses, they're called Genie. Disney Genie Plus or something. It's on the app. Youll like, twenty bucks a person, it'll, like, tell you what rides are, like, you should go it'll plan out your day for you based on typical wait times. Yes. And then you can, like, get fast passes. They don't do the fastpasses now that you just, like, put your pass in and get it youll have to pay for it now. But when it's busy at Disneyland, it's just if you're already spending that money, I'm like, jeez, they aren't. I know that does the thing. You have to go into Disney and I'm being like, we're gonna burn through the wallets today. I mean, it's just what you have to accept going forward. I'm like, I guess, I'm opening credit card to get Disneyland with Embers. Mhmm. That's just how it is every time. Well, you can bring your own snacks in, which is pretty cool. That is nice. Definitely bring a full bag. And they're like cool with it as long as it's not glass, which is nice. And I just had this realization where how often do you get now. And I keep returning to something that scares the shit out of me quite frequently, now that you're now that you're a big stoner, pocket head of weed smoker -- Yeah. -- big, you know, Bob Marley fan and all that -- Yeah. -- the grass. Yeah. The grass. I love it. The grass. Sad, sad for you. And I think that must be because in high school, because all of my friends were always Y2K, Herb. Flower, tree. I smoke at all. How often would you say you're fearful when you're high? I can say pressure. It was just like, well, I'm, it's just what you well, first of all, I'm very cautious -- Mhmm. -- just because I still had, like, those bad experiences. But the So you haven't been smoking I've only once now. Right? And it was just because I got too high and it was a body high. And I felt like there were cinder blocks attached to my feet and arms, and I was supposed to go see youll. And I was like, I can't even walk right now. And I didn't think I had, like, had that much, but I couldn't move. I was just, like, physically, like, dragging my body. And I strange. It's so, like, I don't like this. But I mean, I guess it's about 70% of the time you're But in my head, I felt happy. Mhmm. But I was not pleased with how my body was That's probably one in how what would you say? I mean, I would say Thirty weeds. Yeah. Thirty weeds. Thirty weeds. Thirty weeds. Thirty trees. Thirty trees. Yeah. One in thirty trees. Yeah. I realized about half of my time being high is No. Thirty percent. About thirty percent of my time being high is terrifying. it. don't know why I've been doing it for a decade now. was gonna say, if I had had thirty percent experience like that, there's no way. It's like it's like you being like, oh, thirty percent of the time if I have one Bekah. I puke. I'd be like, well, then why are you having beer? Neither is my, I know that my fear is induced by this Sounds terrible. I realized that well, it just it'd be like a routine. I was like, About half the time when I smoke weed, I am scared and miserable. And then the other half, I feel Well, this is also the thing after 10 years, I also know that it always But it must be good enough where III have seventy percent -- That's great. -- smoking weed. It's not even that great, but I have been smoking weed for over a decade now. And I keep returning to something that scares this shit out of me quite frequently. Hauntings into fearful arms. Interesting. terrified. Like everyone around me is looking at me. And also it'll be funny to look back sad for you. And and I think that it must be because on. So in high school, because all of my friends were always you. I will, I will back away from the the Yeah. Even if I was scared, I just kept doing it. It wasn't even peer pressure. It was just like, well, I'm it's just what you do. I am going to do keep doing this. Right. So you haven't been smoking recently. Right? feet. mean? Like, it was like, I could vision, I could visualize that there were like cinder blocks attached to my no, I haven't. There was, like, a couple when I say I haven't been smoking recently, it usually means, like, the past two weeks haven't been caught in. Okay. Okay. Okay. But but I don't know if you were having, like, a retreat from it. Oh. Not really. I'm smoking weed again. But, yeah, I just it's so strange. step. Yeah. You know? Okay. So here's the other It's so isn't that surprising? I mean, guess it's at seventy percent of the time you're enjoyable. But this. Have you ever heard of Bufo if it's a habit Right? I mean, there's a little bit of, like, it's, you know, for example, it's like me with my 40. We all know that I have lots of anxiety and that I get heart racing. Uh-huh. And yet I continue to go back to the bottle here and I just to caffeinate myself twenty four seven even though I know a lot times I feel terrible from it. Well, being scared is also kind of an experience. This is another thing I was thinking. Like, why do we watch scary movies that scare the shit out of us? Yeah. But I know that that's not FEALS, so I don't necessarily feel But neither is my I know that my fear is induced by this thing that's, like, it's it's all in my head? Sure. birth. And they say, it's like, like your own Sure. It's kinda similar. That's some risky living. birth. They say your soul goes back to source and recharges and then comes back to your Well, this is also the thing. After ten years, I also know that it always ends. Mhmm. So there's that too. It's like, I know in about an hour and a half, if not sooner, You're gonna be completely fine. Not gonna be a slug on the floor anymore? No. Or just, like, terrified, like, everyone around me is looking at me. entities. And she, she, that made her feel at And also youll be funny to look back on. peace. Cause she was like, oh, like, it all makes So I don't know. If I start having scary moments, I'll be real with youll. will I will back away from the weed. It's just because I've it's been good so far, but I'm also very cautious with it. Yeah. Yeah. And the one time I kind of wasn't Cinderblock feet. Yeah. I could see them on my feet. What do you mean? Like, it was like I could visualize youll there were, like, center blocks attached to my feet. I'm, like, I know they're not there, and I don't youll see them, but it was it was as so real that I was, like, no, there's definitely something weighted attached to my feet, which is why I can't move very well. I'm having to, like, lift my leg up to, like, take a step. Uh-huh. Yeah. Youll know, okay. So here's the other thing. I my neighbor just recently told me about this Have you ever heard of Ruffo before? Mhmm. So it's incredible. It was, I just, I can't even, you just have to do toad venom that people smoke that has this compound in it. That it's sort of like DMT where it lasts, like, I don't know, like, twenty minutes on average, I think. And I actually wanna do it. I'll see why. She said that, like, some people don't even remember their experience, like, on it at all. But, like, if you Google it, most youll, and it's actually been scientifically shown to help, like, depression, like anxiety, all these different and what they say, is that the only time you've, like, experienced this before is, like, in birth and they say it's, like, like, your own birth. They say youll soul goes back to source and recharges and then comes back to your body. But she said that it felt like she said she FEALS, and this is why I thought it might you should do it with me. Okay. She said it felt like she recognized that, like, her soul and her body were two different entities, and she she that made her feel at peace. Because she was like, oh, like, it all makes sense. Like, my body's temporary and, like, this is where I like, she said, it was like this overwhelming sense of, like, deja vu with, like, familiarity. I mean, that sounds beautiful. Yeah. But the fact of matter is deeply. And then what they described was like, if