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Astreya: Book 1. The Voyage South


Astreya: Book 1. The Voyage South

A Fiction, Arts and Books podcast

 1 person rated this podcast
Astreya: Book 1. The Voyage South


Astreya: Book 1. The Voyage South

Astreya: Book 1. The Voyage South


Astreya: Book 1. The Voyage South

A Fiction, Arts and Books podcast
 1 person rated this podcast
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Armed with his father's knife, a riddling notebook, and a bracelet with a green stone, Astreya sails south with an adventurous fisherman, hoping that in the world beyond, he can find his father and discover the mystery of his enigmatic gifts. They voyage to a village where all the inhabitants have met a grisly end, and fearing this may be the work of the legendary sailors cursed to sail forever, they dare the open ocean. The journey is dangerous, and Astreya must navigate through betrayal and an escape from slavery before he finds companions he can learn to trust: Gar, an itinerant painter, and his assistant, Lindey, who can take care of herself with the occasional shrewd blow from her quarterstaff. Astreya is just imagining a new destiny with Lindey when an unknown man from the past alters the course of his life, forcing Astreya out to the sea again. Praise for Astreya, The Voyage South “Hamilton has an intuitive grasp of story... Astreya is a work of great power, insight, and ferocious imagination... I recommend it unreservedly.” -- Spider Robinson, Nebula and Three-time Hugo Award Winner, Recipient of the Heinlein Lifetime Achievement Award "...a trilogy that will fascinate all those who have the sea in their blood and yearn for those days of sail. This is a sailor's yarn brilliantly told... I could not put this book down." -- Commander David Newing, LVO, Royal Navy retired.

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Podcast Status
Jun 24th, 2014
Latest Episode
Jun 24th, 2014
Avg. Episode Length
42 minutes

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