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Claire Scherzinger


 16 people rated this podcast

Claire Scherzinger



Claire Scherzinger


 16 people rated this podcast
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A interplanetary sci-fi adventure that explores life in many forms: AI, planetary/organic, alien, and human. This strange planet and the team's objectives are enigmatic, to say the least, and I'm loving the wonderful (and at times terrifying) ways we get to explore this new terrain.
Love this. Top notch Audio drama. It's worth following the progress for sure!
A very forgettable show that had potential in its ideas but the characters and general plotting left me feeling lackluster. The voice acting isn't bad but the tone of them is too different to one another especially the wacky 1950's radio voice one of the characters has for some reason. I like the sci-fi ideas in here and the atmosphere but it feels only skin deep and with no characters to latch onto the show just isn't worth the journey.
Great listen. interesting storyline and enjoyed the creators approach on the AI
Ehh...it was fine. There were some interesting parts, but mostly it was just fine.
An amazing freshman outing. The story will draw you in and then rip your heart out. The production is top notch with voice acting to match. Can not wait for season 2.
A great scifi adventure. I think it has a kind of "Jurassic Park" feeling to it. I especially love all the different characters both human and non-human that I get to know on a more personal level. Exiting to know where it goes!
I really enjoyed this. Sometimes podcasts can try to hard with science fiction. This I feel doesn't.
Solid story and production. Plus you cannot help but love some quality sassy robots. I can't wait to see where this goes!
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