you've taken enough, like you won't even, you'll be gone before you even that knowing my luck, we'll smoke it together, you'll have unbelievably beautiful experience. And I, you said this is toad venom. I will somehow quick. And she said that like she, like, yeah, she breathed it go to mother toad get swallowed by her and have like this horrific, like, giant toad experience. You know what's so funny is that when I was thinking about doing it with you, I literally thought I shouldn't do it with Jess because she's gonna come out of it first and is gonna be like this. Bekah? It was incredible. It was I just I can't even youll just have to get him reborn. And then I would be That is so funny Bekahs I literally thought that. And then I was like, oh, I'm gonna come out of it, like, terrified. Exactly. It's more like she says, she can't describe I mean, I guess, it. It's like a sense, it was like a sensation and this like, knowing about all these different things about her soul and her body, but it wasn't like I went to this place and I saw these Youll have your fears. You have my And I I do have my But when she brought it up, I was like, Yeah. Wait. So youll cut to do what you're saying. I cut back. That makes me very less anxious because the length is what scares I have my with drugs, but you no. I'm just saying you've you've I like, you have your fears with Ruths. But I just I'm like, I just never have ventured there much and then neither. Oh, I just feel Youll here's the good thing. That's my look. said. She actually thought of She said it feels like when you when you she said it felt like when you hours. It's like, feels like a blip in time, but it's a very like expansive, profound what's it called when they, like, put you under? Like, anesthesia, like, you know how she said, you know how, like, with anesthesia, how they'll be, like, asking you a question, you'll be, like, and then you wake up and it's, like, over? Yeah. She said it felt like that word. Felt like there was no time passed for but but she said that Oh, it's quick. Yes. Well, like I said, it's on average twenty minutes, but she said the feeling of it is, like, Okay. All She didn't even she this this is how exactly I actually described. She said if she was at this beautiful place in Malibu, this beautiful home, with the facilitators of it or whatever. You smoke it. You hold it in With the group, I want to as deeply or no, you didn't hold it in. You just keep breathing it in deeply. And then what they described was, like, if you've taken enough, like, you won't even you'll be gone before you even exhale. So it happens, like, quick. though. That's that's the thing I was gonna like, I D I think that the way she described it as if like, look, if you're trying to fight it, but it doesn't even seem like you have much of a chance to fight from the way she was And she said that, like, she and, like, yeah, she breathed it in, And then she said she saw, like, this black and white sort of, like, swirl or, like, spiral. And then the next thing she remembers is, like, seeing Ruths spiral go actually the other way. And then, like, opening her eyes and she was, like, in the arms of some of, like, one of the facilitators. And she said she was, like, actually really confused for a second of, like, why am I, like, back in my body? Oh. So, like, the trip felt really fast for her. Y2K. This is this doesn't even, like, really exactly. It's more like a she said she can't describe it. It's like a since was like a sensation. Oh, okay. And it's like knowing Yeah. about all these different things about her soul in her body, but it wasn't like I went to this place and I saw these creatures and they came back. That makes me very less anxious. Right. Bekahs the the length is what scares me. I think a lot of it has to do with, like, when I had the terrible weed experience, the one time where it was, like, seven hours lasted for it felt like an eternity. Yeah. Well, and that's what she Oh. If I had a great experience, cause then you're going to get in your said she actually thought of me because she was, like, oh, it's not, like, a shroom trip or an acid trip, we might be buckling up for like twelve to fourteen hours. It's like earth. Like, it was 40 like a blip in time, but it's a very like spansive, profound sensation. And she said that ever since then, it's just like even moving about the world. She's looking at youll. I'm like, sensing that they're, like, you know, this this feeling of connectedness, like, everyone's, like, souls and bodies and all that kind of thing. I think we shall forward to it. Okay. Alright. But you can't go in I don't think you can go in and tell the people you have to do, like, one person at a time. Oh my god. I know. Right? And then you have to decide who goes Like, when the hall the the the Halloween hornets, and they make you go youll, like, a little thing all Ruths sudden by yourself. And I'm like, I came with a group. I wanna go there, like, No, so I am the tosses you report back? Yeah. I yeah. I don't So if you have a horrifying experience, I can be like, I'm out. I'm dipping. Tonight. My tongue is cut and I am speaking Yeah. I don't think it's that kind of drug though. That's that's the thing that I was gonna backwards. If you do that, I would literally leave you I think that the way she described it is if, Home so if you're trying to fight it, but it doesn't even seem like you have much of a chance to fight from the way she was describing it. It seems like it's like like it's like it FEALS you up kind of thing. Yeah. You know? Yeah. And I told her that the one of the scariest things I think about being higher like tripping on anything for me personally is actually having moments of That. And it costs Thucydity where you're like, yeah. No, I guess I was just acting crazy And I know I'm just about to go back into that. Yeah. Yeah. No. I wasn't scary. Right? Yeah. I don't like that at all. Yeah. And so I'm like, I kinda like the feeling of being, like, sucked up and sucked it down. And that's it. Yeah. Okay. Alright. One and done. Right? Alright. Alright. Alright. I'll do it. something. Oh, Alright. I'll do it. Bye. Do it. Yeah. I have to go first though. Because again, if you have, like No. Actually, it'll be worse if you went first and then you were like Becca. It was so beautiful. That's gonna that's gonna trip me out. Oh, if I had a great experience Bekahs then you're gonna get in your head like something gonna happen to me or something. What if I went first and I came out and I was like, it was hell on earth. Like, it was horrifying. Like, I saw the devil and I was helping reborn as his spawn. Like, Like, I what if came out? What if you came out in your psych then? You're like, I'm Satan's wifey. So we got married. It's on the opposite finger because I don't know the devil. rocketing. The cash of those experiences are only like 20 He just does things differently. minutes. Jeez. Yeah. That's oh, should we do Now, it's ads? All turn. I had a bible teacher tell me that Satan worshipers call him Nathos. Because everything's backward. Oh, my gosh. I think that's true. No. And toss. Like, horrible. You're, like, so you're, like, so I am the tosses to walk a right? Like, I don't know, broccoli, So I come out and I'm, kale. Why does it just taste a split time, like, green? Well, turns out maybe it has less to do with the food and more to do with how you cook the Come out. My tongue is cut, and I am speaking backwards. Oh my god, dude. If you did that, I would literally delicious. Especially if you're eating with green chef, Jeff has the number one meal kit for eating food that tastes good and is good for leave you there and I would drive home so quick. You wouldn't go in? No. You wouldn't try it after that. you. Sometimes it can be difficult to find delicious, healthy things to eat, especially if you follow any sort of lifestyle like veganism gluten-free or paleo, but with green chef, the