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James Rolfe

James Rolfe

Host & Voice Actor on Cinemassacre on Odysee & Host of Cinemassacre Podcast
James RolfeJames Rolfe
James Rolfe

James Rolfe

James Rolfe

James Rolfe

Host & Voice Actor on Cinemassacre on Odysee & Host of Cinemassacre Podcast
James D. Rolfe is an American filmmaker, actor, YouTuber, and online personality. He is best known for creating and starring in the YouTube webshow Angry Video Game Nerd, a joint production between Rolfe's Cinemassacre Productions, GameTrailers, and ScrewAttack. He also reviews films and board games.Rolfe began creating homemade video productions in the late 1980s and has created more than 270 videos throughout his career, including shorts, features, and webisodes. His career as an online celebrity took off in 2004 with the beginning of Angry Video Game Nerd. Two years later, Rolfe gained mainstream attention when one of his videos went viral after friend and collaborator Mike Matei persuaded him to publish them on the internet. Between this time, he filmed videos he created on his own and most of them have been released on his website, Cinemassacre.
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Creator Details

Jul 10th, 1980
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Episode Count
Podcast Count
Total Airtime
2d, 16h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 078101
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