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Randy Silver

Randy Silver

Host & Producer of The Product Experience
Randy Silver

Randy Silver

Randy Silver

Randy Silver

Host & Producer of The Product Experience
A recovering music journalist and editor, Randy has been working as an interactive producer and product manager across the US and UK for nearly 20 years. After launching Amazon’s music stores in the US and UK, Randy has worked with museums and arts groups, online education, media & entertainment, retail and financial services. He’s held Head of Product roles at HSBC and Sainsbury’s, where he also directed their 100+-person product community. Now a trainer, Discovery and Leadership consultant, he’s spoken at Mind the Product Engage (Hamburg and Manchester), the Business of Software, Turing Festival, a number of ProductTanks (London, Zurich, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Oxford, and Brighton… so far!) and at conferences across the US and Europe.
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Creator Details

Episode Count
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Total Airtime
1w, 1d
Podchaser Creator ID logo 270455
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This is a podcast creator profile for Randy Silver. This page showcases all of Randy Silver's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Randy Silver's new podcast credits.

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