options are literally endless each my ducks. I didn't say shit. Coward. Like, Natas. So your eyes are all black. Oh. week. You'll get to choose from over 35 different recipe options that are always made with clean, seasonal ingredients, organic veggies, and premium Yeah. I mean, I think we should do it. Time for your birthday. I'll say that again. And it 27th three hundred and thirty three dollars. proteins. No. Oh, no. But that means, you know, what? He's like, you know what that adds up 27th. 666I Bekah. I'm out. Alright. I'm done. Bekahs that's why we got the gotta get the guys in there Bekahs then it adds up to fry. Oh, Don't forget about the veggie, the chicken veggie FA oh, it's so Can youll that? Hundred and sixty eight dollars or something? Good. So good. That was the number one for me last If it's an if the week. All I had to do is just, you know, blast my air conditioning and pretend it wasn't hot outside in LA cuddle not 6666. Let's see what 666 times two is and see what the numerology is. Report back up. Eat that chicken if this is bad or good. Please. good. But even better than the delicious recipes you get with green chef is the time that you get back by not having to grocery shop plan recipes, do a million dishes and But we though but we then have to pay altogether. Thirteen hundred and thirty two dollars. Okay. Okay. prep. Tons of We have to pay ingredients. Green chef meals are pre prepared and ready in just have to pay all the four of us together Bekahs I don't wanna pay six hundred and sixty six dollars going in. That'll just scare me. You've time. You get back with the ones that you have and the ones that you Venmo. You're just like, 6666. There's also a lot of money love. Green chef.com/chatty one 30 and use code chatty one 30 to get 130 bucks off plus free shipping that's green chef.com/chatty 1 32 use code chatty one 30 to get $130 off and free what I mean. There is a lot of money. So for a once in lifetime experience, for a dance with the youll. It is actually a lot of money. They must be rocking in the cash if those experiences are Let's talk about natural hygiene products, broads specifically natural only like twenty minutes. Jeez. Yeah. That's Oh, should we do ads? deodorant. I'll admit I was skeptical about using natural deodorant because I had tried close to 10 different Well, for a quick breather from my potential horror, ones. And quite frankly, none of them really did Jack squat for is gonna hold over my head for her birthday. me. Okay. All natural deodorants are definitely not created equal Broads. One of life's greatest mysteries I think is though. And finally, I found my favorite brand of natural deodorant keeps me smelling that the food that is so good and nutritious for us tastes So Bekah. fresh. It smells Right? Like, I amazing. It's totally don't know, broccoli kale. Why does it just taste green? Well, turns out maybe it has less to do with the food, and more to do with how you cook the food. Eating healthy can actually be super delicious, especially if you're eating with green chaff. Green chaff is the number one meal kit for protection. The most important thing with choosing products that go in and on your body is the eating food that tastes good and is good for you. Sometimes it can be difficult to find delicious healthy ingredients. And if you've ever looked at an ingredient list and you know, most of what goes into wellness products is stuff you can't even things to eat, especially if you follow any sort of lifestyle like veganism, gluten free, or paleo. pronounce. So that's going to be a pass for But with green chef, the options are literally endless. Each week, you'll get to choose from over thirty five different recipe options that are always made with clean from. Plus rotating, seasonal Organic veggies and premium sense. You could literally have a new scent every Okay. And just to give you guys an idea month. If you wanted of how good these meals are, here are a few that I got last week. Chicken with creamy zucchini noodles, pork God. The deodorant that is the vanilla with zucchini sauce, and my new favorite, cupcake. Don't eat it, but I want to eat it like it smells so shrimp stir fry. good. And also the peach cupcake, like bodywash all those forget about the veggie the chicken veggie pha. sense. They're good. forgot unbelievable. Perfect for the summertime coming good. That was the number up. And anytime they're amazing, smell Fresh all day long with native, get 20% off your first order by going to native deo.com/chatty and use promo code chatty at checkout that's native deo.com/chatty, or you can use promo code chatty at checkout for 20% off your first one for me last week. All I had to do was just, you know, blast my air conditioning and pretend it wasn't hot outside in LA, cut up. Eat that chicken and veggie fat. Mhmm. So good. But even better than the delicious recipes you get with green chuff is the time that you get back by not having a grocery shop, plan recipes, do a million Bekahs, and prep tons of ingredients. Green chef meals are pre prepared and ready in just minutes so you can spend all that time get back with the ones that you have and the ones that you love. Go to green chef dot com slash chatty one thirty and use code chatty one thirty to get a hundred and thirty bucks off plus free shipping, that's green chef dot com slash chatty one thirty. To use code chatty one thirty to get a hundred and thirty dollars off in free shipping. Let's talk about natural hygiene Broads, specifically, natural deodorant. I'll admit I was skeptical difficult about using natural deodorant because I had tried close to ten different ones and quite frankly none of them really did jacks squat for me. Okay? All natural deodorants are definitely not created equal though. And finally, I found my favorite brand of natural deodorant. It keeps me smelling fresh. Smells amazing. Totally natural and that's native. Just now I've been loving native for quite some time. But if you haven't tried it yet, here's the rundown. Native is aluminum free, vegan and cruelty free. It's made with naturally derived ingredients and has twenty four hour odor protection. The most important thing with choosing products that go in and on your black. Oh, I love the ingredients. And if you've ever looked at the ingredient list, then you know most of what goes into wellness products is stuff you can't even pronounce. So that's gonna be a pass for me. But with native, you're gonna find ingredients that are familiar to you like coconut oil and Shea butter. And with ten different scents to choose from plus hauntings seasonal scents, Youll could literally have a new scent every month if you wanted to. Right now, I have been loving their newest collaboration with Bekah by Melissa. mysterious. I felt very like sexy, still in my body because I was accepting where like my head space Oh, my god. The deodorant that is the vanilla cupcake. Mhmm. Don't eat it, but I wanna eat it. Like, it smells so good and also the peach cupcake like body wash. Oh, those scents they're unbelievable. period. When we went out to comedy, I was like, I'm gonna wear all black kind of like Perfect for the summertime coming up. And anytime, they're amazing. Smile and feel fresh all day long with native. Get twenty percent off your first order by going to native d o dot com slash chatty and use promo code chatty at checkout. That's native DE0 dot com slash chatty. Or you can use promo code chatty checkout for twenty percent off your first order. So I did want to tell you about something that 27th Good. Just bores I am on my period right now. Yep. And, well, two things about that. One, I went out in my follicular phase. Yes. My friend was like, hey, can you please meet me out at this party? So you're like, let me check my And I looked and I'm letting you check my chart. And I was like, oh, no. My period is starting tomorrow, but I didn't wanna bail on her. So I went in with you