The podcast Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain has been one of my FAVORITE podcasts. She creates such a comfortable, warming and safe environment by being so relatable towards her audience as she is a teen herself. This is the ONLY podcast that I could listen to without getting bored. In this podcast she expresses on what she has gone through to help others in the same situation, while she is doing this, she also tends to keep her audience entertained. I found this podcast by looking for a relatable teen podcast, as well as hearing other people talking about it on social media like Instagram, Tiktok, etc. Each episode in this podcast has its own topic however each episode tends to open up by pointing out how everyone has their own distractions, and she also speaks on the issue on how social media has a big toll on a person's health that can unhealthy in the episode of “The Instagram Illusion”. She also tends to mention how everyone should have a thing to enjoy other than social media like cooking, reading books or just being alone. For example, on the episode called “Growing HURTS” she explained her situation of her not being in a good place and being lonely when going to social events but later on realizes how she just wants to go to distract herself from the pain of what she needs to deal with out of weakness. She goes in dept on mental health and how it's really important as she gives advice that is sometimes not easy to take. The most memorable thing from the several episodes that I heard was how every topic that she spoke on she somehow also related to it to not let her audience feel alone with those problems. In this podcast I would like her to cover the topic of social media standards or cancel culture as well. I feel like these topics for podcasts would appropriate since everyone has a different opinion on it and it is a topic that many people also go through. But overall, I give the podcast a five out of five stars.