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Adjusted Frequency


Adjusted Frequency

A weekly Society and Culture podcast featuring Shaquana Daise

 1 person rated this podcast
Adjusted Frequency


Adjusted Frequency

Adjusted Frequency


Adjusted Frequency

A weekly Society and Culture podcast featuring Shaquana Daise
 1 person rated this podcast
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Shaquana is a single mother & generational curse breaker in her family. Growing up away from her parents and adopted by family she learned the meaning of love while facing abandonment issues. After finally going to therapy (because she wants a better life for her son) she realized how much she identified with the growing pains of being the 'adopted kid'. Now she dedicates herself to inspire her audience to take steps toward self-love and acceptance. Adjusted Frequency is the podcast where she spreads love, laughter and honesty about the journey to self love and mental health freedom. She also is very friendly and loves to share thoughts and open her mind to new possibilities. So in short never a dull day around ShaquanaLanay! xoxo ...More
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