and my brain and I was like, okay. Told her I was gonna go out the last time I would different. They're a little me all know what happened and I made an absolute fool of myself. So what I'm going to do this time is I'm going to channel the energy that is me during this phase, which But I'm also Aaron, I'm gonna turn the air a little quieter. I'm not like bouncing around. I'm not trying to impress and be like, hey, quick answer to that. I'm like, I'm gonna channel my mystery. Yes. I'm gonna draw I kept my sunglasses on. I wore all black. Oh, I love it. And I was super like laid back, not trying to force anything. No. And instilling. me tell you what. It was a success. thing. I got it wrong, but I did it right, but I did Well done. I went out and I had great conversations with people. I felt very like it was weird because I think accepting what phase I was in and then kind of, you know, adding a little bit of a part to it. I'm like, I'm just gonna play mysterious. I felt very, like, sexy still in my body because I was accepting where, like, my headspace was. And I'm, like, maybe this is my new ovulation period. That's what I did right before I got my period when we went out to comedy. I was, like, I'm, like, I'm, like, flowy so it's comfy. Put in some FEALS, put my hair upsets out of the way, and I'm not brushing it back. And it feels good. Right? You're like, okay. This is right for the time. It was perfect. It was perfect. And I and I then I had an amazing time and it was very successful experience. fuck? And you're like, dude, you just And so I'm like, I'm gonna keep doing Rebecca's telling me Bekahs if I did. So he pulls in step into that part of my month, tell. And as I like get out of my car and I'm being really friendly, like it was a bump, it it's just a He's not his force anything -- Right. -- don't turn you to dig your Because happens. I've done it before, whatever we'll get it paid for, you know, if I were to go out and I'd be at that point in my phase, then I would feel super I feel like super not in my own body. Yeah. Feel like I'm trying to you? And I was right away this part friendly. And he didn't say of me that is me, but I'm just not in that head space. Yeah. Instead of just stepping into a into follicular phase dress. I love it. And she is a mysterious Bekah, honey. Yes. She is brooding. Yeah. And the come the comebacks can be quick, but they're just different. Mhmm. They're a little harsher. I think youll and I think that's your luteal phase. Luteal phase. Am I saying you're all wrong? Might be. I think follicular follicular is right. Let me look at it real quick. I think follicular is right. Look at it. Around I'm gonna turn the air on. I'm so sorry Bekahs Y2K know what? recently. So it was like, oh, here we is February and it is sucks. So, but I was taking photos of it and, and he like walks up next to me and he goes, no It's always like this in LA in the at some point in January, February. It's horrible. It's so hot. Okay. Hey, to be the corrector here, but damage. And I'm like, well, yeah, there's some, some damage right Is it Luteal? Yeah. You're it's Luteal Okay. Welcome out. Here's the thing. here. See? And he goes, I don't say I got it wrong, but I did it Yes. anything. And you're like, don't try to bully me out of this. Give me your fucking insurance card right But I didn't write. now. So that was part one. Yeah. And that was great. But then 27th days later, in my luteal phase, done. I said, it's not a lot, but you definitely did damage to my I was in my car -- Mhmm. -- minding my own business at a stoplight, car. And he's like, well, I don't see and the guy behind me hit me. It wasn't a big, you know, he bumped me. Yes. But the parking lot was right next to the the light, and so I just pulled in and I could see him very annoyingly pulling in even though he hit me. do? It exploded And out. Are you was annoyed. Oh, he was a little annoyed. Is that today I have a car pulling like, pulling out in front of someone, getting sideswiped. And I mean, like, what the fuck. And you're like, dude, you just did this. It's like, this is what you did. So he in and irritated. I could tell And as I, like, get out of my car and I'm being really friendly. Yeah. Like, it was a bump. It happens. I've done it before. I'm gonna come back to the person now. Four. We'll get it paid for, you know, whatever. And so and so I was like, hi. How are you? And I was right away friendly, and he didn't say anything. And he just, like, walks away for a second to pick up the license plate from the front of his car that had fallen off in the passive aggressive. passive aggressive than his fellow gentleman Y2K. Right? The He's probably, like, in his fifties. And and I'm then behind my car, I'm taking photos of the damage, which was very minimal. Right? There's just, like, there was a couple little scratches -- Mhmm. -- youll, like, two little tiny dents. It wasn't big, but we just got the bumper replaced. Recently. So it was like, oh, here we go again. Sucks. So but I was taking photos of it. And and car. But it was like, walks up next to me and he goes, No damage. him. And then I showed him, I'm like, well, there is actual And I'm like, well, damage. And then he was refusing to exchange information with yeah, there's some some damage right here. See, and he goes, I don't say anything. And you're like, don't try to bully me out of this. Give me your fucking insurance card right now. I'll go to the police. He goes, I don't say anything. man. I lost And he and I, like, I bend down and I'm like, I will point out right here the dents Brought it up and then he gave it, he like, he very begrudgingly showed me his stuff and then like he pulled out his insurance card and I'm like, I'm going to also need your and the damage that was done. I said, it's not a lot, but youll definitely did damage to my car. And he's like, well, I don't license. And then he was like, see anything, so I don't know why we have to exchange information. number. Like I was getting everything from immediately to your family doctor and go, I need scans my And Becca, youll luteal phase queen lost it. neck. Something's bothering What did you do? It exploded out. Are you serious? Yeah. I didn't yell at him, but my What it? The Britain 27th room Y2K? Yes. Get to this movie's true girl, but I looked at him and I was just, like, daggett my Scorpio. It just, like, came in and I looked at him and I'm, like, irritated. I'm like, excuse I'll scream. No. far. Cause for you, I don't, I don't have really the, I don't think I have the capacity to go off on a stranger like No. No. No. I said I said it. If I was a man right now, there's no way that you would be fucking acting like you don't see any damage It's because I'm a woman. If I was a man, there's no way you each oh, I was going off on him. I'm like, there's no way that you'd be trying to get out of showing me your insurance card. Give me your insurance card. Write the fuck now. I lost it on him. FEALS lost it on him. What do you do? He was like, he was pissed, but he was keeping it that day. Yeah. I think then he got he's like, oh, she's not playing right now. Like, she's going to do something arresting. Because I was just like, he's like, oh, show and fucking damaged show and show. She's just gonna get back, you know, these are those videos where people get in their car, and then they start raining into the other car. But it was crazy because I literally said four times that I when I came out of the car, it was being so nice. Of course. And then I showed him, I'm like, well, there is actual damage. And then he was refusing 27th exchange information with me. And it's true. If I was some tall guy standing there, there's no way he would have been like, I don't see any damage. I'm not gonna give you my insurance card. Yeah. Oh, man. I lost it. Youll face. moves. And so I'm like, Chris, I'm going to have to call you back So he was pissed, but he's keeping