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Zestful Aging

Nicole Christina, LCSW

Zestful Aging

A weekly Society, Culture and Health podcast

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Zestful Aging

Nicole Christina, LCSW

Zestful Aging

Zestful Aging

Nicole Christina, LCSW

Zestful Aging

A weekly Society, Culture and Health podcast
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How can we age with zest, courage and vibrance? How can we tackle the challenges of aging--including ageism-- with awareness and skill? Nicole Christina, a psychotherapist of more than 30 years, interviews culture changers from all over the world and of every persuasion–including Python hunters in the Everglades and Hospice workers at San Quentin Penitentiary. Her topics have a humanitarian theme and are typically off of the mainstream. An expert interviewer and author of "Not Just Chatting: How to Become a Master Podcast Interviewer" Nicole’s conversations are deep and heartfelt. In these conversations, the challenges of aging are not sugar coated. Bodies age. We're not as fast or agile as we once were. 60, it turns out, is not the new 40. Acceptance is the key, although it's easier said than done. Our goal, then, is to navigate the losses of aging as well as to highlight the gifts. Many people report being happier when they reach 50 and are delighted by the freedoms they experience. They may have more time to themselves, and the new ability to discover what makes them truly happy. Many women are traveling solo and finding joy in their new friendships. It's a time to be curious and adventurous while our body still is in good working condition. It's not always easy, though. Trying new things can be scary. Nicole's guests are not super heroes. They are people who have found their own ways of meeting the challenges of aging yet still delighting in the life they have left. The Show brings optimism to the experience of aging in spite of the realities of expectable losses.

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Podcast Details

Created by
Nicole Christina, LCSW
Podcast Status
Feb 3rd, 2018
Latest Episode
Nov 2nd, 2024
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
42 minutes

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