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Artifice Audiobook

Eric Bickernicks

Artifice Audiobook

A daily Arts and Literature podcast

 1 person rated this podcast
Artifice Audiobook

Eric Bickernicks

Artifice Audiobook

Artifice Audiobook

Eric Bickernicks

Artifice Audiobook

A daily Arts and Literature podcast
 1 person rated this podcast
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Would you like a couch with that painting? Obscurity is a way of life for Gavin Vonn Getch, a painter who works at a frame shop in a small New England town. His life changes when billionaire Gary Eastman enters his shop and becomes the ultimate patron: a lifetime commission for all his work in exchange for a crap-load of money. Some of his artist buddies envy him and others think he’s sold out. Curious as to where his paintings are being displayed, he makes a trip to the DLC headquarters, where a shocking discovery forces him to reevaluate his deal with Eastman and his identity as an artist. Why does an artist create? What alternatives are there to completely selling out? Is there no genius—only marketing? The book is a satirical, and sometimes surreal look at the art world. Written and Narrated by Eric Bickernicks with 40 voice actors. Book trailer, free ebook, reviews: artificebook.net

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Podcast Details

Created by
Eric Bickernicks
Podcast Status
Jan 18th, 2018
Latest Episode
Mar 14th, 2018
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
9 minutes

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