that band and he bronzed it. That band and then he gave it he, like, he very begrudgingly Like as if I have a flip phone and then I walk around and I'm like, I don't remember what I showed me his stuff and then, like, he pulled out his insurance card and I'm like, I'm gonna also need your license. And then he was like, oh, and then I was like, I'm gonna also need your Embers was getting everything from. So did you go immediately to your family doctor and go, oh, I need scans, my neck, something's othering me. No. In fact, I I was so just like fired up that I came home and I completely forgot about it for like forty eight hours. And then I was like, eleven, I forgot tell you if someone hit my car Bekahs I just got, like, so I was so mad. Justifiably so. I was just so move. Like I felt the car I'm like, excuse me. So that was my luteal face so far. Good for you. Yeah. I don't I don't have really the I don't think I have the capacity to go off on a stranger like that and I wish I did. Can see, there was a little friction, Maybe if I was defending like a youll someone like if someone was hurting someone, I think I could. I think I I don't have the capacity to go off on someone who I know. Yeah. The stranger thing apparently, I don't have a problem with it. No. It's so, like, not me youll. And then it's, like, good for you. And I was just like, oh, you're gonna try that with me right now. You're going to and all I could hear in my head 27th, as Evan always says, like, if Evans ever there, nothing like this ever happens. Yes. And then when I'm alone often, like, that type of shit goes down. So I was just hearing that in my brain and I was like, It's not gonna happen this time, but not today, bitch. know? And I'm like acting still as if she I'm inconveniencing I'm in my little face and I just had a successful night two days ago, you're not gonna take me away from this. You know, I had someone do that in a in the Santa Monica College parking structure where I was sitting in the car on the phone. people? And I want like maybe 1% of that in my body because I don't want to be that And this bitch pulls in her car next to me goes, like, and I my old car moves. And so I'm like, Chris, I'm gonna have to call you back. One sec. Yeah. Yeah. Click as if I have a flip phone. And then I walk around and I'm like, I don't even remember what I said. I was just, like, just rolling the window down or just, like, So so I got information. If they're in the car, and walked around. I'm like, hey. I'm like, I'm I I don't know if I said, like, you hit my car. Like, she was literally about to, like, walk out and go fast. I was like, youll my car in shape with the most attitude. She's like, no, I didn't. We have had, I don't think I've really ran the gamut when it comes to car accident She's like And I go, I what are I like? Well. Heart blink. No. I was like, well, I was sitting in my car and I felt it moved. Uh-huh. Like, I felt the car moved. And she was like, I think that was already there. And I'm like, this is gray paint. Your car is gray. Oh, and on your car, you have white paint. Like, our cars made love. As you can see, there was a little friction. There was a little friction between them, and now we have the evidence. So pay on it. It was so crazy and she was literally like, no. No. And I go, sorry. I hit, I hit your Okay. Well truck. Here's my and she was probably like nineteen. I'm like, okay. Well, McDonald's. Cause I had to go back to I'm gonna need your license and registration info. I go, I get a call from this guy in class and he's like, I'm calling the police on and that stuff. And she goes, ugh, fine. And literally gets her license and I remember her being like, rolling her eyes and, like, sticking around, like, she's she's so old. She's so old. If she's here, investigate. He was saying that they were going to come to my school and arrest too. It's like -- Yeah. Literally. -- so old. She's, like, here, you know. And I'm, like, acting still as if she I'm just inconvenient to see her Bekahs I didn't hit her. She didn't hit my car crazy. I've had similar situations before we've been present when similar things have happened. And I just I think who are these youll? sir. I had to leave to go back to And I want, like, maybe one percent of that in my body because I don't wanna be that asshole. But at the same time, like, if I school. I'm like, sorry, you don't have to find open and cut my car door and I bump into someone's car, I have if they're not in the car, you're about to get a full blown like, rolled up. But I, thankfully I knew about from me on your hood with, like, my youll security number where I live too much information if they're in the car. I'm like, I'm so sorry. I'm like, oh my god. I'm so sorry. I mean, I'm panicking. So the idea of being annoyed at someone, when I do that, I can't It doesn't register. I have had I've Yeah. I think I've really ran the gamut when it comes a car accident situation. Yeah. You truly have. I haven't told you this one. When I was in high school and I was senior so you get to eat off campus lunch. Right? Love that. Yeah. had my car I show freedom. I probably had totaled it. So I had my dad's Tahoe -- Uh-huh. -- that was driving and I took a couple of my friends were going to McDonald's as you do, of course. And as I'm leaving the parking lot backing out or something, I scrape into this guy's truck. It's a beater. It's old. Whatever. I still am like, oh, I'm gonna exactly. I'm so sorry. I hate I hate your truck. Here's my number. Yeah. I could I didn't know I couldn't figure out who was in McDonald's because I had to go back to class. I was gonna be late. But I leave my info. I go. Lot of car experiences, That's my I get a call from this guy in class. And he's like, I'm calling the police on you. This is a hit and run. I'm calling the youll, they can investigate. He was saying that they were going to come to my school and arrest me. But I know I hit cars before. Here we go. And I was also in North Trademark. brain. Like when you're moving about the world, there's a whole podcast on the case was about hit and run and I go, this. Like your brain plots out I love my information. Youll who I am? You're calling me right now. That's that's not you everything. No. I'm sorry, sir. I had to leave to go back to class. I I youll have my information that it that's not a hit and run. He was like, we're gonna find you. We're gonna come to school. I'm like, sir, you don't have to find me. Okay. I'm giving you my insurance information right now, sir. Oh, my god. And he would not let up, but, thankfully, I knew better. Otherwise, it would have been terrifying. I can picture high school back to being, like, listen, sir. In section one twenty five of this part of our our law, students. The bachelor, her biggest fear was falling down the What you're doing to me now is harassment, and I will arrest your ass. You're like chewing gum and like playing with to ring and you're just like, I will have you arrested immediately, sir. It was literally like I said, I was like, I but And it is, it's hard if you've ever like scraped your shin, that hurts so have my information. I I had to go back to class. And then bad. know what the funniest thing was is that apparently this then later that day in my mock trial, like, after school group, whatever. This girl in there. It's like, oh my god. Like, my Redneck cousin is complaining, posting photos all over Facebook about how someone hit his car in the McDonald's parking lot. And I'm like, That was me. No. It was me. It's nice. Oh, what's going on? Let's finish. On Facebook right now about this Bekah. it and run his car in the McDonald's parking lot. It was too That's weird. That's bizarre. So and then I, you know, I was harassed and verbally assaulted. And when I tapped someone's car in the parking lot before J. You've really had a lot of car experience. Oh, that's my fault. I paid a lot No, I get that because I also