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25 Examples Of Ableism To Avoid As An Ally To People With Disabilities

25 Examples Of Ableism To Avoid As An Ally To People With Disabilities

Released Wednesday, 14th December 2022
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25 Examples Of Ableism To Avoid As An Ally To People With Disabilities

25 Examples Of Ableism To Avoid As An Ally To People With Disabilities

25 Examples Of Ableism To Avoid As An Ally To People With Disabilities

25 Examples Of Ableism To Avoid As An Ally To People With Disabilities

Wednesday, 14th December 2022
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#25examplesofableismtoavoid #ableism #peoplewithdisabilities

There will always be ableist remarks that are still fairly common and are commonly said to people with disabilities and that it feels like kicking someone when they are down. Since at least one out of five people will become disabled in their lives —and ableism is still largely unaddressed and unknown — if you are the loved one of someone with a disability, you will want to be aware of how to proceed with compassion. Here is a list of 25 examples of ableism so you can be a good friend / medical practitioner/family member etc and avoid the harm ableism causes. So, I'm going to share with you at least 25 common examples that are being done by people who are ableist and not knowing that they are doing and hopefully this video will at least make you think twice about what you're doing to people with a disability hidden, mental or physical. We need to be mindful of others. So, here are a few do's and don'ts if you will to keep in mind when being around people with a disability.


(1:59) ALL ABOUT ABLEISM/WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW (PART 2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6GleGlfU34&t=72s

(2:21) What NOT TO SAY & DO VS WHAT YOU CAN SAY AND DO TO...https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1nCoeovTZ4ncKjjwY3XQZ9CfvmIR59X

(4:42) Pet Peeves/Misconceptions for people with Anxiety Disorders [2018]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GSr_8PHQI0Z

(13:18) Celebrating Autism/ This is Who I AM & WHAT I AMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kcPnDnU4co

(13:55) Approval or confirmation needed or required (Validation)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQt9LeeJ-FA

(15:08) Aspergers Syndrome & Meltdowns/Sensory Overload/Tantrums & more..https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1nCoeovTZ7dZgDMPm6czbrWLXogBvUK

(16:50) Friendships & Socialisation Help Centralhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1nCoeovTZ5FRKGUeYX9bZc7ENxkNhbD

Thanks for watching and your support!

Special credits to:

Images: The stars burst in my intro belongs to the owner Lala and then link her channel

IMAGE: Subscribe+Notification Bell+Social Media Greenscreens!Credit to: EDITINGHACKSBYLALAChannel Name: JanTubeChannel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCncv...Image from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4beP...

Where to find her: Twitter: https://twitter.com/jantubehacksInstagram: https://instagram.com/jantubeytWebsite: https://jantube.wixsite.com/jantubeblogs


Hello, I'm Aspie Answers from NZ.I have Aspergers Syndrome that is now clinically known in the DSM5 Manual of Diagnostics as Autism. I make videos as an advocate on autism and mental health from the perspective of an autistic adult. Sharing my autism, mental health experiences along with taking you all on a journey with me to help other autistic people, autism families or anyone to help improve understanding of autism and mental health.

This channel is focused on raising autism awareness & acceptance of autism and mental health as well as inclusion. To try and change attitudes and mindset towards autism and mental health, to educate and advocate to people about autism and mental health for those who are new to the autism world.

So if you are on the spectrum, know someone with autism or are working professionally in the autism field or just someone who wants to know more and want to learn more about autistic people then consider subscribing and turning on the notification bell to see all future videos.

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