I'm not I've become a good driver, but I used to be a really terrible driver, and I would hit, like, just ding things. Like, like, inanimate objects all the time or, like, when I was pulling out parking lots where my absolute hell. Did you know that women actually have worse spatial awareness than men? Really? In your brain, like, when you're moving about the world, there's a whole podcast on this. Like, your brain plots out points. Like, it's like guess it's like a my mom described it as like a triangle. I'm probably describing it all wrong, but it's like brain will plot out as you're walking along, like in your peripheral and in front of youll, this is, like, this is the distance away that things are from me and all that. Just the mental image of you just like hitting a Bush and your Wins is just worse than men's or, like, we're, like, lacking some component Like, yeah, probably just flying all over biologically. Can I tell you I can barely walk downstairs? I'm gonna see all the railing. I'm campus? Like she's always, just like, oh my god. Like, escalators golfer. You know what? The funny thing is too, is they give out tickets on Scare me so much. Okay. So CN, from my I was just thinking of escalators. CN, from my students, a bachelor, her biggest fear was falling down the escalator. And ever since she said that, I can't get out of my place. I head and never thought about it before. It's a death trap. But there it's literally like it's slippery, it's metal, it's jagged with like the way that edges of the escalator are just poking out. Yeah. It is it's hard. If you've ever, like, scraped your shins, that hurts so bad. God forbid, I have to take Embers down the escalator with me. Like, I will find the elevator upstairs. I'm like, I hate this so much I'm so nervous about it. And so that I'm and she doesn't pay attention. So I'm like, bike. So people, scooter around too, which is just No. We do. We don't like it. We don't like it. Take it all the time. Don't think he would scoot her either, but people can just like hop Because we're taking so long to get on the escalator going down, going up, I'm fine. And Ruths, when I was traveling with her recently, we're on the escalator at the airport. And I huffed on a nice shoes with my suitcase. That that was right behind me, but she was still timidly waved to have on. So then -- No. -- but then I'm trying to run up the escalator, you know, to get just a nightmare, just a total nightmare, is the stuff professors. helps. You 27th be careful because it could be a self fulfilling time. And he and everyone talked about him on Bekahs cien one time we were meeting up and she had fallen down the escalator. No. Yes. I totally cut up her legs. It was horrible. She FEALS down the escalator. I need 27th, before I step on the escalator, like, I need to give myself the energy of, like, okay. Here we go. I'm gonna dominate this thing. Like, I'm gonna make this escalator my fault. sidewalk, you know? Do you follow off. And it was like, it was like an Indiana I know. I'm not very cordless. I used to fall off. I used to bike around UC Irvine and I would fall off my bike all the time. Like, I would just, like, hit a curb and, like, fall off my bike as, you know, campus. And he would teach history too, which is like really hot, hot history an adult. Just just youll image of you just like hitting a bush in your legs. Just like Yeah. Probably just flying all the things. I want to go through once. I was just like, have you seen that one girl around campus? Like, she's always, like, oh my gosh, fuck her butt. know what the funny thing is too is they give out tickets on campus if you ride your bike. There's there's sometimes youll police officer doing that ticket. Youll ride your bike? Yeah. You're not supposed to ride it on Ring Road. The designated walk, you know, new plays. I mean, sometimes gotta get places fast. I do. I'm always late to things, you know. So I'm gonna get little cross campus when you got, oh, we got ten minutes to walk, like, half a mile 27th be fair. Y2K always yeah. You're always hitting things. Yeah. So they're like, please don't. This is this is a liability. Like, you're gonna cost us a lot of money and a loss. Soon. Okay? So please put your bike away. Use those legs. Please, ma'am. Put the bike. So people scooter around too, which is just Wait. So youll can't Bekah, but you can scooter. Youll, you don't think it would scooter either, but people can just, like, hop off the scooter real quick. All cool. We'll be, like, FEALS up their razor. Yeah. You know, I think what I would really enjoy too, is I love this as a fellow student because I, especially as I got older, never cared about being the asshole in class, especially when we would do like art classes, you used to have a professor. There was a professor on campus who was so hot and he scooted around campus. No. Scapeboarded. He was I mean, it was it was literally, like, every one of his young kids and thirty. He was, like, twenty eight or pressers. And she was like, that was twenty seven furious. the time. Yeah. And he and everyone talked about him on campus. He was so Like, it wasn't even, like, oh, you're hot. Like, it wasn't, like, oh, there's a bunch of professors that aren't attractive and then he's, like, the one young one. So you're, like, maybe you're cute. Like, he was, like, a model. Yeah. Okay? And he would, like, wear his little tortoise shell glasses with his, like, one hair that would fall in front of his eye and every once in a while he'd take glasses off, and it was like it was like Indiana Jones, you know, bullshit. And I remember one time in a critique where there's this guy and it was the third time he had done when he was the professor. Oh, yeah. It was just like, oh my god. And then he'd have his cute little outfits in his briefcase, and he would skateboard around the campus. And he would teach history too, which is like -- Yeah. -- so really hot. Yeah. A hot history teacher. Yeah. whatever. And I just remember being like, honestly, Justin, I think said it was Do you think I would make a good professor? Yeah. You would. I would love to be a professor. Yeah. I I could imagine you being incredible at being a professor, but even more so incredible at knowing that you're a professor. now. Like, and I, Like, you I imagine you being an incredible teacher. Like, I could I would still think that youll, speak and teach very well, but even better than that would be, like, your aura of, like, I am a professor. I'm done with your What you're wearing? How it would be it's like this guy. How you're showing up to class, the way that you would like pull your bun down, the way you'd put your glasses on, it would be like Who is this person? I need to be president of her lives? How she lived? Do life goal? The next thing I have to do is be fucking professor. It requires a law school, but I'm up for the challenge. here. I don't know what this bullshit Yeah. You know, I think what I would really enjoy too is I love this as a fellow student -- Mhmm. -- because I especially FEALS I got older, never cared about being the asshole in class. Especially when we would do like art classes. it. And everyone else is just kinda like, so I can't wait to be that professor where I'm like, where you just, where I'm like, and you know, it's incredibly disrespectful that you would blatantly lie to my face saying that you put any thought at all into this project because we can see You know? And I would get livid. Absolutely. Furious, let the woman drink. Most choke on my spit. I would get livid when someone was clearly half assing the assignment and the professors and the other students would dance around it in critique where they would it. We can all see be like, Well, I can really see, like, the dimension. And, you know, granted already subjective, but there was sometimes where it is so oddly to, like, tell them professor them they are lazy. They're bullshit. And I remember one time in a critique where there is this guy. And it it was the third time he had done it. It was third project And he was coming up with some bullshit description for something that he had clearly made thirty minutes before. Course at times It's like it's about temporality, whatever. Y2K I just remember being, like, zoom. Justin. I think it was Justin. I was, like, honestly, Justin, like, I think it's really obvious that you didn't really put any effort into this. Yeah. In critique. And I was like, I just think that I think I said, like, I think kinda feel like bullshit us right now. Like horrible. There's one specific teachers emotionally, And I This is constantly. There's one specific teacher that I this is this is perfect. I see you on your Bekah. You fell into a bush earlier, so there's, like, two sticks in your hair, in my brain, pregnant. And you're in the front row with a couple sticks in your hair and you have glasses on and you just turn around. Like Justin, No. The craziness in critique, you're all standing in the circle around the person's artwork. So you're all standing there, you know, and you're all, like, just across to him and you're just, like, the the the are in the hair. You're pregnant. You're, like, Justin, some of us want to actually be here. I don't know what this bullshit is. weird. And I thought it was, I have a weird sense of humor, but I would take every day I would get a It's just youll. Just like I honestly, I don't know. I'm not gonna lie. I just it doesn't seem like youll put very much working. I just gotta be honest. gotta say it. I gotta say it. And everyone else is just kinda like really is gonna point. So I can't wait to be that professor where I'm like, were you just where I'm like, and cap. And I'd be saying what the Snapple cap said and be like, youll know, Mr. Lore, how, It's incredibly disrespectful that you had blatantly lied in my face saying that you put any thought at all into this project. Because we can see it. We can all see it. And you're like, do you wanna be here? I sure don't. Does he have the excessive teacher going off on the students? No. Bekah. Because this teacher talk. And I just was like, if I saw any of Y2K, crazy. Cause you adopt these like, like things like that where you're just like, I'm going to make this my thing you're that people really give me her shit, but I had to say, like, man, I think I know where she's coming from. Do with the popcorn where I'm like, this is my she's clearly had an breakdown. Of course. Was it during the COVID times? I think it was. I don't think it was on Zoom. I don't think it was on Zoom. It was on top of Zoom. Okay. But it's, like, it's it's the stressful times. I'm on top of everything. I'm on top of these. I never had group of students where I could stay with such confidence that I would not care I remember having teachers that would like down crying. I mean, yeah. You're horrible. Yeah. You're horrible. Older one specific teacher is emotionally constant. There's one specific teacher that I, like, I wish that I could find his information because the amount of trauma? Yeah. The amount of shit that our entire class put this poor man through is, like, it haunts me. Like trauma that we put our Spanish teacher through oh my god. I would just walk up and get up in the middle of her lecture and just go make popcorn in the back of the room in the microwave. I mean, can you imagine the distressed that's insane. The disrespect, like, I used to god, I was so weird. Okay? Like, I used to every day. But I don't think he liked this. And I was doing it because I'm I'm weird and I thought it was I have a weird terms of humor. But I would take every day, I would get a snapple. Mhmm. I'd pop the snapple and I take the snapple fact, my my Diet Peach. And I would draw this weird guy that was looking over, like a cartoon of a weird guy looking over like, a fence saying the Snapple Cab. And I'd be or saying what the Snapple Cab said, I'd be like, mister Moore, how why hello then? He'd say weird shit. Like, well youll there. How are you today? Did you know and I'd leave it at his desk every day. And every day, he'd look at it and he would just be like, so disturbed. I don't know where I was. And then, like, the class would be chanting students. It's almost like the students feel like they you're like, we can take name whenever he would try to talk. And I just almost sold that. High school's crazy Bekahs you adopt these, like, like things like that where you're just like, I'm gonna make this my thing. Yeah. You're gonna make this my weird thing that I do. Popcorn where I'm like, this is my thing. I'm gonna bring a bag of popcorn and pop it in class. I'm gonna pass it around. Yeah. You're like, I'm the pop Everyone does. I'm like, hurry up. Snapple App Girl. Everyone loves everyone thinks it's, like, you're whole in youll gotta stick in class. Everyone's, like, oh my god, about to do that. Like, oh, Jess is about deliver her letter to him. Like, it's the whole thing. And I think about mass terrorism. I was speaking to a group of fifteen year man. I feel and they were treating me that way. And never ever ever changes. Suzanne, anytime try to talk about anything, I would I would go off. There's no way that I could keep my composure. I'm now you that have iPhones. Exactly. And it's like, I I youll know what? I have one class in me. I could do it one time second day done. I'm gonna need like a lock period where it's like two and a half hours of the same shits. God. My love I have, I have this thing I need to talk to you about, about uniting I would just be crying and I'd be like, you all have no idea. Yeah. I'd be like you're so young. There's dead. Like, my algebra teacher who was pregnant, I remember in eighth Broads, and I Embers staying in front of all of us crying. Oh, that poor thing. Just being, like, Guys are just oh, I think she was, you know, losing it. Yes. Oh, and we're all just sitting there, like, finally listening to her. We're so sorry, missus Nizarian. III feel horrible. Like, I I go back and I just 40, like, in general, I was always too scared 27th that was such a people pleaser to do that with the teachers, but this but, yeah, this one specific model mentality. Sometimes the entire class That was the thing. It was, like, there was theaters that Hi, I'm Katie Stall and I'm Cody certain teachers are saying sometimes there's a class, Johnston. We are the hosts of even more a certain teacher and a soup a certain combination of students. That is coming together of of it's fun for the students. Well, it's almost like the students feel like they are like, we can take advantage of the lottery. We can take this happening. And if you can't get enough news on TV, social media group, text threads, or our YouTube show, some more news than even more news is the first and only news podcast for unit. It's like well, they it's like we almost thought when we were students. Like, we could do enough to let you to let us out of class early. Yeah. Like, we can do this together. Sure. you. Each Friday, we break down some of the top stories of the week with a healthy dose of clarity, levity, and sometimes actual optimism featuring special guests from the worlds of comedy and of the kids wouldn't even show up to his class. Yeah. Because we'd have, like, lunch period before. Yeah. And there'd be, like, four of us in the class. I remember in my should be sitting there front row with, like, my journalism. Plus starting in October and audio version of our YouTube snap snap snap letter. show. Some more news will be in our podcast feed every What was his name? Shut him out. Mister Moore I'm so sorry. You were such a sweet man. I feel horrible. Well, Broads on that notes shout out to all the it. I subscribed to some more news wherever you get your teachers. Thank you for all your input. We love you. You and happy birthday to be back. Thank you for your friends and much. amazing messages.


Or Oh, man. Yeah. It feels like ages ago


when we talked about that beginning this episode.


Oh, so next episode, I would like


to talk to you about so


many things, psychicness


about -- Oh my god. -- my love. have I


have this psychic thing I need to talk to about uniting


people. Yeah. Gosh.


There's youll our next episode's gonna be with


a professional matchmakers.


Tune in Tuesday for the professional matchmakers


episode. It was a really great if we record


it already, you all are gonna love it. And then,


of course, tomorrow, tune


into the bros Bekahs there are two


very special guests. Oh, yeah.


Very special guests that will be joining


the bros. You do not wanna miss it. We


love you all and chat


soon. Chat soon. Hi.


I'm Katie Storr. And I'm Cody Johnston.


And we are the hosts of even more news,


the first and only news podcast.


If there's one thing, there's a ton of in the


world these days. It's news.


Also, Adams. But Y2K, much


stuff. Many stuffs are always happening.


And if you can't get enough news on TV,


social media, group tax threads or


our YouTube shows some more news,


then even more news is the first and


only news podcast for you.


Each Friday, we break down some of the top stories


of the week with a healthy dose of clarity, levity,


and sometimes actual optimism


featuring special guests from the worlds of comedy


and journalism. Plus, starting in October,


an audio version of our YouTube show, some


more news will be in our podcast feed every


Tuesday. So if you already liked


even more news and some more news, well,


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